A o at-a o Directory .amice y v y y y y y y -V y y y y y y y .y y y y y y y y y y r y y y y y y y y y 1 y y y y V To Alliance Business Men EVERY FEW YEARS A NICE BUNCH OF MONEY THAT YOU PAY OUT FOR A CITY DIRECTORY AND THE ADVERTISING IN IT GOES OUT OF ALLIANCE AND IS SPENT SOMEWHERE ELSE. IF THU DIR ECTORY WERE COMPILED BY HOME PARTIES AND THE PRI iTI "0 DONE HERE, THIS MONEY COULD ALL BE KEPT AT HOME, EXCEPT THE SMALL AMOUNT PAID FOR THE MATERIAL IN THE BOOK. AS THE MATERIAL COSTS LESS THAN FIVE PER CENT OF THE AMOUNT HERETOFORE PAID TO OUTSIDE PUBLISHERS FOR THEIR BOOK AND THE ADVERTISING IN IT, IT MEANS THAT THEY HAVE BEEN TAK ING OUT OF ALLIANCE A LOT OF MONEY THAT OUGHT TO HAVE BEEN SPENT WITH YOU. THIS IS WHAT WE PROPOSE TO DO. ALL WE ASK IS THAT WE BE GIVEN THE SAME PATRONAGE THAT HAS HERETOFORE BEEN GIVEN OUTSIDE PARTIES. INSTEAD OF TAKING .THE MONEY TO DES MOINES OR OMAHA OR DENVER OR SOME OTHER DISTANT CITY AND SPENDING IT THERE, EVERY DOLLAR OF IT (EXCEPT THE COMPARATIVELY SMALL AMOUNT NECESSARY TO PAY FOR THE PAPER, ETC.) WILL BE SPENT IN ALLIANCE, FOR MERCHANDISE OR RENT OR TAXES OR IN SOME OTHER WAY TO HELP BUILD UP THE TOWN. I To the Alliance Public WE HAVE COMMENCED WORK IN PREPARATION FOR THE PRINTING OF AN ALLIANCE CITY DIRECTORY FOR 1915, WHICH WE EXPECT TO ISSUE SOON AFTER HOLIDAYS. THIS DIRECTORY WILL CONTAIN ALL THE GOOD FEATURES OF FORMER DIRECTORIES WITH SOME IMPROVEMENTS. THREE THINGS IN PARTICULAR WE WISH TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO: (1) IT WILL BE SUPERIOR TO FORMER DIRECTORIES IN POINT OF ACCURACY. (2) IT WILL CONTAIN MORE INFORMATION. (3) IT WILL BE ISSUED AT A PRICE AND ON TERMS THAT EVERY HOME IN THE CITY CAN AFFORD TO HAVE A COPY. HERETOFORE ONLY A SMALL EDITION HAS BEEN PRINTED, ENOUGH TO SUPPLY EACH OF THE ADVERTISERS WITH A COPY, BUT NOT MANY WERE TO BE FOUND IN THE HANDS OF OTHER PEO PLE. IN THE HOMES OF THE PEOPLE, THE DIRECTORY WILL HAVE A PERMANENT ADVERTISING VALUE, MUCH GREATER THAN IF IN THE HANDS OF ONLY A FEW BUSINESS MEN. WE HAVE COMMENCED A THORO CANVASS OF ALLIANCE IN ORDER TO SECURE THE NECESSARY DATA TO MAKE THE NEW DIR ECTORY COMPLETE AND BETTER THAN ANY EVER BEFORE ISSUED FOR THIS CITY. IN THIS WORK WE EXPECT THE CO-OPERATION OF ALL CITIZENS WHO ARE INTERESTED IN THE UPBUILDING OF THE TOWN. palcl lPulblishing Compsny y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y V V . f y y y y y GIVES ADVICE TO DAUGHTER Editor of Kxrltaiige Somewhat Slau I gy but to the 1'olnt In (Jiving Parental IiiNtrttctioii Listen, daughter, don't go moping around the house and sighing like a freight train cutting loose the air brakes; and don't be walking around. who your eyes an punefl up and red from tears, simply because you can't hare clothes that wouldn't look good anywhere except on one of those freak magazine-cover girls. I know It Is a pretty tough old world, from your range of vision, because your ma and I have forbidden you to wear klrta that are too high and waists that are too low. I know, child, that Borne of the other girls are chasing around the streets In costumes that would shame a burlesque troupe and attracting a lot of attention; but did you ever notice Just what kind of at tention tehy attract? Of course you haven't. You don't happen to be In earshot when some of the boys Bay what they really think about the "other girl". Thank God you don't. You're too young to know those things yet awhile. You say the other girls laugh at your simple, pretty little frocks and at your freckles. Let 'em laugh. That shows they are the other kind of girls. Your mother and I met each other long, long ago. I loved her enough to ask her to marry me and she cared enough for me to an swer. "Yes." We've been happy ev er since, haven't we, ma? Our mar riage took. It didn't take any spilt .skirt or silhouette gown to make me 'fall in love with your mother. She never had such contraptions on in -b'r life. And I didn't go prancing u and down Main street with a raoukey hat on the back of my head ard a cigarette poked out in front of my face. Let the other girls smile if they want to. but just watt for the finish. You won't find the decent young chaps, the kind I would want to give my little girl to, marrying one of the "other girls." That's right, have a good cry if you want to, it'll do you good. Dut remember. Dad knows best. So put on that pretty little dress, the one we all like and we'll all go to the moving picture show and have some ice cream afterwards. Hurry up! It's getting late, and we don't want to miss Warren Kerrigan. That's right smile! NOTlt'U All customers who are more than one quarter behind on their water bills or more than one month behind on their light bills will have to make settlement by Nov. 22, 1914, or serv ice will be discontinued without fur ther notice. You are further notified that serv ice will be discontinued on all light bills not Bettled by the 30th of each month, and all water bills not settled by the 30th of January, April, July and October. By Order of City Council. 49IH207 Attrition, Candidate! The new ritual is ready. The Past Perfect Editor will take his seat at the Altltudinous Altar, In the Temple of Timely Topics, a lead pencil in one hand and an expression of deep thought on his countenance. The Candidate (who will prepare himself in advance by a visit to the bank) will approach the Temple, of Thought and. stopping at the Outer Portal, will give three kicks upon the lower panel of the door. i noi inim iuuor win as sume an expression of apprehension (as If he thought that the alarm was made by the banker approaching with a Sight Draft). He will arise as If to bar the Portal then re-seat himself In an attitude of resigna tion, repeating the words, "It might as well be now as tomorrow." Then he will cry in a loud voice, "Enter!" The Candidate will turn the knob himself and, closing the door behind him, will stand at attention until the P. P. E. looks up. When he sees the expression of relief upon the face of the P. P. E. he will advance to the Altltudinous Altar and give the Grand Hailing Sign of the Order which Is done as follows: Thrusting the right hand in front1 pocket of the trousers the Candidate! will seize the roll that Is there and,! withdrawing It, will transfer the roll to the left hand.' Then with the thumb and Index finger of the right hand he will peel from the roll a suf ficient quantity of the green papers and, with a smile will wave the green papers up and down In front of the P. P. Editor's face three times, repeating the formula, "I want to pay my subscription." i The P. P. E. carefully concealing. Ilia f 1 1 n i' a urlll lyravalv n.nti Vi -- ' ' " . p i m v i j ptiaL. HIT green papers and go South with them. After planting the green he will repeat In a light and airy tone, "Much obliged, Jim. There wasn't any hurry." He will then write a receipt which. with due ceremony, he will transfer to the Candidate. This act completes the work In the 99th Degree and au tomatically places the candidate In the P. I. F. Circle. i Then the P. I. F. Subscriber will i be seated rnd give the P. P. E. a full1 report of the news from his section. Then he will withdraw at ease, the I . P. Editor following him to the outer portal, where the Grand Fare well Grip will be given. After the Outer Portal has closed. the P. P. E. will give a yell of delight and standing on his head, will wave his legs around In concentric circles. three times. Then assuming an up light position and an air of gravity and bentQcence he will pass out to the Shop and pay the Devil some thing on his back salary. moils The Northwest's Greatest Farm Paper Will Send You Three Months Trial Subscription and This LARGE, BEAUTIFUL .A. J For Only No Calendars mM, lO Cents. Gen. von Bernhardt may yet recognized as the Dr. Burchard Germany. be of CfiPr TCh III Lifeless, gray hi Look young! Common garden Sage and Sulphur darkens so naturally nobody can tell I. V t X C5t w. MllTTTT mm WU1 Have In 1915 A special snrleR of Illustrated articles on tlie marketing' of -farm produoe, KhowhiK what happens to It from tl:e time It li ave j our hands unl'l It com. Into th home of the conaumer. Full rage Illustrated feature articles about the really bla- things in fuming artlelHH that make facts aa interesting- us llctlon. 1 1 1 1 cmi a miu At w mo ruiiui mia uur. fner 1915 will Klve you a clean, tmupp", ( unpartlsftn review of the progress of mo world. Its reports on the wheat marlcet and upon crop conditions will romin to be a safe and protitable selling guide. Home Council will continue to be what It now la, an open forum for tiio discussion of everything that innl:c9 for the health, happiness and social progress of the family. The Veterinary Department will without expense to you. help you to keep your slock In good health. The Legal Department will advise ' you how to protect your own interests and avoid lawsuits. "Short Talks" will answer, free of charge, any question you may ask. "Neighborhood Welfare' will tell you what the farmers' clubs and co-opera- r tive organisations are doing all thru c 1915. I Its IJve Stock and Dairy In 191 S will be better than ever before full of timely and usable matter. Aad the balance of the reading mat ter will be chock full of the sort of suggestions you can use in 1915. If yim are new uUb FARM. STOCK A HOME scad ma a new trial suUcribar ud 10 Casta a4 U CslssiUr will hm saal to yo4 a4 the trial sabacribar. SIZiS OrVCALENDAH, 96x10 INCiitS FARM. STOCK A HOME CO.. 130 Hennepin Av, Minneapolis, Minn. Enclosed And 10 Cents for which yeu are to send Farm, Stock & Home tor tbree months and your 1K Calendar. Name '-. RuraURout Pestofllce State Gramlmother kept her hair beautifully darkened, gloasy and abundant with a brew of cste 'lea and bulphur. When ever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture waa applied with won derful effect. By salving at any drug store for "WretVs Sape and fcuJJnir Hair Remedy," you will get a large bottle of this oU time recipe, ready to use, for about 60 cents. This simple mixture can be depended upon U restore natural color anj beauty to the hrvir and is splendid for dndrutf, dry, itchy tip .nJ falling hair. A well-known vlowntown drugHat anvt everjbudy u. WyrtU's Sage and fcul phur, because it darkens so naturally and evenly tliat nobody can tell it has been applied it's so easy to use, too. You simply d&ntpen a comb or soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking one strand at a time. Hy morning the gray hair disappears; after another appli cation or two, it is restored to its natural color and looks glossy, soft and abun danU Our Mattresses Are Just What You Want I F you buy a first class mattress it pava in the long run. You won't need to have it made over so soon. We advise our patrons to think twice before they pick a cheap grade mattress. We carry a full line of mattresses and ledding in conjunc tion with our beds. Our lon;r e.erience in the furni ture business has enabled ns to select the kind of furniture that most people like furniture with 6tyle and quality and strength. Furthermore, our business has been built up on the old fashioned idea of strict honesty in every detail. We say old fashioned because nowadays, we regret to ay, some stores are not built on the solid foundation of strict integrity. Miller Bros. Ho?nl7tosl1 Buy Your Meats Where you will get satisfaction every time. We guarantee to please you. Fresh and Cured Meats, Poultry. Fish, Oysters Killing Prairie Dogs B. S. Payne, the famous prairie dog exterminator, is now nick ing his headquarters in Alliance. He will remain here a short time. Anyone who desires these little pests killed will do w. 11 to write to him or call on him at the Nebraska Rooming House, Alliance. My contract price for this work is only thirty-five cents per acre and I charge only for the ground that is infected with the dogs. I will sell the rights for this business for this part of Nebraska to any reliable person or persons. We are now doing work for Pat Nolan and William Farl, fif teen miles west of Alliance. All our work is guaranteed. B. S. Pavne Highest cash market price paid for Hides City Meat Market RZhnT Phone 40 : i BP WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT TH8 "urK MESS: BURLESQUE Claaa. Classy Entertainment. Evenrbodf fioss; A: nnrood. l.aoitv cttfS UXTiNi S rlLY DON'T GO HCME SAYINC-i I DIDN'TVISIT THE GAYETY