The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 19, 1914, Image 4

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try. Th meeting wan hold there on
Monday and Tuesday. He expects
to return to Alliance Friday.
joiin w. tmmas, uiitor
l,li)VI) I. THOMAS, City llltor
luhltshel every TluirMlay ly
There Is r..orn Catarrh In this Rer
un of the country than all other
(IiooHSfR pot together, ftnd until the
ist few years wan nuppoBed to be In-
urable. For a preat many yearn
or-torn pronounced it a local disease
ind prescribed local remedies, and
by constantly falllrm to cure with lo-
al treatment, pronounced it incura
ble. Science baa proven Catarrh to
a constitutional diHease, and
therefore requires constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney Co.. To
ledo, Ohio, is the only Constitutional
cure on the market. It Is taken In
ternally. It acts directly on the blood
nd mucous surfaces of the systein.
They offer one hundred do'lars for
any case It ) i ) c;n ,
circulars an e i.non, '
Address: J J. 'hen
ledo, O. So' i h rugp.
Take Halt i niily ium for con
L' C. Thomaa, President
J. Carl TIioiiimn Vice I'res.
John W. ThoniiiM, Secretary
entered at the post office at Alliance. Nebraska, for transmission throuKh
the mails as second-class matter.
The Kocky Mountain News, In Us Wednesday lnnue. said:
From all sections of the country are coining today reports of renewed
activity In the most Important lines of business endeavor. Apparently the
fuhi or business, which has been beating out feebly for u pood many
months, and which weakened noticeably following the breaking out of the
war In Kurope. has been stimulated in some effective way, and the sick pat
lent Is showing remarkable signs of response.
The steel plant at lliiry, Ind., increased operations Monday, and 6.000
men who had been temporarily laid off were put back to work. A hiph of-t-ial
or the company which operates the plant- that is, the t'nlted Stales
Steel corporation had this to Hay of conditions that resulted in the renew
al or activity at Gary: .
"The bottom has dropped out of the biisiiK-s.-t depression in the l mted
States. From now on we expect an upward trend in the business therm
ometer all over the nation "
At Kokomo, Ind., the big steel and wire plant which has been practic
ally shut down for some time resumed operations Tuesday, and 2.000 men
were put to work. The Pittsburg Plato Glass company announced that It
would spend $200,000 In Improvements ut once, and a big ammunition fac
tory at Alton, 111., is working a full force night and day to turn out Im
mense orders it has received from Kurope. Other ammunition factories
are operating under the same conditions.
At Pittsburg new orders have been received In the past week for 1S.
ttO tons of steel bars. The New Haven factory of the Winchester Arms
company is operating 5,000 men day and night. The Chicago, Milwaukee
A St. Paul railroad announces that It will spend f 1 :t. 000, 000 in the nr-xt
three years In the elerl nfleitHon of mountain lines.
Similar reports come from every section of the country. The federal
reserve bunk in Chicugo received more than f 30,000.000 of reserve depos
its Monday, and Intereht rates were reduced from 7 per cent to below fi per
ent. Apparently money is plentiful, despite the extraordinary demand for
food abroad.
It bus been a good many months since there has been so optimistic a
tone among the business men of this country us there is today. The coun
try'n crops are large and prices good. Practically every industry in thin
country, with the single exception ot the cotton growing industry, is funda
mentally In a healthful condition. Merchants and manufacturers are be
ginning to realize the opportunities the European war has brought to them,
and to protect themselves against the trade disadvantages it ha3 brought
by the development of new markets.
The elections are over and politics need not worry the country at large
for two years more. Everybody will have an opportunity to get clown to
business again. The pulse of business promises to grow stronger daily
bow until the patient is again In robust health.
Mrs. Powell of Crawford was operat
ed on at the hospital Saturday morning.
Luther Phipp, a wealthy Whitman
ranchman, was in Alliance on Tues
day on his way back to Whitman
from a visit to Torrington, Wyom
ing, on business. Mr. Phipp comes
to Alliance frequently. He attended
the stockmen's convention here this
W. E. Starbuck of Phillips, Nebr..
stopped over In Alliance on Tuesday.
He was formerly a farmer at Phil
lips but has sold out his property
there and Is now looking for an op
portunity to Invest his money.
Mrs. M. J. Ilaumgardner has gone
to Norfolk to visit her daughter
there, Mrs. Geo. Williams. After she
returns she may go to Phoeinx, Ar
izona, for the balance of the winter.
Miss Thressa-Hight went to Chad-
ron Thursday noon of last week. She
participated In a concert and enter-
tinment there that evening. Miss
1 1 1 V lit is much in demand in this
section of the state. Her ability and
standing in her chosen work is well
known and she is always valued as
teacher or entertainer.
John Ienver, representing Hrand-
egee-Klncaid & Company, the cloth
ing manufacturers, was in Alliance
the llrst of the week. These people
are represented In Alliance by W. It.
ir you will subscribe to The Her
ald ror one year we will nivo you a
choice of 35 magazine clubs for only
5 cents extra.
Watch for Foot and Mouth IHsene
The foot and mouth disease, which
kas been the source of heavy losses
la several eastern states, has not
reached Nebraska so far as is known,
ut farmers are advised by the Ne
braska College of Agriculture to
watch for any outbreak and report It
to the state veterinarian. As the
disease is extremely Infectious, the
ib opt rigid rare must be taken. The
first symptoms are a chill followed
by a fever, and a day or two later by
blisters on the tongue and mouth.
Eruptions similar to those on the
mouth appear at the coronet and be
tween the digits of the feel. One of
(be prom'nent symptoms is the
champing of the Jaws and the drivel
ing of the saliva. On a cow, erup
tions may appear on the udder. The
Whenever your city is in
the market for Fire Hose or
Equipment, you should at
once write us, as it will be to
your advantage.
Also bear in mind that we
sell Hand Extinguishers for
automobiles, private houses,
lumber yards and schools.
1115 Farnam St.,
blisters are later ruptured, leaving
sore spots. The soreness or the
mouth, by keeping the animal from
drinking and eating, greatly weak
ens the victim and often causes
Siuidny, November '&
:30 a. m. Holy Communion.
Sunday School.
Morning prayer and
Evening prayer and
10:00 a
11:00 a
7:30 p. m.
Subjects: Morning. "The Catholic
Church." Evening, "The Commun
ion of Saints."
"A Sunday well spent brings a week
of content
And rest for the toils of tomorrow,
Uut a Sunday profaned, whatsoe'er
may be gained,
Is a certain forrunner of sorrow.
Set aside your morning and. your
evening EVEKY Sunday for the wor
ship of Almighty God this is the
least you can do. Sunday is God's
day, not yours. Start the day well
by coming to Christ's own service at
the Holy Altar
Monday and Wednesday, Hoys
Club at 7:30.
Wednesday, Ladies Guild at :30.
Thursday, Choir rehearsal, 7:30.
in the Parish House.
Attending Meeting of lenient
Glen Miller, of Miller Brothers
left Sunday noon for Kansas City
where he attended a meeting of the
agents of the Curtis Publishing
Company in this section of the coun
The New Line
Through Central Wyo.
The Burlington-Colorado & Southern joint main line between
Denver. Cheyenne and Billing was opened October 18th. The new
line directly connects Denver and Cheyenne with the fast developing
localities about Douglas and Casper, with the famous hot springs re
ort, Thermopolis, and with the rich agricultural section of North
Wyoming the Big Horn Basin. It is unusually fortunate m its geo
graphical location, as it traverses Wyoming's new agricultural ant
industrial localities, and connects the whole with the Burlington
transportation system so closely as to lead to a rapid development of
the state of Wyoming.
Ask for the Burlington 'sited Folder; note the relation of the ne
railroad to the Burlington System east thereof. This new road Ulns
trates the steady pioneer work of the Burlington in its effort to open
on the best agricultural, live stock, and mineral regions of the West.
Tell your friends back east about the new
line and the possibilities of increased land va
U6H in Wyoming and the North Platte Valley
J. KUtDKI.nAt'Ull. Ticket Agrnt. Allianor, Neb.
In W. WAKtXKY, ;kmohal PASSKNUKK auknt,
IIMH Karaaaa Street, Ooiaha, Acs.
-iend for
& Co., To-
s, 7fc
m if
nTK" The charge for both regu
lar and special edition in lc per word
prr Insertion, six words to the line.
Advertisers so donlrlnar may have an- '
swrrs to their advertisement nddreea
ed to a bos number, care of The Her
ald. Advertisements charged to patrons
having accounts are measured by the
line, not by the word.
N it. The Herald cannot be respon
sible for more than one wren inser-
tton due to typographical error. No
claim for error can be allowed after
the tOth of the following month. Any.
advertisement inserted to run until
forbidden must be stopped by written i
the whereabouts of Arnold J. Slkor
skl. Write Josef Sikorski, Crawford,
Nebr. 49-H-4209
wam i n A l io
V oiik WANTKH lt liable man nod
wlf whhI work n much. UctViciu a,
Hm t immti Sloan. Mitchell, Nebr.
Ki:VI5 V'. NTKI Phone
4!M. or mil at 123 Yellowstone.
4 !-2 1 - )2ftl
IIIik k
I'.l'KNTKIt WANT!:!)- First rlis
miM'Imnir wnnteil for finishing- work.
Sternly Job. L. Ijirivicrc. Alltunei-. Nc.
tire Im 4 Hi f v 3
CM H IlKMMjtMSII.M IAT tor sale.
100 sens farm land, rest h'kkI paxtuiu.
Hox 21, !,iik.Kid-. Nebr.
Foil SAI.i: OH TltAl)!; 1UH acres
itnpi .i v id l.itm land, tlvi' mil s south of
I lei 1 1 ii x ford, inti neres in cultivation.
Hood burn, xhi ds. miuiarics. one mile
iroi-i sellout. Wo, ild take wood ear as
pi'i l trad':. Would tnk cund !usi :ii .
or ritiiik of uooil. AddrcrtM llonier .
St' oii'j. li minu' l ord, Ni ' r . or call lit
Hen. Id olllee. Alliance, Nebr.
;t-.'t- 121 It
FOR SALK or THAI H for Hox Hutte
County property or live stock: Quarter
flection of tine farming land nine miles
from county seat town. Texas County,
Oklahoma. Address Iiux 1165, Alli
ance, Nebr.
I have 1G0 acres, 3 Mi miles from Ftay
ard, under the Trl-State canal, to trade
for Hox Hutte county land.
J. C. McCOllKL,.;. Allianc, Nebr.
Rowan & Wright, coal, wood
post. Phone 71.
Thorobred saddle horse for sale
cheap. Phone 310 or call at The Her
oin offlee ifU-tf.-Min
One Hundred and Fifty-six Attended
lliiii(tiet tiiven on Second Floor
of Newberry Building
The complimentary dinner given
by the Alliance Commercial Club to
the sons of members of the club on
Friday evening was a decided suc
cess, tine hundred and nfty-six at
tended and the tables were well fill
ed. A delicious menu was served.
and all enjoyed It heartily. The pro
gram was as follows:
Toastmaster J. W. Guthrie, Presi
dent Commercial Club.
Piano Solo Norman McCorkle.
Song No. 1.
Our Roys Professor V. U. Pate,
Superintendent City Schools.
Vocal Solo J. IJ. Miller.
The Future Citizen H. J. Young,
Pastor Christian Church.
Song No. 2.
The Imperial Man Walter C. Run-
din. Secretary Crawford Chamber
of Commerce.
Live Wire Boys Make Live Wire Men
Dr. C. E. Fisher. Ex-PreBident
Sterling, Colo., Commercial Club.
America. v
A LI ,1 A NC K 77irl4TH AS
II. Thlele, druggist, has the Alli
ance agency for the simple mixture
of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc..
known as Adler-i-ka, the remedy
which became famous by curing up
pendicltls. This simple remedy has
powerful action and drains such sur
prising amounts of old matter from
the body that JUST ONE DOSE re
lieves sour stomach, gas on the stom
ach and constipation almost IMME
DIATELY. The QUICK action of
Adler-l-ka is astonishing. Adr.
nov 19-4089
I'OII I? 10 VP Inriro tioiiu,. Cn n he
a ii aimed for two families'. SSe ieorgr
Hills or call phone li5.
I7t r ' i 7
for itF.vr nrsiM'.ss I'liormiTY
Two rooms In The Herald Huildtni? on
Hox liutt- Avenue. l'ine location for
urn II hiisiiieHH. Kent reasonable. IlKht,
clean. Phone 340 or call at The Herald
ofti.v 4r,trn:8
I make a specialty of developing;
Dlma and printing flrst-rlasa pictures
from them. Have a hitch class camera
and outfit and will take pictures at
reasonable prices. Katlsractlon guar
anteed. I'hone Hlack 461.
office Hafe for sale. Good size: cheap.
V. V. Fancher. at pool hall. 200 Hox
Hutte Ave 4r.tf4121
FOR SALE: Flourishing restaurant
and bakery business in prosperous
town of 6.000 people. Small amount or
cash will handle the deal. Present own
er has been in business seven years.
Kstablished. Paying good profit. In-
veMiiu.ite. 'Address Hox 39!iti, care Her
ald. Alliance, Nebr.
FOR KAI.10 Six mares anil three
colts for sule cheap, lmjulrr of Siliitai
snw Alllnne... ivehr " w
ol li mt IWA1.I1 Indie cared for.
Hood home and best of care. Referenc
es. Address i;i20 P street. L.incoin.
brnska 4;t-2t-42'i$
IMaao TuoIbk
W tf I.nnn the Diano tuner, will be
In Alliance two weeks prepared to take
care of all work. I'hone 352.
Minora Nat Allowed
Minora are not allowed In the Mi-
sion Pool Hall. Curry & Mapps, Pr-
p,i..,nrs 47-tf-4H
WANTED Washing- to do by
hnnr Pbone 17!
1 t
Money to loan on real estate.
tf F. B. HEDPTig.
Rowan tc Wright, coal,
posts. Phone 71.
wood an 41
Rowan A Wright,
posts. Phone 71.
coal, wood aae
Beiralar Daaeea Friday Klght
I have atarted giving dances at
Gadsby Hall every Friday evening. In
struction in dancing is given from SjM
to :30 o'clock. Dancing starts at 'M
o clocK ana lasts uniu i t. orcni-n
In attendance. MRS. J. T. W1KBH
Services will be held next Sunday
at 11a. ru. and 7:30 p. m. Sermons
by the pastor. Morning subject,
"Tho Destiny of the Christian." Ev
ening. "Jesus Only."
A cordial invitation to attend is
extended to the public.
tlEOHGE E. MOHPHY. Pastor.
LAND FOR SALE If taken with
in thirty days, 160 acres about three
miles northwest of Alliance. In sec
tion 28. township 25. range 48.
Price, $25 per acre. Terms, 12,000
cash. Time on the balance. Address
John Rock, 214 Knepper Street,
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Lunette Uockey having left my
bed and board. I will not be respon
sible for debts contracted by her.
The Mirest way to preserve
your good looks la l) tiikln
jiiio.1 cure of your eye.
Nothing emisew wrinkle
quicker tbau eyeMralu. We
fit glaKe to atop the strain,
Miut fit the frames or mount
ingw ao they are becoming.
ItegUtered OpUmietrMii
Auction Sale!
The Alliance Commission Sales Company will hold their open
ing Auction Sale on
Saturday, November 21
Starting at 1:30 o'clock, at our permanent location, Uie
Simon Spry Barn in Alliance
We will offer for sale the following:
60 Head of Cattle
15 or More
In addition to Machinery and other articles listed up to date of
sale with E. T. Kibble. We are prepared to sell at the usual
rates of commission any live stock, produce or implements.
Prompt and careful attention will be given to all business. We
will hold sales every two weeks, rain or shine. Terms: Under
$10, cash; Six months' time given on bankable paper for all
sums over $10.
Alliance Commission
Sales Company
E. T. Kibble, Mgr. II. P. Coursey, Auct. C. E. Marks, Clerk
Extra Fancy .Jolinat han Apples Florida Oranges
Extra Fancy Winesap Apples
Imported Malaga ( rapes Florida (Jrape Fruit
Extra Fancy Roman Beauty Apples
California Emperor Grapes
Pascal Celery Head lettuce
Green Onions Radishes
Cucumbers Fresh Tomatoes Cauliflower
Alliance Grocery Co.
First Saturday Candy Special of
the Season
Saturday, Nov. 21, 1
Taffy, all flavors,
per pound - -
The Sugar Bowl 41,5 AMV'
x Hutte
We will have lots to be thankful
for this year.