The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 19, 1914, Image 2

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1 1
i I
Aslihy, Nebr.. Nov. 17 Mr. and
Urn Thnmaa Hollerun returned on
Wedn-aday from Alliance where
Mm. Hollerup n ml daughter have
been vlsillriK during Ihe past three
Mrs. I. I Lock returned lo her
borne at Gravity, la.. Ial Thursday
after vlaltind here for about four
weeks with her diiUKhter. Mrs. John
Mrs. Thomas Stansble Iff t Wed
nesday to Join her buaband, who
shipped from here Saturday nlxbt.
They Hill visit relatives at LoxlnR
ton before returning homo.
Mr. and Mm. John Punkle re
turned Monday from Dalton where
they have been vIsitlnK during the
past month.
Chaa. Canton, after building on
are under '$ize, under'Wcipr"..
with pinched faces anil poor blo.)l ; C
Ao not complain but appetite lu, Vi ,
have no ambition ami do not proves.;.
Fuch cbililrcn nee J the rich tm-duMu
nourishment in Scott' Emuhion K
everything clue; its pure cm! liver oil '
tains nature's own blond-forming, flesh
building fats which quickly show in ro:.
cheeks, belter appetite, briu flesh an
sturdy frames.
If your children are languid, tiri
when rising, catch cold easily or fin 1
their studies difficult, give them Scoii't
Emultion; it supplies the very food el
tticuts that their system lack.
Scott' Emultion contains tio alc-il;.
and is so good for crowing children i;':
fiity to keep it front them.
J4-47 Scott & Pown. BlooluficM. N.
his homestead, left Thursday for his
home at Huntley.
Harry Thurston went to Broken
How Thursday and spent a day or
two there on business.
H. J. Jones of Merna is spending
a few days here visiting his half
brother, J. P. IJabb.
W. II. Mlrkerson has been suffer
ing with a painful eye during the
oast week, having gotten something
in it.
Mrs. Hubert Ktter entertained the
Embroidery Club at her home last
Thursday afternoon.
U. K. Mansfield and wife were
shopping in our burg Saturday.
Kdwln Maupln, Sr., and son Kll
wood left Tuesday for Hamburg, la.,,
and Horkport, Mo.
James Murphy arrived Friday i
night from Terumseh with an Imml-'
grant car. Mr. Murphy is a hrotn-er-in-law
of J. K. Hunt, and bought
a relinquishment near Mr. Hunt's
Italph Hemour was In town Mon
day making arrangements to ship a
car of hogs from here Saturday.
Mrs. Ira Mansfield and children
left Thursday for Alma, where they
will visit for about a month with her
Karl Dickon who left the first of
the week for Lincoln returned Sat
urday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Irving Thurston
came down from nuffalo Gap Wed-1
nesday nnd ure visiting relatives
I). S. Hector and wife returned on
Saturday from Shannon county. Mo.,
where they visited relatives during
the past month.
VV. (J. Kmerson of Ulngham is go
ing to have a turkey shoot In Ash
by Saturday afternoon, November 21.
Sam Hicks, who lives near Mart
Indale, will give a dance at his
place next Saturduy evening. Nov
ember 21.
Casualties from train wrecks nnd
automobile mishaps are In nowise
palliated by the lurger casualty list
of the war.
What happens
after it lights?
The fact that a match
lights only on a box
does not make it a
safe match.
What happens
when it lights and
after it lights? That
is what counts.
Does it "spark" or fly?
Does the head drop off?
Does the stick break?
A match that does any of
these things is dangerous.
You cannot afford to use it.
Safe Home Matches are
absolutely safe.
They light not only on the
box, but also on any or
dinary abrasive surface.
They burn evenly. They
are non-poisonous. When
you blow one out, it goes
out and it stays out there
is no after-glow.
All grocers. Five cents a box.
Ah! what relief. No more tired feet;
no more burning feet, swollen, bad smell
ing, sweaty feet. No more psin in corns
callouses or bunions. No matter what
ails your feet
or what under
the sun ynu'va
tried without
petti nff relief,
just ue "TIZ."
"TIZ" drawa
out all the poi
sonous exuda
tions whli: ' ' T
up Ilia 1
"TIZ" is i
leal; "TK
prsnd ; "
will cure your
foot troubles so
you'll never limp or draw up your face
in pain. Your shoes won't seem tigh:
and your feet will never, never hurt or
grt sore, swollen or tired.
Get a 23 cent box at any Urug or
department store, and got relief.
Dingham, Nebr., Nov. 17 Mrs.
Dallanl, who had been visiting with
her sister at Antloch, returned home
J. T. Hurton shipped a car of cat
tle from here Saturday night. Mr.
Hurtou accompanied them to Omaha.
Mrs. Uurton followed the next day
on 4 4. They expect to visit for
some time around Omaha and Lin
coln. It. H. Kincaid accompanied a car
of sheep to Omaha Sunday evening.
He expects to be gone about a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wru. Ureckner were
trading here, Sunday.
Harry Zlckert of the Spade neigh
borhood was In our burg Monday of
this week. This is the first time
Harry has been seen in our burg for
six or eight months.
Marcus Comes was called from
Alliance one day last week, by the
death of his wife.
C. V. Townson was doing some
trading in town Monday of this week.
Carl Is feeding a bunch of hogs.
He thinks he will cause a big slump
iti the market.
John McNutt of Lakeside was in
this neighborhood Monday buying
stock hogs.
Miss Freda Sellers was a passen
ger to lMgemont Sunday.
Jake Grannlng was a rnssenger to
Alliance Wednesday, the 11th. where
he made final proof on bis Klnkaid.
Kincaid & Co. have a brand new
shingle roof on their store. It looks
somewhat better now.
News Is pretty scarce this week.
This neck of the woods was visit
ed by a flurry of snow Sunday morn
H. Thiele, druggist, reports they
ire making many friends through
i he QUICK benefit which Alliance
people receive from the simple mix
ture of buckthorn bark, gylcerlne,
etc., known as Adler-i-ka. This rem
rry became famous by curing appen-
licitiB and it is the most thorough
bowel cleanser known, acting on
BOTH the lower and upper bowel.
Jl'ST ONE DOSE of Adler-i-ka re
lieves constipation and pas on the
stomach almost IMMEDIATELY.
Adv.-nov 12-4019
Vegetable Week, at
Rodgers' Grocery
We are placing on sale
A Carload of Vegetables
Consisting of
Cabbage Sweet Potatoes
Parsnips Celery
Carrots Lettuce
Turnips ' Radishes
Beets Green Onions
Rutabagas and
Onions Hubbard Squash
This is yotir opportunity to lay . in a supply for the winter.
Come early while wt have a jrood supply.
Phone 54
Phone 54
to OVR-CKfRGlN6!
One price for all at this drutf store. We are sorry
v some pharmacists will charge one person a cer-
nin nrice for putting up a prescription and another per-
. different price for practically the same prescrip
tion It is the same with drugs. The public is often
..familiar with what is a reasonable price and what is
nnt ye have a regular standard of prices, and we
ilo not overcharge.
Antloch. Nebr., Nov. 17 The first
snow of the season came Sunday. It
made the folks think of the coal
The entertainment at the church
last Thursday" evening wai very well
attended considering the Bhort no
tice. Everybody seemed to enjoy it.
E. E. Thompson was moving a i
barn from the Spain place last week.
Fay Hamilton and family of Chad-
ron vtsltea tun vm. wmore over
The voting contest for the two
prizes offered by Prof. Itouner last ;
Thursday evening was very exciting.
The prize to the laziest and ugliest
man was won by Homer Wilson, w.
O. Wilson was a close second. Dad
Smith left slighted that he did not
get any votes. Miss Frances Wilsou
won the prize for the most popular
young lady.
M ss Aurllla Jackson, wno is
teaching at Thelraa. visited at F. H.
Smith's. Saturday.
Wm. Elmore and Fred Smith went
down to the lakes on a hunting trip
last week.
Mrs. E. Wilson of Alliance was
visiting with W. G. Wilson over Sun
Miss Cecil Wilkinson came down
on 4 4 Saturday and went out on the
Lulu stage to visit over Sunday at
Mrs. C. E. Howe went up to Alli
ance Sunday on 43.
Win. Elmore and wife and J. w.
Howe spent the evening with F. H.
Smith Monday evening.
If your child is back
ward in his studies
does not like to study,
or has symptoms of
headache, you will
probably find that
there is some eye trou
ble. There may be no out
ward sign of defect,
yet the eyes should be
examined to make
sure that there is no
fault in 'them.
Draked Drake
Registered Optometrist.
306 4 Box Butte Are.
Over Thiele'a Drug Store.
Phone: Rea. 627, Office 121
id SI
, mm mr
Phone Number 6
Phone Number t
Chamberlain's Cough Itemed The
Mother' Favorite.
"I ovm Chamberlain's Coiiiih Kenietlr t
uiycliildren whvniliey IiHvecuMs or concha," ;
wriltw Mrs. Vern Mianer, Vsudergrift, j
"It slwava hel them and ia far superior to
any other cougb umlu'ine 1 have iimnU 1
Silv'ute anyone in n-d of such a luedicius to
give it a trial. roraale ty all dealer.
Lest you rorget we say It yet
. ou can get three magazines for one
vear by renewing your subscription
o The Herald. We want all of our
Id subscribers to get these niagni
net. We are selling The Herald
with three magazines all one year
for only 11.75.
Ye,. ? f3
Do you want trash, ref
use and rubbish hauled 1
Vaults cleaned t We do
this work quickly at ren
KOuublo prices. Sjciil
rates for business and res
idence property.
Phou 575
n rv v m. -I
J It she did, you should get that "dearest,
sweetest" girl in all the world ar engage
ment nng at this store. Let her come and
choose it hecself. Engagement and wed
ding nngs a specialty.
3rd and Box Bntt Arc.
t'f 'k-A'itYr
Stock Yards Saddlery Co.
I. G. BLESSING, Proprietor
Wholrulc and Retail
Harness and Saddles
Fly Nets and Lap Dusters
Cheapest on Esrlh. Quality Conahlered
Everything Hand Made
Factory. 314 North 25 St. S. Omtlia, Neb.
Sick Two Years With Indigestion.
''Two year ago 1 ag greatly benefited
tlmxih Ukins two or three bottles of Cham
berlain's Tablets" writes Mr. 8. A. Keller,
Kl'uia, Ohio. I5efore taking them 1 aa
su'k"forlwo yean with inriigtbtion." Bold by
all dealer. Ad vertiat:' -riU . . . .
S 2 a B
I a-i? r. wKiT'; roa
lo? Aitasirr