EAT LESS AND TAKE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS TUu a gift of 8alta bcfort breakout if four Back hurts or BUddsr bothen yoa H Amn(n inn an! mniii fsrsrd constantly against KldnT trouble (mnM we rtt too muth arid all our food fa rich. Our Mood ia filled with urla atd which the kidneys strlvs to filter tml, thtj wrakrn from overwork, becoma aroggish t tba aUrainatiTa tissues clog and ka rMiilt (a kidney trouble, bladder wHikneaa and a general declina In health. When your kidney feel lilea lumps of sVad; your bark burts or the urina la asoudy, full of aedimenl or you ara bliped to seek relief two or three times staring tba night if you suffer with aick keadacha or ditty, nerrous spalls, acid stomsch, or you hava rheumatiam when tha weather fa biul, get from your thar taeiat about four ounces of J ad Salts; iaka a tablespoon ful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then ao.t fine, Thia famous aalta ia made from tha acid f grapes and lemon Juice combined with Mthia, and haa been used 'or generations to flush and stimulate cWged kidney; to neutralize tha acida in the urina so it M longer is a source of irritation, thus tiding bladder disorders. Jad Salts is Inexpensive; cannot In hire, makes a delightful effervescent fithia-water beverage, and belongs in very boma, because nobody can maka mistake by having a good kidney flush Ing an tin. F. Sellers and family spent Sunday at K. It. Ktncaid'a. Mra. Edith Murphy of New Castle, Wyo., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Wllley. Dipping cattle la the by-word here these days. CIibs. Wilson waa seen In our berg after an extended visit In Anselrao, Nebr. Cheer up. You boys that got de feated at election don't need to feel downhearted, there may be better times coming. W. Z. Emerson was trading In our town Saturday. Tom Hale, the section boss, had his force increased two more men last week. Mrs. Marcus Comes returned from Alliance Monday. She has been in Alliance for the last week with a sprained ankle, but Is able to get around some now. L. E. Blaylork was In town Sun day, buying supplies for his Klnkald. Ed Schulti of Tippetts postofflce was trading in our town Saturday. MYERS LIKED COURT HOUSE Inn Who Was on Kite of Alliance In 1887 Hays Great (lianre Have Taken IMare In Alliance MALI'. DA There Is moro Catarrh In this sec tion of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be In curable. For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local dianaf and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with lo cal treatment, pronounced it Incura ble. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man ufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, Ohio, is the only Constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken in ternally. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the syste.. . They offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, O. Sold by druggists, 76c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Mallnda, Nebr., Nov. 5 A box octal was given at the Wickard school house Hallowe'en night. All report a fine time. Dr. Dradfhnw's little son Carl was t)ltten by their dog one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Coyle of Alliance are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cogar this week. Master French Conrad Is very sick this week with cold and sore throat. H hope he will soon be able to re--Carn to school. Richard Denton, while going home from school Friday evening, was thrown from his horse and his right arm was broken. His parents took kim to a doctor that evening, and he M retting along very nicely now. Mr. and Mrs. Dert Miller were call ers at T. A. Dean'a Wednesday, Nov ember 4. Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw are going tfe Bayard to spend the winter. We re sorry to have them leave this neighborhood, but hope for their re tarn soon. Mrs. Anna Denton ia sporting a fall mouth of fine looking teeth now adays. The work was done by Dr. Vradshaw, who is a fine dentist. J. B. Conrad was In Alliance one 4a y last week on' business. L. A. Dean and family were visit ers at J. B. Conrad's Sunday, Nov ember 1. . ', Geo. Denton's were callers at Wes. Cogar's, November 3. , 1 Ho turned to Central City Mrs. J. O. Beck and daughter Mrs. Hazel Conner, have returned from the former's home at Bingham to Mrs. Conner's home at Central City, Nebr., accompanied by the twins and the little boy, Larwence. They were met at Grand Island by Mr. Conner. J. II. Myers, of Bloomnigton, Illi nois, uncle of M. O. Joder of Alli ance, Is stopping over on his way to California and other western points for a visit here. Mr. Myers made a trip of Inspection through the new court house the last of the week and wm ani.iX!l ai 11 t 'Hictl'.n and finish. "We have a court houifl In our town that cost half a l. tllion dollars and excepting for th- tact that It is larger and finished on Iho outside e:i Urely with stone. It l no ll ior th:n this," said Mr. Myers. When told that this building w;n coiihu ucted al a cost of only $65,000, he mued that it Is a bargain for the money. Mr. Myers and his wife are taking a trip of nine months. Tory will vis it the San Francisco fair before returning. PUM (KTcUrt The Emerson school will give a Pixie operetta at the Phelan opial houne, Friday evening, Nov. 20. Pro ceeds to be applied on piano pur chased last year. i era n n 111 It IIMiifl 3 of Small Means I y The Man of Moderate Means re ...... M 1 he Man dt Millions y i i ii i hi yr vii m m Likes Alliance Immensely Mrs. F. F. Fancher and children, family of F. F. Fancher, proprietor of the Cosmopolitan Pool Hall, ar rived In Alliance Tuesday night of last week from Casper, Wyo., their former home. They like Alliance very well. Lest you forget we ay It yet rou can get three magaxlnes for on year by renewing your subscription to The Herald. We want all of out old subscribers to get these magas tnea. We are selling The Herald with three magaslnes all one year 'or only 11.76. Sick Two Years With Indigestion. "Two years ago I waa greatly benefited through using two or three bottles of Cham berlain's Tablets," writes Mrs. 8. A. Keller, El Ida, Ohio. "Before taking them 1 waa sick for two years with Indigestion." Sold by ' all dealers. Ad vert i t.j tOCAL DHl (iiIST MAKES MANY FIUENDS H. Thlele, druggist, reports, they ere making . any friends through the QUICK benefit which Alliance people receive from the simple mix ture of buckthorn bark, gylcerlne, etc., known as Adler-1-ka. This rem ery became famous by curing appen dicitis and it is the most thorough Vowel cleanser known, acting on BOTH the lower and upper bowel. XUST ONE DOSE of Adler-i-ka re lieves constipation and gas on the etomach almost IMMEDIATELY. Adv.-nov 12-4089 BINGHAM ITEMS Bingham, Nebr., Nov. 10 Nov. 3 passed very peaceably here. The following precinct officers were elected: J. A. Fallor, assessor; Fhil Castle, road overseer; D. C. Bal lard, Justice of the peace; M. L. Klncald, constable. E. E. Melvin bad a fine car of ap ples here last week, which sold for: 0e per bushel. ! L. E. Balllnger was a passenger to ' Alliance Wednesday the 4th. j Mrs. It. R. Klncald, Mrs. J. S. Stephenson and Mrs. Gene Rentfro went to Alliance Monday to attend he O'Neill-Williams wedding. Wm. Welch took the election re terns to Ru8hville Wednesday. Geo. Breckner returned from Alli ance Tuesday in time to cast his vote aere. R. R. Klncald A Co. are making reparations for a new shingle roof en their store. lira. M. L. Klncald and mother, Mrs. M. J. Keyes, left Thursday, the ttn, for a couple of weeks' visit in York. U. J. Keyes and E. O. Vaughn went out to Balltnger's, Thursday to sle some concrete work. Cal Wlckham was In town Mon aUy the 9 th after a load of corn and ee ent for Balllnger. L. F. Penn and wife were shopping fa town Monday. R. R. Klncald was out at his ranch Sunday and Monday to look after some of his business interests there. Wm. Welch returned from Rush- rUle Friday. D. C. Ballard and J. H. Wllley vac elnated their calvea Saturday. Mrs. E. Shafenberg visited with Mrs. R. R. Klnacld Saturday and Sunday. Quite a delegation of our young folks attended the dance at the BUI Boland place last Friday night, and Children's Eyes If your child is back ward in his studies does not like to study, or has symptoms of headache, you will probably find that there Is some eye trou ble. There may be no out ward sign of defect, yet the eyes should be examined to make sure that there la no fault In them. WE GIVE SPECIAL CARE TO CHILD REN'S EYES. Dmkc Drake Registered Optometrists. 806 H Bx Butte Ave. Over Thlele's Drug Store. Phone: Res. 627, Office 121 GRAY lit, BECOMES DARK, THICK, GLOSSY Look years younger I Try Grandma's recipe of Saga an ' Sulphur and nobody v. Almost everyone knou Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded, brings back tha natural color and lustre to tha hair when faded, streaked or grays &lso ends dandruff, itcUiug sealp and tops falling aair. Years ago tha only way to get thia mixture was to maka it at home, whioh is muasy and trouble some. Nowauaya we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth's Saga and Sulphur Hair Remedy.1 You will get a large boUle for about 60 cents. Everybody uses thia old, famoua recipe, because no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it dors it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw thia through your hair, taking one small strand at a lima; by morning tha gray hair disap pears, and after another application or two, your hair beoomea beautifully dark. thick and gioaey and you look years We Want You at ,n,VER0,FL A.l Here's your opportunity, prices and terms to suit very n . 4 1 a. . 1. . v?.i. is? Doay. AimoBi everyming grown in me iiurui grow mur luxuriantly on Indian River Farms, and hundreds of orojt are produced which cannot be produced elsewhere. Pork can be raised for 2 cents a pound, one acre will sup port and keep fat five head of cattle. Investigate. Excursions Nov. 3rd and 17th, Dec. 1st and 15th. Indian River Farms c o MP AN Y Representative H. & Chamberlin. t 703 Victor Bide i Kansas City, Mo. f j One Safe Home Match will light all four burners Try to light a gas stove with a short-stick match. If the stick does not break, or you don't burn your fingers, the chances are about three in five that the rush of gas from the burner will blow the match out If you are exception ally fortunate, you may light one burner possibly even two. To light the others, you have to go through the same rigmarole. With one Safe Home Match you can light all four burners. The stick is large and strong. The flame "takes hold." We do not exaggerate when we say that you can get as much real service from three Safe Home Matches as from five ordinary matches. They are non-poisonous, too. For that reason alone they should be in every home in America. 5c. All grocers. Ask for them by name. How Much Tread do you eat in a year? You eat about sixty feet. It is necessary, therefore, that you rat good bread. We make that kind. Our morning delivery U prompt. Our service i first class. We carry the most complete and purest liuo of bakery artieles in town. MANEWAL' Phone 745 or 572 21 Pox Rutte Ave. 124 R. First Stree c OUR. PA DRINK, IT! Yes, drink our quality soda. The flavors have a delightful, smooth richness, just the right taste you want. And the beauty of it is that our soda not only tickles the palate, but it is so pure and free from harm ful ingredients that it helps the system. Hundreds of, folks in town say our soda is the best ever. Plenty of room for all and prompt attention. Our drug store is the best for quick and good service. HOLST BIN'S THE REXALL STORE Phone Number 6 Phone Number 6 '""il'iliV'W'J Mill ii;:1' i! O. liii'toS til R ! 'I ill iii; 1 1 ii i I! 1 C trSiw i ill ttmi. unr- i . . (; ,. i :i i". ,,n ir -Mir .v r , ni i :, ; 1 d'h hi i i'1'iii.inmii imiinmm ,n,i , n,,i .:,Nn,ii:i,:'iii i::i".i:.:ii::rvT-:!!i:;;;::'!;; I 111 ir Rins.Decklaces anS Scarf Pins Ornaments in Silver an6 Col& Watches anb Watch Repairing a Special Feature . ! 1 If HIillHlii'llft lil; Hi :!Hi ill I i !' I I :l il I I ii Ml I' n il ' n I II, 'I , I ! i : i I I 1$ " Experience be a jewel." wrote Shake speare, and he was a philosopher as well as playwright Your expenences in purchasing anything in our line will be ewels. Our wares are exactly what they are represented to be. Brennan's 'fcaat 14 8rd and Box Bnttc Art. as Stock Yards Saddlery Co. I. G. BLESSIN6, Proprietor WhoUs.1. sad Rstatl Harness and Saddles Fly Nets and Lap Dusters Cheapest on Esrtb. Qusllty Considered Everything Hand Mad Factory. 314 North 25 St. S. Omaha, Neb. report a fine time. R. E. Klncaid and family and J younger.