one grindntone of monsseline de sole and trimmings with about one hun TLlo'o Column dred bushels of spuds. The bridal couple left yesterday on an extended trip. Terms, snot cash." Are irnrin you HufT Looking For A Bargain? T-JEKHAP8 you are looking for rusod car. Take our most candid advice buy a uwd cur only from a dealer of highest rcinitatioa. You can't afford to take a chnuee. If you are satisfied as to our relia bility, drop In and see the used ears we have for sale. Really bargains. We guarantee ears In good running order when they leave our garage. You can safely buy a good used car from us. Prices very low. Our personal guarantee protects you. Talk it over with us. The Alliance Garage PHONE NO. 14 HEATING STOVES We hare the very latest 1915 styles. Fresh from the factory. Prices range from $9 to $25 W handle the MAJESTIC AND COPPER CLAD RANGES, the two beBt known makes on the market I. L. Acheson Hardware Co. rt(;.'j;n;!v-.;);i(.Jri ii , i! t ' -h.fl , '! ;! ii y mm : J-. II III ! I .wwrtiWRi,. IMS Www km i ; i in rmm&Ly ait j T. fn I T i M-mi ,; I WJ ili'i ill, I 111 I! SftowWindow Truly a leainaoiiow 1 ' .: ii 'mill When th editor of a country pa per starts in on Monday morning to get up something for his paper In the way of Interesting local news, and finds, after nosing around, that nothing has happened in the town or community that lie can write up, and nobody gives In any personals or lo cal news, and every fellow be talks to says, "I don't know a thing," and his liver is not working Just right and he feels as though he had Just as soon loop the loop with Lincoln Ueachey as to go to work that's the time when he would like to turn the Job over to the "Smart Aleck" who thinks he could get up a better paper than the editor and not half try. AVet ami Iry Territory In view of the wet and dry votes to be held in November, the follow ing facts will be of interest: Nine states which before January 1, 1913, enacted prohibition laws were: Kan sas, Maine, Mississippi, North Caro lina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ten nessee, West Virginia and Georgia. They have a population of nearly 15,000,000. Virginia, with a ppou lation of over 2,000,000, went dry in September. The law will go into ef fect November 1, 1916. There are seventeen stateB in which fifty per cent of the population live in so called no-license territory. These are Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Idaho. Indiana, Iowa, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas. Ver mont, Virginia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska and New Hampshire, which have a population of 5,000,000. There are thirteen states in which twenty-five per cent of the population live in no-license territory, namely: California, Dela ware, Illinois, Maryland, Massa chusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wiscon sin and Wyoraing.At different times twenty-four states have adopted the policy of prohibition. Fourteen now have local option or control by lic ense. Of the ten dry BtateB the ma jority have been dry but a few years, and one, West Virginia, went dry on July 1. Statewide prohibition cam paigns are on this fall in Ohio, Cali fornia, Washington, Oregon and Colorado. No Patent on This An Iowa farmer has devised a rat trap upon which he claims no patent but which any one troubled with rats can use. He purchased a big galvanized Iron bucket or garbage pall and placed it in the barn. He filled it two-thirds full of water and on the top of the water a layer of chaffy oats an Inch deep. The next morning he emptied out mixture of water, oats and drowned rats. He rebalted his trap and the next morn ing he figured results and found that he aimlessly but with malice afore thought, gotten rid of eighty-nine rats. He declares it will rid a barn in a short time. latest Society Fad The latest fad in society is the tub cure. .In this the patient arises Just as the crisp uir of the morning is mellowed by the first sunbeam. An ordinary washtub is then filled with hot water and soap suds, into which various articles of linen are thrown. After they are thoroughly saturated the patient takes them up one at a time and rubs them brinkly up and down on a washboard placed in the tub. This is kept up until the hands, arms and face are glowing pink. The patient then goes into the open air iand hangs all the linen articles on a line stretched for that purpose. The ione completing the task lirst announ ces the time to the others over the i telephone, and is entitled to a prize. It is exciting sport and also invigor ating exercise. !!,!, iiH''i!Mii,ii;::ii: I'.iilirliii.iliiiiijuiiiniiiili,,:!:,!!!! 1 : iM. I ,;il!'.tlin.l:"ii.iii.ill. Ii i. in. ..'In .i... Q She takes the opportunity we provide to make personal inspection of purchases and does not foolishly rely on misleading cata-. logues from mail order houses. When you want jewelry and watches, do likewise. Brennan's Fbone 84 3rd and Box Bntte Aye. Makeup Man in Had Mixup In handling the slugs which make up the lines In a newspaper, and in separating the various items, the makeup man sometimes gets the lines mixed up and they naturally read rather queer. As an illustration of what can happen, we cite the mix up of the Bangor (Pa.) News a few days ago when the printer got a wed ding and an auction sale mixed up with the following results: William Smith, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Job. Smith, and Miss Lucy Anderson were disposed of at public auction at my farm one mile east, in the presence of 70 guests. Including two mules and 12 head of cattle. "Kev. Jackson tied the nuptial knot for f e parties, averaging 1,250 pounds on hoof. The beautiful home of the bride was decorated with one sulky rake, one feed grind er and two sets of work harness nearly new, and Just before the cer emony was pronounced the Mendel and Sons wedding march was render ed by one milch cow, five years old, one Jersey cow and one sheep, who carrying a bunch of brlde'B roses in her band, was very beautiful. She wore one light spring wagon, two crates of apples, three racks of hay, The- I'ftrtii Hoy'a Cnsl "I believe that the country which Cod made Is more beautiful than the city which man made; that life out of doors and in touch with ,t ho earth Is the natural life of man. I believe that work with nature la more In spiring than work with the inoM. in- Irleate machinery. I Ivlicve. that the dimity of labor drpnls not on what o!i do. but how you do It; that opportunity comes to a hoy on (lie farm as often ax to the hoy In the city; that life In tari'cr mid freT and happier on the farm than in town; that my pucccsm depends not upon my location, but upon niy.'-'H'; not upon my dreams, but upon 1 actually do; pot upon link, but upon pluck. 1 l'n( in working when you work, and playing when you play, and in giving and demanding n Hijuare deal in every act of life." When papers In the suit were serv ed, the honorable Justice put a stop to the proceedings by paying the full amount of the claim with costs. Fur thermore, he decided that nn organ ization with the nerve of the Cham ber of Commerce Is really worth while. He retained his membership and renewed bis interest In the work of upbuilding the city. RECITAL BY MISS VERNON Parlors of lladdorff Music Company Crowded with Attentive Audi ence fop Friday lUn ltnl The spacious parlors of the llad dorff l'iano Company in Alliance were crowded Friday evening to hear Miss Uertie Vernon and Btudents of the Alliance School of Music who as sisted her. Miss Vernon delighted the audience with her well chosen and well rendered selections. Her appearance was a decided success. The program was as follows: 1. (a) Chamlnade, Summer, (b) Tostl. Mattinatta Miss Bertie Vernon. 2. Carrenno, Springtime Beatrice Tate. 3. lien King. Heading: Woodtlcks Madeline Zediker. 4. Kngelmann. Duets: Reverie, and Dance! Flora Spencer and Marie Kibble. 5. (a) Tod Galloway, The Mother Hose; (b) Arthur Somervllle, Shepherd's Cradle Song; (c) Neld linger, Sweet Miss Mary Miss Vernon. 6. Oauschals. The Brook Grace Spacht. (a) Eva Dell' Acqua, The Swift Swallow; (b) Tostl, Goodbye Miss Vernon. Apply Sloan's Fiwly fop Lumbago Your attacks of Lumbago are not nearly bo hopeless as they seem. You can relieve them almost Instantly by a simple application of Sioan'a Lini ment on the back and loins. Lum bago is a form of rheumatism, and yields perfectly to Sloan's, which penetrates quickly all in through the Bore, tender muscles, limbers up the back and makes it feel fine. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and have it In the house against colds, sore and swollen joints, rheumatism, neural gia, sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but It does give almost instant relief. 43-5t-4029 ' 2?- J1 'Vy --r7 rrZOS I A-Z." i wyyi The Cost nf cako !H(eriaU is higher than ever. Kvery woman knows tliat, iiml to oos llic huslmiid who ct llio hill. That's why more scti.-u-lle women thnn over buy their cukes, pHHtry, bread and other thii!g from this bakery. It's cheaper nut) no bother. Priors remain the satno. Our h'gb. pwlity ii vf r varies. MAINEWAL'S Phone 745 or 572 121 Box Butte Ave. 124 E. First Stree HZ2 llilv KIND YOU WaNT! When we put in our line of stationery we had one object in view. We determined to carry a hitfh class of goods that would appeal to those who use only the best. We therefore can assure you that our stationery is in the latest mode. Ladies will find here all that is proper in paper and envelopes for correspondence, both formal and informal. " In stationery appearances counti Buy the best here. IN' Much Ln.nd Should lte Keft In (JrasiM A careful examination of the dry farming regions will show that ' the per cent of smooth hard lands which should be retained in grass is much larger than would at first be suppos ed. It may be said that these lands have become too high priced to use for pasture, but unless the land can show a net profit on the crop in an average year which will pay the fix ed charges on the land, then the ex cess value placed on the land over its earning power is purely specula tive and not to be URed as a basis up on which to establish land values or determine systems of land manage ment. The net profit per acre in good years is less under pasture than under grain cropping, but in bad years the revenue is greater under pasture and the rink is always leas as you reduce the labor cost per acre and increase the size of the farm unit, up to the limit which can be handled by a single family. Dean 10. A. Burnett, Nebraska Col lege of Agriculture, in a receut speech. Phone Number 6 THE REXALL STORE Phone Number 6 3 DYE & OWEIIS fU Transfer Line m Household goods moved promptly and transfer work gSZEMMflnNew-M solicited. Dray Prion M Resldanc phona 638 and BIim Dierks Lumber & Coal Company Headquarters for Building Material Celebrated Bradley & Vroman Taints Barbed Wire, Cement Blocks, Lightning IUmLh, Ii. & 8. Floor Covering Too many women struggle under pains and acnes. They are not sick but weak, nervous, irritable. Such women need that blood strength that comes by taking SCOTT'S EMULSION. It also strengthens the nerves, aids the ap petite and checks the decline If wim or mother lira easily or look run down, SCOTT'S f, EMULSION will build her up. f ,i SHUN 5UB31 ITUTU. J) 1 41 313 Chamberlain's Congh Itemed The Mothers' Favorite. "I give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to mychildren when they have colds or cougha," writes Mrs. Verne KhunVr, Vtndergrift, i'a. "It always helps them and U far suierior to any other cough medicine 1 have uned. 1 advise anyone in need of such a medicine to eive it a trial." For sale ty all dealer. AJvertineiiK-nU On. "SToulx Trip take with you a box of good CIG-AKS and a late Get them at up town news stand or at depot Zfcvillez Bros. DRINK Hartwig's Alpine Herb Tea iMBJaHBJBBHBJ MBbVSBBBBBBBBVBBB SBlBSBBB Nature's famous remedy for constipation, indigestion, biliousness, liver and kidney trouble SURE x - - SAFE PLEASANT Only 25c. Urge package. Trial package Frea THE PROPRIETARY SUPPLY HOUSE M. LUEHHB, ttH-IOOBIeackerSt NEW YORK When renewing your subscription to The Herald don't forget to remind us of the btg magazine offre. A TIP "Tkere are a fow men in Alliance who are sit ting bark and taking tkirifyt easy while you and the tlifr fellows are do ing the kooKting. "Tkey expect to reap a harvest from your labor, they expert to ride in on YOUR Rollers'. The alwg cannst protect you, but YOU ran protect your self. Hake it a very im portant part of your busi ness in pee that they do wot get any of YOUH 1IONKY." Remember the Commer eial Club Membership Sigu. KUik Twa Tears With Indigestion. "Two yean ago 1 was greatly berwtutd throsgh v-ag two or th res bottles of Clmo berlain's TaLJetH," writes lira. 8. A. Xelkr, Eliila, Okis. 'Before taking them 1 was sick for two yeant with iiidituon." Sold by all deal Ad ertie.n txL .