The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 22, 1914, Image 8

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    Gei the
The Buying of a Suit
By Gross
IfiOWCoME 'j If, VJKfcltM, IHA1 I
Thee n&.NtT TMt 76 Ullri THi CCA r
S)MC AMD Ti't- d.1i WAS BoT Th
Mr iTUiklC M-CV
NcMpr'g or- W CiATHr k
Art 1 AtV At
Srtaw Ft STcPftDj
Cl A '
1 fePtiS
.1 u .!
ronimlssiowrs' I'Msr-frlIng
Alliance, Nobr., Oct. 16. 11114.
The Hoard of County Commission
ers nit't pursuant to adjournment.
Oflrert present, C. L. llashman,
ehtlrniAn, J. M. Wanek and S. C.
Th samples And drawings sub
mitted by the Western Gas Flxtsrs
CMBpany, of Toledo, O., of electric
Act ores for the new court house were
aamined by the board, and contract
4rwn in duplicate and entered in
to. One copy to be forwarded to
Mi 4 company and the other placed
0 tie in the office of the county
The clerk was instructed to notify
tbs Van Dorn Iron Works company,
f Cleveland, O., of the acceptance
fcT the board of their proposition to
famish and Install steel curtains In
te tault windows of the new court
fcssse at the price of $665.00.
Bids on file with the county clerk
I furnish the county with lignite
CMl were opened and contract award
4 to J. II. Vaughn & Son, they be
ll g the lowest bidders.
M. D. Nichols appeared before the
fceard and submitted schedule of per
9B&1 property showing the assess
, ,. In South Dakota of certain
'Merchandise, including stock of
sheet, of James A. Corbln, of Spear
flsh, S. D., for the year 1914, this
property being later assessed in Vox
Batte county, Nebraska, it is the or
der of the board that said assessment
la Dox Uutte county, Nebraska, be
stricken from the tax rolls.
Whereupon the board adjourned
aatll tomorrow morning, Oct. 16,
1114, at 9 o'clock.
Alliance. Nebr.. Oct. Ifi. 1914.
The Board of County Commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment, of
ficers present, C. L. liashmun, chair
man. J. M. Wanek and S. C. Heck.
The day was spent by the Hoard
Viewing the road in Hunnlng Water
Whereupon the board adjourned
aatll tomorrow morning, Oct. 17,
1114. at 9 o'clock.
Alliance, Nebr., Oct. 17. 1914.
The Board of County Commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment, of
ficers present, C. L. llashman. chalr-
sjiaa, J. M. Wanek and S. C. Reck.
A list of sixty names was furnish
4 the clerk of the district court
frem which to draw a Jury for the
adjourned November term of the
Hetrict court.
The following claim was examined
aad allowed and the clerk ordered to
4nw warrant 00 the building fund
fr same:
9. B. Bowden, court house sup
erintendent I IK
Claims on file were examined and
et4 over until the next meeting of
tfre board.
Whereupon the board adjourned
-4e meet at the call of the clerk.
M. S. 1IAHORAVES, Clerk.
There are many Russian names
need revision worse than St.
If President Wilson can settle that
eterado coal strike he ought to find
liatton in Europe mere child's
There seems to be a demand In the
PTraiiftAii mp enrin... . -m
An afternoon or evpni'ig coat of seal,
skin, banded around the bottom with
rivet cat and flnislu-it u-ith rrarnt anil
, 1- . . , ...
inuff. In Which clVft MIkl sealskin are
effectively blended. The JllUUty bat Is
mad of the t vvn for.
naaeor tue two rura.
( 4
y if
textile trades for practical chemists
to teach American workmen how to
dye for their country.
As a device for suppressing knowl
edge of the horrors of war the cen
sorship Is questionable; It throws
the correspondents back upon their
prolific Imagination.
Another interesting point is, what
effect will this war have on some of
those titles that have been bought
by the rich papas of American girls?
Nicholas says he will stand pat If
It takes his last moujik the most
patriotic declaration uttered since
Artemus Ward offered all his wife's
relatives on the altar of bis country.
A New Orleans policeman was sus
pended for sixty days for brutally
beating a negro, and the Houston
Post Indignantly explains that we
are rapidly coming to the point
where the white man will have no
rights at all In this country.
Our ambassador to Louisiana re
ports that the people of that state
are backward about going into the
republican party.
Most of the war poets ought to be
suppressed by martial law.
There is nothing yet to Indicate
that Austria started something it is
unable to finish.
However, it was a pity that the
pork barrel bill had to be defeated
by physical endurance.
Father hastily retreats to his in-
trenchments when mother presents
the bills for her autumn outfit.
Much good it would do over here
to argue about who is right and who
is wrong over there.
Perhaps the most idle thing (hat
anyone can do is to asK coi. uoose-
velt how he feels.
Col. Roosevelt 'b Invasion of Illi
nois was duly described in the pro
gressive parly "war bulletins."
IlA'I'KSi The charge for both regu
lar and special editions is lc per word
per insertion, six words to the line.
Advertisers so desiring nuiy have an
awcra to their advertisement nddress
ed to a box number, care of The Her
ald. Advertisements charged to patrons
having accounts are measured by the
line, not hv the word.
N.B. The Herald cannot be respon
sible for more than one wrong Inser
tion due to typographical error. No
claim for error can be allowed after
the 10th of the following month. Any
advertisement Inserted to run until
forbidden must be stopped by written
o rd e r .
Loans may be obtained for any pur
dom on acceptable Ileal Estate secur
ity: liberal privileges; correspondence
solicited. A. C. Agency Company, 7(8
Oas-Klectrlc Hldg.. Denver, Col. 446
Pierce itldg.. Ht. txrnls.
LOST Hlack Australian goat fur ov
ercoat. with uray collar: between Jer
ry Rowan's feed store and IUckle's
ranch south of Alliance. Return to
Herald ome or Itehder's saloon. Liber
al reward. 4titf4133
LOST From section 36. township S2
range 45, one red bull, branded Rltlt
on right side.' Two years old. Reward
for recovery. . K. Hollers. Mumper
Nebr. 43-51-3841$
want steady work on ranch.
Wanted Traveler: Ane 27 to 50. Ex
perience unnecessary. Salary, com in Is
sion and expense allowance to right
until. J. N. Mcllrady, Chicago.
FOR SALE or TRADE for Uox Rutte
County property or live stock: Quarter
section of tine farming land nine miles
from county seat town, Texas County
Oklahoma. Address Jiox lltii, Alll
ance, Nebr.
I have 160 acres, Stfc milea from Bay
aid, under the Tii-State canal, to trade
fur Hox Uutte county land.
J. C. McC'ORHLEE, Alliance, Nebr.
Kl l SAUK tR RENT S X room
I house. All new bath fixtures, liood lo
cation. Phone 545 or kO. A. L tlregg,
j 4 jlMUttZ
FOR SALE Six males and three
colts lor sale cheap. Inquire of Simon
rlry. Alliance. Nelir 441
Miiur.M r nit MAuri h our head o
mares for sale cheap. Simon Spry, Al
nance, renr. 4 1. 1 1 4 1 3
MIR SALE Flourishing reatauran
and bakery business in prosperou
1 town of 5,000 people. Small amount o
j cash will handle the deal. Present own
1 er naa oeen in Duslneaa seven years
1 r.siauuanea. raying good profit. In
IvcNtigate. Address ltox 3ti6, care Her
isiu. Alliance, ftebr.
i 41!fSHHli
I Rowan & Wright,
! posts. Phone 71.
coal, wood an
SEE Mils. vo for Halm of Figs and
; Live and Let Live.
I Thorobred saddle horse for sale
cheap. Phone 340 or call at The Her
I aid office. 164-tf-4410
Fl'RNISHED ROOMS With or with-
! oul "-als. One room suitable for stud-
rnU i,r workm for ught house.
j keeping. Also barn ror rent. 408
1 Sweet Mater. Phone 175.
Two room, in The Herald Ruilding on
,!o Rutte Avenue. Fine location for
.uiaii ousmess. ucni reasonanie. L.lgnt.
i clean. i-h.,n si r.n Th. u..i
I make a specially of developing
i film and printing first-class pictures
roin them. Have a hlgn class camera
nil outfit and will take pictures at
reasonable prices. Satisfaction guar-
nteed. Phone UlncK 4&1.
jutmi-.n Jordan nnniNsnv.
When you build that new house or
barn Ret your building; materials at
Forest Lumber ompany, ZSIf
Get your Peacock coal from the For-
st Lumber Company. 2ltf
Money to loan on real estate.
Posts of all kinds for sale at
Forest Lumber Company.
Rowan A Wright, coal.
wood and
posts. Phone 71.
Ruy your lumber
from the
Lumber Company.
Rowan & Wright,
coal, wood and
posts. Phone 71.
Regular Dances Friday Night
I have started giving dances at the
Gadshy Hall every Friday evening. In
struction in dancing is given from 8:30
to 9:30 o'clock. Dancing starts at 9:30
'clock and lasts until 12. Orchestra
In attendance. MRS. J. T. WIKER.
TAKEN UP in rrfy pasture. Sept. IS.
four mares, three colts. Owner call and
pay all charges. J. R. PHELAN.
'erlal No. 01490-i.
letlre for I'uhlieatlon Isolated Tract
Jepartmcnt of the Interior, U. S. Liind
trice at Alliance, Nebr., Aug. 29. 1914.
NOTICE Is hereby given that, as ili
ected by the commissioner of the Men
ial Land office, under provisions of
tctB of Congress approved June 27,
906 (34 StHts.. 517), and March 2. 1907
14 StHts., E!2I). p nr.-u.i nt to the appli
atlon of Charles E. Phillips, Serial
Vo. 014904. we will olTer at public sale.
o the highest bidder, but at not less
nan $3. HO per acre, at 9 o'clock a. in.,
n the 27th day of October next, at
his office, the following tract of land:
Stt NEVi of Section IN. In Township
J7 North of Range 45 West of 6th P.
a. In Nebraska.
This tract is ordered Into the mnr-
et on a showing that the greater por
ion tnereor is mountainous or too
ough for cultivation.
Any persons claiming adversely the
tbove-described land are advised to file
ibelr claims, or objections, on or be-
1 ore the time designated for sale.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
H. J. ELLIS, Receiver.
(erial No. 010174.
Nolle for Pnblleatlon
epartment of the Interior. U. S. Land
Office at Alliance. Nebr.. Sept. 11. 1914
NOTICE Is hereby given that Mary
WKmin. formerly Mary liauer, of Al
iance, Nebraska, who, on Oct. 28. 1909.
oade Homestead Entry. No. 010174 for
K14. o Mi W4 Bee. 17: SKKl
is rwr. -4. nw M';v ec. i: n.
W14. NVi NK'i ec. 20, Township 25
North. Range 45 W. of Cth Principal
aerldlan, has filed notice of Intention
to make Final Three Year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above des-
rtbed. before Register and Receiver.
U. e. Land omce, at Alliance, Nebras
xa, on the 29th day of Oct. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: Frank
fl. Jesse, of Alliance, Nebr.; John Snod-
ly, of Alliance, Nebr.: Eugene E
Thompson, of Antioch. Nebr.; W. H
lioness, of Antioch, Nebr.
W. W. WOOD. Register.
lerlal No. 015545.
otlee for I'ublleatlon
Department of the Interior. U. 8. Ind
)fnce at Alliance. Nebr.. Sept. 11. 1914
NOTICK Is hereby given that Wll
Ham O. Reach, of Cokedale. Colo., heir
1 Blmeon D. ISeach, deceased, who, on
July Z7. 1913. made Homestead Kntrv
So. 015545, for SEVi SEVi Sec. 23: EVj
tin, ai-it. tw4, sw'4 hw
Uc t: SEU SE4 Sec. JT; NEU
S NWVi. SEVi NW, Sec. 35. Town.
hip 22 North. Range 44 W. of 6th
Principal Meridian, has filed notice of
Mention to make Final Soldier's Three
Tear Proof, to establish claim to the
And above described, before Register
sna Receiver, u. s. Land Office, at Alll
ance, Nebraska, on the 16th day of
.OT. 114.
Claimant names as witnesses: Perry
K. Honach, of Pawlet, Nebr.; Melvin
W. Hale, of Pawlet, Nebr.; Fred Keller,
r Antioch, Nebr.; Frank K. Johnston
f Antioch, Nebr.
W. W. WOOD. Register.
ierial No. 013240.
Netlee for Pabllcatloa
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land
omce at Alliance. Nebr.. Sept. 18. 1914
NOTICE is hereby given that WU-
-lam t. cole, of Alliance. Nebr.. who.
n March 25, 1911, made Homestead
Cntry, No. 013240. for Kti NWU, SW W
WW 6E4. Sec. 29: SEVi NEVi. Sec. 11
V4 NWVi. SWV NWV. Sec. 32. Town
hlp 26 North. Range 45 W. of Cth
Principal Meridian, has Hied notice of
intention to make Final Three Year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
Hoe described, before Register and
Receiver. U. S. Ijind OITlce. at Alliance
Nebraska, on the 5th day of Nov. 1914
Claimant names as witnesses: Her
man Krause, of Long like, Nebr.
Thomas Kriggs, of Antioch, Nebr.
Hart Kaumgardner, of Long Lake. Ne
br.; Elmer Shanks, of Long Iake, Neb
W. W. WOOD. Regibter
Serial No. 012834.
Katie for Ihiblleatloa
Department of the Interior. U. S. Iand
Office at Alliance. Nebr.. Sept. 30. 1914
NOTICE is hereby given that Harrle
rc. Clinton, or Alliance, Nenr., who. on
Iec. 31, 1910, made Homestead Entry
No. 012834, for SWV4 SE'. S SWV.
Sec. 25: SE4 SEV Sec. 26; E NWV
j-;1 SW1. sec. as. Townsh u 2
North. Range 51 W. of 6th Principal
Meridian, haa filed notice of intention
to make Final Three 1 ear Proof, to es
tabllsh claim to the land above des
cribed. before Register and Receiver.
V. S. l.and Office, at Alliance, Nebr., on
tne :um any 01 Nov.. ivi.
Claimant names as witnesses: George
n. tiurse, Albert 1 naerwooa, John A
Lore, llertram K. Clinton, all of Alll
ance, Nebr.
V. W. WOOD. Register,
Serial No. 07011.
Netlre for Pablleatloo
Department of the Interior. U. S. Lan
Otlice at Alliance. Nebr., Aug. 27, 1914
ivom t; is nereoy given that Joh
M. Underwood, heir of Sadie Under
wood deceased, of Alliance, Nvbr.. who,
Li'xjAL advi:i:tisiv(j
try No. 13004. Serial No. 07011. for Lots
4 and 5. Sec. 6. Township 23 N.. Itnnire
49 W.; Ijots 2 and 4. Sec. 31, Township
24 N., Range 49 W and E'i, EV4NW4,
NE4 SW V4 Sec. 1. Township 23 North.
uanKe ui w. 01 bin I'rinrinai Mrr 1 an
has tiled notice of intention to make
rinai i' ive 1 ear proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be- !
ore Register and Receiver, U. S. Land against the. estate of Marie Schwenk,
fnce, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the,'hat I have set and appointed
3rd day or Oct., 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: Elmer
Marsh, Clyde C. Coker. Perry 8.
Malley, William 8. C'oker, all of Alli
ance, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD. Register.
Serial No. 013869.
otlee for ! hllentlnM
Iepartment of the Interior. It. S. Land
Oftlce at Alliance. Nebr., Sept. 16. 1914.
is 01 1 c." r. is hereby given that John
H. Ramsey, of Pawlet, Nebr., who, on
August 16, 1911. made Homestead En-
ry. No. 013SK9. for SW 4 Sec; 29. SEVi
NEVi. E'4 SE14 Sec. 30. N i NE4 Sec.
1. NWU NWV Sec. 32. Township 22
North. Range 44 W. of 6th Principal
Meridian, has tiled notice of intention
to muke Final Three Year Proof, to ea-
RDiinti claim to the land above des-
rlhed. before Reirister and Receiver.
U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebras
ka, on the 9th day of Nov., 1914.
Claimant as witnesses: Frank
e France, of Pawlet, Nebr.: Charles It.
Tully, of Alliance, Nebr.; Fred Moil
ing, of Alliance. Nebr.: William Mc
Laughlin, of Pawlet, Nebr.
W. Vt . WOOD. Rec ster.
Serial No. 012608.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, u. S. Lnnd
Office at Alliance, Nebr.. Sept. 24. 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that Walter
Overton, of Alliance, Nebraska, who.
on Dec. 31. 1910. made Homestead En-
ry No. 01269N, for SEU SE'i Sec. 28,
SW1! SW'. Sec. 27, V WW Sec. H4.
E. EH. SW'i. Sec. 33. Tow UN hip 2 a
North, Knnue 4S W. of 6th Principal
Meridian, has tiled notice of intention
muke Final Three Year Proof, to
establish claim to tlie land above des-
rihed, helore Register and Receiver,
V. S. Lund Office, ul Alliance, Nciiniska,
on the 11 111 day of Nov. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: Martin
L. Anderson, of Alliance, Nebr.: Harry
Smith, of Alliance, Nebr.; R. J. Main,
of Alliance, Nebr.; Phil Putmnn, of
Lynn, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD. Register.
Legal .Notice
Mary A. Jahnkce. and August .lahn-
kee, her husband, Matilda J. Peterson,
wlilow, J. H. Retiswold, Rosa Scherrer,
widow. Ada Swengel and John J.
Swengel, her husband, Pauline S. Ra ti
bia and Harry H. Kabbitt, her hus
band, Louis O. Olson, Jane Olson, his
wife, real and true name unknown.
George li. Olson, lnger Olson, his wife,
and John Olson, single, and the un
known heirs ot 1'eter . Olson, deceas
ed, defendants: will take notice that
on the 12th day of September, 1914,
Ivoulse E. Renswuld, Plaintiff herein,
tiled her oetition In the Diatrlct Court
of ltox Rutte County, Nebraska, a-
gainst the following named defend
ants: Mary A. Jahnkee and August
Jahnkee, her husband, Matilda J. Pet
erson, widow. 1. H. Renswold. Rosa
Scherrer. widow, Ada Swengel and John
Swengel, her husband, Pauline 8.
Rabbitt and Harry H. Rabbitt. her
husband, Louis O. Olaon. Jane Olson,
hla wife, real and true name unknown,
George U. Olson and lnger Olson, hla
wife, John Olson, single, and tne un
known heirs of Peter S. Olson, deceas
ed; the object and prayer of which is
to Partition the following described
premises: Lot One (1) in Rlock six (6)
of the original town of Alliance, ltox
ltutte County, Nebraska. .Last hair of
the South West quarter and Lota num
bered three (3) and four (4) of Section
seven (7) of Township twenty-four
(21) North of Range forty-nine (49)
West of the 6th P. M. Lot One (1)
North East Quarter or the North West
Quarter and North Half of the North
East Quarter of Section eighteen (18)
In Townahlp twenty-four (24) North of
Range forty-nine (49) west or tne bin
I. M.. all of the above described prem
ises being In ltox Rutte County, Nebr
aska. North West Quarter of Section
thirty-one (31), Township thirty-four
(34) Range sixteen (lb) west 01 tne
6th P. M., situated and being in Roy a
County, Nebraska; and the further ob
ject and prayer of said petition is to
cancel certain weeas 01 recoru ana to
quiet title In the following described
premises, to-wit: South East Quarter of
Section ten (10) and the North East
Quarter of Section nineteen (19),
township twenty-four (24), Itange for
ty-nine (49), west of tne bin i". ai., in
Rox Rutte County, Nebraska; in Oliver
B. Olaon.
Said Defendants. Mary A. Jahnkee
and August Jahnkee, her husband, Ma
tilda J. Peterson, widow, 1: n. iiens
woid. Rosa Scherrer. widow, Ada
Swengel and John J. Swengel, her hus
band. Pauline . liaODiii, ana narry n.
Rabbitt. her husband. Louis O. Olson,
Jane Olson, his wife, real and true
name unknown, George it. oison ana
Inirer Olson, his wife. John Olson, sin
gle, and the unknown heirs of Peter
S. Olson, deceased, are required to an
swer said petition on or before the 2nd
day of November, ln.
Dated this 17th day of September,
Ry Eugene Rurton, her Attorney.
ierial No. 013506.
Not lee for Pabllcatloa
Deartment of the Interior, U. 8. Land
ifflce at Alliance, Nebr., Sept. 11. 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that Irvin
fl. White, of Lakeside. Nebr.. who. on
sy 18. 1911. made Homestead Entry.
So. 013506. for NH. E SWV Sec. 5;
KVi, WV SEV Sec. 6. Township 25
North. Range 4 3 W. of 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
10 make Final Three Year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above des
rlbed, before Register and Receiver,
;J. 8. Land office, at Alliance. Nebr., on
he 30th day of October. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: H. J.
Vllson. Charlie Letnois, C. E. Wilson,
i. U. Wllaon. all of lakeside. Nebr.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
1-7t-49S-4000 ,
ierial No. 013406.
notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S. I -and
office at Alliance, Nebr., Sept. 30. 1914.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Clyde
H. Clinton, of Alliance. Nebraska, who.
jn April 22. 1911. made Homestead En
try. No. 013406. for WW SEVi. SWV4,
Jec. 26; EV SEi4 Sec. 27; E i NE V
Aec. 34: W4 NWVi Sec. 25. Township
14 North, Range 61 W. of bib Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
lo make Final Three Year Proof, to
stablish claim to the land above des
jrtbed, before Register and Receiver.
U. 8. Land Office, at Alliance. Nebr., on
'.be 20lh day of Nov.. 1S14.
Claimant names as witnesses: George
I. Burke, Albert Underwood. John A.
Lore, ltertram R. Clinton, all of Alli
ance, Nebraska.
W. W, WOOD. Register.
Netlre to Credltore
State of Nebraska,
I 'ox ltutte County, ss.
I'l the Matter of the Estate of Marie
oenwena. ieceasen. .
L L A. Perry, County Judge of Rox j
nune county. Neorasaa. hereby nut y
tt" persons having claims and deniutids
line sin any or May, 1915, at 10 o clock
,n the forenoon, at the County Court
room in Alliance for the examination
of all claims against the estate of said
decedent with a view to their allow
ance and payment.
All persons interested as creditors of
the said estate will present their
claims to me st said time, or show
cause for not so doing, and in case any
claims are not so presented by said
time they shall be forever barred.
This notice shall be served by publi
cation thereof for four consecutive
weeks In the Alliance Herald, a news
paper published in Alliance, prior to
the day of hearing.
Given under my hand and the seal of
said court this 6th day of October, 1914.
(SEAL) County Judge.
4 t-4t.M1u.4nor,
otlre to Creditor
State of Nebraska,
I '.ox Unite County, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob
Schwenk, Deceased.
I. L. A. Rerry, County Judge of 15ox
Rutte county, Nebraska, hereby notify
all persons having claims and demands
against the estate of Jacob Schwenk,
that I have set and appointed
the 8th day of May. 191.1. at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon, at the County Court
room in Alliance for the examination
)f all claims against the estate of said
decedent with a view to their allow
ance and payment.
All persons interested as creditors of
the said estate will present their
claims lo me at said linn', or show
cause for not so doing, and in case any
claims are not so presented by said
time they shall be forever burred.
This notice shall be served by publi
cation thereof lor four consecutive
weeks in the Alliance Herald, a news
paper published in Alliance, prior to
the day of hearing.
Given under my hand and Ihe seal of
said court this 6th day of October, 1914.
(SEAL) County Judge.
4 1-41 -Mil- 101.;
Notice to 4 redltors
State of Nebraska,
ltox Unite Countv, us.
In the Mutter of the Estate of Kather-
ine Schwenk, Deceased.
I. L. A. Rerry, County Judge of ltox
ltutte county, Nebraska, hereby notify
all persons having claims and demands
against the estate of Katherlne Sch
wenk. that I have set and appointed
the 8th day of May. 1915, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon, at' the County Court
room in Alliance for the examination
of all claims against the estate of said
decedent with a view to their allow
ance and payment.
All persons Interested as creditors of
the said estate will present their
claims to me at said time, or show
cause for not so doing, and in case any
claims are not so presented by said
time they shall be forever barred.
This notice shall be served by publi
cation thereof for four consecutive
weeks in the Alliance Herald, a news
paper published In Alliance, prior to
the day of hearing.
Given under my hand and the seal of
said court this 6th day of October, 1914.
(SEAL) County Judge.
Howard Fulllton. No. 013263.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land
Office at Alliance. Nebr.. Oct. 7. 1914.
NOTICE la hereby given that How
ard Fulllton, of Lakeside, Nebr., who,
on March 22. 1911, made Homestead
Entry, No. 013263, lor Lots 4. 5, Sec. 6,
T. 22 N.. R. 43 W.: NEVi. Lots 3.4. SE
4 NWV. Sec. 1; Lots 1. 2.3. 8' NEVi
Sec. 2, Township 22 North. Range 44
W. of 6th Principal Meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to make Final
Three Year Proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before Reg
ister and Receiver, V. S. Land Oftlce, at
Alliance, Nebraska, on the 21st day of
Nov. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: Frank
De France, F. R. Allen, Albert Abra
ham, M. A. Longan, all of Lakeside, Ne
braska. W. W. WOOD. Register.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth in full, Is submit
ted to the electors of the State of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the general elec
tion to be held Tuesday. November 3rd.
A. D. 1914.
"FOR a Joint resolution to amend section
1 of Article of the Constitution of the
State of Nebruska, relating to revenue.
Be it Resolved and Enacted by the People
of the Suite of Nebraska: ,
Section 1. That Section 1 of Article I
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska bo amended to read as follows:
Sec. 1. The rules of taxation shall bo
uniform as to any given class and taxes
shall be levied upon such property as the
Legislature shall prescribe. Taxes may
also be imposed on incomes, privileges
ar.d occupations, which taxes may be
graduated and progressive and reasonable
exemptions may be proviaea, in auumuu
to those hereinafter specifically mentioned
In section 2 of this article.
Sec. 2. That at the general election In
November. 1914. there shall be submitted
to the electors of the state for their ap
proval or rejection the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution In the fol
lowing form: "For amendment to the
Constitution providing for uniform and
progressive taxation" and "against said
proposed amendment to the Constitution
providing for uniform and progressive
Approved. March 27. 1912.
I. Addison Walt. Secretary of State, of
the Slate of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska is a true and correct copy of the
original enrolled and engrossed bill, as
passed by the Thirty-third session of ths
Legislature of the State of Nebraska, as
appears from said original bill on His In
this office, and that said proposed amend
ment is submitted to the qualified voters
of ths State of Nebraska for their adop
tion or rejection al the general election
to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of
November. A. D. 1914.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of
the State of Nebraska,
Done at Lincoln, this 23rd day of March,
In the year of our Ird. One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of ths
Independence of the United Slates the
One Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of
this State ths Forty-seventh.
(Seal)) Secretary of btata.
The following proposed amendment lt
th constitution of the State of Nebraska,
aa hereinafter set forth in full, is submit
ted to the electore of the State of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the general eleo
tion to be held Tuesday, November 3rd,
A. D. 1914. M ,
"FOR a Joint resolution proposing amend
ments to Section 1, of Article V, and
Bection 24. of Article V. of the Consti
tution of Nebraska, relating to term of
office and salary of Governor and other
executive officers.
Be it Resolved and Enacted by the People
of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at the general election
for state and legislative offices, to be held
on the Tuesday succeeding the first Mon
day in November, 1914. the following bo
submitted as amendments to Sections 1
and 24. of Article V, of the Constitution
of Nebraska:
Sec. 1. The executive department
shall consist of a Governor, who shall
hold his office for a term of two years
from the first Thursday after the first
Tuesday In January, next after his elec
tion, and until his successor is elected and
qualified. In addition to the Governor, tha
executive department shall Include the
following officers: Lieutenant Governor,
Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Ac
counts. Treasurer, Superintendent of Pub-
lie Instruction. Attorney oenerai, ano
Commissioner of Public Lands and Build
ings. of whom shall hold hla office
for the term of two years from the first
Thursday after the first Tuesday in Janu
ary, next after his election, and until hie
successor Is elected and qualified; Pro
vided, however, that the first election of
said officers shall be held on the Tuesday
succeeding the first Monday In November,
1916, and each succeeding election shall
be held at the same relative time In each
even year thereafter. The Governor, Sec
retary of State. Auditor of Public Ac
counts, and Treasurer shall reside at tlia
sent of government during their terms of
office, and keep the public records, books
and papers there, and shall perform such
duties as mav be einilred by law.
Sec. 24. The salary of the Governor
Shall be five thousand ( V'i.Oou.00) dollute
per annum. The salaries of Auditor of
Public accounts and Secret ! ry of State.
Superintendent of Public Instruction and
Commissioner of Public Iinds and Ruild
Inirs shall be two thousand five hundred
$J..r)i).ii() dollars each per annum, and of
the Attorney General, four thousand dol
lars 1 14.000.00) per annum, the salary of
the State Treasurer shall be three thou
sand d.t.OflO.OO) dollars per annum, and the
Lieutenant Governor shall receive one sdI
one-half the condensation of a senator,
and after the adoption of this constitu
tion they shall not receive to their own
use sny fees, costs. Interests upon public
monevs In their hands, or under their con
trol, perquisites of office or other com
pensation, and all fees that may hereafter
be payable by law for services performed
by an officer provided for in this article
of the constitution shall be paid In ad
vance Into the state treasury. There shall
be no allowance for clerk hire in the of
fices of the Superintendent of Public In
struction and Attorney General.
Sec. 2. That at said election on the
Tuesday succeeding the first Monday In
November. 1914. on the ballot of each
elector voting thereat, there shall bo
printed or written the words: "For pro
posed amendments to the constitution,
fixing the term of office and salary for
governor, and other executive officers,"
and "Against proposed amendments to
the constitution, fixing the term of office,
and salary for governor, and other execu
tive officers."
Approved. April 21. lilt.
I. Addison Walt, Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska Is a true and correct copy of tb
original enrolled and engrossed bill, an
EsBsed by the Thirty-third session of the
eglslature of the State of Nebraska, as
appears from said original bill on file In
this office, and that said proposed amend
ment Is submitted to the qualified voters
of the State of Nebraska for their adop
tion or rejection at the general election
to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of
November. A. D. 1914.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of
the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, this 23rd day of March,
In the year of our Ixrd, One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of' the
Independence of the United S.ates the
One Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of
this State the Forty-seventh.
Seal) Secretary of Stat.
The following proposed amendment
the constitution of the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth In full. Is submit
ted to the electors of the State of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the general elec
tion to be held Tuesday. November ard.
A. D. 1914.
"A Joint Resolution to amend Section
six (() of Article one (1) of the Consti
tution of the Slate of Nebraska.
Be it Enacted by the People of ths Stats
of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section six (6) of
Article one (1) of the Constitution of tha
State of Nebraska be amended to read as
Section . Ths right of trial by Jury
hall remain Inviolate; but in all civil
oases and In criminal cases less than
felonies, five-sixths of the Jury may
render a verdict and ths Legislature may
authorise trial by a Jury of a less number
than twelve men In courts Inferior to the
district court.
See. 2. That at the general election to
state and legislative officers to be held la
ths Stats of Nebraska on ths first Tues
day after the first Monday In November
In 114, there shall be printed upon the
ballot of each elector for his approval or
rejection the above and foregoing amend
ment In the following form: "For pro
posed amendment to ths constitution pro
viding that in all civil cases and in crim
inal cases less than felonies, flvs-stxths
of the Jury may render a verdict," aad
"Against ths proposed amendment to Ike
Constitution provided that in all cfvli
cases and In criminal cases leas than felo
nies, five-sixths of the Jury may render
Approved, April L 1912.
I, Addison Walt, Secretary of Stats, of
ths Stats of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska is a trus and correct copy of tha
original enrolled and engrossed bill, sal
passed by the Thirty-third eession of Mks
Legislature of the State of Nebraska, aa
appears from said original bill on file sa
this office, and that said proposed amend
ment la submitted to ths qualified voters
of the State of Nebraska for their adop
tion or rejection at ths general election
to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day stf
November, A. D. 1114.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto
set my hanj and affixed the Great Seal a
ths Stats of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, this 23rd day of Mareh
In ths year of our Ird, One Thousand
Nlrre Hundred and Fourteen, and of ths
Independence of the United States ths
One Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and ss
this Stats ths Forty-seventh.
(SesJ)J Secretary sc IS lata.
ollice. 4btf4U'
on feu. Zl, 1S0S. made Homestead En