The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 01, 1914, Image 4

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Lloyd C. Thomas, City Editor
Published tvry Thursday by
rir. She was stunned and some
what bruised by the fall, but other
wine uninjured.
C. Thomas, President
John W.
J. Carl
Thomaa, Secretary
Thomaa, Vice Proa.
Entered at the poet office at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission
through the mails as second class matter.
Subscription price, $1.60 per year In advance
In an editorial in last week's Herald, referring to advertising done by
tbe board of education at Droken Bow, the statement was made that the utffh rhool Iim a renutation for excellent work. Since that ed-
ltorlal was published, we have secured data that conclusively proves the
statement. There are now enrolled 175 studenta. Of thla number, forty
are nonresidents, paying or working for their board. When it is taken Into
consideration that there were only thirty-three country, eighth grade grad
uates in 1914, in Dot Butte county, this makes a splendid showing, espec
ially when it Is further considered that these forty nonresident students
come from at least five counties, namely, Box Butte, Sheridan, Morrill,
Cheyenne and Scotts Bhiff. Nine of the thirty-three country, eighth grade
Kraduates of Box Butte county this year are now students at the Alliance
High school.
While the Broken Bow High school makes a good showing in enroll
ment as compared with the enrollment In the first eight grades there, it is
doubtful whether it makes as good a showing as the Alliance High school
when compared with the number of eighth grade graduates in the county.
Henry Carlock, an old tlm Box
Butte-er, arrived here the latter part
of last week t oattend to some busi
ness matters In connection with
some land which he owns east of
town. It seems that the land, a
quarter section which Mr. Carlock
pre-empted and proved up on some
25 years ago, has been used as range
by C. E. Wlltsey ror several years,
without any recompense whatever to
Mr. Carlock.
The owner asked for a reasonable
settlement, and Wlltsey refused to
settle, whereupon Carlock had no
tice served on Wiltsey to remove his
fences i na certain time. That time
has not yet expired, and It Is not
known how the affair will terminate
Mr. Carlock left this country about
25 years ago. He has been in Old
Mexico for the past eight years, hav
Ing returned to the States at the be
ginning of the Mexican trouble. His
family are located In Idaho.
Walter Marshall and Tony Kuhn
went out Tuesday to pick up pota
toes for Walt. Kennedy.
nosed the case. Mr. Brus has had
five hemorrhages within the past
four days and the doctor has said
that he could do nothing for the sick
ench. several
Esther Oeiger and Blenne
baugh were absent one day
Qall Price has been absent
Friday, the pupils were given an
opportunity to sing. The result was
not a "howling" success. The organ
was not in good working order which
accounted for the lack of volume.
RjFsi in
Firtt In Quality
Firtt in Httalf
First in Purity
first Li Ccono.Tiy
an J fur these reason
Cclur.ict Baking
Portlc r te first in the
heart j of the millions
of Louse wives who
use it end know it.
fzrvrm richest awwds
Wort's Pr ti bMa.
Henry Wlnten of Canton neigh
borhood was attending to business
matters In town yesterday.
Mrs. Holla Johnson returned
Friday from Denver, where she
tended the services held by Rev.
ly Sunday.
The many friends of MIhb Dollie
Tierce will be pleased to learn that
she is Improving nicely from her re
cent operation, and from present In-
Anspacb, the horse buyer. Is again
driving with Ed Mabin, buying an
other car of horses.
Sickening headaches, Indigestion,
constipation. Indicate unhealthy con
dition of the bowels. Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea makes the bow
els work naturally and restores your
system to perfect health and
strength. Begin tonight. H. F.
Til I ELK.
dlratlons will
a few weeks.
be as well as ever in
Chas. Wallace came In from
Sioux county ranch Monday and
spending a few days in town.
' is
Statements made that I am not
running for re-election to the office
as police judge of the city of Alliance
are false. I am In the race and ex
pect to be to the finish.
Hemingford was fairly represent -d
at the Crawford Trl-JJtate Fair
last week, some going up on the
train, and others In autos. The Hem
ingford base ball team went down to
defeat on the Crawford team Thurs
day, Ardmore winning from them by
a score of 8 to 1, and they lost again
on Friday to Wayside; score 7 to 2.
Feature of Friday's game was the;
pitching of Rupe Walker, who struck
put 17 men during the game.
I Chas. Evans and Jas. Tollman of
Marsland were attending to business
matters in our city on Monday.
I 'OK SALF IU lieiul of calves at xr head. Phone llirch HI 52
or address 1. J. Itock, Autiocli, Ncbr.
Mrs. W. C. McClung returned on
Tuesday forenoon from a short visit
with relatives at Gordon.
Miss Emma Krlz departed Sunday
; for Chadron, where she will attend j
school this winter.
Alex Olds, assisted by C. A. Dow,
f Alliance, has been busy the past
rouple of weeks wiring residences
and business housea for electric
lights. Among those recently hav
ing lights installed are K. L. Tierce,
residence, and C. A. Burlew, store
and residence.
The fire sale last Saturday was not
largely attended, but mdt of the
stuff was sold for a fjllr price, con
sidering the fact that everything
had been damaged by fire. There
was Quite a demand for the tin sid
ing from the building.
None of the Journal property was
sold, as the crowd had begun to dis
perse because of the lateness of the
Another fire was nipped in the bud
here Saturday evening. Mr. Frank
Caha was lighting the gasoline lights
in his hardware store when fire
started from a leak in the wire con
necting the lamp with the gas tank.
Quite a little gasoline had escaped
and the fire spread on the floor, but
prompt action on Mr. Caba's part ex
tinguished the flames before any ser
ious damage was done. '' Mr. Caha
had his hands quite badly burned in
the scrimmage, but at this time Is!
attending to his duties In the store,
very happy that there were no more
serious results.
Tbe party of Republican candi
dates who have been making a tour
of western Nebraska . passed thru
here last Saturday morning and stop
ped for a short time. Mr. Howell,
candidate for governor, gave a short
talk, and others of the party distrib
uted cards and literature. Earl Mai-
lery joined tbe party at Alliance and
continued the trip with them. They
were also accompanied as far as
Marsland by Roy Strong, Si Thomp
son, and John W. Thomas, of Alli
Potato harvest is In full swing at
present, and pickers are In demand.
Farmers are In town every day hunt
ing men, and from the wages that
are being oflered. It seems that there
may be some little difficulty in get
ting help to do the work. Pickers
at present are getting from $1.75 to I
$2.25, and the Indications are that
the wages will be higher before the j
season has advanced very far.
Good-bye sore fot, burning foet, swol
len feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired
Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions and
raw spots. No
more shoe tight
ness, no more limp
ing with pain or
JEfcK9 drawing up your
fare m agony.
"TIZ" is magical,
acts right off.
"TIZ" draws out
all the poisonous
exudations which
puff up the feet.
Use "TIZ" and for
get your foot
misery. Ah! how comfortable vour feet
fecL Oct a 25 cent box of "TIZ" now at
any druggist or department store. Don't
suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet
that never swell, never hurt, never get
tired. A year's foot comfort guaranteed,
or money refunded.
1 &
Club Meeting
The Hemingford Woman's Club
will meet on Saturday, Oct. 3, at the
home of Mrs. A. M. Miller. The top
ic for the day is "Our State Schools."
Mrs. Rustin of Chadron will talk on
"The Normals" and Miss Mabel Kuth
will speak on "School for the Deaf
and Blind."
Priest lAM-atett Here
The Rev. Father Keyser arrived
here the latter part of laBt week, and
will take charge of the Catholic par
ish work here. We understand that
work on his residence will be bogun
at an early date, on lots just went of
tbe Catholic church.
Doctors Give Mo Hope
Dr. C. E. Teter was called out to
the Henry Brus home uear Canton
Saturday to attend Mr. Brus, who
has been afflicted wltk stomach trou
ble for 4Bome tisaa. About two
months ago he was aerated upou
for appendicitis, la auab.a. tho the
local doctors say that he had no
signs of the malady. Ulcers of the
stomach is ;what Dootor Teter oiag-
Drlve Auto from Pennsylvania
Louis Angeller of Somerset. Pa.,
arrived here by auto Sunday night.
having finished a five weeks' trip.
The trip was made in 48 H. P. Bulck
car. Mr. Angeller and MIbs Evalyn
McBurney were married in Chicago
by Rev. Cox, formerly of this place,
and tbe trip was continued from
there to Omaha where the bride took
train, in order to arrive here to at
tend to her duties as teacher in the
public schools here.
Mr. Angeller reports a fine trip,
having experienced no trouble except
on account of rainy weather.
The principal cities en route were
Cleveland, Toledo, Chicago, Clinton,
la., Omaha, and the route for the
most part was over the Lincoln Highway.
Kat leas meat if yoa feel Backaohy oi
have Bladder trouble Salt
fin for Kidneys,
The little daughter or Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Elliott narrowly escaped
serious injury Saturday evening,
when knocked down by an auto on
the street crossing. It seems that
the child was standing on the cross
ing with several other little girls,
and did not notice the approaching
car. tho the driver. Henry Halbur,
sounded the horn several times, and
applied his brakes immediately, tho
so close to the group of children that
it was impossible to turn out or
come to a dead stop. The Elliott
child noticed tbe car and dodged at
the same instant, striking tbe fen-
Meat forms uric acid which excites
and overworks the kidneys in their efforts
to filter it from the system. Regular eat
ers of moat must flush tbe kidneys ooca
sionally. You must relieve them like you
relieve your bowels; removing all tbe
ucids, waste and poison, else you feel a
dull misery in the kidney region, sharp
pains In the back or sick headache, dit
tineas, your stomach sours, tongue is
coated and when the weather is bad you
have rheumatic twinges. The urine is
cloudy, full of sediment; the channels
often get irritated, obliging you to get
up two or three times during the night.
To neutralize these irritating acids
iuid flush off the body's urinous waste
get about four ounces of Jad Salts
from any pharmacy; take a table-
spoonful in a glasa of water before break
fast for a few days and vour kidneys will
then act fine and bladder disorders dis
appear. This famous salts is made from
the acid of grapes and lemon juice, oom
bined with lithia, and has been used for
generations to clean and stimulate slug
gish kidneys and stop bladder irritation
Jad Salts is inexpensive; harmless and
makes a Jelightful effervescent lithia
water driuk which millions of men and
women take now and then, thus avoiding
serious kJunsy and bladder diseases.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Tbe
Mothers' Favorite,
"I give Chamberlain's Cough Remedv to
myenuuren wuenwey navecoiusorcougns,
writes Mrs. Verne bhaner, Vandergritt, 1
"It alwsys helps them and is far superior to
any other cougb medicine I have used. I
advise anyone in need of such a medicine to
give it a trial." For sale by all dealers.
Ad ert! be menu
More Headaches
Come From Eye
Trouble Than
From Any Other
Many people suffer intense pains
when they could be entirely
I have hundreds of cases that bear
me out in this statement
E. C. Drake
306'4 Box Butte Ave.
Over Thlele's Drug Store
Phone: Res. 627, Office 121
Ordinance No. 110 pro
vides against spitting or ex
pectorating on the sidewalks
or in building frequented
by the pubUc, the ' penalty
being from fl.OO to S25.00
for its violation.
Tm Joi't t swot rn .tarAq? f Kt-en I
I mm tmrntmai-mon mtaumr-rm dm imiow
We have the very latest 1915 styles. Freak
from the factory. Prices range from
$9 to $25
CLAD RANGES, the two bent knowm
makes on the market
I. L. Acheson
Hardware Co.
New Garage Opened at
114 West Second Street
I have bad nine years' exKrienc in this
line of work have bwn employed for the
past six months In a local garage and the ma
jority of the auto owners of Alliance and Box
llutte county are acquainted with the charac
ter of my work
At your service at all hours nse the tele
phone or watch for the big rarLng car.
Phone 161
The Second Street Garage
OTIS MARTIN, Proprietor
Dierks Lumber & Coal
Headquarters for
Building Material
Celebrated Bradley & Vroman Paints
Barbed Wire, Cement Blocks, Lightning Rods, B. ft S. Floor Covering
Mrs. McClaln'a Kxperienoe With
- Croup.
Thn m boy. Rav. was small he was
subject to croup, and I wss aiwsys alarmed
at feucn ll men. iuuiucriua wugii
edy proved far better than sny other for this
trouble. It always reiieveu mm auicsij. i
am never without it in the house for 1 know
it Is a positive cure for croup," writes Mrs.
W. R. McCiain, Blairsville, l'a. For sale by
all dealers. Advertisement
By regulation of the Board of Ed
ucation, beginners five year old
children will be admitted only dur
ing the first six weeks of school.
Children who will become five years
of age during this time should be
started now.
Signed. W. R. PATE.
Supt. City Schools.
or lease. Land
to rent or lease.
Land or city
property for
sale. Phone 36.
It takes a strong minded man to
admit he is in the wrong when he is.
People who are permitted to go on
living in Europe are likely to spend
most of their time paying taxes; war
Is so expensive.
Sl i :v
r w .m
Pmf. Frnn Irtnn 9 An,-
strates that COD LIVER OIL
generates more body-heat
than anything else.
pure oil Is so prepared that the
blood profits from every drop,
while it fortifies throat and lunga.
," aubJacttacoUkaad
or f if Too ihirw and catcb cold
tor on Month uxl watch its mood
houxe. Uood location. J'bone 545. A.
U Uregg. 4lHftl