The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 01, 1914, Image 3

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    Announcing the change In the man
agement of the Diamond Pool Hall
We have purchased the business
from James Potmesil and will
conduct a high class Pool
and Billiard Hall to
be known as the
Jain.- Trainer, of Medicine lint,
Ciituidn, lenve llowpitnl for
Short Stay on Itnrxli
Your Patronage Solicited
curry & HAPP
Cigars and Confectionery
109 !5ox Butte Ave.
Alliance, Nebr.
5 Cs
: TiiSt Mft ::' A ft 7. ft
Tti following propod tmfrdmmt t
th constitution of ths Htate of Nhnttk,
a hereinafter est forth In full, Is submlt
ted to ths elector of the tttate of Nebras
ka, to be voted upon at the Bneral lec
tion to be held Tuesday, November rd.
A. l 1914.
"A Joint Resolution to amend Section
si t of Article one (1) of the Oonall
tutlon of the StHte of Neliraxka.
Be It Knarled by the i'eople of the Btat
of Nrbnmka:
Section t. That Section nix (6) of
Article one H of the Constitution of th
Mate of Nebraska be amended to read a
Section I. The right of trial by Jury
hall remain Inviolate: but In nil civil
casfB and In criminal canes less than
felonlea, five-sixths of the Jury may
render a verdict and the Legislature may
authorize trial by a Jury of a less number
than twelve men In oourta Inferior to the
district court
8eo. 2. That at the general election for
tate and legislative ollU eie to be held In
the State of Nebrnaka on the first Tues
day after the first Monday In Novtmlier
In 1914. there shall be printed upon th
ballot of each elector for hia approval or
rejection the above and forearoinir amend-
ment In the following form: "For pro- ( r,-(M,i.r Ihe Vinnnltul
DOSed nniinnlinonl In 111, nrn. ' " 1 "0MUII
vldlntc that In all civil cases and in crim
inal cases less than felonies, five-sixths
of the Jury may render a verdict," and
"Arainst ths proposed amendment to th
Constitution provided that in all civil
cases and in criminal cases less thu.n felo
nies, five-sixth of the Jury may render a
Approved. April 1, 191$.
I. Addison Walt, Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska Is a true and correct copy of th
original enrolled and engrossed bill, as
passed by the Thirty-third session of th
Legislature of the State of Nebraska, aa
appears from said original bill on til In
this office, and that said proposed amend
ment is submitted to the qualified voter
of the State of Nebraska for their adop
tion or rejection at ths general election
to be held on Tuesday, ths 3rd day of
November, A. D. 1814.
In Testimony Whereof. I hare hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Ureat Seal of
the St.ite of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, this 23rd day of March.
In the year of our lord. One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of th
Independence of the United States th
One Hundred and Thirty-seventh, and of
this State tli Forty-seventh.
lEson Secretary of blat.
Janies Trainer, of Medicine lint.
Canada, the only survivor of the
railroad accident at HemlnKford on
Tuesday. August 11, In which his
three companions were killed and ho
was seriously Injured, loft the hos
pital Saturday mornlntf and went
down Into the sandhills for u stay of
two weeks on a ranch, where he
hopes to recover his health.
Trainer's left arm, which was
shuttered when he was struck by the
enptne which killed the other three
men, Is still stiff and has two plates
fastened to the bone. He expects to
when he re
turns front the ranch and have the
plaits removed. Trainer Is thankful
that he still lives, considering, the
fact that the others were all kl'led.
The other men were sleeping on a
bed of warm cinders between the
rails at the llemlutil'ord water tank
and were Btruck by train No. 42,
which does not stop there. Trainer
was sleepInK outside the rails and
ows his life to this fact. The men
killed were Orion Straudnian, Neva
da, MiHsourl; William l'eters of Ooe
limr, Nebraska; and (.Jus A. Stein
briim, of Scotland, South Dakota.
v. i.ffi m lm
The Bell "Monopoly"
There is no telephone monopoly in this country.
Nearly three times as many exchanges are operated
by Independent Companies as by the Bell System.
Of the 19.093 cities and towns in the United States
having telephone exchanges, the Bell System oper
ates exclusively in 4,465 places and Independent
Companies exclusively in 12,764. In 1,864 towns two
companies operate.
Universal long distance connections with all ex
changes. Independent and Bell, and not universal
ownership, ia the endeavor and aim of the Bell or
ganization. We are constantly improving and extending our
service to the end that you may be able to talk any
where in the country over your Bell Telephone.
Th following proposed amendment t ,
th constitution of the St.ite of Nebraska, .
aa hereinai let set foim In lull, is Hiibin.l
tcl to tbe tlccto's of tin Slate of Nebras
ka, to l.e voted upon at the KcnemJ elec-
tion to be held Tuesday, NuvciiiImT 3id.
A. I). l'JU.
"FoK a Julnt resolution proposing amend
ments to Section 1. of Article V, und
Section i'4. of Article V. of the tVinsil
tutHin of Nebraska, relating to term of
otltce nt-ii salary of (Jovernor and other
executive olliceis.
Be it UeM.lvni and Knurled by the I'eople
of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at llie general election ,
for stale and leijisvtive otlio a. to be held ,
on the Tuesday succeeding the tlrst Mon
day in November, 1HH. the follow lug be ,
submitted as amendments to Sections 1
and L'l. of Article V. of the Constitution i
of Nebraska: i
Sec. 1. The executive department
shall consist of a Governor, who slt.UI ,
hold hia oflice for a term of two yenrs
from the first Thursday after the first ,
Tuesday In January, next after his elec
Si ores of Alliance Iteiiilcrx l.enriiliii;
the IMity of the Kidney
To tiller the blood is the kidneys'
When they fail to do this the kid
li ys are w ak.
Backache and other kidney ills
may follow.
Help the kidneys do their work.
l ue Doan's Kidney Tills the tent
ed kidney remedy.
Proof of their worth in the follow
ing. U. V. Onylord, N. Moorehead
St.. Chitdron, Nebr., says: "I Buffered
severely from troubles caused by
weak kidneys. 1 finally bean us
inz Doan's Kidney Tills and one box
fixed me up nil right. I recommend
Doan's Kidney Tills to anyone suf
IVrinK from backache or other symp
toms of kidney complaint."
Trice rnc, at all delaers. Don't
simpl y ask for a kidney remedy
lift Doan's Kidney Tills the same
that Mr. (Jaylord had. KoBter-Mll-burn
Co., TropB., Iiufiulo, N. Y.
Itronubt Son for Treatment
Jack Kennedy, llurliogton agent
at lOllsworth, brought his two-year-old
eon to Alliance Friday of last
week, for treatment at the hospital
tion. and until his successor is elected snd by J)rt Willis. He returned to Ell8-
nunliflpd. In addition to the Governor, the
executive department shall include th
following officers: Lieutenant Governor,
Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Ac
counts. Treasurer, Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction. Attorney General, and
Commissioner of Public I .ands and Build
ing, each of whom shall hold his oftlc
for the term of two year from the first
Thursday after the first Tuesday In Janu
ary, next after his election, and until his
successor Is elected and qualified; Pro
vided, howevw. that the first election of
said officers shall be held on the Tuesday
succeeding the first Monday In November.
11, and each succeeding election shall
b held at th same relative tlm in each
even year thereafter. Th Governor, Sec
retary of Btnte. Auditor of Public Ac
counts, and Treasurer shall reside at th
seat of government during their terms of
ITVce, and keep th public records, books
and papers there, and shall perform such
duties as ma v be equlred by law.
eo. 24. The salary of th Governor
hall be five thousand ($5.0uo.00 dollar
per annum. The a-vlarles of Auditor of
Public accounts and Secretary of State.
Superintendent of Public Instruction and
commissioner of public lanns ana nuua
worth with the byo on Saturday.
Your Full Cold Net-d Attention
No use to fuss and try to wear it
out. It will wear you out instead.
Take Dr. King's New Discovery, re
lief follows quickly. It checks your
Cold and sooths your Cough away.
Pleasant, Antiseptic and Healing.
Children like It. et a 50c bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery and keep
it in the house. "Our family Cough
and Cold Doctor," writes Lewis
Chamberlain, Manchester, Ohio.
Money back if not satisfied, but it
nearly always helps.
'jii j"'
V.ftH Set of Dishes
Miss Ella Price, daughter of Joe
Price of Alliance, secured a set of
Una dlahps at thA None Hakerv on
lngs shall be two thousand five hundred i . aQ qi. v0j ,uvo,i ho rnnnnna
$2.5oo.oo) dollars each per annum, and of Monday, blie fiaa savea tne coupons
aaveriiseu in lue rieraiu. iuu
pon is given with each ten cent purchase.
full many a gem of purest ray serene
1'be dark, unfuthouied caves of ocean hear.
tj And they can also be found in our choice
stock of carefully selected jewelry For va
riety our display can hardly be excelled ex
cept in the metropolitan centers.
Kwp the Stomach and Liver llealtliv
A vigorous Stomach, perfect work
ing Liver and regular acting Dowels
Is guaranteed if you will use Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They insure
good Digestion, correct Constipation
and have n excellent tonic effect on
the Attorney General, four thousand dol
lars ($4. 000. 00) per annum, the salary of
the State Treasurer shall be three thou
sand (13.000.00) dollars per annum, and th
Lieutenant Governor shall receive one and
erne-half the compensation of a senator,
and after the adoption of this constitu
tion they shall not receive to their own
use any fees, costs. Interests upon public
moneys in their hands, or under their con
trol, perquisites of office or other com
pensation, and all fees that may hereafter
be payable by law for services performed
by sn officer provided for In this artlcU
. 1 k..n 1 n.. 1 n a A
vance Into the state treasury. There shall the Whole System purify your blood
b no allowance for clerk hire- In the of- ; and rid you of all body poisons thru
nee or tne superintendent or ruouc in- . n-wi 0nlv 25c at vour drug
struction and Attorney General. ! ne uoweis. wniy ioL at jour urus
Sec. t. That at said election on the gist.
TUMflajr aucceeamg in tint Monaay in
November. 114. on th ballot of each
lector voting thereat, there shall be
printed or written th words: "For pro
posed amendments to the constitution,
fixing the term of office snd salary for
governor, and other executive officers."
and "Against proposed amendments to
the constitution, fixing the term of office
and salary for governor, and other execu
tive officer."
Approved. April II. ISIS.
I, Addison Walt. Secretary of State, of
th Stat of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to th Constitution of th Stat of Ne
braska la a true and correct copy of ths
original enrolled and engrossed bill, ss
passed by the Thlrtr-thtrd session of th
Legislature of the State of Nebraska, aa
appears from said original bill on file In
this office, and that said proposed amend
ment is submitted to th qualified voters
of the State of Nebraska for their adop
tion or rejection at ths general election
to be held on Tuesday, Ui 3rd day of
November, A. D. 114.
In Testimony Whereof. I har hereunto
set my hand and affixed th Great Seal of
the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln, this ISrd day of March
LMAIj AIM l-lll l.MMi
Ths following proponed amendment to
th constituliun of the Btute of Nebraska
as hereinafter set forth in full, is suutiul
ted to the electois of the Sta-te of Neuras
ka. to be voled upon l tit senerai lec
tion to be bald Tuesday, November rd.
A. D. 1814.
"FOR a Joint resolution to smend section
1 of Article of the Constitution of th
State of Nebraska, relating to revenue.
Be it Kesolved and Enacted by the Popl
of th State of Nebraska: , -
Section 1. Tint Section 1 of Artlcl t
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska b amended to read as follows:
Sec. 1. The rules of tajiullon shall b
uniform a to any given class and taxes
hall be levied upon such property as th
Legislature shall prescribe. Taxes may
also bs imposed on Incomes, privilege
and occupations, which taxes may b
graduated and progressive and reasonable
innitiiii,na muv l, a n mi vl.1 it In addition
In th year of our Lord. On Thousand to those hereinafter specifically mentioned
.-Nine itunareo ana f ourteen, ana or ins i in section 2 of this article.
I te 9 Thm lit ih irvneriu election in
' November, 114. there shall be submitted
to the electors of the slat for tneir p
Independence of the United S. ites the
On Hundred and Thirty-seventh, snd of
this Stat th Korty-seventh.
(Baa!) Secretary of Stat.
Phone 84
3rd and Box Butte Ave.
Transfer Line
Special examinations in County
'Certificate subjects will be given Fri
day, October 16th, and Saturday, Oc
tober 17th. There will be no Head-
' ing Circle examination next month.
, This examination will be held at the
Court House. DKLLA M. HKED
Household goods
moved promptly
and transfer work
mmstix sYrM if n tsViirf ms solicited.
Dray Ptien M Resldancs phone t3i and Bit 7
zz Musical Burlesque
Enb Sees: Ask
Brand N
.. j .
i vnu, iiass amensinsiem.
I Dlood and Iron is not a remedy,
despite the Bismarckians it is a
j proval or rejection the (ongoing proposed
: amendment to the Constitution in the fol
lowing form: "For amendment to tne
Constitution providing for uniform and
progressive taxation" and "against said
proposed amendment to Uie Constitution
providing for uuilorm and progressive
Annmvail Uurrh 7
I. Addison Walt. Secretary of Stats, of
th State uf Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska Is a true and correct copy of the
original enrolled and eigroaeJ bill, a
Eassed by the Thirty-third session of th
eglslaturs of th Stat of Nebraska, as
aptiears from said original Dill on ni in
this oftlcs. and that said DfODOsed amend
ment Is submitted to th qualified voters
of th Stat of Nebraska for tnsir adop
tion or rtwtlnn a t i ha seneral election
to be held on Tuesday, ta 3rd day of
November. A. IV 1D14.
In Testimony Whereof, I hav hereunto
set my band and affixed th Great Seal of
me mate or Neoraska.
iJona at Lincoln, mis zsra aa; "v"i
In tha vtar of our I ird. On Thousand
Nln Hundred and Fourteen, and of th
Independent' of th United Slate th
On Hundred and Thirty-seventh., and Of
Ibis Stat tit Jforty-seventn.
(Sal)l ticrlary ef DUU.
There is
no after-glow
When you blow
out a Safe Home
match, it is OUT.
And it stays out
Every Safe Home
match is chem
ically treated to
prevent after-glow.
Safe Home match
es are extra long
and extra strong.
The extra length
means extra ser
vice. With one
Safe Home match
you can light all
four burners of a
7. it i .fir it J M -' ( 1
gas stove and not run
the risk of burning your
The extra strength
means extra safety.
Other things being
equal, that match is
safest which is strong
est. Safe Home matches
are strongest
Examine the head of a
Safe Home match. It
is nearly twice as large
as that of an ordinary
match. That means
better burning a big
ger flame, an evener
flame, a flame that
burns longest
Safe Home matches
are non-poisonous.
They are safe to have
in the home.
All grocers. Five cents a box.
Stop! Don't
Burn Your
Car Up!
SOME autuNia batter the life on
of a tar by uncle speed, uo
wlxc driving and couxtant neg
lect of lillle thintrs.
Don't you iio IL
f.oi us overhaul your engine snd
put everytliliii; lu tiptop runuiu
shape for the busy seusou strain.'
Then take kmmI rare of your ear.
This is sound advice, Uu't Ul
Let us overhaul your car now. Expert
mechanics to do the work. Prices low. Care
ful and efficient service.
The Alliance Garage
12-16-20 Gauge
jar cua Buiiti SCSSW
u. 1. .. 1 .;
sny olijrctionable humps or bumpK no holes on too ir gss to M e out throuph or water to get ins
can't Irene up with rain, snow or sleet; i'.i sole! tie, I brecrh (twit s shell ot woo.ll i.rrrtnt s
thoroughly symmetrical gun without sacrificing trmst!i or sufetv: U is the safest brett-kdisg
skotgusi fcuilt. Six klioti in Is end It gauge; ! iu i. R live.
It ia HsnmerlaM with Solid Steel BrMck (inside ai well as mil) Sotid Ten Side EjMtM
Matted Barrel (hich cost Si .flu cxtrs on other sun) Press BsMao Cartrulf Kle ttu
remove loaded cartridge quickly from maeazin without working through sctkm) DoubU Extrac
tors Take-Dowa Feature Tritser sad HuuhT llamHes rapidly t guaranteed in shout.
ing ability 1 price atandard brads A ' lZ-cause swo. SXjsWI 1S-s au-age. S-OQ.
Send S stimpt potag for bis catalog dctrrihing all
l&mJum rrneatina ahotsuna (hammer and hanuncr-
lc i all ZfcjTUM repeating rifle, etc. Do it now t 41 WisW Street. New H . C .
If vmi .LaaI rifle, pitol or ahotirun. you akcoM sa S eopy of the Ideal Head
1 JUU SUUVl Booh 160 pagrt of uxfuf information for sbo-.tcrv It tell sll abuul
(x.mdir. bullrts, primer and reloading tool for all standard rifle, pistol and shotgu
ammunition: how to mraiure powders seeuratrly; tiows yoa kow to cut your smmunition
rxprnw in half and do mors snd better .booting. This bk is free to sny ahootrr who wt
send three stamp poalage to The Marlis Fircanss Coh Vrillow Su, New Ilaven, Conn