Y f V f V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1. 1 If .' .Y' ':.-. Reference: Lire Stork National Bank of South Omaha, Nebraska Market Reports Free on Application. Correspond ence Solicited W. J. PERKY. Manager The Ilest of Salesmen and t'aretaker In Kverjr pnrtinent ! the llest of Service Guaranteed . W J. PERRY & Co! LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS UNION STOCK YARDS ir4-lfi6 Pxehanpe Bull'ling. S(H Til OMAHA : Telephone South 731 : NIIlU.l.SKA ,, tii n pi v n m Combinations -I f i ' i y NO. 1. SEVJiN 1-LH PACKAGES COLTER. NO. 2. FJVE LBS. KIO COl'JM:i: 3. THKEK' JAIiS .7AM J NO. 4. 12 CANS NO. 2 TOMATOES NO. 5. 12 CANS NO, 2 CORN AMS NO. 6. 28 IUKS LENOX LAUNDRY SOAV 10 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 V v V THE ALLIANCE CITY SCHOOLS Knier1iitenlent' Ife-port to Hoard of IMiKulloii t'ontniiiN Much In terewtiiij; Information The Alliance city schools will open next Mondny for the sosHion of 1S14 l.r. Willi the prospect of a larper attendance thin ovi r before and with a ppIiMidid t".icliltiR force, h miccpss fnl school ye;tr nuty bo ronBdently looked fi-ri;M(i to by tearhera and p;t Irons. Six new i'hiupk apmar atr;on: the I f1 of t ai h- s, as fol lower Ml.-s Aniiiihcl I-'I'tlur cotmus frnni Oh l; land. N-!r., to, t;k- the p'ru e of MI'h .-:",iwr!l us iiui.-ir ;ind art sup-' n ir. VS il ii'T Lewis cf C.iy fpni-r, a vnniii.it.' of . hniiKii V,'es!.y(ii Uni-xrsj'v. l.'coia Walker. pradiiMte of r ;i ,y i-t-ite Nor!i);il. lilflWll f Cotlnilllll!-), trnkiMt" of Krarmy Ptafe' 458.07, the 'deficit for the year Is 11,376.09. By economy In all Items of expense during the coming year we can probably bring the expenses within the receipts Without haTlngf to drop any of the departments now carried In the school. The new de pjrtments have proved very popular nnd the school patrons would un doubtedly protest if any were drop ped, even In the interest of economy. Cost of Schools per I'upil 1911-12 12-13 13-14 On enrollment 39. 46 32.26 On aver, attend. -tO.r.n f,.8.r 42.32 fiook? on enr. .979 2.53 1.30 Supplies .722 2.50 1.24 Rooks & supplies 1.701 5.03 2.54 Manual Training Tim permanent equipment of the shop prior to 1913-14 cost JRK0.10. The cost for 1913-14 as 131.20, lrakine the tolr.l value of porinane'U f 1 u pin i lit to date $911.30. The lin.inf i;il report of the manna! iruiiiint- supervisor Ia nn follows: Kxpenditures: Menr-riM etipplioa (nails, Mains small pox, and the crowded condi tion of the schools during the first half of the school year wehn all th pupils were housed In the Kmersoa and High School buildings, was very satisfactory. There was little sick ness during the year, the standard of teaching was good and the gener al discipline of the school as a whole was good. Inasmuch as we lose few tenchers to other' cities In Nebraska we are fortunate In beginning the new school year with only six new teachers. , Respectfully submitted. W. R. PATR. Superintendent. . ' 1 H -i ;i!.-o .i Nonniil .Vi.-i l.fstlier Terry i-r.'du .; of I'cni :':tte Miss Ani'i .Ander-'ion !'r.i'hi,: of IVru Sl.Tto Mectiiif; (if Iti.ird of elites, etc.) Permanent equipment I.n'nber Total exp'TPf f. 2 0.fi 0 . U1.20 129. M5 isi.tr. or McCook, Normal. f " i !t ".V f l ! I . Normal. i;l!c:'ioti Receipt s cl fron sli'!- A Ilepl!n IIo:i W.V3 U UK IVloei'M ih l V. II. M -l!rn S;.''ni er. vii c secret, ry ; A. ','ii!'i ami .! r .Tin- fr.llow: of (lie litard of 11 Men lay evening. iv prei-cnt. as folio pres'Kier.t ; W. pres.: I V. Mar J. Mary. Mrs. C. :. .1. A. MaUery. inn bids-; for fan.l:ih H'.'l- a!l l is. I'. i ii v. mo;:n' colie outs ... 19.95 Va'ne of artuli") nia'le lor the lf!h sr Uool . 2.9 5 Tot.il IP'e;.T;!q ' 5?. '10 Viiliie.of liiivit).i- on hand .... 2.70 Val. i f perm. sriejit omiin. our. 31.20 - FIRE I . FIRE! ATTENTION, FIREMEN ! Whenever your cily is in the market, for Fire J lose or Equipment, you " sltouKl at oncc write us, k it will be to your iidvanfacft. Also lionr in uii'mI liat wo sill ITanil Extinguishers for automobiles, private Iumsus, lumber yards aiul .schools. ANDERSEN COMPANY 1115 .Fnrnnm St., g OMAUA, NEHK. l,br. Ipts. 'Coin I for Total reei hand .. Total erpenc Com. and and crjliipment 123 iniiterial on 1ST 90 SO 15 I'O.il f ! ii n' l! IK .1 were r !. iirul, the about "im (o':S of vizf, F.O.B. (on tn prices bfirv lU'pit", i'!'!' ".'k) at Alii- A. D Rod Phono 54 sers Alliance, Nebraska v V ' v V 4 v M. Vaiitlian K Son . . . 3.f.r. ('arney ("r'l 1 r-.. . 3.8 5 Kowpn - WriL hY 3.90 Oim'-i I.br. iv Coal Co... 3.95 !'oi'-t Iii!;i!-nr Co 4.05 Motian-h Coal Co 4.05 1 he 'led of J. Ii. Vativli.in .c ;i r; tlip !. i ini air'f-nie.1. on It f.hould be reinenibered that while 1lie pr'ic -si (pioted are 'much lower ih;n v.sii'illy charred customers, fur nl:hirc roil in a 500 ton lot. to one a time or dealer. if ittjon from in ordin- iTii'ftniai ituukmitiuk Haw cu.-'oiner, en track, at limes if.iiverient to (he rjnue a diff ri nt jh'omo h'lii'.bnj- io;il in Co wav 1! arily l et i'Ied to ciif t omr rs. i Stiptn-intendenCs Iteport ' f'tipt. V. K. lv,e read h;s annunl ! report . .r.s fcllmv; : j Alliance. N'.br.." Attr. 2S. 1911. To t!i l'oa-d of i'rlm-ati.'ii, ' I Alliance. N'ebr. ! I l r L" b nve to snhmft the follow ! in" repoH for iho school year 1913- relative to mailers of school t t "rest ; I Census I . J!)tO-M ll-ii 'Poys 5 17 5 5S 'cirli r.ct ".ss i Total 111 I 11 1f, ( .The ("'Of-iiH was Pif-on ' of t he chool year P"lica ; mi 1911. I!i2, liru'-es indicate of riunilns; department.. 1.35 The cost of ti e department van. however, more than ?i4.35 because several !rticoB made HM year v. ere sold this year and about i'o fr. of pine liinibr from the temporary par titions lipi'd after the fire win used for practice ,,xcivi-w Two larpe w.irk benchvs and a cabinet were T'kmIp from loinc of the partition limber. Allowinc, J10 to cover cost of material fr pvade fi. 7 nnd S ami merlitins the district for the parti tion lumber used. Hie total c -t of manual training for Hith hool students is approximately f 2 5. a cost of S1.5 0 per year per pupil taking ti;e woik. domestic ScbMice li jirtnient The report of the Domes; ic Sci ence supervisor is as follows: Cookery permanent equipment prior to m- .439.75 000. Ill) .139.75 72.68 8.07 .50 .025 r.9.9 3 ' c2; DOS 1234 at t!ie in Mil 70S P 9 4 1402 C'O'AS .1 n e C' 13, and 1914. The. a ;;teady vrowth ' in 3.5 0 ii.. jschord population. j KMroIlntent j 1 !!-It I 1 -1 J lli-li '(trades 7.95 732 71 5 ' H. S. 127 1 i 1 l Total 922 t7t SH5 I AvetjL'f l.iil Atteotlance , I'Ma-l' ll-IJ 1--I.-5 :MI (Ira dis 57 0 191 536 H S. iif 121 127 140 : Total 6,:s G T, 0 018 u'JH 1 1 I 74 5 l ; k 913 tp-ures show that (he r the year 1913-14 was ''.'lrinir the two preced- liKhtly less than for FOR DARK NIGHTS The Prisco Cold Blast Lantern Regular $1.25 (Saturday, Sept. 5, Only j Tim ahov i em oilmen! create r t'l.ia , injr yea rs but the y. iir 1910-11. The enrollment In the inch school has been im-reas-, iri.' tjoni year to year and was the i-'i ii"'n lawi year n nas ever lien. S 'The average dally attendance of both .j.Mvh school and grades was rrood, i h ihat of the High school behur th" : -:itest since the chool.; wi re or i?J ; I'iinized, while that of the- grades ' w:3 greater than for any year ex J.cepting 1910-11. The avetare for ;Mb.o entire school, 696,. is alr.o the .SltlttrrroQt In tho 1. i r, ,1... r, i. , Kplllil II On Ihe total amount of t--lu-el rants Issued for the s hool 1913-14, itemized to show the clpal sources of expense, are a. FOR THE AUTO TRIP TO THE HILLS N The Pueblo Sanitary Water Bag Regular $1.25 (Saturday, Sept. 5, Only) FOR THE LADIES ONLY Cream City Berlin Kettle No. 010 $1.00 Regtdar $1.25 (Saturday, Sept. 5, Only) Newberry's Hardware Co. tows. for purposes the expenses of the years are also given:. 1011-12 i'Ml-XA Women teachers: 1441 9.07 14555. P0 Men teachers: 357S.0O 1591.00 SubMimte teachers: 20. il5 242.10 Bldir. and Repairs: wa r year prin i fol- of comparison, two proctidlnf.' 1 1913-14 i I'erm inr-ut equir. in 1913-14 Total val. permanent eiiutp. . I Total upp!irs for year . ( 'os t per mont h . . . j Cost per pupil per month ! Coat p r pupil per day Ami. received by depnrtnMit. Total cost to (list, for school year I Sewing i Permanent equipment prior to 1913-14 Permanent equip. Ifl3-14 ... Total val. permanent equip...? The New llepvirliiiioiH At the biinii)g 'of the school year 1913-14 two new departn'enta were added to the Hish school, ii department in Agriculture in acr'ord. anco with the provisions of the' Shumway act, and a Commercial do ' i;ii tmei.t. ' : For carrying the first named d-'; partment, .schools properly equipped and di'sisrnated as Agricultural High ischool. by the state superintendent of Public Instruct Ion receive aid from the state, ami the Alliance sho-l being go erraipped and so'des ivmtte.1. riceived from the state, this year. S550. It is expected th.it a, l ui-fr appropriation by the v. Uti-' I si a lure will enable eacli aenicultur-; al hivh school to receive greater lni- . nnrial aid -froin the state. - , r.oth of these new departments ' proved, very popular, 14 enrolling '. : for the course in agriculture and 25 ;n the co'iuiU'i'cial ooi'.ise. H-.iv.-ever, ! ,tl " sicond semester 11 entered the 'typewriting class ami Ik others who . t' "sired to carry it could not do so ' j as the one teacher could not take; j more students. , I'nlouhie 1! y in' 1914-15 many students desiring to i carry work in tliv urn .:-rcial de-': J part". ( lit win have to be ,-e"us"d ad-' j mission because of the inability to ; Five instruction to so many with thei . pre--Mt teaching force, j Tviieltco for lt l-to j I Tlie tenrhcrs !cled by ll-e Hoard! of Ktuoation for (he year 1914-15,-wlth . prude and .department assiufl-.' 930. (ill Fuel: 1 23 13.9 4 Hooks: ; S5C.51 Suiplies: 631. OS LIsht and Water: ! 128.99 Architect and 135.00 Janitor: 1723.33 Furniture: I 327.46 Miscellaneous: ! 1047.36 TOTAL: ! 26327.01 34133.82 29458.07 Miscellaneous includes janitor's supplies, phone, dray, secretary' sal ary, express, advertising, stationery, commencement, debate. Insurance, etc. ! The heavy expense in 1912-13 was due to the purchase of textB and sup plies to replace those destroyed when Central school building was burned Dec. 17, 1913. ) The added expense of 1913-14 ov er 1911-12 was due to the addition of the Agriculture and Commercial courses. The equipment and teach ers for these departments cost more than the difference between the to tal expense of the two years. Inasmuch as our total receipts from all sources for the year were 128,081.98 and the expenses 29,- incuts, are as follows: j 1018-II .Superintendent, W. 11. Pate. Music and Art Supervisor, Annabel 1 54 C 5.75 Fletcher. ; HIGH SpilOOL 5105.03; Prin. History, C. A. Anderson. (English and Normal Training, Isa 190.50 ! belle Oabus. j IanuiiFes, Kva Sherdeman. 2976.09 666.79 i Agriculture and Manual Training. S. L. Clement-;. 2023.45 1828.02 ! Domestic Science. Georgia Canfleld. j Commercial Department, Uertha Wil-; 2191.94 1189.731 son. Science and Mathematics, Wilmeri 2164.13 1137.49 Lewis. I CKNTHAL SCHOOL : 295.67 279.33 Principal Seventh Grade, G. ' M. ' Attorney: ' Burns. , 090.00 000.00 i KlRhth Grade, Antha Taylor. I Sixth Grade, Maude Jones. i 1913.75 1556.11 ! Sixth Grade, Leota Walker. Cifih Grade, Edith Cornell. ! 1829.63 453.73 Fourth Grade. Mary Hogarth. Third and Fourth Grades, Hess 1347.56 1585.59 Brown.. I Second and Third Grades, Lura Erb. 34133.82 29458.07 Second Grade, Edith Jones. i First Grade, Alice Acheson. ! Beginning First Grade, Esther Ter ry. ! EMERSON SCHOOL I Principal Seventh Grade, Elda Ba con. Eighth Grade, Verna Rodgers. Sixth Grade, Anna Anderson. Fifth Grade. Millie Smalley. Fourth Grade. Mary Wilson. Third Grade, Addie Robertson. First and Second Grades, Goldle So per. BeKinners and First Grade, Addle Robertson. In conclusion, the general school work of the year, notwithstanding the backset due to the loss of the last month of school In the year 1912-13, due to the epidemic of neaaacues- i More Hcadach Come From ii' Trouble Than From Any Other Cause. Many people suffer intense pains when they could be entirely relieved PROPER GLASSES I have lui mired of cases that bear n:e out in this statement I I IT GE.ASSF.S- THAT RELIEVE Tl IK STRAIN E.--C. -Drake Optoinclnst 306 Box Butte Ave. Over Thirle's Drug Store riione: Res. 62 7, Office 121 K tf 5 accors We Construct .CEMENT SIDEWALKS or anything in the Cement Line Brick Work, 'Tile and Plastering i C!d rishicnerJ Fire Pieces and -Mantels LUKD & GLA'RUM ' Pfone 249 Alliance. Kcbr. Tailor-Made Suits Cleaning and Pressing Suits called for and delivered PHONE 41 Union Cleaning & Pressing Work Chas. Lea, Proprietor Orders taken by Mr. lea only