The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 27, 1914, Image 4

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We sell the Winchester
and U M C brands of
high grade ammunition.
We have on exhibition the
new model Winchester re
peating shotgun. Also
the Remington repeating
1. L. Acheson Hard
ware Store
t r
a Opportunities in the Business World
are plentiful for the well trained young man or woman. There 1bj
tno place for those who are not well trained.
fCome to Lincoln, the capital of your state, to secure your buel-
new education. Many advantages here that cannot be obtained out-4?
side of a capital city.
v Be sure you get your training at a school that will guarantee!
you strong eonrses, splendid teachers, up to date equipment,
school home, the best of moral and educational advantages and
and honvraiHe dealing. Sicti sc&ooi is tne
14ta and P Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska
Established 1884
Worthy students assisted to positions.
Write for Catalog.
f Fully accredited by the National Association ef Accredited
mercial Schools.
If You Are Not Already One of Our Customers We Invite
A Trial Shipment
v' ir--"v.v-: 1 .
4 ,1 i
J. M. COOK, Manager
Great Western Commission
South Omaha, Nebraska
1914 Crops Will Advertise Your Locality!
Why not let the East see the best crops that your locality has
froduced this year! Do this by assembling a limited exhibit of the
est 1914 products of your county; you can do this either by county
co-operation or by individual effort. Arrangements will be made bv
or local agent for the transportation of these samples,
f acKea, to tne uuriington's extensive exhibit m Chicago of the pro
eiacts along its line ; this Exhibit occupies the ground floor corner oi
the Burlington's General Office Building, in the heart of Chicago. Is
your locality represented in this exhibit with the best you grow
Have not some of your farmers something better this year than last
Uet in touch with your county organization
or with your local agent, or with me.
county will have full credit and advertisement
S. B. HOWARD, Ass't Immigration
1W4 jraraam street, Omaha, Neb.
Anothrr Dollar Day Coming New
t'ltib Booklets Are Out Dairy
Meeting Committees
C. A. Newberry, C. L. Drake, Alli
ance Oarage, W. D. Kutner, Elks
Lodge, II. J. Ellis and the Federal
Site Association have signified their
willingness to pay their share of the
cost of cluster lights on Box Butte
Avenue from Fourth to Fifth streets.
Those who have not yet signed are
the N. A. Irk estate and the Eagles
The following committees have
been appointed for labor day picnic
and celebration:
Base Ball: A. J. Hamilton, chair
man, B. F. Copeland, J. S. Stark,
Leonard Pilklngton.
Baseball, Merchants-Farmers: Geo
Darling, chairman, C. J. Rodgers, P.
II. Zobel, Will Bauers, Frank Bau-
ers, Cal Hashman.
Public Comfort, Entertainment:
Ben J. Sallows, chairman, Wm. M.
Seel, Geo. Snyder, J. H. Vaughn, O.
W. Duncan, F. J. Was.
Children's Sports: H. J. Young,
chairman, Ray Stansberry, Si Thomp
son, Norman McCorkle, W. II. Bue
chsensteln, E. C. Drake.
General Sports: Bruce Mallery,
chairman, P. E. Romig, F. Abegg,
Chas. Hill, Roy Strong, C. L. Emer
son. The Alllance-Hemlngford game
will be between a picked team from
the city league. There will be no
harge at the gate and the grand
stand will be free, but each person
is to bring his own lunch. Tables
will be placed for the supper. Joe
Smith will have for sale ice cream
and soda pop but all attractions, in
cluding the big ball game, are free.
The above committees have charge
of the entertainment for that day.
It has been decided to have anoth-i
er big dollar day on September 5, at'
which time Alliance merchants will!
offer special dollar day bargains. All
sales will be for cash only and some
of the best bargains ever offered will
be placed on sale on that day. The
committee Is making special arrange
ments for this and a new feature
will be offered, which will be pub
lished later. Watch the papers and
the ads for the big bargains offered.
Save your dollars for Dollar Day.
The new booklets are out and are
being distributed by the secretary.
If you have a friend that is looking
for a good country in which to locate
send them one of these booklets.
They are the best and most complete
ever issued and the secretary will be
glad to furnish you with all you
wan. For the convenience of the
strangers who come to our city a
neat sign has been placed in the fol
lowing places calling attention to
this free literature: Depot News
Stand at depot. Burlington hotel, Al
liance hotfl, Drake hotel. Atlas ho
tel, and the Library, and literature
has been placed at these places so
that it can be easily secured. Early
Com -
next month a special postal card day
will be featured at which time EV
ERY citizen in Alliance is asked to
send five postal cards and that many
of these booklets to their friends. By
me co-operation or all it is hoped to
get in touch with a great many peo
ple. Secretary Fisher has Just arrang
ed with the State Agriculture Col
lege for a big dairy meeting early in
October, at which time dairy experts
from the Agriculture College will be
present and give talks on dairying in
western Nebraska. It is planned to
offer prizes for the best milk cows
and those who want to enter should
notify the secretary. . i
Although the silo trio is onlv a
few weeks old, four new silos are
now under construction and six more
are being planned for this fall. D.
E. Purlnton, one of our farmers,
says this: The silo trip which the Al
liance Commercial Club clanned and
carried out In my mind was the big
gest ana best thing ther have ever
undertaken since the new club was
started. I expected about four farm
ers would make the trip but instead,
over thirty attended and it certainly
speaks well for the management. Re
garding the farm demonstrator, will
say we farmers should have a repre
sentative and what ever the Alliance
Commercial Club wil Ido in securing
such an organization will be a boost
for them in the right direction. We
want a man that will work for the
farmers' Interest just like the Com
mercial Club secretary works for the
town and business men, and if it has
been a success in eight counties in
Nebraska there is no reasjn why it
should not be a success here.
The following are erecting silos or
will build them this fall: Art Grove,
Dave Purinton, Julius Atx, Chas. Sis
ley. A. L. Davis. F. Seldler. Guy
Rust. C. L. Powell, T. II. Barnes.
Geo. Milllken. Oscar Brush. C. A.
Newberry, J. H. Hrlck and W. J.
Johnson. This will double the num
ber of silos In the county, which is a
development in the right direction.
Summer Constipatlou Dangerous
Constipation in summer-time is
more dangerous than In the fall,
winter or spring. The food you eat
is often contaminated and is more
likely to ferment In your stomach.
Then yoa are apt to drink much cold
water during the hot weather, thus
injuring your stomach. Colic, Fev
er, Ptomaine Poisoning and other
ills are natural results. Po-Do-Lax
will keep you well, aa it increases
the Bile, the natural laxative, which
rids the bowels of the congested poi
sonous waste. Po-Do-Lax will make
you feel better. Pleasant and effect
ive. Take a dose tonight SOe at
your Druggist.
Subscribe for The Alliance Her
ald, 11.60 per year.
Alliance Property
at Barin Prices
1 am offering for quick sale, on easy terms, 39 lots in Hills Addition to
the city of Alliance. These lots are close in, desirable residence property, amd
will make a fine inVcstment. You can purchase any number you desire for a
small cash payment and the balance on easy terms. Prices range from $45 to
$75, depending on location. ,
I also offer for either sale or trade, three lots near the electric light
plant on which stands the barn known as "Spry's barn". This property is
150x140 feet in size. Well located.
Also four lots near the electric light plant, on which stands the Reck
Lumber Yard. This property is 200x140 feet in size and is for sale or trade.
Put your money in Alliance property. Alliance is the coming , town.
More improvements are being made here than in any other city of its size in
the west. NOW i the time to buy property for investment or improvement.
For description, terms, and full information on the above address Box
3908, care The Herald, or call at The Herald office.
Bargains In Alliance Property
The Car of the American Family
$1100 Completely Equipped, f. o. b. Alliance, With Electric Starter
and Lights, Oversize Tirs, Demountable Rims, $1250 f. o. b. Aliiance
Fully equipped with electric horn, rain vision
windshield, silk mohair top with envelope, In
side quick adjustable curtains, speedometer, co
eoa mat in tonneau, rear shock absorber, Prest-O-Lite
tank, gas headlights, oil side and tail
lamps, tools. Tires 32 x 3 Ml, quick detachable
rims. Trimmings black and nickel. Body color
black, running gear scarlet lake with black
stripe on wheels 11100 f. o. b. Alliance.
Service Low Cost Service
That aharacteristlc is long continued service, apparently everlasting service and the consistent low
eost of that service. That's the service from which HUPMOBILE reputation mrtnos: She
service that ha made the HUPMOBILE "The Car of the American Family."
That's, why HUP owners are our most successful salesmen.
And isn't that quality what you consider, first and last in any car?
How will a lower price compensate you a year from now, for a worm, shabby down-at-the-heel car,
which you are forced to sell for a song?
How will a natty exterior this Spring compensate you for a broken down exterior aext Spring f
Continuous service at a lower cost an da higher price when you want to sell at second hand that's
what makes HUP owners loyal to the car.
Think this over next Spring think of the one hundred thousandth mile and not of the ten thousandth
and your investigation will surely bring you to the choice of the HUPMOBJLU.
Alliance, Nebraska
With additional equipment of Westinghouse two
unit electric starting and lighting system and in
dependent magneto ignition, 16 candle power
headlights, adjustable for focus. Combination
electric and oil side an dtail lamps, 109 ampere
hour storage battery, over size tires, 31x4 inch,
demountable rims, one extra rim and tra ear
ner (as illustrated) 1 12 SO f. o. b. Alliance.
Demonstrator at Alliance Garage