The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 20, 1914, Image 2

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llov'o Column
::D G'-
Films 10c
Packs developed 2fa.
Print, 3c U 6c
Post Cards, 6a
Return postage prepaid.
"We specialize in ma order service. All work returned
Si hour's after received.
We carry a full lime of Cameras and Photo Supplies.
The Photo Craft Shop
"Ffla Specialists"
41 Dee Bldg., Omaha, Nebr.
Alice had been to Sunday school
for the first time and had tome home
filled with Information. She was ov
erheard to Bay to her six-year-old
Bister, aa she laid a wee hand over
her heart. "When you hear some
thing wlte here, you know It is con
science w'lspering to you."
"No such thing, responded the
six-year-old, "it's Just wind in your
tummy." Lipplncott s.
U. S. Grant Stealing row, bound
Hans Wagner Violating meat or
Jim Jeffries Carrying concealed
Theodore Roosevelt Jones Disor
derly cenduct.
Abraham Lincoln Larceny, ten
and costs.
William Taft Speeding.
Montgomery Advertiser.
Dierks Lumber & Coal
' Headquarters for
Building Material
Celebrated Bradley & Vroman Paints
Barbed Wire, Cement Blocks, Lightning Rods, D.AB. Floor Covering
A tramp called at Mr. Cobb's
"I've walked many miles to see
you, sir, he said, "because people
told me you were very kind."
"Indeed." said the old gentleman.
"And are you going back the same
"Yes, sir, was the answer.
"Well." said Cobb, "Just contra
dict that rumor as you go, will you?
Oood morning."
Transfer Line
Household goods
moved nromntlv
and transfer work
Dray Phone 64 Residence phone 936 and Blue
FOR 4 CtHTJjji i mm sVBVlLPHKr
lHS"l0"i0urJ 1-0? AHGEIES
ruLofaauv vumpemy tAurvKm.
mi nun
Don't Say, "I Want
a Box of Matches"
Would you go into
a grocery store and
say, "Give .me a
cake of soap?
Nol You would ask
by name for the
kind of soap that is
best adapted to
your needs.
So with, breakfast
foods. Youwouldask
by name for the
kind that has the
pleasantest taste or
is most nourishing.
Followthis rulewith
matches. Tell the
grocer you want
If you ask for
"matches," good
ness knows what
you may get
Ask for Safe Home
Matches and you will
that money will buy.
Non-poisonous don't
spark don't sputter
don't break a real
safety strike-anywhere
match. Inspected and
labeled by the Under
writers Laboratories,
5c AH grocers. Ask for them by name.
l&t-m an crc. ttCcCtcL- Comdex rxy
Mr. Craig was reading the evening
paper, while his wire sat near by,
"Just listen to this, Debby," he
said. "It says here that more than
five thousand elephonta a year go to
make our piano-keys."
"Gracious!" cried the wife. "Ain't
it Jest wonderful, Dan, what some
animals can be trained to do!"
"Why, Willie," said the Sunday
school teacher in a pained voice,
"have you been fighting again? Did
n't you learn in last Sunday's lesson
that when you are struck on one
cheek you ought to turn the other
one to the striker?"
'Yes'm." agreed Willie: "but he
hit me on the nose!"
Profetuilonal Prido
The other passengers In the sleep
ing car had gathered by common
consent in the smoking room.
We cannot sleep," they said pa
'Which berth is he In?" asked
one. Lower eight, right across
from me," said a still sadder looking
"What can we do? the whole night
ahead of us," they cried in one voice
In at least not over a voice and a
At last one man who had dealt
much in politics and was strong for
concerted committee action, said:
"We should wait on him In a body
and wake him up and present our
This plan met with everybody's
approval, and the suggestor was ap
pointed chairman without contest.
Together they moved down the
aisle till they were opposite lower
eight. The chairman reached In and
bravely. shook the sleeping man, who
awoke with the conventional snort
"Whatsmatter?" be asked in the
thick tones of sleep.
"We wish to state that, with you
snoring as you were, we cannot get
any sleep. We wish further to in
quire whether you cannot lie in some
other position or otherwise dispose
yourself so that we can at least take
turns at sleeping? After conferring
with the conductor, we find you paid
no more than the rest of us paid, and
we feel that we are not overstep
ping our rights in demanding that
we have our share of sleep."
"What was the snore I was doing
that you objected to?" asked the man
Interestedly. "Was it a noise like
dragging a log chain through a see
tion of stoveppei followed by a brief
Imitation of a fast leak In an inner
'Described to the life!" exclaimed
"Oh, that's just my warming up
work-out snore. Wait till I get to
doing the giant strangle r.nd the le
viathan snorts and the 6x5 blow
out then you may say 1 have anor
ed. If you gentlemen will kindly
withdraw to the smoking room and
wait till I get well asleep again, I'll
show you what I consider snoring as
it is. Good night, gentlemen, and
thank you for your interest and
And the committee softly with
drew, running into each other fre
quently in their tear-blinded condl
tion. Denver News.
Doolan and Rafferty were examln
ling the fine big library.
"Doolan," said Rafferty. pointing
I to an inscription, "phwat does thlm
letters. 'MDCCCXCVir mean?"
"Thot manes eighteen hoonderd
an' nolnety-seven."
'Doolan," said Rafferty thought
fully, "don't yes fink they're over-
doln' this shpellln reform a bit?"
The college professor, greatly be
loved because of his kind heart, but
very absent-minded, visited his mar
ried niece and listened to her praise
of her first-born. When she paused
for breath the professor felt that he
must say something.
"Can the little fellow walk?" he
asked with every appearance of in
"Walk?" cried the mother Indig
nantly. "Why, he's been walking
now for five months."
"Dear me!" exclaimed the profes
sor. "What a long way he must have
Two Residences Saved from Destruc
tion by Fire Friday Afternoon
by (Jtilck Work of Firemen
"Oh, Mamma!" exclaimed Isabelle
one night when she came home from
school, "I saw a girl across the street
I thought I knew, so I corssed over
to speak to her; she thought she
knew me, but when we got near to
gether, what do you think, it wasn't
either of us."
The residences of George Darling
and Pat Nolan, on the east side of
Laramie avenue, were saved from
destruction by fire Friday afternoon
at 4 o'clock by the quick work of
the fire department. The fire presum
ably started from the usually disas
trous combination of matches and
small boys.
Barns and sheds on the rear of
the lots were destroyed and a tele-
pnone caDie, wnicn was carried on
poles along the alley, was melted in
two by the fire and dropped to the
ground, putting over three hundred
telephones on Laramie and Cheyenne
avenues out of commission.
Jest one little nip o' politics seems
t' destroy some fellers fer all further
usefulness. I'd hate V be a girl an'
have t remodel ever spring an' falL
It's th' trifling transactions o' life
that show a feller up. You kin al
lus tell a dry town by th' sugar bar
rels around th' depot.
Rudely awakened from sleep, at
about 2:30 a. m., by his doorbell,
the peaceable resident stuck bis bead
out of the window and In no very
pleasant manner demanded to know
what was wanted.
" 'Scuse me, sir," answered a mud
dled voice. "Does Jones live here?"
"Jones? Of course not. What
the devil do you mean by ringing
people s bells at this time of the
morning? Who are you, anyway?"
"Who'm I?" asked the disturber,
apparently surprised. "Why, I'm
Sammy never overexerted in the
classroom. His mother waa delight
ed when he came home one noon
with the announcement "I got 100
this morning."
"That's lovely, Sammy!" exclaim
ed his proud mother, and she kissed
him tenderly. "What was it In?"
"Fifty In reading and .fty in 'rlth-
Wife's Mistake
Husband Did that dress suit case
Wife The one full of dreadful
clothes from the office? Yes, and
they came just In time to give away
I to the missionary society.
Husband (In a sepulchral voice)
It belonged to an Englishman I
have invited home for dinner. (Door
bell rings.) Lire.
Some of Oar Famous Criminals
Following are a few excerpts from
petty-court dockets in various parts
lor Alabama:
George Washington Vagrancy.
I sixty days.
Andrew Jackson Drunk, five and
As I have been appointed to take
charge of the Box Butte county ex
hibit at the state fair this year.
wish each farmer and ranchman
would contribute liberally of sam
plea of both sheaf and threshed
grains. Help make Box Butte coun
ty's exhibit a grand success this
Now is the time to make your school plana for September.
If you want to prepare for a position in the civil service, bank,
wholesale house, railroad superintendent's office, and the 101
other lines of work, this big schoDl will help you.
If you want to better your general education, if you want
to be a more successful farmer, we want you to see our big
year book.
PARENTS Your girl needs a business education! She
will be a better home manager, and her knowledge will be a
source of protection to her throughout life.
For catalog, address,
(WE DO NOT EMPLOY The Mid-west School
Stock Yards Saddlery Co.
I. G. BLESSING, Proprietor
.Wholesale and Retail
Harness and Saddles
Fly Nets and Lap Dusters
Cheapest on Earth, Quality Considered
Everything Hand Made
Factory, 314 North 25 St. S. Omaha, Neb.
i 1 yy7.v''v.viy
v- ----- '
Take a Spin
In One of
Our Cars!
E rent cars.
We have all aorta at antoa
for business, pleasare aad
quick service
You can rent can by the hear, day
or month. Special rates.
Come In and talk your aato needs
over with us.
You don't have to walk if you don't own a
car. We can rent you an auto very cheaply.
See us about this right away.
J. L. Nicolai, Prop.
116 Box Butte Ave. Livery Cars
Ho "Water" in
It Has Ileen Done, Ko Scores of Al
liance Citizens Say
To get rid of an aching back.
The sharp twlages.
The tlred-out feelings.
You must reach the spot get at
the cause.
In many cases 'tis the kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak
Alliance citizens testify.
Mrs. L. A. Benedict, Sweetwater
Are., Alliance, Nebr., says: "For sev
eral years I have used Doan's Kid
ney Pills and consider them a fine
kidney remedy. During the winter
months my kidneys became disorder
ed but I always used Doan's Kidney
Pills and they drive away the trou
ble. Doan's Kidney Pills have been
taken by others of my family and
hare brought great benefit. I highly
recommend thla remedy to other kid
ney sufferers."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Dont
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Benedict had. Fosier-Mll-
burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. .
Get yoar Peacock coal from th
Forest Lumber Company.
Bell Telephone Stock
Even the most radical enemies of "big busi
ness" admit that there is no "water" in Bell
Telephone stock. The Bell organization last
year paid less than a 6 dividend on actual
physical valuation of the property.
In a recent speech in New York, Congressman
Lewis, of Maryland, in advocating government
ownership of telephones, said:
"Be it said for the Bell System, that it is the
one great corporation in our country that has
not issued tons of counterfeit capital. Its stock
and bonds today represent the actual contribu
tions of its shareholders in money to a great
common enterprise, and we will not have that
unfortunate circumstance to deal with in the
valuation of their properties."
Private enterprise and initiative have made
American telephone service the cheapest and
most efficient service in the world.