M THE CHURCHES JDAITIST CHURCH 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. 11:00 a. m. Freaching. Subject, 'Falth In God." 2:30 p. m. Junior B. Y. P. U. 7:00 p. m. B. Y. P. U. meeting. 8:00 p. m. Union lawn service at First Presbyterian church. Rev. Seel will preach. Subject "Peace and the Sword." Choir practice, Thursday, 8 p. m. jCordlal lnvltat'on to all. Prank C Barrett, Pastor rhone 781 CHRISTIAN CUURCH Ninth St. and Box Butte Ave. 10:00 a. m. Bible school. You and your children are invited to this Bible school hour. ' 11:00 a. m. The pastor will preach on the subject, "Happiness." 3;00 p. m. Junior C. E. " 7:00 p. m. C E. meeting. Every member is requested to be present. 8:00 p. m. Union meeting of the Baptist, United Presbyterian, Chris tian and First Presbyterian churches at the First Presbyterian church. We will be glad to see you at any of these services. Prayer meeting on Wednesday ev ening at 7:45. We are studying the book of Acts. Our next lesson is -chapter 8. Choir practice at 8:30, immediately after prayer meeting. Everybody is cordially" Invited to all services. H. J. Young, Minister Phone 844 ' I CHRISTIAN 8CIENCE Christian Science services will be held in Wood's hall, over Duncan's grocery store every Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday echoed at 10 a. m. I IMMANUEL GERMAN EVAN GELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH There will be no services at this -church until Aug. 30, as Rev. Lang leaves with his family to visit his parents and also to attend confer ence at Hooper, Nebr. They also ex pect to visit friends at Lincoln and Omaha while away. Corner Yellowstone Ave. and 7th 8L Titus Lang, Pastor, 722 Missouri Ave. Phone Black 605 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Corner Niobrara and 4th Street 10:00 a. m. Sunday school, grad ed Bible classes. 11:00 a. m. Public worship. 7:00 p. m. Epworth League. 8:00 p. m. Public worship. Tuesday evening choir practice, Sunday afternoon rehearsal. Wednesday evening at 8:00 pray er meeting and Bible study and so cial hour. ; The doors of thin church are open to all people at all services. A cor dial and home welcome extended to all to worship with, us, if you have bo other church home In the city. .Strangers will be made welcome. Olin S. Baker, Pastor. Pbone 00. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cor. Laramie Ave. and 5th St. 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. 11:00 a. m. Preaching. '7:00 p. m. Young People's pray- er meeting. R-on n m. Will meet with First Presbyterian and Baptist churches in union meeting at f irst rresDyier ian church. Rev. Seel will preach. -Subject, "Peace and the Sword." Prayer meeting at 8:00 p. m. on Wednesday evening. Choir practice at 8:00 p. m. Frl day evening. A welcome to all. Rev. W. L. Torrance, Pastor Phone 92 'FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cor. Box Butte Ave. and Sixth St. 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. 11:00 a. m. Freaching service, .Subject, "The Price We Pay." 7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 8:00 p. m. Union meeting of the Baptist, United Presbyterian and Baptist, United Presbyterian, unns- tian and First Presbyterian churches at First Pres. church. Rev. Seel will reach, subject, "Peace and the Sword." Rev. W. M. Seel, Pastor GERMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 'Corner Sweetwater and Third Street 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. 10:30 a. m. Preaching service. 7:30 p. m. Preaching service. Every German cordially invited. Rev. F. Gaferta, Pastor LEGAL ADVERTISING Notice of Incorporation of Alfalfa Land and Live Stock Coin pany 1 The name of this corporation shall e Alfalfa Land and Live Stock Com pany. II The principal place of transacting its business shall be upon Section ne (1), township twenty-seven (27). North, range forty-nine (49) West. 6th Principal Meridian, in Box Butte County, Nebraska. Ill The general nature of the bus! Bess to be transacted shall be the buying, selling and exchanging of real estate, the buying, selling, ex changing and breeding of live stock the buying, selling and exchanging ef farm machinery, traction engines and automobiles, the buying, selling, exchanging and manufacturing of farm and dairy products and the car rying on of a general ranch and farming business. IV The time of commencement of this corporation shall be the day upon which these articles are filed for rec ord in the office of the County Clerk of Box Butte County, Nebraska, and Its termination shall be twenty years from the date of Its commencement unless sooner terminated by vote of three-fourths of the stock issued. The amount of the authorized cap ital stock of this corporation shall be One Hundred and Fifty Thousand (fl50.000.00) Dollars, in shares of One Hundred (1100.00) Dollars each. $100,000.00 of said capital to be subscribed and paid in full at the time of the commencement of this corporation. VI The highest amount of Indebted ness or liability to which this cor poration shall at any time subject Itself shall not exceed an amount equal to one-third of Its authorized capital stock. VII The officers by which the affairs of this corporation shall be conduct ed shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treas urer, and three Directors. In witness whereof we have here unto set our hands and seals this 29th day of July, A. D., 1914. In the presence of, D. A. PIERCE W. SPACHT. CHARLES E. WILTSEY WILLIAM L. CALKINS JOHN L. WILTSEY. 36-4M80-3886 Putting on Mounter Sale One of the largest sales ever held in Box Butte county is the big clos ing out sale at Hemingford of the Hemlngford Mercantile Company, which started today and which lasts until September 5. This Is a bona fide sale and many bargains will be found here. Attention is called to the large advertisement announcing the. sale elsewhere in this paper. STATE SUPERINTENDED P. M. WHITEHEAD. Gothenburg, Neb. Democrat and People's Independent. Fellow Cltizcn-s: Do you realize that today, 11,000 in structors, nearly 400.000 children and youth, and a yearly expenditure for education of over $8,000,000 summon you to choose a candidate for state superintendent? 1 offer for the service of the state an educational training Rained at Eureka College, Illinois, at tiie Peru Normal, and at the University of Ne braska. I offer twenty years exper ience as a teacher, including three years in rural acnools, service in a Junior State Normal, and ton years as city superintendent, at Gothenburg. I am . at present a member of the School Law Revision Commission. My training In school, my exper ience as an educator, and the obser vations of twenty-three years, give me the following settled convictions: That all the children of all the peo ple, are entitled to an equal amount of equally good training. That this can be secured without any loas to those who now enjoy the best advantages. That the humblest teacher in the most remote district la entitled to equal consideration with the highest salaried educator in the state. That absolute merit Is the only proper basis for the employment and promotion of teachers. That the offices of state and country superintendent should be taken en tirely out of politics. That the constitution should be amended, forever prohibiting the aals of another acre of our public school land. Never before in the history of Ne braska, was there greater opportuni ty for real constructive service, than Is offered today in the administration of the department of education. Our institutions of learning and th great profession of education in this state must cease to suffer at the hands of factional strife and Jealous quarrel. I am absolutely opposed to ring rule of every kind and character In Nebraska school affairs, and am unqualifiedly committed to a fair and Impartial consideration of the claims of every educational interest in th state, and upon this high plane, I shall administer the office, if nomi nated and elected. Yeur most serious consideration ia Invited, and your support is solicited by the undersigned, who covets the honor of serving the people of Ne braska in this great office. - Very Respectfully Yours. P. M. WHITEHEAD. f if 4 U i w 1 1 I ft Stipt Karl M. Cllue FOR STATE SUPERINTENDENT From The Alliance Herald, March 26, 1914: Too often the Importance of a pub lic office Is measured by the amount of patronage it has to dispense. Much Is being said now regarding pros pective gubernatorial candidates in Nebraska, but there is not much talk about candidates for ether state of fices. In the opinion of The Heral'd there Is not a more Important state office to be filled by the next election than that of state superintendent of pub lic instruction, considered in relation; to the welfare of the rlsin ggenera-i tion. The writer of this was for many years engaged in public school work, and as an editor watches with great interest the progress of the cause of education in Nebraska. If capable men are nominated by all of the political parties, there can be no doubt of the election of a man who will fill the office efficiently. For the democratic nomination for state superintendent of public instruction, The Herald begs to submit the name of a virile schoolman who has al ready made his impress upon the ed ucational system of Nebraska, but who is young enough to have yet many years of usefulness before him. Superintendent Earl M. Cline of the Geneva city schools possesses qualifications that particularly fit him for the office of ptate superin tendent. Altho an eastern Nebraska man, he has a warm place in the hearts of the people In the western part of the state on account of hav ing been principal of the Sidney High school and the Alliance State Junior Normal. It is not possible to enum erate all of Mr. Cline's qualifications in one short editorial. He is a Ne braska product and a man of liberal education. He was educated in the public schools of Falls City, the Peru State Normal school, and the Uni versity of Nebraska. At the Univer sity he spent two years in the study of law, which eminently qualified him for his appointment, made by Governor Morehead, to a place on the commission to recommend a re vision of the school laws of Nebras ka. This commission was provided for by resolution of the legislature at its last session. It Is generally expected that at the next session Im portant legislation affecting the schools of the state will be proposed. In that event the state superintend ent will be consulted and his advice will have much weight in framing new school laws and amending exist ing statutes. We do not know of another man, available fo rthe demo cratic nomination, who combines to so great a degree the qualifications of an experienced and successful ed ucator with the learning of a prac tical attorney. For the reasons above mentioned, and others that could bo named, tThe Herald suggests the name of Supt. Earl M. Cline of Geneva for the dem ocratic nomination for state superin tendent of public instruction, and will be delighted to see the demo cratic press of the state give the sug gestion a cordial reception. Hon G. J. Hunt FOR CHIEF JUSTICE SUPREME COURT Judge Hunt is a western Nebraska man, practicing law at Bridgeport. Mr. Hunt is one of the well known lawyers in the state, having prac tised law for a number of years both in eastern and western Nebraska. A native of Maryland, Judge Hunt came to Omaha over thirty years ago after graduating from Washington College. His first legal experience was obtained in the office of Captain Richards, who took him into part nership under the firm name of Richards & Hunt. Later, he became a member of the law firm of Cong don, Clurkson & Hunt. About twenty years ago, 'he be came interested and was one of the leaders in developing a large irriga tion project in western Nebraska. Ten years ago.'-on account of bis ex tensive Interests in Irrigation pro jects, he moved to Bridgeport where, by his efforts, the Belmont canal was made one of the successful can als of the state. ii I imm-mmmmi n n i Political Cards I . iff GOVERNOR JOHN H. MOREHEAD Democratic Candidate for Reelection Primaries, August 18, 1914. Stands Squarely Upon Hit Rtcord FOR SHERIFF . I wish to 'announce that I am a candidate for the office of sheriff of Box Butte county, subject to the de rision of the Republican voters. Pri mary, August 18, 1914. DICK WATERS. SNAVELY FOR UNTENANT GOV. Democratic Candidate for Ueutenant Governor, Primaries Aug. 18th E. F. Snavely is a native of old Virginia, but has resided in Nebras ka for the last sixteen years. He was educated at the Peru Normal school and the State University, and taught for three years in the public schools of Nebraska. : He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska Law school, and practlc- E. F. bNAVELY ed law in Lincoln for three years. In later years he has been engaged In business in Lincoln with a con stantly widening circle of friends and business associates. : He Is prominent in Lancaster county politics, having been a candl date for the Nebraska State Legisla ture, receiving a very heavy vote in a pronouncedly republican district He is now president of the Lincoln Bryan Club and president of the Democratic Lunch Club, advertisement 35-2t-3877 22 Years in Schools of Kansas and Nebraska. Principal . Central School, Alliance Q. n. Burns Candidate for Republican Nom ination to office of Superintend ent Box Butte County at Pri mary Election, Aug. 18, 1914. FOR COMMISSIONER OF GARDEN COUNTY I hereby announce myself as candidate for the office of County Commissioner from the Third Dis trict of Garden county, subject to the decision of the Republican electors at the coming August primaries. If nominated and elected I pledge my self to look after the duties of this important office in a businesslike and economical manner and will accept the old salary of four dollars per aay and mileage. I have been resident In Blue Creek precinct for twenty-six years. Respectfully, ROSCOE VANCE 30-to augl8-3722 The biggest bargain we have ever offered our subscribers is The Her ald and four magazines, all one year, for only 11.08. i 4 L . . -i FOR COUNTY Jl IMJK I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Coun ty Judge of Box Butte county, sub ject to the decision of the voters at the Primary Election to be held Tuesday, August 18, 1914. L. A. BERRY. 30to-sugl8-3739 FOR COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Judge of Box Butte County, subject to the decis ion of the voters at the Primary Election to be held Tuesday, August 18, 1914. SMITH P. TUTTLE. 29-augl8-3709 ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to announce that I am a candidate for the nomination for county superintendent of schools on the Republican ticket at the primar ies on August 18 th. I have been connected with the Alliance schools for six years as eighth grade teacher. Your support Is respectfully solicit ed. MAME J. WHITE. 28-augl8 ' TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF THE TWENTY-EIGHTH SENAT ORIAL DISTRICT: As a candidate for State Senator I respectfully solicit your support at the primaries August 18th. EARL D. MALLERY. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF OF GARDEN COUNTY I herebv announce myself as a candidate for tl e office of sheriff of Garden County, subject to the will of the Democratic voters at the coming primary on August 18th. ." ' B. MEWHIRTEtt. 7 28-augl8-3680 FOR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for the office of County Treasurer of Box Butte coun ty on the Republican ticket, subject to the decision of the voters at the Primary Election to be held Tues day, August 18, 1914. C. E. MARKS. 29-augl8-3710 GEORGE E. HALL Franklin, Nebraska Democratic and People's Independ ent Candidate for Btate Treasurer Mr. Hall is forty-four years old; has lived in Nebraska all his life: was raised on the farm and educated In the country schools and 8tate Un lversity; has been In the banking business since 1891, and Is well qual ified for this office. He was nominated in 1910 for this office and came within 1,632 votes of being elected. In 1912 be was again nominated and was given 800 votes more than President Wilson in this state. This is a good endorsement. He is a hard worker and a free giver for the good of the party. The Columbus convention wrote his platform, and he heartily en dorses every word of it He and the party will appreciate your support 35-2t-3871 He who does not contribute to ward the support of his church and has a very slim chance of getting to heaven. , , . V - V ' V V OA y A "--2 A; V FOR COUNTY TREASURER I wish to announce that I am a candidate for the nomination for County Treasurer of Box Butte cotra ty for re-election on the Democrasta ticket, at the primary, August St, . 1914. E. M. MARTIN. S3augl8-3798 COUNTY SURVEYOR No name will be printed on your primary ballot as candidate for 8ar- ' veyor of Box Butte county. Wrtte -your choice in the proper blank spce r and make an X. J. P. HAZARD will thank you tor such a compliment and If elected wlH perform the duties of the office fen . strict accord with the principles of your political party wet or dryt 33augl8-3802 FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I wish to announce that I am m candidate for the nomination for th office of county commissioner of Bo Butte county, subject to the decisioa of the Republican voters at the pri mary on August 18, 1914. S. C. RECK. 33augl8-3804 - EUGENE BURTON Candidate for County Attorney Democratic Ticket Primary, Aog. 18, 1914. 33augl8-3803 FOR SHERIFF I wish to announce that I am a candidate for nomination for the of fice of sheriff of Box Butte county, subject to the decision of the Demo cratic voters at the primary, Augttt 18, 1914. CM. COX. VOTE FOR. Woodruff Ml OF CHERRY COUNTY . , Republican Candidate for . State Senator NOMINATION From 28th Senatorial District I Connected with the Live StocB Business in this district over 15 yeas. Made final proof on original home stead in August, 1903. under the 6-yea act. This wss the land Involved t the "Beer Bottle Corner case." Mad final proof on Klnkald Addi tional in July, 1910. Member of the present State Fore tration Commission. Has secured 115.000.00 additional funds for forestratlon work in Ne braska from the general government Has secured the permanent retee tion of the National Forest Reserve in this state for th oeneflt of ihm present and futur generations. Has labored persistently to secant . from the general government aa ap proprlation with which to conduct periments to increase the quality an) quantity of grazing or forage grasses), ' in the sand hills. This should en hance the value of all sandhill lands. Initiated th fight which wrote into the present Stat Live Stock Sanitary , Board Law the requirement that the cattlemen thereon must reside Western Nebraska. Conceived the idea of and promoted -"The Northwest Round-Up" Associa tion. From th above it will be seen that ' Mr. Ball is closely identified with the Interests of th 28th Senatorial Dis trict, equipped with experience to know Its needs and thoroughly capable cf safeguarding and promoting lta legislative requirements.' You can make no mistake In sup porting the candidacy of Mr. Ball. FehUleal Ar. ' ' :