The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 06, 1914, Image 2

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n L L 0 H yl blU AUGUST 12
f y2rAlSTS JwiHt oaring hVv V
K)ciOWM.COOf1TtM. Capt. dutch
'opular Alliance Pastor llecelrpu
Mprilrd Appointment to New
Pout At Kearney, Nebr.
Dean George O. Ware of St. Mat
thew's Episcopal church of Alliance
has been appointed by Bishop Beech-
er or Hastings to oecome A re n dea
con of the Missionary District of
Western Nebraska and rector of the
Kearney Military Academy pro tern,
with residence at Kearney, Nebr.
We are advised that Dean Ware
has accepted the new and greater re
sponsibilities and we predict that
there Is not a person In Alliance who
will not rejoice in the merited pre
ferment given to Dean and Mrs.
Ware. Both have worked bard In
the Alliance deanery and their efforts
have been crowned with success.
The visible results of their work
here are four church buildings and
congregation at St. Matthew's
which has been doubled In numbers
and cemented with love and loyalty
to their pastor an dhis devoted wife.
It will be hard to fill the place va
cated by Dean Ware in Alliance.
Dean Ware Is a man who makes
and keeps many friends. A speaker
of ability he has always been In
much demand at public gatherings
He has held the post of chaplain of
Post M, T. F. A., of Alliance. The
Herald joins In wishing him God
speed and success In their new loca
BUFFALO BILL, his Indians. Ranch Girls. Cowboys, want to see
it the boys and girl. SELLS-FLOTQ want you to see he new
Wild beasts in open dens. Its splenoid new tableau -600
b6ple of all Nations 450 horses 9 bands COME
a i
Transfer Line
Dray Phone 64
Household goods
moved promptly
and transfer work
Residence phone 636 and Blue ?
Rats Don't Eat
Safe Home Matches
When a fire occurs
and no one knows
what caused it, the
average man is apt
to say: "I guess it
was rats. They eat
matches, you know."
Rats don't eat Safe
Home Matches.
They can't be made
to eat them. That
has been proven,time
and again.
Safe Home Matches are
made of ingredients
which, although non
poisonous, are obnoxious
to rodents.
Safe Home Matches light
easily, but not too easily.
They are safe safe and
The sticks are extra long,
and extra strong. Safety
again 1
They are non-poisonous.
Safety once more.
They cost no more than
other brands of matches.
As a matter of fact, they
cost less, because every
Safe Home Match is a
Former Alliance Railroad Man, Now
at Lewellen, Candidate for Of
flee in Garden County
Hoi llutte County Men Investigate
Alluring Reports of Eastern
Tarts of United States
John Weinel and Fred Schwader
er, two well known Box Butte coun
ty ranchmen and farmers, have re
turned from a trip made through the
eastern part of the United States,
They left on Saturday, July 18, and
returned Friday, July 31. On the
trip they visited Lincoln, Omaha,
Chicago, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Wa-
tervllle and Oneida, New York state,
and many other points. They saw
land that could be purchased from
$18 to $200 per acre, but both state
that they were glad to get back to
Box Butte county, where the weath
er is fine and prospects great.
Zora, Trainer of Great Hells-Floto
Ituffalo Herd, Knew Nothing of
Animals until Married
B. Mewhirter, who lived in Alli
ance for twenty years, when he was
employed by the Burlington, and
who . Is now manager of the Wehn
Telephone Company at Lewellen, is
candidate for nomination for sheriff
of Garden county, on the Democratic
ticket, subject to the decision of the
voters at the primary, August 18.
Mr. Mewmrter, or JJntton ' as
he is nicknamed, has a wide ac
qualntance In western Nebraska. He
Is well known to many of the old
timers in the north part of Garden
county. He has resided at Lewellen
for the last five years and has made
good. He stands a good chance of
being nominated and elected - this
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our friends for
the many kindnesses shown during
the illness and death of our loved
one, Thos. F. Askerman, also for the
floral offer'ngs.
Mrs. Thos. F. Ackerman, wife.
Virgil Ackerman, son.
Lora Ladum, step-daughter.
Mrs. Emery Cornu, step-daughter
W. A. Wadum, step-son.
Eva Miner, Ottumwa, Iowa, sister
of Mr. Ackerman who was with him
in his last hours.
Walters Goes to Montana
II. F. Walters and family, who
have lived in Alliance for nearly six
years, left Sunday noon for Lewis
town, Mont., where they will make
their home. Mr. Walters was em'
ployed in the United States land of
flee at Alliance and will occupy i
similar posltlo nin Lewlstown. He
was considered a valuable employe
of the Alliance land office and was
highly regarded by all of his associ
Mr. Walters was active in church
work in Alliance, being a member of
the Baptist church.
Does marriage change a person?
Well, Just by way of illustration
there's the case of Zora, who is
known as the bravest woman in the
world. Once upon a time Zora was
a society woman with no thought of
the circus. But when she appears
In this city with the Sells-Floto Clr
cus and Buffalo Bill (himself)
which is to exhibit here Wednesday
Aug. 12th, she will come as the train
er of the greatest herds of tractable
elephants in the world. And mar
riage was the cause of it all.
"There was a time when I didn't
even know the habits of an elephant"
Zora said recently. "I never even
had been around one. Then I met
the man who was to be my husband.
He was an animal trainer and natur
ally I became Interested. And the
beasts which drew my attention the
most were the elephants.
"Day after day I watched them
and learned their habits and dis
covered two things, that I liked them
and that they liked me.
' 'Better become an elephant train
er, my Husband Joked. But with
the remark I became serious.
I believe I win, was my an
swer, and that day. I set to work.
"Bit by bit I drew from my bus
band all he knew concerning ani
mals and their training. I purchas
ed books on animal training and
studied them. At last I succeeded
in my aim. And that's the reason'
Lucia Zora smiled prettily "I
am the elephant trainer of the Sells-Floto-Buffalo
BUI attractions. But
the real reason is, of course, because
I got married."
zora and ner eiepnanta rorm one
of the main animal features of the
Sells-Floto-Buffalo Bill aggregation
Just as an indication that the circus
will be larger this year than ever be
fore, the great canvas will cover
eleven acres, with a seating capacity
for 14,000 persons. The price of ad
mission is the same as ever, 25 cents.
And, by the way, there's to be the
parade at 10:30 o'clock the morning
of the show, with all the nine bands
playing; and at the head of the pro
cession America's best beloved cltl
zen, Buffalo Bill himself, leading the
great spectacle as a special honor to
this city. Following the parade the
famous scout Intends to hold a re
ception for children at the show
Sc. All grocers. Ask for them by name.
More I .and with Title
Up to July 1. 1914, Box Butte
county had 29.081 acres more of
patented land than In the year 1913.
In 1913 there were 600,804 acres
patented. On July 1 there were
629,885 acres patented, making the
above gain.
Summer Coughs Are Dangerous
Summer colds are dangerous.
They indicate low vitality and often
lead to serious Throat and Lung
Troubles, including Consumption.
lit. King s New Discovery will re
lieve the cough or cold promptly and
prevent complications. It is sooth
ing and antiseptic and makes you
feel better at once. To delay is dan
gerous get a bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery at once. Money back
If not satisfied. 50c and $1 bottles
at your Druggist.
Collecting Many Kxhibita
C. O. Rsoenberger, who is collect
ing and arranging the exhibit for
Box Butte county at the state fair
this year, is receiving much encour
agement from all sides. He has al
ready collected a large number of
samples. In this issue of The Her
ald he is running a notice to ranch
men and farmers which should be
read by all. Help make Box Butte
county's exhibit at the state fair this
year the best ever.
All exhibits must be in by the last
Monday In August. They will be
shipped in an iced refrigerator car,
Insuring their arrival at Lincoln in
good condition. Mr. Rosenberger
can be reached at the Commercial
Club office at any time.
As I have been appointed to take
charge of the Box Butte county ex
hibit at the state fair this year, II
wish each farmer and ranchman
would contribute liberally of sam
ples of both sheaf and threshed
grains. Help make Box Butte coun
ty's exhibit a grand success this
Beware of Ointments for
Catarrh that Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely detsroy the
sense of smell and completely de
range the whole system when enter
ing it through the mucous surfaces.
Such articles should never be used
except on prescriptions from reputa
ble physicians, as the damage they
will do is ten fold to the good you
can poBslbly derive from them. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J
Cheney ft Co., Toledo, O.. contains
no mercury, and is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall s Catarrh Cure be sure
you get the genuine. It Is taken In
ternally and made In Toledo, Ohio
by F. J. Cheney ft Co. Testimonials
Sold by druggists. Price 75c per
Take Hall's Family Pills for eon
Films entsPzeed 10c
Pack developed, 20c.
Prints, 3c to 5c.
Post Cards, 6c. .
Return postage prepaid.
We specialize in mail order service. All work returned
24 hours after received.
We carry a full line of Cameras and Photo Supplies.
The Photo Craft Shop
"Film Specialists"
416 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nebr.
Now is the time to make your school plans for September.
If you want to prepare for a position in the civil service, bank,
wholesale house, railroad superintendent's office, and the 101
other lines of work, this big school will help you.
If you want to better your general education, if you want
to be a more successful farmer, we want you to see our big
year book.
PARENTS Your girl needs a business education 1 She
will be a better home manager, and her knowledge will be a
source of protection to her throughout life.
For catalog, address,
(WE DO NOT EMPLOY The Mid-west School
Stock Yards Saddlery Co.
J. G. BLESSING, Proprietor
Wholesale and RetaH
Harness and Saddles
Fly Nets and Lap Dusters
Cheapest on Earth, Quality Considered
Everything Hand Made
Factory, 314 North 25 St. S. Omaha, Neb.
Western Nebraska Hard Wheat
maketi the best floor. The
Hemingford Roller Mills
know bow to make It. Aak your grocer to Bend
yon a sack of our flour. Every sack guaranteed.
A. M. MILLER, Prop.
Telephone Wages in
D. S. and Europo
It Hm Heen lone. Ho Scores of Al
liance Citizens Bay
To get rid of an -aching back.
The sharp twinges.
The tired-out feelings.
You must reach the spot get at I
the cause.
In many cases 'tis the kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak
Alliance citizens testify.
Mrs. L. A. Benedict, Sweetwater
Ave., Alliance, Nebr., says: "For ser-l
eral years I have used Doan's Kid
ney Pills and consider them a fine
kidney remedy. ' During the winter
months my kidneys became disorder-1
ed but I always used Doans Kidney
Pills and they drive away the trou
ble. Doan's Kidney Pills have been
taken by others of my family and
have brought great benefit. I highly
recommend this remedy to other kid-1
ney sufferers."
Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't I
simply ask for a kidney remedy I
get Doan s Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Benedict had. Foster-Mil-
burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. T.
Get your Peacock coal from the!
forest Lumber Company.
American telephone employees get higher
wages than are paid anywhere else in the world.
Telephone operators in America get more than
double the wage paid in . France, Germany,
Sweden, Norway, Austria or Denmark, ana
45 more than English wages.
Here is a comparison, based on close investi
gations of average labor and material costs, in
four leading European countries and the
United States:
In England 11.00 will buy what requires $1.28 In the
United States for tie payment of wages and the purchase
of material.
In Austria $1.00 will bur what requires $2.00 in the
United States tor tie payment of wages and the purchase
of material.
In Germany $1.00 will buy what requires $1.80 in the
United States for tie payment of wages and the purchase
f material.
In France $1.00 will buy what requires $1.48 in the
United States for the payment of wages and the purchase
t material
American telephone rates are the lowest and
the service the most efficient in the world. -