The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 23, 1914, Image 3

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    Dierks Lumber & Coal
Headquarters for
Building Material
Celebrated liradley & Vmman Paints
HaHmm! Wtar, Cement Mocks, Lightning Rods, II. & S. Floor Covering
Are they prepared for life's work? Would you like to hare
them In a school where rigid discipline is enforced and where board
ing places are supervised? We develop the personality andmoral
tendencies of our students and teach them how to become leaders.
Courses offered: stenography, bookkeeping, civil service, secre
tarial and expert accounting.
For catalog and further information, address
F. L. Groom, M. A. Pres.
H. L. Renick, M. C. S. Sec.
Hastings, Nebraska.
Something New in Alliance
II. Tliiele recently purchased a supply of the best Eczema
remedy on the market. If you are afflicted, call and ask them
about Dry Zensal for the crusty, scaly skin and Moist Zensal
for all watery eruptions clean, odorless ointments for the two
distinct types of Eczema! Here is your chance to get the re
lief you have been seeking.
llo'o Column
They say that Huena left ten
pesos in the government trearury at
Mexico City when he abdicated the
first of the week. We are wonder
ing how on earth he overlooked that.
Where is the fellow who was hol
lering for warm weather last Janu
ary? He is probably the one whose
salutation to his friends is these
days, "Awfully hot today."
Watch Our Window
Saturday Candy Specials
Sugar Bowl Candy Kitchen
A Viiention
First Doctor "I operated on him
for appendicitis."
Second Doctor "What was the
matter with him?"
a. ... wm
Transfer Line
Household croods
moved promptly
yil5'; 1 r i.
"?ZiMH&&jLij.M:'.& solicited.
Dray Phone 54 Residence phons 636 and Blue
Job Printing
Because of our unique organization we
are able to turn out superior job printing
quickly and satisfactorily. We employ
only printers who arc experts. Our plant,
the most completely equipped in western
Nebraska, is in a position to turn out any
size job of work on short notice. Why
get unsatisfactory, shoddy printing done
when you can get the kind that satisfies
for the right price. Phone 340 and we
will call. Mail orders given prompt attention.
Herald Publishing Co,
Alliance, Nebraska
the Funny South and sampled the1
William Fare.
We hope never to become so fa
miliar with that menu to come riant
out and call it 11111. i
The proprietor told us. In a burst!
of confidence, that he was thinking
of changing the name of the hotel
and asked us to suggest a title.
After going to three of the meals
and using the same food cadr for
each, we went Into executive session
with mein host and told him:
"Sirrah, I have heard many names
suggested for the hotel among trav
eling men leaving here. None of
these would do to put on your letter
head, for there Is a law against send
ing that kind of language through
the mall. I might suggest, howev
er, that, in view or the fact that
where they have dainty things to
eat they call it a delicatessen. You
might call this one The Duplicates
sen you always have the same
Yes, we had checked out before
we told him this.
For he was a proud man.
As most men are who have noth
ing else to do.
We do not understand why all ho
tel clerks are not geniuses, since we
learn the common rural variety are
paid at least 1 8 a week and their
board. Denver News.
Are treated by many with eye waters and salves. We positively
cure such troubles with glasses by overcoming the cause. The
cause Is eye strain and nerve strain. Our gteeses will give relief to
the most stubborn cases. Do not put off bavin; your child's eye
attended to until school begins; have It done now and get the bene
fit of the help before he comes to study.
Broken lenses duplicated.
Office over Hi tele's Drag fttere
A n mini Convention of Ho Itutte
County Sunday School to He
Held Jnly 29 and UO
IjokI JR 1,04)0,000,000 Howard
We had the maryandum for a
nice little news Item about a promin
ent Alliance man on our desk. It
was quite warrum yesterday after
noon and when the elektrik fan was
turned on it blew the aforesaid "ma
ryandum" onto the floor where the
"devil" picked it up with the rest of j
the trash and threw it Into the trash '
burner. We are now having a "h
of a time" trying to remember Just
what was on that slip of paper. We
asked the bookkeeper and she said,
"Ish K. Dibble.' Now, who inthun-i
der is he and what has he to do with
the item?
The Barnwell (S. C.) People, of
which J. W. HolniPB is editor, recent
ly published this little Btory on its
editorial page:
The following conversation prob-j
ably explains why so few merchants
in Barnwell believe in advertising: I
"Why don't you advertise?" ask
ed the editor of the home paper.
"Don't you believe In advertising?" I
"I'm ag'in advertising," replied '
the proprietor of the Hayvllle liacket'
"But why are you against it?"
asked the editor.
"It keeps a feller too durn bu8y,"i
replied the proprietor. "I advertis-,
ed in a newspaper one time about
ten years ago and I never even got
time to go fishing."
The annual convention of Sunday
schools of Box Butte county will be
held on July 29 and 30. at Hemlng
ford, the sessions to be held In the
Methodist church at that place.
W. II. Klmberly and Rev. D. W.
Montgomery, and Miss Margaret El
len Brown, state Sunday school
workers, will be present, and every
thing bids fair for an Interesting and
enthusiastic convention.
Three sessions will be held; an
afternoon and an evening session on
Wednesday, the 29th, and a morning
sess'on on Thursday. The morning
BKRslon is made necessary to enable
the Btate workers to get away on No.
43 at 1:30 p. m.
On Wednesday evening stereoptl
con views on World-Wide Missions
w 11 be given by Miss Brown,; this, of
Itself, will be a rare treat.
All Sunday school workers are
cordially invited to attend and take
part In the convention. Those from
out of town will be entertained free
by reporting to the chairman of the
committee on entertainment on their
arrival at Heniingford.
Eastern railroads have announced attractive Interchangeable routes,
going one way, returning another, that include all of the recreation locali
ties of the East For Instance, you can go
ONE WAY via Niagara Falls.
OTHER If AY coast steamers to Norfolk, or
OTHER WAY through Washington. Pittsburgh.
ONE WAY through Canada, St. Lawrence River region.
OTHER WAY, coast lines to Norfolk, or
OTHER WAY, via Washington, Pittsburgh, or Buffalo.
The above are merely Illustrative. Also cheaper combinations via dif
ferential routes, also still lower rates going and returning the same route.
Illustrated booklets, rate leaflets, descriptive of
eastern localities, will be furnished on application.
J. Krldelbauglt, TICKET AGENT. Alliance, Mebr.
Li. W. WAKKLY, General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Nebr., 1004 Farnam Street
If I Knew You ami You Knew Me
If I knew you and you knew me,
'Tis seldom we would disagree;
But never having yet clasped hands,
Both often fail to understand
That each Intends to do what's rltht.
And rcu t naiVi ntha, ")innfir tirlffht "I
How little to complain there'd be
If I knew you and you knew me.
Then let no doubting thoughts abide
of firm good faith on either side;
Confidence to each other give,
Living ourselves, let others live;
But any time you come this way.
That you will call, we hope and pray
Then face to face each shall see
And I'll know you and you'll know
From a Circular by the
Peninsular Grocery Co.,
Tampa, Fla.
Hotel Clerks
These are of two kinds: intelligent
clerks and regular clerks.
The most marked characteristic of
the average clerk is the length of
time and the frequency with which
he can be exposed to information and
never catch it.
He is immune.
Hotel clerks never get into idiot
In order to get into one of those
one must have a seven-ounce brain.
They won't take the Blx site at all.
We once knew a hotel clerk who
would send Ice water at the regular
price to any guest who asked for It.
He kept getting more and more
intelligent till once be woke with a
start, shuddered, looked about, real
ising where he was and fled scream
ing from the place.
He now has a job as floorwalker
In a cemetery, and is a changed man.
The favorite parlor trick of the
regular hotel clerk Is to tell people
who telephone and ask if you are
there that you are not.
We have spent years in trying to
find out why they do this, but in
We once knew a hotel clerk in a
large city who spoke pleasantly to a
guest who asked for a room without
a bath.
But he has since died.
We know some real gentlemen
who hold hotel Jobs regularly, and
they are a never-ending puxzle to
They must have something awfol
on the proprietor.
There is a fat clerk in the Statler
hotel at Buffalo who endeavors in
his weak way and manner to take
the vaunting and sinful pride out of
travel-weary guests.
When we have been roomed by
him and go to cur room we read the
"book of rulas for employes" and
sobblngly wonder If that clerk ever
read t.
Recently we stopped at a hotel In
Program of Annual Convention Itox
, liutte County S. S. Asn.
I Wednesday, July iiO. 1:45 p. ill.
Song and Devotional Service.
Address of Welcome, Rev. Normal
O. Palmer.
Report of Officers.
Report of Sunday Schools.
Appointment of Committees.
Address, W. H. Klmberly, State Sup
erintendent. "The Boys in Sunday 8chool," E. C.
Evening HfWHlou, H o'clock
Song and Devotional Service.
"Public Worship and Sunday Amuse
ments." Rev. Win. M. Seel, M. A.
"Keeping the Adults Interested."
Mrs. W. S. Ahceson.
Stereoptlcon Views with Lecture,
Miss Brown.
Thursday, July 30, M o'clock a. m
Song and Devotional Service.
ReportB of Committees.
Election of Officers.
"The Bible In the Public Schools,"
Rev. D. W. Montgomery.
An effort is being made to secure
the Alliance High school orchestra
for Wednesday afternoon and even
ing. If successful, the program will
be changed enough to make places
for orchestra music.
Each Sunday school In Box Butte
county wil be entitled to representa
tion in the business meetings of the
convention by its officers and one t
delegate for every twenty members
or fraction thereof.
All persons interested in Sunday
school work are urgently requested
to attend any or all sessions of the
Free entertainment will be provid
ed for all delegates and Sunday
school oflicers from out of town by
reporting to Mrs. Nathan Rockey,
chairman of the committee on enter
tainment. This should be attended
to immediately upon arrival ut llem-ingford.
The convention will be held in the
Methodist Episcopal church a: Hem-ingford.
Meeting at 7:30 O'clock
The Y. M. B. C. will meet prompt
ly at 7:30 o'clock this evening, for
their regular weekly meeting. The
meeting will be adjourned promptly
at 8:30, so that members wishing to
fill other engagements for the even
ing may do so. A good crowd of
young men was present at the last
meeting, and the the early hour of
meeting is already proving popular.
Clone filg Property Deal
A deal was closed Monday by
which Daniel Dunn of Alliance trad
ed his residence property on East
Second street to Mrs. Wells of Beron
for a fine quarter-section of land.
The consideration In the deal waa
Two Sections of The Herald
Two sections of The Herald are
printed this week, making a total of
twelve pages.
The entire stock of merchandise,
millinery, dry goods and
fixtures of the
Regan Store
Well located anil doing1 a good business. Stock
well selected, all new and bought to sell
at reasonable rates.
To much work for present owner is the only reason
for selling.
to'"-. x
quality in
Firestone tires
would make them cost
,. much more under ordinary condi
tions. Dut Firestone conditions are
not ordinary.
Tires, Tubes and Accessories
give Extra Quality at only average price because f ireston?
builders are Tire Specialists ami tho Firestone Factory i
the largest in America where only tires are made. Inat'u
why Firestones give you
Most for Your Monty In Fint Cost and Final Economy
Buy Firestone Tires from Your Local Dealer
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company
"Amtn'm't Lmrgeti EtdmhtTmamJ Kim Matm"
Akron, Ohio-Branches end Dealers EtcitwImn
is what you want in care for your
auto. We employ only careful
and competent auto mechanics.
Most modern garage in the
west. Plenty of room.
Auto Accessories
Five paggenger Buick for hire.
Experienced drivers.
Alliance Garage