The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 09, 1914, Image 8

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to offering some mighty enticing values in Colonial Tumps and White Footwear at prices just as enticing.
Now is the time to buy your White Footwear for
these hot summer days,
low cuts, per pair .... .nA.nil to
A nice line of Women's Colonial Pumps and dull
leathers. Regular $3.50 values,
il uiir a wu in rni iil
$2.50 $3.50
Summery Dresses are here in abundance in
wide range of sheer and wanted fabrics, the mod'
els are attractive and embodying the latest tunic
creations. The assortments of slses and colors
are complete, the special inducing prices are wor
thy of interest.
1 Rack of Assorted Color Figured Crepe, striped
and checked Hatlste Dresses, $4.50
values at
Rack of Figured Crepe White Embroidered Vo'le
Crepe and Organdie Dresses, $5.95
and $6.75 values at
1 rack of Brocaded Tussah Silk Pencil Striped
Voile. White Embroidered Voile. Crepe and
Swiss, also Venetian Lace Dresses,
$7.95 to $9.95 values, at
vr va
1 Assortment of handsome figured Crepe de Chine,
Crene Meteor. Poplin and Changeable Taffeta
Silk Dresses, regu
lar $19.50-935 val. .It I !f . 711 1 and.
$19.50 -415.60
We have Jut received one hundred pretty patterns
In dreMS ginghams. the gingham for
children's dresses, regular 10c a yard.
clearance at
Men's Suits. Classy, stylish. Large stock.
values now $18. $15 values now
to. $12 values now
Men's Shirts. Warm weather clothing. $1.50 val
ues now fl.OO. $1.00 values,
Men's Straw Hats. Closing them out,
$2 and $1.50 values for
1.50 val-
Men's $3.50 to $5.00 Oxfords. This lot contains
all broken lines of Oxfords, many that are nar
row widths. Many patent leather styles are
shown, suitable for fall wear. On
sale at
Picture Making Hit
"Pat he's Dally", now being shown
at tha Crystal by Manager Harry Du
Bique, is making a hit. These films,
which show events going on In dif
ferent parts of the country, are only
ftve days old, coming direct to Alli
ance by parcel post from the factory,
the Crystal being the first to receive
them on a circuit In this section of
the west
Improvement at M. K. Church
Some Improvements to the Inter
ior of the Alliance M. E. church
were completed the first of the week.
These Improvements Include raising
the choir loft and arranging the
seats In tiers, the organ being higher
than before; putting In shelving for
Sunday school supplies In the north
alcove; and putting In new carpet In
the aisles and pulpit, at a cost of
wore than a hundred dollars.
Progressive. Lawn Social
The Epworth League will give a
progressive lawn social, consisting of
literary entertainment, games and
refreshments, Friday evening, July
19, beginning at the Methodist par
sonage at 7:30 o'clock; to be contin
ued at C. C. Smith's, and concluded
at Fred Mollrlng's.
Dr. C. B. Jackman spent Sunday
at Hyannls visiting friends.
Sealed proposals will be received
by the Board of County Commission
ers of Box Butte County, Nebraska,
at the office of the County Clerk, In
the Court House, in Alliance, Box
Butte County, Nebraska, until twelve
o'clock noon of the 12th day of Aug
ust, 1914, for the letting of the con
tract for a bridge, according to plans
and specifications, over the Niobrara
River, In Box Butte County, Nebras
ka, about one mile south of Mars
land, Nebraska.
Each separate proposal must be
accompanied by cash or a draft for
the. sum not less than five per cent
of the amount bid, made payable to
E. M. Martin, County Treasurer, and
to be forfeited to Box Butte County,
for damages sustained In case the
bidder, within ten days, after being
notified of award fail to enter into
contract for the work bid upon, and
to give satisfactory surety bond for
the full amount of the contract, for
the faithful performance of the con
tract and a guarantee of materials
and labor furnished.
The Board of County Commission
ers reserve the right to reject any
part of or all bids.
Plans and specifications for the
bridge may be obtained of the Coun
ty Clerk at his office in the Court
House in Alliance, Nebraska.
Bids are to be sealed and address
ed to M. S. Hargraves, County Clerk,
and must be plainly marked on tin?
outside, "Proposal for bridge over
Niobrara River." 1
County Clerkr.
Serial No. 013639. t
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
June 10, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that John
Powers, of Angora, Nebraska, who,
on June 28, 1911, made Homestead
Entry, No. 013639, for SU SE14;
S SW4 Sec. 24. N and SEVl.
Sec. 25, Township 23 North,
Range 50 W. of 6th Principal Merid
ian, baa filed notice of intention to
make Final Three Year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Register and Receiv
er, U. S. Land office, at Alliance, Ne
braska, on the 11th day of August,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Glen W. Gentle, of Alliance. Nebr.,
Bonus Lightner, of Angora, Nebr.,
Fred Woods, of Angora, Nebr., Arch
D. Hull, of Angora, Nebr.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
The Alliance Herald $1.50 jrwr
When you see the name of
you are reminded of the cher
ry tree and hatchet incident.
Q. W. waa once a surveyor. John P. Hazard is a surveyor. J. P.
also sometimes tells the truth. In the pioneer days he told the
people that the southeast corner of Box Butte county was at a
point locally known as "badger hole." In 1898, some other
surveyors and lawyers made the court believe said corner was
located in a "pocket" about three-fourths of a mile away and
it was so ordered.
The government surveyors, after making a thorough examination and
re-tracing of the old lines, have re-located said corner at the
same old "badger hole" and say they have no doubt about its
being correct
This is an advertisement and the point is, if you have
a surveying problem with a knot in it better send
for the old "ex' (and candidate for) county surveyor
Alliance, Nebraska
E. M. Martin, fount y Treasurer, for
the 1st half. Ending -80, lf14
This is to certify that I, E. M.
Martin, County Treasurer of Bo
Butte County, do solemnly swear
that the following is a true and cor
rect statement of all receipts and
disbursements for $ months ending
June 30th. 1914.
E. M. MARTIN. County Treasurer.
Credits of County Treasurer on
Kountz Brothers Bankers..! 353.95
First State Bank Iteming-
ford 8.000.00
First Natl. Bank Heming-
ford 5,000.00
First Natl. Bank Alliance 11,522.59
Alliance Natl. Bank 11,528.03
State Treasurer 1,250.00
School District No. 18 . . . 2.000.00
Salary and Commissions . 1,000.00
Cash and Cash Items .... 512.08
Total 141.164.65
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 6th day of July, 1914.
(Seal) County Clerk.
of Collection, Disbursement! and
llalanres for the 1st Half End
ing June 80th, 1914
E. M. MARTIN, County Treasurer
To Cash on hand for'ded, $47,756.32
To 1909 Tax collected . 23.98
To 1910 Tax collected . 1.02
To 1911 Tax collected . 110.14
To 1912 Tax collected . 712.73
To 1913 Tax collected . 50,167.29
To school land-lease ... 1,643.78
To Inheritance tax .... 19.10
To Jan. app't ree'd of St.
Treas 1,738.86
To June app't ree'd of st.
Treas. 1,865.75
To State aid 100.00
To Misc. Col. Co. gen. 27,679.98
To fines and license col. 17.00
To Automobile 348.00
To sewer lateral 1,052.33
To interest on 86.71
To redemptions 2,196.88
To fees 137.75
By State Treas. receipt
No. 89490 5,374.55
By State Treas.' receipt
No. 89490 642.27
By State Treas.' receipt
No. 89490 728.01
By State Treas.' receipt
No. 89490 226.09
By State Treas.' receipt
No. 89490 1.169.90
By State Treas.' receipt
No. 89490 1,433.77
By Co. Gen. Warrants re
deemed 12,921.50
By Co. road wts. r'd'm'd 4,831.12
By Co. Claims Held for
Tax 22.00
By School bonds and
coupons 2,227.16
By school orders paid
local Tax 24,489.50
By High school 67.50
Sewer laterals
Sewer Maintenance ....
Spec, sewer
Sewer bond
By City Rects, Alliance.
By Village Treas. rects,
Alliance Bond Fund
City Hall 480.76
Library 457.47
Court House bldg 21,775.00
Court House bond 1,625.00
Alliance Water bond ... 3,632.61
Alliance Electric light . . 900.00
Redemptions 2,196.88
introducing a
re ln . .... Home Match.
e ca
in evrVfii;, a
Inacted ??Iaina Uuni-
V recently state
cipl la8
It is no" r
,a loroter. an
ted J."' with &n
w--hes Dun v or
sale Home Without -Rnd
ilame-Ve ifter' Labora-
-i6S' 'r ecUV in-este
Y0Uing that less
eVery thine that.
Sae Home Matches country
0uU e !rle far fewer i
!v;rfl wouU he ,,.,81 and
urge others lQr
k grocers.
dered to advertise for bids, for the
construction of same.
Be it remembered that on the 3rd
dav of Julv. 1914. the matter of the
859.69 establishment of a road on record as
By Balance 41,164.65
State general fund .... 3,861.29
State fund. Normal bldg 649.52
State fund, bridge .... 154.79
State University fund . . 773.91
State fund, spec. uni. .. 573.10
Interest on school land. 1,643.78
Sinking fund, Dist. 6 .. .28
Sinking fund, Dist. 18 . 181.57
Co. General fund 1,361.47
Co. bridge fund 2.399.04
Co. road fund 706.88
Sewer maintenance .... 118.18
Sewer laterals 202.33
High school fund 116.19
Spec, fund, sewer 21.90
Labor and Poll tax .... 459.50
Alliance Bond fund City
Hall 1.159.34
Advertising fund .90
Electric light bond .... 2,058.54
Miscellaneous fund .... 1,257.13
School bond fund 6,477.57
School Judgment fund . 6.93
School District fund ... 5,403.50
School Dist. fund bldg. . 134.82
Special fund dog tax . . 67.05
Sidewalk tax 18.15
Library 296.63
City Park 422.26
Automobile tax 348.00
Redemption acct 52.75
General interest acct. . . 249.26
City Alliance 483.08
VlllaKe of Hemlngford . 110.79
Hemlngford water bond 1,136.12
Court House bldg 7,488.51
Court House bond .... 1,672.00
Fees 137.75
Balance 42.204.81
Fees, overdraft 1.040.16
Cash and Cash Items on -
road number 52 coming on to be
heard before the commissioners, up
on the petition, report of special
commissioner, approval of notice to
said land owners, and the report of
the county clerk that no claims for
damages were on file, as to that part
of said road hereinafter described.
It is ordered that said road be estab
lished as prayed for in the petition
as to that part commencing at the
Northwest corner of Section Two
(2), between Sections Two (2). and
Three (3), in Township Twenty-six
(26), North of Range Forty-seven
(47), West and running thence
south on Section lines eight miles
and terminating at the Southwest
corner of Section Eleven (11), be
tween Sections Eleven (11) and
Ten (10), in Township Twenty-live
(Z5), North of Range Forty-seven
(47) West; that the width of same
be sixty-six feet, that the same be
opened as required by law.
The following claim was examined
and allowed and the clerk ordered
to draw warrant on the building fund
ror same:
C.H. 19. National Fidelity &
Casualty Company, court
house contract $5,000
Whereupon the board adjourned
until July 15th, 1914, at 9 o'colck
Hot HutU County Com
missioner' iToceedlngs
Alliance. Nebr.. July 2. 1914.
The Board of County Commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment,
Officers present, C. L. Hashman
chairman, and 8. C. Reck.
Bids on file in the office of the
County Clerk, for the purchase of
the old court house building were
opeued and all were rejected, not
being considered high enough by the
board. The clerk la ordered to re-
advertise for bids on same.
The plans and specifications sub
mitted by the State Engineer for the
bridge over the Niobrara Klver soutn
of Marsland. Nebraska, waa approv
Garage Business Good
j. u Mlcolal, wno recently pur
chased the garage and automobile
business on Second street from R
M. Britt, reports that business is
very good. He has two fine Reo
automobiles, for which he is the
agent, that will be used in the livery
Notice for Publication
Isolated Tract
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,.
June 27, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provis
ions of Acts of Congress approved
June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517), and
March 2, 1907 (34 Stats., 1224),
pursuant to the application of Hen
ry J. Wilson, Serial No. 016007, we
will offer at public sale, to the high
est bidder, but at not less than $2.76
per acre, at 9 o clock a. m., on the
19th day of August next, at this of
fice, the following tract of land:
The Stt SE4 and Sft SWVi
Sec. 31, T. 26 N., R. 43 W. 6th P.
M. This tract is ordered into the
market on a showing that the great
er portion thereof is mountainous r
too rough for cultivation.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above-described land are advised
to file their claims, or objections, o
or before the time designated fer
W. W. WOOD, Register.
H. J. ELLIS, Receiver.
6000 acres deeded land.
960 acres school land.
1280 acrea leased land.
Forty miles northeast of Alliance.
Nebr. M. D. CRAVATH. Owner.
Grayson, Nebr.
T. E. W. engraved on it. Finder
please leave at this office or phone
340. Reward.
at a bargain.
aai a a aa
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