INSI'KCTOIl OF STOCK SHIP. MKNTS Kevised Statutes of the State of Ne braska. Chapter 2, Article X: Petition for Iiixixrtor Sec. 107. Whenever In any county ia this State one hundred or more residents of such county who are ach owners of cattle and horses skall petition the board of county aemmissioners of their county for the appointment of an inspector of stock shipments from said county It shall be the duty of the said board to fix a time for hearing said petition and te gle notice thereof by publication ia a newspaper published in such county for two weeks immediately receding the time of hearing, and if , ipon said hearing, upon due proof, tke board shall find that such peti tion is signed by one hundred or more residents of such county who are each the owners of cattle and horses, it shall then be the duty of the board to appoint some suitable, -competent person as such inspect -r for said county. Dond and Oath of Inspector Sec. 108. Such person snail be a resident of the county for which a e shall be appointed. H e shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take the ath prescribed for other count r of icers, in Statutes for 1907, and shall Five a bond in the sum of one thous and dollars ($1,000.00) payable to the county in which he shall be ap fointed, with either surety company r personal securities thereon, to be approved by the county clerk of such ounty, which bond shall be filed and recorded in the office of such clerk. Terra of Office Deputies Sec. 109. The Inspector appointed in any county under this article shall hold his office for two years from the date of his appointment, and until his successor is duly appointed and Qualified. He may appoint deputy iaspectors to assist in the work when needed and such deputies when en gaged in their duties shall have the same powers and the same pay as the thief inspector. Tounty Board Fill Vacancy Abol ishment of Office Sec. 110. The board of commission ers of each county where the office of Inspector of stock shipments ex ists shall fill by appointment all va cancies occurring in said office, or about to occur by reason of the ex piration of the term of any incumb Tom Bradstreet, President B A Big ent. Provided, That if a majority of, the owners of cattle and horses Inj any sucn county petition the board of county commissioners to abolish, said office, said board may In its dis cretion abolish the same, to take ef fect upon the expiration of the term of the then incumbent. For for Inspection Sec. 111. The chief Inspector of stock shipments shall receive for his services for inspection of stock ship ments, the sum of four cents per head for cattle Inspected and ten cents per head for horses inspected, to be paid by the owner of the stock inspected. Duty of Shipper Sec. 112. It shall be the doty of every owner or shipper of horses and cattle In said county Intending to ship horses or cattle out of said coun ty to notify the Inspector of stock shipments before the shipment there of in ample time to enable said in spector to properly Inspect the same. Said notice shall be in writing and must state the time and place of pro posed shipment and the probable number to be shipped. Any person or persons, firm, rail road or other company or corpora tion who shall ship any cattle or horses out of the county without first having had the same Inspected as in this article provided and without having a proper certificate of such in spection, or who shall make, forge, or use any false or fraudulent certif icate of inspection shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not more than five hun dred dollars (1500.00) or by Impris onment in the county Jail not to ex ceed one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Duty of Inspector Certificate Sec. 113. It shall be the duty or the inspector of stock shipments either in person or by deputy whenever he shall have knowledge in any way of the intended shipment of horses or cattle out of his county, to immedi ately repair to the proposed place of shipment and make a careful inspec tion of said horses or cattle. He shall, after having Inspected the same, make out a certificate of in spection, which shall be In writing and shall be executed in triplicate and shall contain the name of the owner or shipper of Bald stock, the number and kind, the place from where shipped and the time thereof, the proposed destination of the stock, 1Z radstreet HORSES and MULES Business That We Sell Quality Horses. Our Specialty is Horses and Mules of Good Quality for the Man Who Wants Something First-Class. Write or Wire Us at Grand Island, Nebr. P. L Fuller, W. L Blain, together with all the marks and brands thereon, and shall be signed by the inspector, the original of which he shall retain in his office, a copy of which shall be delivered to the agent of the railroad company from which the shipment originated before the shipment is made, and a copy or which shall be Immediately delivered to the owner or shipper of said stock and when properly made out and signed as hereinbefore pro vided, shall entitle the owner or shipper of said stock to remove the same from the county and shall en title any railroad company to receive Fee IVJonglng to lnMrtor Sec. 114. The owner or shipper of any horses or cattle shipped under the provisions of this act shall pay the Inspector an Inspection fee of four cents per head for all cattle not billed to an open market, and 10c per head for horses so Inspected at the time of Inspection, and prior to the issuance of the certificate of in spection. All such fees shall be retained by the Inspector or deputy Inspectors for his or their services. Open Markets Defined Sec. 115. Provided, That Chicago, Kansas City, South St. Joseph, South Omaha and Sioux City shall be class ed as open markets as long as they maintain brand inspection under the supervision of the Nebraska Stock Growers Association, lint ml liisNtliiii Not Required on Open Market Sec. 116. Provided, That where cattle are shipped to an open market no brand inspection shall be required at point of loading, and further pro vided that where cattle are billed to an open market, it shall be a misde meanor and violation of this law for the Railroad Company to allow the owner, shipper, or party in charge to change billing without first having secured from the inspector of the county from which the cattle origin ated, 'or from the Nebraska Stock Growers Association's Inspector of South Omaha, a certificate of brands, the same for shipment out of the county. Posts of all kinds for sale at Forest Lumber Company. 29tf the If the growth of vegetables can be Increased 75 per cent by the use of electricity there la hope that some day the pea, which now rolls so curly will be large enough to be Jabbed firmly amidships. Pa L, Fuller, Auction Sales Has Been Built Up by Giving a Square Our Patrons SAM'.SMKN AM) INYCIIOMMJY At least one academic psycholog ist has written learnedly on the con scious intelectual processes of sales manship. No salesman has written anything formal for the university classes in psychology, but the suk gestion may be ventured that it would be a good thing to arrange a sort of "exchange" between the psy chologists of the chair and the lab oratory, and the practical psycholo gists or the road who run up against every variety and condition or old human nature In their efforts to sell things. The stories or the "tough sales" now being swapped In Chicago by the commercial travelers attending the grand council are veritable lessons In psychology. They may be told In colloquial style, but any scientific chap could dress them up In severe, technical. Jaw-breaking language. How they would Impress the eager student! Verily, the salesman must be a deep and subtle psychologist. He has no time for tests and elaborate Inquiries. He must think quickly and act instinctively. He must discern an opening from afar and find a se same in a glance, a smile, a momen tary hesitation. He must cultivate his memory! permit nothing to es cape it except useless Information and he must be methodical, per sistent, watchrul and fertile. He must have an arsenal or weapons, in cluding yarns and "howlers," but he must know when not to use his weap ons as well as when and how to use them. In short, the successful salesman has much to teach us. all or us, and psychologists should attend the con ventions or commercial travelers and Invite them to address advanced classes in mental science. Chicago Hecord-Herald. While the Hon. J. Hamilton Lew is was curtailing his name why did n't he make It plain "Ham"7 He's rrom Chicago. AI.MANt K PKOPKKTY Foil HALF. 1 offer for quick sale, on easy terms, at exceptionally low prices, the following-Alliance property: 36 lots In Hill's addition. Size COx 140. 4 lots in the west part or town, near the tracks, on which the S. C. Keck lumber yard is located. Site 50x140. 3 lots near the creamery, on which Spry'a barn stands. Size 60x140. This is your chance to get a good investment in Alliance property at the right price. See or write SIMON SPRY, General Delivery, Alliance, Nebr. 30tr3726 All of our subscribers who have received the four magaz ines seem to like them. Some have told us they don't see bow we can do It. You can get the four magazines by paying only 18 cents extra when renewing your subscription to the Herald. Vice Pres. W. R, King, Secretary-Treas, Clemens Go, ED Advetising WANTED Hired girl. Tbone 111 or 435, or call on Mrs. K. W. Hay, al the Flower Shop. 26113604 LOST OR STOLEN Sorrel colt. two weeka old. White face, and four white legs. From the Henry Letsh man pasture. Reward for informa tion. Phone 340, Herald office. 27-tr-3690 LOST A ring, with three sets missing. In grand stand at Fair Grounds Saturday arternoon. Re ward. Phone 340 or leave at Her ald office. 29-2t-3707 LOST Ansco 2 A camera with film Inside. Keepsake. Reward. Return to Herald office. 27U36M liOST Saturday morning, June 20, lady's pocket book containing money, check book and other article. Finder please return to Herald office for In formation and receive reward. 29-3t-3716 ICK! ICK! ICKt ICK! ICK! For fresh, pure Ice, delivered promptly, phone 737, A. B. STUR GEON. 28-tf-3672 FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. 129 Missouri Avenue, or phone Red 456. 177U4464 Coal office at Rowan'a feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, Phone 71. tf SADDLE HOUSE FOIl SALE Tborobred saddle horse for male cheap. Phone 340 or call at The Herald office. 164-tf-4410 HAY FOR SALE Phone Asb 8212. 27-25-3686 HAY CONTRACT TO LET I have about 500 tons of hay to be put up, cut and stacked, on contract CHAS. E. CLOUGH. Alliance, Nebr. Jun25-2t-3708$ us AllSTItACTF.IW J. D. RMERICK Itonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books In Box Butte county. Ofico Room 7, Opera House Block. 10tf570 MISCF.LtiANEOUH Money to loan on real estate. F. E. REDDISH. tc I W. nOWMAIf Phys4clan ami RarReon Office In First National Bank IIMf. Phonea: Office, 362; residence, II. BOlf 1608 Buy your coal of Rowan ft Wright. Phone Tl. tf FOR 8ALI4 RHAL ESTATE FOR SALE Five passenger Ford automobile. Good condition. Bar gain. Terms to suit purchaser, In quire of W. C. Mounta. 28tf3674. FOR SALE Folding bed, coach and sewing machine. Phone 41. 29tf3711 LAND TO TRADE I have 160 acres, 3 miles f son Bayard, under the Trl-State canal, to trade for Box Butte county laad. J. C. McCORKLB. Alliance, Nebr. 12tf3276 FOR SALE OR TRADE Oakland 40 H. P., 5 passenger auto, modem and In good condition, will aett cheap: or will trade for property ar lota, well located. II. J. ELUS. QUARTER-SECTION cf land to trade for an automobile. Inquire of B. T. Kibble. Rowan ft Wright, coal, wood aad posts. Phono 71. ICE! ICE! ICE! 1CU! ICB! For fresh, pure too, delivered promptly, phone 737, A. B. STUR GEON. 28-tf-3672 When you build that new hoase or barn get your building materials at the Forest Lamber Company. 29tf Be careful yon don't overlook our big club of four magazines which wo are sending oar aabscrlbers this ! year. Deal to Auctioneers