The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 18, 1914, Image 10

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Home Made Candy
During Stockmen Convention you want the best.
The only plaoe In the city where you can get all
kinds of Pure, Home Made Good is at
The Sugar Bowl
405 Box Butte Avenue
Just For St'ockmen's
Our New York Buyer
Sent Us
Summer Dresses
For This Week Only
cially Priced
" Horace Bogu
. Spe- I
The entire stock of Merchandise, Millinery, Dry Goods and
Fixtures of the
Regan Store
Well located and doing a good business. Stock well selected,
all new and bought to sell at reasonable rates
Too much work for present owner is the only reason for selling
Shoes, Shoes
20 per cent Discount on every pair of Shoes in the store from
June 17 to 27 Inclusive
30 per cent Discount of Men's Oxfords
25 per cent Discount on Women's Buttou and Lace Oxfords
Watch for Friday's and
Satuuday's Special
Alliance Shoe Store
Nlnirol's Wife Grace Gallatin fil
on. Susanna an1 Sue Kate I)ouRlai
lUnge Dwellers B. M. Bower.
I m pouter John Reed Srott.
Initials Only Anna Kathrine (ireen.
Cirrluar Stalrrase Mary Roberta
Rose of Old St. Iouln Mary Dillon.
Crimson Ataleas II. DeVere Stac
poole.. Amazing Adventures of LUU Car
berry Mary Roberts Rlnehart.
Millionaire Baby Anna Kathrine
Dr. Lavender's Teople Margaret De
Tennessee Shad Owen Johnson.
Rldgway of Montana William Mc
Diva's Ruby F. Marion Crawford.
Dissolving Circle Will Lllllbrldge.
Excuae Me Rupert Hughes.
Lorlmer of the Northwest Harold
Blue Stocking In India Winifred
Trail of 98 Robert W. Service.
Dawn O'Hara Edna Ferber.
Automobile Girls at Newport Lau
ra D. Crane.
Automobile Girls in the Berksliires
Laura Dent Crane.
Automobile Girls Along the Hudson
Laura Dent Crane.
Little night of the X-Bar-B Mary
K. Maule.
Golden Road L. M. Montgomery,
(ilft Hooks
Kite Trust Libbens Harding Rog
ers. Fugitive Blacksmith Charles Stew
art. War In Cuba.
Reminlsrenses of the War by Return
ed Heroes.
35 Juvenile books given to Library
by John Hitchcock.
The perfect husband always be
longs to another woman.
Inventors In the New Haven R. R.
and their money were soon parted,
when J. I'ierpont Morgan was finan
cial boss.
The new painting of Uncle Joe
Cannon In the Capitol is not at all
lifelike. It hasn't got a cigar in Its;
Mr. Rye, the Tennessee candidate
for governor, has proven an Inspira
tion to all the paragraphers In the
Most of the Mexican generals are
so uncivilized that they ride to bat
tle in automobiles Instead of horseback.
Guide to Crater Lake National 1'ark
Methods of reaching the Crater
Lake National Park are given In de
tail in a circular on that reservation
just issued by direction of Secretary
Lane. This park, which Is located
on the summit of the Cascade range,
in southern Oregon, may be reached
from Klamath Falls, Chiloquin, Med
ford, and Ashland, Oregon. It has
an area of 159,360 acres and is situ
ated In the midst of a beautiful
mountain country, the principal at
traction being Crater Lake, a body
of water having an area of 20 '4
square miles (water surface) which
is situated In the caldera of an ex
tinct volcano. The lake Is surround
ed by unbroken cliffs which range
from 600 to nearly 2,000 feet in
height. The coloring of the water
and of the surrounding cliffs pres
ents some of the most striking pic
tures seen in the western mountain
country. Not the least of the at
tractions at Crater Lake is the splen
did Ashing. Originally there were
no fish In the lake, and as only one
species of fish have been planted
(rainbow trout), the fishermen know
beforehand what they are going to
get. They aYe best caught by fly
casting from the vantage points
along the shores of the tnaluland or
Wlsard Island. Many fish are caught
by trolling spoon from a rowboat.
The fly fishing Is well worth while,
as the fish are very gamey and run
from 2 to 10 pounds In weight. In
addition to the rules and regulations
this circular contains lists of books
and magazine articles ford the bene
fit of those who deBlre more detailed
inform' tion regarding this unique
body of water.
Summer drinks are increasing in
volume, like the tide in the Bay of
Get Your Rig
Checkered Front
Livery Barn
Auto Lirerj la Connection
Best of service given.
Clean and comfortable
feeding stable
rbone 64
Opposite City Hall
GUY MAPPS. Proprietor
Im-ronM In Cost of liaising Cattle In
Twenty Yearn
With the increase in the price of
beef cattle In recent yeara, some
might think that the profit in cattle
raising had increased accordingly,
but that is not correct. There has
been a greater per cent of increase
In the cost of production than in the
selling price of cattle. A prominent
ranchman Informs The Herald that
twenty years ago he could keep a!
thousand cattle a year for a dollar a
head, whereas It now takes ten dol
lars per head to run the same num
ber a year.
The increase In the price of west
ern Nebraska rattle has not been due
altogether to the rise la the market,
but should be credited largely to im
proved breeding and better care of
stock. Cattle from western Nebras
ka ranches top the feeder market or
go direct to the packing houses off
the grass at good prices, so that
ranchmen are still on the money
making side of the proposition not
withstanding increase in expenses.
Senator Vardaman. the long hair
ed statesman from Mississippi, has
bloomed out in a white suit, and it
behooves Senator I.ewi8 of Illinois to
bestir himself and those luxurious
auburn whiskers to retain his sartor
ial pre-eminence.
Dr. Lata of Chicago left for Eur
ope with 1,200 mosquitoes. Gov.
Blease of S. C. is still with us.
In every county, to sell
SrluHil Furniture and Supplied
Experienced man preferred, but
line can be handled by Insurance,
Implement. Sewing. Machine, Pia
no. Nursery Stock and other ag
ents; also School Teachers.
We manufacture the new
Steel Non-Ilreakahle 1Hh.n
When their merits are explain
ed. School Boards will have noth
ing else. Good commissions.
Should luvettliRate
STEEL I l KMlTm; t O.
1-It. N. Grand Itapids Mich.
and allows the caul to fad la par.
it u u sum i Hi pair, Muter in
kin or mak milk tat or omII. fovea
dxubl iu coal io rma ml.
is a daaa aou-rx-ueiratiaf liquid that ia
ahaututaly barmlna-ay o apply, kaepa
ia cuaa in skk1 cuajiiioa and rnakra
money lor Um (armar. Try it to-iy.
For Sale Uv
Fs E. Holsten
Alliance, Nebr.
szs n n
M mil
We have divided our land holdings, and
in order to close the affairs of the Peters
& Williams Corporation we will sell at
Auction, on the HERMAN PETERS
RANCH, twenty miles south of Hay
Springs, Neb., and twenty-seven miles
northeast of Alliance, Nebraska.
Our Entire Horse and Cattle Herds
HORSES, as follows:
Sixty-six head heavy young Mares and Colts.
Twenty-seven head young dry .Mares.
Twenty-three head heavy-boned 3-year-old
Thirty-seven head rich-colored 2-year-olds.
Thirty-eight head thick made Yearlings.
Two registered Percheron Studs, 3 and 5 years
Three Saddle Ilorses. Good ones, too.
Six head of young Mules.
Seven head registered Percheron Mares.
All the above mares 3 years old and over are
bred, and no service fee will be charged. Com
petent judges say this is the best bunch of Per
cheron Ilorses in Nebraska. Results from it:
We sold one car of 3-year-old Geldings from
this herd at $175 per head, and a car of 4-year-olds
at $180. We topped the greatest range
horse sale ever held in Western Nebraska when
unbroken mares sold at $197.50 per head, and
v.o iiave aha) kept lue besl. Herman Peters
founded this herd twenty-five years ago with
iiiKii ruue umres from Illinois, and has used
jcfci&UTed sires always. No brands. All ma
tured horses weigh from 1400 to 1800 pounds.
O-r Buyers get the benefits.
185 Native Cattle
as follows:
Ninety head of 3-year-old Steers.
Thirty-five head of 2-year-old Steers.
Fifty head of Cows and Calves.
Ten head of choice Milch Cows.
These cattle are strictly A-l in both breeding
and flesh. The 3-year-old Steers weighed over
1,000 pounds last fall. You will like our cattle.
We will also sell all machinery and ranch
equipment used on our 15,000 acres of land.
We Will Feed You and
Your Teams at Noon
TERMS: Six months' time will be allowed onany sum over $10, purchasers giving bankable
note bearing 10 per cent from date. Partiespurehasing five or more head can have same
delivered at the horse sale at Alliance June 25,or delivered at Hay Springs free of charge.
Peters & Williams Co. mm
Wright & Lewis, Auctioneers Herman Peters, Mgr.
BETTER ATTEND THIS SALE. Auto fare $2 Round Trip from Hay Springs or Alliance, Neb.