JUNIOR NORMAL Prizes for the Stock men's Convension Parade Given by the Alliance Commercial Club Hrit Per-oratcil Automobile 1st prize, tl5.0t 2nd prize, $10.00 3rd priw, $5.00 HcNt Decoratod Automobile from out of Alliance 1st prize, fl&OO 2nd prize, $10.00 Floats 1st prize, !5.M 2nd prize, 15.M .'ird prize, $10.00 Stock men 'h Parade Most unique, $15.00 Comic, $15.00 RcpreHcntativp, $15.00 I Best Uniformed Delegation or Society 1st prize, $25.00 2nd prize, $15.00 Largext Delegation from out of Alliance 1st prize, $25.00 2nd prize, $15.00 ThoHe who wihli to enter must notify the Secretary, W. I). Kiwher, not later than June 15th Total, $230.00 Samplcn of auto decorations can he seen at the Commercial Club office STARTS WELL liirrrAM4Hl Attendance and (iood Work Commenced I'nder Fa vorable CirrumMAnre The Annual session of the Alliance State Junior Normal opened Monday of tbli week, with Supt. Earl M. Cline of Genera in charge as princi pal, assicted by an able corpi of in structors. The first week is deyoted to county institute work,- but does not Interfere with the program of work for the entire Junior Normal bession. The attendance is good, considera bly better than Itft year. Already tbout ten mori are enrolled than were In attendance in 1913, and enough more are expected to bring the Increase up to twenty-five or thir ty. The enrollment to date is 103. Twenty of those enrolled are for In stitute week only. The lectures by Prof. Pugsley of tlieState University on different phases of agricultural education were an Interesting feature of this week's work. Tuesday and Wednes day afternoons he addressed the stu dents of the Junior Normal, and in the evening of each day gave a pub lic lecture illustrated with stereop- QWe do not claim that the mere use of want ads will produce prosperity. QBut it seems more than a coincidence that most prosperous people are quick to recognize the value of classified advertising. QLet us supply your wants through this page. s if -r, 5- i 7 I . z9 fc - J MM -s V 71 i J i i V,V - f ... , ' 1 , m. '"'i''7'wrfat!Nl -- '. . u , I! i "mil HUM y "HEN in Alliance make our store your home. We invite you as our guest and we will make it as home-like as we pos sibly can. Hoping to see you at our store during the Stockmen's Convention. Yours very truly, W. R. Harper AT THE CHURCHES Sunday, June 14 HAPTIST CHUlUm 10:00 a. ni. Sunday school. 11:00 a. m. Children' Day exer cises. 2:30 p. m. 7:00 p. ra. 8:00 p. m Junior B. Y. P. U. I). Y. P. V. Meeting. Preaching. Subject, "Putting ofT the Day of Salvation." Choir practice, Thursday, S p. ra. Cordial Invitat'on to aH. Frank ('. Itarrett, rstr Phone 7M CIIH1STIAN ( IIUIICII Ninth St. and l(ox Ilutts Ave. 10:00 a. in. Illble school. 11:00 a. m. Preaching. 3:00 p. in. Junior C. K. :S0 p. in. C. K. meeting. 8:00 p. m. Preachla. Everybody is cordially invited to all services. II. J. Young, Minister CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science service! will be field in Wood's hall, over Duncan's Cnooery store every Sunday at 11 . tu. Sunday eoiiool at 10 a. m. T. MATTHEW'3 EPISCOPAL CHURCH 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 10 a. m. Sunday School at Parish (louse. 11:00 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon by Dean Ware. 8:00 p. m. Evening prayer and address by Dean Ware. Dean Ware's Rible Class will meet at the Parish House on Friday, at 4 P. m. Geo. G. Ware, Dean Phone Black 419 IMMANUEL GERMAN EVAN GELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner Yellowstone Ave. and 7th 9 10:00 a. m. German services. In the afternoon Rev. Lang will preach at Hemlngford. There will be no evening service. Tttus Lang, Pastor, 72? Missouri Ave. Phone lllack AOS MKTIIODIST EPISCOPAL (1IUKCII Corner Niobrara and 4Ui Street 10:00 a. m. Sunday school, grad ed Bible classes. 11:00 a. m. Children's Day pro gram, under direction of Miss Alice Acheson. Program Orchestra selection. Prayer Rev. Baker. Children's Day Welcome Margaret Slough, Inez Hagen, Verna Dow. Song, "Praise Him" Primary Child ren. Rec, "Hearken. Lord" Helen Moore. Rec, "Sometime" Laura Weaver. Solo. "Children's Hosanna" Eva Duncan. Rec., "Pure in Heart" Evangeline Acheson. Song, "In Spring" Intermediate Girls. f Exercise, "Pulling up Weeds" Pri mary Girls. Rec, "Iniagry of the Bible" Wilms Mote. Duet. "Merry Birds of Spring" Grace Zehrung, Charlotte Moll ring. Exercise, "Our Aim" Dorothy Mote, Irene Exberg, Evelyn Kuhn. Rec, "Children of the Bible" Elsie Walbridge. Song, "Sleep, Baby, Sleep" Prima ry Girls. Exercise, "Women of the Bible" Verna Dow, Josephine Wilson, Mardell Drake. Exercise, "Sailor Boys" Primary Boys. Duet, violin and cello Paul and Carl Thomas. Rec, "His Best Gift" Bessie Yon kin. Children's Day address Rev. Bak er. Orchestra Selection. Collection. Doxology Congregation. Benediction Rev. Baker. 2:30 p. m. Junior and Intermed iate Epworth League. 7:00 p. m. Epworth League. 8:00 p. m. Public worship. Tuesday evening choir practice, Sunday afternoon rehearsal. Wednesday evening at 8:00 pray er meeting and Bible study and bo clal hour. The doors of this church are open to all people at all services. A cor dial and home welcome extended to all to worship with us, if you have no other church home in the city. Strangers will be made welcome. OH n S. Baker, Pastor. lhone 90. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cor. Laramie Ave. and 5th 8L 10:00 a.m. Sabbath school. 11:00 a. in. Preaching, subject, "Divine Favor." 7:00 p. m. O. Y. P. C. U. 8:00 p. m. Preaching, subject, "The Philosophy of Obedience." Prayer meeting at 8:00 p. ru. on Wednesday evening. Choir practice at 8:00 p. m. Fri day evening. A welcome to all. Rev. W. L. Torrence, Pastor Phone 92 and announced in due time thru The Herald. HAY FOR SALE Phone Ask 8212. 27-25-3686 FIItST PltESHYTEIUAN C'HUIU'II Cor. Hox Butte Ave. and Sixth St. There will be no services Sunday. Rev. Seel and family are expected to arrive on Friday, June 19. There will be services one week from Sun day, June 21st. ilev. W. M. Seel, Pastor POSITION WANTED by exper enced woman. Am able to take charge of house or act as housekeep er. References. Address Box 3687, care Alliance Herald. 27tf3687 ticon views. On Wednesday and Thursday mornings he gave chapel talks. Mr. Pugsley's hearers were much impressed with the practica bility and value of the theories ad vanced by him and speak very high ly of his lectures. The Junior Normal instructors will take turns in delivering lectures at the chapel period, one of which will be given each week. Other ev ening lectures will be arranged for Mr. Spalding of Mullen was brought to Alliance by Dr. Adams this morning and operated on at the hospital by Dr. Slagle. LOST OR STOLEN Sorrel colt, two weeks old. White face, and four white legs. From the Henry Lcish man pasture. Reward for informa tion. Phone 340, Herald office. 27-tf-3690 FOR SALE OR TRADE Oakland 40 H. P., 5 passenger auto, modera and in good condition, will sell cheap; or will trade for property or lots, well located. H. J. ELLIS. 6-ll-lt3646 Lest you forget, The Alliance Her ald, 1.50 per year. NOT 57 KINDS OF SERVICE ONLY ONE Best Salesmen BEST IN THE WEST Best Yards Best in all Details of the Business Write for Market News and Prospects Best Care and Attention ALEX G. BUCHANAN & SON SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA Live Stock Commission Merchants SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA