Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 7 KINDS OF SERVICE I NOT Y y Y Y t T T 2 X Y Y Y J Y Y Y ONLY ONE BEST IN THE WEST Best Salesmen Best Yards Best Care and Attention Best in all the Details of the Business Write for Market News and Prospects ALEX G. BUCHANAN & SON Y Live Stock Commission Merchants SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA HERALD FOUR WEEKS FREE If you are not a subscriber to The Alliance Herald but interested, in the work of the Nebraska Stock Growers Association, please fill out the following blank and return at once to the Herald Pub lishing Co., Alliance, Nebr. The next four issues of the paper will be sent you free of charge, and then discontinued unless ordered sent longer. The Herald will be pleased to receive any suggestions that you may wish to make or reply to any questions concerning the Nebraska Stock Growers Association that you may desire to ask. Y Y Y HERALD PUBLISHING CO., Alliance, Nebr. I am interested in the work of the Nebraska Stock Growers Association and shall be pleased to receive the next four issues of The Alliance Herald, free of charge. Name Post Office Remarks - i Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y : Fine Pictures of Fine Stock The Bee Engraving Department Can Hake Them A successful breeder increases his patronage by going after business in-sk-ad of waiting for it, and knows where to go when he wants good printing work done. We want to make engravings suitable for the printer to use on your work. Send us your photograph and we will toll you the amount it will cost to produce the cut. V mm We have a first class photography department and could arrange to have a photographer come to your place and make your pictures of animals if you have sufficient work to justify the expense. For further information write us. THE Bee Engraving Department Omaha, Nebraska t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y z Z Y Omaha Stammerer's Institute I Stammering and other speech defects cured Schoolv427 Ramage Block, Omaha, Neb. Write for references and Information Julia E Vaughan tiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLiMiiiiitMigiiiiiiiiiTiiiiiiifiiiiiiiriiiiiiunnmiminitiiinrfiiriiiiim n n intiinii inmiiii n iiiami iif c him i nesgsss The Test of Time The most severe test in dental work lies in the test of time, we have practiced for fifteen years, and can show you work we did the first year, that is as good as new. All our work is strictly high class and fully guaranteed. Painless extraction of teeth with use of Vitalized Air. For Good Dentistry Try Taffs Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. Omaha, Nebr. 'in in- Omaha Hide and Fur Co. We Pay Highest Prices By shipping your hides direct to us, you save the local buyer's profit. Ship by express. What you save in shrinkage will pay the difference between express and freight charges, besides you get quicker returns and there is less danger of loss. Tanning and Hanufacturing We do all kinds of tanning, make coats, robes and fur sets, also do repair work, mount game heads, birds and whole animals, rugs with whole or half heads. Our charges are reasonable, workmanship the best and quick service. Omaha Hide and Fur Co. 1214 Jones Street Omaha, Nebraska 1'--.'.- . 5 mm