happy iATiinti-j OK I'. C O. (1,(11 At 6:30 Thursday enitg, April 21, a happy rrn"P of omrn gath ere I In the puilots if Drr.ke Ho tel. They were t li members of the Alliance Chapter of P. II. ()., me t to greet one highly honi red by them, and to express their pleasure at hav ing In our city for a few days one known and loved by all wearer of (ha P. K. O. starMrs. .Carrie M. Peterson of Aurora, who is a Past President of Nebraska P. R. O.. and aJso held the Mahout office of the Sisterhood, that of Supreme Presi dent. Mrs. Peterson has been in at tendance at the Woman's Club con tention, and Is the present State President of Nebraska Federation of Woman's Clubs. A special table had been arrang ed In the dlnlnK-room of (he hotel, decorated with beautiful flowers, and P. E. O. stars and colors. The hotel managers served an elegant four-course dinner to ' twenty-two members of the Sisterhood. lies Idea the guest of honor, thre were also present hs guests Mrs. Jones of Sid ney, and Miss Moore of the Chapter at Heat rite. An hour and a half was spent ut the tsble lint en in? In rapt attention to the lot Ins- counsel and words of wisdom given by Mrs. Peterson. In her travels In. not only our own state, but In ail the statea, P. K. O.'t everywhere never miss an opportun ity to express In some way ttirlr love and loyalty to one so much endeared to them all. The Woman's Club Is Indeed fortunate In their selection of state president, for In her, womanly soul Mrs. Peterson Is large minded enough to see the good In all the various women's organizations and ohe is thoroly conversant In the work of the Woman's Club In all Its var ied branches of endeavor. Those present at this P. K. O. dinner at the Drake were Mesdames Peterson. Jones, McCluer, Tully, Cogswell. Weldenhamer, Hall, Krld elbaugh, Cotnnt, Itumer, Andrews, avln, Rogue, Harris, lllvely, Frankle. Currie, Bellwood and Vance; and the Misses Moore, Krldelbaugh and Fickle. COMIX) PRIMARIES IN OH F JON APPLES A Car Load, Now on Sale at Al liance. From our store, Keenen 1 Bros., or car near Freight Depot. 2 Varieties From Colorado's Orchards Price Within the Reach of All $1.30 to $1.50 per bu. or box They were stored in nature's storage and came out sound and juicy. lletter yet a supply; all you can use and preserve. Thev are ( heap and good. Come and bring sacks. Free city delivery. TVI1 your friends. Come to Car or Store. : : : : Phone 697 The Place for Bargains in Groceries, Flour, Shoes and Dry Goods KEENEN BROS. No. 115 Box Butte Avenue ntnmiminiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.-iMiiniiiiiiiitnwr: i LF5AL ADVI'ItTlSIVO 900 HEIFERS FOR t Y Y Y X T y ? Y T Y f ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Sale 900 well bred two and three year olds, mostly in calf. Load at Lisco, Nebr., Union Pacific, or Bridgeport, Bur lington. Address Great Western Com mission Company South Omaha, Nebraska v Y Y Y Y ? Y t Y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Y y Western Nebraska Hard Wheat make the best flour. The Hemingford Roller Mills Q know bow to make H. Ask your grocer to send you a sitrk of our flour. Every sack guaranteed. A. M. MILLER, Prop. iimiKUFoitn, NF.HKASKA inters I Primary Fleet ln Three Week. Distant In Oregon luit I 'atiipnigti Ktlrrlng Portland. Ore., April 29. Altho the genersl primary election Is still (lire.- weeks distant, the campaign li already stirring the state from end to end, snd all signs point to the warmest primary battle ver stag ed In Oregon. To begin with, the voters, mill have the longest lint of candidates from which to make their selections at the prlmsry. ever pre sented In the state. . The ballots will contain the names ofl 252 as pirants for state and district offices. Of this number 195 are Republicans, 43 are Democrats and 14 are Pro gressives. Two years ago thert were only 125 Republicans and G8 Democrats on the ballot. Nominations will be made In the primaries for United States senator, representatives in congress, gover nor, state treasurer, attorney gener al, superintendent of public Instruc tion, state engineer, railroad com missioner, superintendents of water divisions, commissioner of labor sta tistics and Inspector of factories and workshops, supreme and circuit court Justices and members of the legislature, United States Senator George E. Chamberlain, whose term will ex pire next March, la the choice of the Democratic party for re-election. Op posed to him in tbe election rnxt fall will be R. A. Booth, or Eugene, as the Republican candidate, and William Ilanley, of Boring, as the choice of the Progressive party. Many of the DemncrAts trow hold ing state and other offices are un opposed for renoinlnation and this has left the majority of the con tests to the Republicans and Pro gresses. At the present time the contests for the nominations for governor overshadow all' other fea tures of the primary eampalgu. There are fifteen candidates out for the gubernatorial nomlnnttons. the largest number seeking any office in the state. Of these eight are Re publicans, five are Democrats and two are Progressives, so that the contests In all three parties are of the keenest sort. As a general rule, there little or nothing to Interest the average ritlzen In political interest until the contest reaches fever heat a few d:tya before the nomination are made at the primary election, but there are peculiar condition exlst Ing In Oregon politics at the present time, and the skirmishes among the numerous aspirants for the gernor ship have been viewed with more than ordinary interest for many weeks. Ia the llrst place. Governor Os wald West, who is a Democrat, i not a cand'date for renoiut nation. This naturally has precipitated a scramble among tbe Democrats to succeed him. The same fact has encourag ed an unusually large number of Republicans to seek the uonitnalLna, on the theory that a newcomer heav ing the Democratic ticket will be easier to defeat than woaUl Gover nor West standing for re-eiection. The Republicans seeking the nom ination for governor are: Grunt 11. DimU'k, a former mayor of Oregon City ; A. M. Crawford of Koseburg, who is attorney-general for Oregon; William A. Carter, an attorney of Portland; T. T. Geer of lortland. who was governor of Oregon in 1S99 to 1903; Dr. James Withcombe. of Corvallls; Charles A. Johns, of Portland; Gus C. Moser. an attorney of Portland, aud George C. Drownell. an attorney and former state senator of Oregon City. The Democrats whose names will appear on the ballot for nomination for governor are: Johu Manning of Portland, former district attorney for Multnomah county; Dr. C. J. Smith, a former state senator of Pendleton; A. S. Bennett, an attorn ey of The Dalles; Col. Robert A. Miller, an atorney of Portland, and G. A. Cobb, also of Portland. F. M. GUI of Portland and L. K. McMahon of Salem are the two Pro gressives who are contesting for the nomination of their party for gov ernor. Former Governor Geer and Geo. C. Drownell, both of whom are as pirants for the Republican nomina tion for governor, are making their campaigns on state-wide prohibi tion platforms. For supreme court Justices there is a spirited contest for the Repub lican nominations, with practically no contest in the other two parties. The contests for the nominations for attorney general and labor com missioner also are confined to the Repub'icans. There will be no con tests iu the primaries for the no m inations for United States senator. representative In the hecond con gressional district, state treasurer, state school superintendent and su perintendents of the two water di visions, as none of tbe candidates have opposition in their own part) Cth Principal meridian, hss tiled no tice of intention to make Final Three, Year Proof, to establish claim to the l.ind above described, before Regls- LFGAL ADVFKTISlN'tl A IMT OF ADVICE I LEGAL ADVERTISING First lfcm'l IMny. i:lTiniriit ter and Receiver, U. 8. Land office,. st Alianre.l Nebraska, on the 18th ....... day of May, 1914. i If you suffer frora backache; head- Claimant names as witnesses: acnes or mzy speiis; u you rem XOTICF. TO Fl'KXITlRF. COX TUACTOIIH Sealed proposals will be received hv thf Hoard of County Commtsslon- jers, ef Box Butte County, Nebraska, at the ofllce of the County Clerk; In I the Court House, In Alliance, Ne braska. until twelve o'clock noon of ithe 21st of May 1914, for tbe letting of the contract for wood furniture Leo Carnlne. of Ahenr. N.hm. I poorly snd are languid in the morn ka: It. K. Thomas. r Ancnrn Ing; if the kidney aeeretlotis are lr braska: Glen Gentle, of Alliance, Ne- regular and unnatural in appearance ; foj the letUng of the contract nrsska: John I'nwor r Ancnra N'a. uo noi ueiay. ill ut u mw mu- braska. for steel furniture, for the new W. W. WOOD, Register. 16-7t-412-335C Serial No. 011888. Notice for Publication i. i neys Olien neea ne... !v.,,r llnuu. in AltUnre tlm IluttB Doan's Kidney Pills are especially Nebraska prepared tot kidney trouble-, they toun fe are recommended by thousands. Can. "' . . . . . residents desire more convincing j "v0?Znt tL tn ltJ clnt lt oroot than the statement of a cliUen, not t.w,.,hn e?l ?' " a tna o innn ni nin innni iim vhiuh i n to?ml"ni, 0fl,b" lnttT'2r- lIi S ! Ti W rsvlord North Moorehead'". Martin. County Treasurer, and to Land Office at Alliance, Nebr., Msr. w- Gsylont. isortn aiooreneaa, tarMd to Box Butte County for 20.1914 St., Chadron. Nebr.. says: "I have "e rorrettea to uox u uue ix uniy, ror v i . i flamu tram aiiBtuinorl in pufln inm tkliw Job. of Lakeside. Nebrsska. who, on tor a bout flf ' n4 1 3 1 1 fled of award tail to enter Into con June 17, 1910, made Homestead En- not b without them in the nouse. try. No. 011888 for SE1 8EU i Some time ago 1 suffered severely for bia Pn, i ana to S4 ; see 27; NII k4' NW 4 ; Tn wesk kidneys. I Anally began five satisfactory surety bond for the ZZl o7V; . ' r. r ' ".,1 n,.u,,-- K1H..P Pills and one full amount of contract of wood fur- North. itunira 41 wo nr commend Doan b Kidney nm to any 6th Principal Meridian, haa iled no-! one suffering from backache or oth- tlce of intention to make Final Three' r symptoms of kidney complaint. Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before: Regis ter and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, lrlce 50c, at all dealers simply ask for a kedney remdy amount of contract of steel furni ture, for the faithful performance of the contract and a guarantee of ma- Don't 1 terlals and labor furnished. The Board of County Commission- get Doans Kidney Pills the samejers reserve the right to reject any at Alliance. Nebraska, on the 7th day that Mr. Gaylord had. Fostf-Mil- part of or all bids of May. 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Clare Wilson. William Kirken. Frank Kicken. Octave Lois Kiefcen, all of Lakeside, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD. Register, 16-71-413-3354 burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. V. Plans and specifications for the furniture may be obtained of the County Clerk at his office In the Court House in Alliance, Nebraska. deposit of $10.00 will be exact- it. Serial No. 010611. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. Ijnd Oflice at Alliance, Nebr., Mar, 20. 1914. Notice is hereby given that Wil liain J. Minnlch. of Alliance, Nebraa ka, who. on Homestead Kntry Notice of Application for Liquor Ni.'iniM.' Notice Is hereby given that Wll- ed for tbe safe return of each set of Hani King and Frank E. Wilson have plans and specifications, tiled their petition as required by Bids are to be sealed and address law with the City Clerk of the City ed to M. S. Hargraves, County Clerk, of Alliance, Nebraska, to obtain a and must be plainl marked on the liquor license to sell intoxicating outside, "Proposal for wood or steel malt, spirituous and vinous liquors furniture for Box Butte County, on the tirst Hour of the building six- Court HouBe, Alliance, Nebraska." dated on Lot numbered four (4), ia Block numbered tweuty-ona (21), of Dec. 31, 1909, made lue or'Ki."Hi '". " 1 " " No. 010611 for "UJ, leuraiki, iiuuiiiij, on uoji. M See. 33. SK'i section 34. town- ml Avenue in me rirsi uara oi ship 27 North, range 45 W. of 6th-thH u,' 01 Alliance. Nebraska, for Principal Meridian, has filed notice ,he municipal year ending in May, l-&t-33 4 2 M. S. HARGRAVES, County Clerk. B. Shepard of Hemingford was la Alliance yesterday. of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the lanl above described, before Resis- 1915. aud they will ask that said licenaw be Issued to them on the 6tU. day of May, 1914, that being the ter and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, regular meeting of the City Council at Alliance. Nebraska, on the 8th OI - -ll OI finance, ei.rasKa. day of May, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Stephen F. Ix)we, of Long Itike. Nebr.; Samuel Preble, of Long Lake, Nebr.; Edward Martin, of Lulu, Ne br.; William Dklling, of Long Ike, Nebr. W. W. WOOD, Register. 16-7t-41 4-3353 Serial No. 016&80. HHire for Publication Isolated Tract f't'BUC LAND SALE To All to Whom tt May Comerii County Clerk's Oflice, Box Butte ' County, Nebraska. To Estate of Michael A. 9Uay, De oeased, August Kroesing, Wesley J. Fut key, lslie W. Nason, Andrew McKemia, William Dempsey, . Mary ( E. Beach, aud Ellsworth J. Beach. . The Commissioner appointed to lo cate a road, commencing at the nortk west corner of section two f21. b- for Liquor License! t ween sections two (2). and three Notice U hereby given that Fred (3). in township twenty-six (26), . J. RetzobL and Simon Spry have filed I North, of Range forty-seven (47), their petition as required by law! West, and running thence south oa with the City Clerk of the. City of i section lines, nine miles and termin Alliance, Nebraska, to obtain a liq-;ating at the southwest corner oX see uor license to sell intoxicating mait.ition fourteen (14), between section spirituous and vinous liquors on the! fifteen (15), and fourteen (14), la WILLIAM KING FRANK K. WILSON Applicants. 19-::t-4.2.0-3319 Notice of Application Deportment of the Interior, U. S. ! first tloor. oX the building situated on township twenty-five (25), North Iind IJfllrw at Alliance, Nebr., March M. 1914. Notiee ia hereby given that, as di rected" ey the Commissioner of the Genera Land Office, under provis ions of Acts of Congress approved Lot numbered two (2). in Block! Range- forty-seven (47). Wast. has. numbered, twenty-one (21), of the j reported in favor or the establish- ' original town, no wClty of Alliance, J ment thereof and all objection there- ' Nebraska,, fro at lug on Box Butte to or claims for damages must be' Avenue in. the First Ward of the filed in the oftice of the Countr CitV nt AllLu.nct NehriiBkn tnr thai Clerk, on nr hofxra nnnn f , Kn 1,W June 2T7. 1906 34 Stats.,517). and . , o.... . 0 . , . , ,. j , - v w, . " i v,, Dui.ii. i uN nin .Mjrcn. i. ti StatB., 1JZ4K: Hnl llmv u:Ill umk thnt ialH liunUo:h. fiiltthtiahcl nrlihA,. r . pursuant to the application of Fran-.h (ni t. ti.m n ih r.,h h f thereto asack GrWny. Serial No. 016080, we' viav. 1014. tht btnir th ri?..i:.ri Dated thl Pit. ,iuv t An.n imi will offer at nuNie sale, to the high- n,..r .., ... ,u! f o ., rr,... est bidrfrr. bnt at not less than $3ir.tv of Ailiunre; vviruiikll f.....V7.,...t rtr r";.,KtinsMOCk m-: .?ini ' FllliD J. BETZOLD 19-41-422-3374 the Twelfth day of May next, at this uivimv ut.i-v uuiif , tuw loiiowiRt; irari 01 innu: SE4 SW'i See. 12. T. 22 N., 11. 47 YVU Ctb P. M. Any persons elaiming adversely : lS-3t-42.r,-3:i.S. Applicants. .': Jlti' of Application for License of Sale oC Lniora Natice is hereby given. taa.t WH- the ataae-described land are advised ; to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. V. W. WOOD. Register. If. J. ELLIS. Receiver. Apr 2-4.1-398-331 Notice of. Application for ,,am KnK a,,( John J. Riordan has Licence of Sale of Liquors. ,i,ed hu P't'on as required by law witu me city clerk of the city of Al- SVriat Nik 016979. StttU-v for Piiblicution IslatC4l Tract PUBLIC LAND SALE Department of the Interior, U. S llance, Nebraska, to obtain, a license to sell Intoxicating, malt, splrituoes and vinous liquors on the first floor of tke building situated' on. lot seven. oioch. twenty-two. of the original Notice is hereby given that F. W.. Rehder haa. tiled his petition as re quired, by law with the City Clerk of the city of Alliance. Nebraska, to obtain a Liquor license to si ll intox- l,Utll,ir tllnlf unlrlli...... ....! ..l..A..n liuuors'on the first floor of the builds to of 'v,Han,e' Nebraska, fronting Ing. situated, on lot numbered nine in. w"rrfff fh. ; ?".. . thB block numbered twenty-seven of the , "3 ' ?' emc " of Alliance Nebras original town of Alliance. Nebraska. tb munl'ral year beginning fronting ou Box Butte avenue, in the VqT-. ' ., .V . "'iu wnu,1"S way 1, . ititii. Lut. W.114 SBir nar tHem on the being the ettr council eity of Alliance, Nebraska. WILLIAM KING and JOHN J. RIORDAN. . Applicaut. 19-3t-428-3347 Ijind OftVe at Alliance, Nebr.. March ! Second. Ward of the city of Alliance, k- i- 7. . iu 11. 1914. Nebraska, for the municipal year beL ?k d" vTr vrfv t!l Notice is hereby given that, as dir ginning. May 1st. 1914. and ending rl T T' . .V . reeted by the Commissioner of the May 1st. 1915, and that he will ask f ,T, ,.", , .K, 1 w". . . . . . ....1 j : . , . . . ; 01 ine city of Alliance. Nl urnrnti jjiiio inice, unuer provis-, ". iuuu utviun oe issuea 10 mm. on ions of Acts of Con Kress approved 1 the 5th day of May, 1914, that being June 27. 1906 (34 Stats., 517). and the regular meeting of the City Marvh 2. 1907 (34 Stats., 1224), Council of the city of Alliance,. Ne-: pursuant to the application of Fran- braska. asxek Grblny, Serial No. 016079. we F. W. REDDER, will offer at public sale, to the high-' Applicant ; est bidder, but at not less than $3.00 19-3t-424-3371 per acre, at Nine o'clock a. m.. on tue Twelfth day of May next, at this . . .. ,, office, the following tract of land: -WUe wt APPiration CHEAP FARMS FOtt SALE On your own terms, on trade for city ' property. Phone 312. J. r Mc CORKLE. 19-11-334! W,-j NWi Sec. 13, T. 22 N. 1C 47 W.. 6th P. M Any persons claiming the abov to file for Liquor LU'euM Notice is hereby given that Rob-; Klckapoo Worm KilW Kviw-1 Worm. adversely Campbell bus filed his peUilttn aa1 The cause nf vnn liiM'a 111- ve-Uscribed land are advimnl' required by law with the City Clerk tthp foul f-tld k...k their claims, or objections. o, f the City of Alliance. Nebraska. tojitar .!... .a nhtoin u n,n i4unoU ... na terror ana grindinK . . 1.... ,n-t,iT- 1 ur 11111c uceiMiuiru. uvm . " 'HMU' , ivrunc iu otrn IUIUA- of teeth wh la. ..l. . . ,, lcatlng ma,t' BPfituous and vinous comexlontLSkiriSl S W. W. WOOD, Register. liquors on the first tloor of the bul?d- the eyes L are a?l lnKf,n- U II. J. ELLIS, Receiver. Ing situated on Lot numbered eleven worms Kiclu mw Worm Killer ii Apr2-6t-399-3317 (11). la Block numbered twenty, wha Wu?SlKciyS J the " elgut - 1 tn original town, worms, the cause of the child's un. Serial No. 013100. now city of Alliance. Nebraska, healthy conditio For the removal Notice for Publication fronting on Box Butte Avenue in the of seat, stench and nln worm. iiepurtment 01 tne interior, i. s. -rim varu or the City of Alliance. Land Office at Alliance. Nebr.. Mar. ! Nebraska, for tbe municipal 2". 1914. - ;endlng in May, 1915. and be will Notice is hereby given tha.t Henry ask that said license be Issued to Sutton, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, 1 him on the ,th day of May, 1914, on February 28, 1911. made Home- that being the regular meeting of stead Entry. No. 013100. for NK , the City Council of the City of ARI SE ',i ; NEU: NE4 NWi See. S4 ; ance. Nebraska. S Sec. 27. NVi SEi Sec. 2. Township 23 North, range 60 W. of ROBERT CAMPBELL. Applicant 19-31-423-3372 Klckapoo Worm Killer eives sure r- yearWief. Its laxative effect adds tone tn the general system. Supplied as a candy confection children like It. Safe and sure relief. Guaranteed Buy a box today. Price 25c. All druggists or by mail. Klckapoo Indian Med. Co., Philadel phia or St. Louis. Beet Diarrhoea ItesMdj. If you hsve ever lined Chamberlain'aColic, SIX PER CENT LOANS may be Cholera and Diarrhoea Krmedr vou know secured for Improvement or other that it is a success. San F. Guin, VYbsl- purposes, on farms, orchard lands, ley, Ala, writes, "I had aieales and got business or resident property and to caught out in tbe rain, and it settled in my j extend or repay mortgages or other stomach and bowels. I kad an awful time, j existing encumbrances, terms attrae andluMntnoofor(mt 8p.lttl opUon. Correspond- v........ ,r.vr.m,. , v.,u IM ence solicited: aildrxsH 7K7 Not We of Application for Liquor IJciim Notice is hereby given that Ever ett Cook has filed his petition as re quired by law with the City Clerk of the City of Alliance, Nebraska, to ob tain a liquor license to sell intoxicat ing malt, spirituous and vinous liq uors ou the first floor of the building Gas j situated on Lot numbered nine (9), 1. ! M L . 1 , powiuiT nin urea out a lew noun longer, v-iiri,. itiiii.nnv rtunv. r 1 - nmj tut thanks to thU remedy, I sm now well ; 1 941324 Henver. Colorado. 1 n Block numbered twenty-two (22) Ad- o in' onmnai town, now t-uy of Al and strong." For sale by all dealers. vertiaemenC , .. . nance. Nebraska, fronting on Box , Merit..! Itbeuiiiatis.il I'.w.lrr ; Butte Avenue in the Second Ward of The unusually large sale of this ' the City of Alliance. Nebraska, for remedy is the best evidence we could j tDe municipal year ending in May. offer you to prove its merit It is l915, and he witl ask thut 8aid li made of effective ingredients, and j Y"' h.,. ! ?!h . v a , uiai uriii inn Itest Family laxative Beware of constipation. Use Dr. King's New Life Pills and keep well. Mrs. Charles K. Smith, of W. Frank lin. Me., calls them "Our familv lax ative." Nothing better for adults or 19 euaranteea to give iermauetit re- regular meeting of the City Council ased. Get them today. 25c. All, lief for rheumatism. We will glaO-'of the City of Alliance. Nebraska Druggists or by mail. ; ly show you the formul aand explain ; EVERETT COOK 11. K. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia 1 its merits to you. F. J. Brennan.i applicant or St. Louis. local agent. 19-St-427-334S