'""" " t-"-- v,- ' -,.,, . "" "' .., ..wwiwwr,,,-,,,..,,..,,. .....wJ, :l 7.,,,. . "' i ; ' . ! I - I ' ' . ' THE ALLIANCE HERALD JOHN W. THOMAS, Editor Lcyd C. Thorn at, City Editor Puoimhed every Thursday by Tilt HERALD PUULISHINO COMPANY Incorporated Cough Medicine ftr Children. Never give child a cough medic-in. that ; contain opium io any form. hen opium j ia given other nd more serious diseanee may follow. ln experience nan dfinniwt rated that there it no letter or safer medicine, for cough, colds and cmnp.in children than fhrniitxrlain' Cough Remedy. It is equally valuable for adults. Try it. It contain no opium or other harmful drug. For aale by all dealer. Advertisement. Hurry! Hurry! Cloyd C. Thomas, President - J. Carl Thomai, Vice Pres. John W. Thomas, Secretary Entered at the poet office at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mails second-claae. nukfter. Subscription price, II. SO per year in advance TIII.IK8DAY. A1MIII 1014 VALUE IX OLI OAIU'KTS A little "want ad" inserted In The Herald some time ago by the Lin coln Ruj? Factory brought them a Bice buiK'i of business, and as their CBRlomers were well pleased with the work done, they wish to reach the many people who will read this pcial i.ue thru a n-at display ad. The writer had an opportunity re fently to Inspect at the factory some f the work done for their custom ers. It is really remarkable what beautiful rugs can be made by their process from old, worn out carpets. FOB SALE Small, clean stock of general merchandise. $2,Q0O In cluding futures. Postofflre throws In. I'oPt office pays $20 to $25 monthly. "Cream station pays $50 to $6". for six months in the year, making $75 to $90 per month be sides thf profits from the store. Cheap r-nt. Dally mall after next July. 25 miles from railroad. Chance to buy or lease 840 acres In connection. This is a snap for some one. Act quick. Address M. L. Whitaker, Canton, Nebr. 13tf3286 Cattle For Sale I have for sale near Mitchell, Nebraska: 150 head of dehorned coming two year old steers. 150 head of dehorned coming two year old heifers. 350 head of dehorned coming yearling steers. 350 head of dehorned coming yearling heifers. These cattle are all strictly natives, about 90 per cent white faced and not an off -color on them. They are in good thrifty condition and will make an excellent growth. Will sell them in bunches to suit purchaser, ED. H. REID, Owner Mitchell, Nebraska Take Dress Making Lessons at the Dress Making School Anil then I In. a Pre Form. We lime the njteney for the" Kl.LAXAM Adjustable Drees Form mi) size, SKI to 46, f 12. Phone Hf and we will send one up on trial. The Horace Bogue Store I.tltK'"'IItl.lHlttttl'?IlH.''''8i Lttttttt and tret your colts and vicious horses booked for breaking. Cut prices on first 30 head. I'll start the first of May. Work guaranteed. References if desired. , N. S. SNYDER AXtioitA. xf.iiiiaska lunxs. stops rough, your heaa clears up, fpver leaves, and you feel fine. Air. J. T. Davis, of Stickney Corner. Me., "Was cured of a dreadful couch after doctor's treatment and all oth er remedies failed. Kelief or money back. Pleasant Children like it. Get a bottle today. 50c and $1.00 at your Druggist. Bucklcn's Arnica Salve for All Sorts. , UF.AL F.STATF. FOK HALF. t'heck Your April Cough Thawing frost an dApril rains chill you to the very marrow, you catch cold head and lungs stuffed You are feverish cough continu ally and feel miserable You' need Dr. King's New Discovery. It Boot la cs inflamed an dlrritated throat and One Ituh In Time Save Nine Don't wait until your hair is gone but keep all you have I fpossible. We recommend Meritol Hair Tonic as a reliable preparation for keeping the scalp clean and healthy condition and promoting hair growth. It is a preparation of genuine merit, one we are pleased to guarantee to you. F. J. Drenan, exclusive agency. HOUSES TO RENT or lease. Land to rent or lease. Land or city property for sale. Phone 36. C. W. JEFFERS CLASSIFIED Advertising Coal office at Rowan's feed store. itOWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. ti ABSTRACTERS J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract ooks In Box Butte count v Office Room 7, Opera House Block. I0tf570 MISCELLANEOUS Money to loan on real estate. F. Reddish. 3tf OXK I ItOOM HOl'SK, corner lot. 4 blocks west of postoffice. OXK 7 IIOOM HOl'SK, corner lot. In library block. OXK 7 KOO.M HOISK, corner lot. On Box Butte Ave. ' ' OXK COKXF.K RFSIDF.XCK U)T. North of Academy. OXK COItXF.K KKSIDKXCK IT. West of Emerson school. TllltF.K INSIDF. ItKSIDKXCF. M)TS. East of Emerson school. HMO At ItF.H fine dairy ranch. 1 m. to Lelan, 4 H m. to Alliance. i:t2) Afili;s One farm and dairy ranch 1 mile to Letan, 6M: miles to Alliance. f 62U At'UKS fine farm, 250 acres ready for crop. I mile to Letan, . 6 miles to Alliance. , 6o ACHKS dairy farm.' lVi miles to Letan, 7 to Alliance. IOO A. ZV ni. south of Alliance. I64U Al ltFS, 3 m. south of Alliance. 10) A. 7 Va southeast of Alliance. 6 IO A. 3 m. east of I'eniingford. 40, HO and 120 At 'UK irrigated farms in Platte River Valley. . .Only Miiall ut)mcnts reuired. . . Would consider Mnie live stock. . .Fall or write for dex-ription and . . terms. W. W. XOHTOX, ALUAXCi; XFIJ. The home of Ed. Wilson, 936 Lar amie avenue, was quarantined this morning on account of scarlet fever. A Tour of the East Take advantage of the very attractive excursion rates this coming ffummer applying over a complete circuit, going one way; returning anoth er that will include many of the most famous mountain and seashore local ities of the East. Yoa may include the Adirondacks. the White Mountains, tbe St. Lawrence River Region, Lake George, Saratoga, Montreal, Quebec, Boston, New York, the Hudson River, the Ocean Trip to Newport News, the Jersey Coast, the Virginias, Washington, D. C. Leave your name with me and let ne secure for you no:t;e railroad literature and hotel literature that will describe the Summer jouraey you have in mind. SOMETHIXt; XLW: Through .leeer now in service between Onuiim and Peuriit. train No. VI. J. KR1DELBAUGH Agent, Alliance L. V. Wakeley, Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha WMMSMMMMMMMM TUrst Family Ijivative j atjve Beware of constipation. Use Dr. King's New Lire Pills and keep well. Mrs. Charles E. Smith, of W. Frank lin, Me., calls them "Our family lax- Notblng better for adults or aged. Get them today, 25. All Druggists or by mail. II. E. Bucklen & Co.. Philadelphia or St. Louis. For nice clean Nigsrhead Lijmp and Nut, and Eastern Hard nut coal, phone to No. 22. Dlerks Lumber & Coal Company. L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office to First National Bank Bids; Phonea: Office, 362; residence, 16. 5d-tM608 Advertisement E. W. RAY, FLORIST Cut Cowers and potted plants. Floral pieces made on short notice Mall orders given special attention. 41tf2S49 Rowan A Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tf Buy your coal of Rowan . Wright. Phone 71. tf Steam Plow for Hale Bargain in Reeves steam plow outfit. Good shape. Address G. B. Carr. Alliance. 10-St-3236 Home grown seed oats for sal. Mixed, 50 cents per bushel. Pae Kherson, hand cleaned. 7i cents. so some spring rye. J. A. KEEGAN. 18-3t$-3395 Have one yearling Shorthorn Bull left. Price. $60 if taken soon. J. A. K HUG AN. 18-3t$-3393 WAXTHI) 150 head of horses or cattle want ed for summer pastnre. Plenty ef range and water. Thirteen mifiU northeast of Ellsworth. Nebr. Ad dress C. W. MATTHHVTS. , 13tf3285 SAFE Established 1 874 SOUND ROSE NBA M INCORPORATED BROS. CO 0 Live S lock Commission Mereh ' CATTLE SHEEP AND HOGS We cordially solicit your patronage. With our unexcelled facilities in every de partment, we are prepared to render you most efficient service. Correspondence Invited. V Send for Market Reports. South Oniaha Prompt Chicago Sioux City Reliable