; 1 1 s M I- u I ii it p I! i t i THE ALLIANCE HERALD JOHN W. THOMAS, Editor Lloyd C. Thomas, City Editor ' Published every Thursday by( ' THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY ... Incorporated Lloyd C. Thomas, President J. Carl Thomas, Vie Proa- John W. Thomas, Secretary Entered at tha post office at through tho mills as seooad-class Subscription price, $1 50 TIIUKflDAY. LOCAL ITEMM From Tuesday's Dally: Ralph and. Myrtle Hoppins of Hemlngford re In Alliance today. W. A. Miller of Crawford U visit tag In Alliance. Mrs. John Kelnsella of Hemtng tonl is visiting friends bore. O. T. Betta of Marslana Is a busi ness caller in the city today. Chss. K. Murphy and U. W. Hu Biakor, Lakeside resldeata, are Alli ance visitors. The Drake Hotel purchased a ftorse for the bus yesterday from Gregg Bon. They are now driving a team of well matched roans. Ruth W. Moore arrived Sunday from Beatrice Nebr., and has taken a position wlio. the Iloreoe Polite tore. Mrs. Samuel Graham who has been visiting Miss Delia M. Reed In Alliance since Friday, returned to feer homo In Hemlngford today. Verne Musser has rented the old Commissary building and will put In a new plumbing shop, lie will be ready for business about May 1. J. P. Jensen of Hemlngford trans acted business In Alliance today. John Jellyneck, county assessor, was in Alliance yesterday on busi ness In connection with hit office. A suit to quiet title lo certain real estate was filed In district court this morning. Emmett J oh noon is Blalntlff in the case. Edna L. tnw and William T. Johnson are the defend ants. Attorney B. F. GHman Is rep resenting the plaintiff. Miss Delia Reed, com tendent, has recovered fresa attack of tonsllltls contracted last week while out visiting schools In ierday was tho first day 4e bos been able to be at her office since Friday. A. Hanson, a traveling s'alosman from Chicago, Is boosting his wares to the Alliance merchants today, n. L. navrn of Lead. . D., v,ho' Iihs been In Alliance for a few days! ou business, has returned to his borne. W. M. Ioder.ee, a prominent ranch nan of Hox Null county, is transact inn business I" Alliance tolay. MrB. A. Hartley, who lives eleven miles northpRft of town, an old friend and nelehbor of Mrs. A. Cur ry, spent Monday with Mrs. Curry. James FeujrlnB went to Denver to day, lie will be tone about a week r two. He was accompanied by Roj Salisbury of Upton, Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hayes of Ger ing. Nebraska, are visiting In Alli ance. Miss Ina IMlwood returned from Gordon, Nebr., where she has been attending a short session of srt school and visiting friends. Tom Rowland, an Alliance fireman rime down from Marsland where he Is stationed temporarily, to vote. He returned to Maryland today. From Wediit-vlu)' Dally: Alex Muirlie.td of Hemlngford is spending a couple of days In the city. I F. McCarthy, a rancher from Orlando, is in Alliance. The clearing sale at Essay's con tinues until April 25. 1S-U-3387 Henry Shrlnck, a rancher from near Marslund, is In Alliance today. J. I. Da: j , trainmaster at Sterling, Is In Alliance today. Heber Moid, a prominent stock man of Central City, Nebr., is In Al liance on business. M. II. Hoop and Roy Buchanan of Dalton. Nebr.. are in Alliance for a abort visit. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bteastbom- yer of the Spade rsncb are shopping In Alliance. Earl Mallery Is in Omaha where he was summoned to serve on the fan I Jury. Some remarkable money saving ppor:uu!:ies at Essay's clearing ale. Pboue 789. JI-U-33S7 Widj Ola Uurmood, stenographer la f5-i't. Weidenhamer's offioa. la 111 todaj . . , . . . .Mi. Kenuedy of El'-sworth '. vis iting at the home of Mrs. Clyde Smith. C. Moslsr, R. A. Westover, Mm. Shane and Mlsa Stoop, are among Lakeaida people who are in Allianoa. Henry Shlmek, a prominent ranch Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission matter. per year In advance APRIL 9, 1914 er, from near Hemlngford, Is lo Alli ance today. Abbie R. Lelthoff of Crawford came to Alliance yesterday to accom pany her daughter home from the St. Agnes academy. Attorney C. V. Oilman of Montovl Wisconsin, is In Alliance visiting his brother, Attorney B. F. Gllraaa Mr. Oilman was resident of Box Butte county for several years during the early days. He left Alliance about twenty years ago. Lieutenant C. C. Rldgeway, com mander of the militia company at Sheridan, Wyoming, stopped In Alli ance a few hours today, while on his way to Cheyenne, Wyoming. Mrs. E. A. Partridge of Denver is visiting at the home of her niece, Mrs. R. E. Knight in Alliance. She Is on her way home' from Pennsyl vania where she has been spending the winter. Special prices on all staple groc eries at Essay's during the big clear ing sale. Mrs. J. A. Wolverton returned to day from a short visit in Omaha. She was accompanied by Mrs. Oedsell and family of Des Moines, Iowa. bi will make a visit at the vVlvcrton home. Paul Crawford, a resident of Box Butte county for a number of years, Is loading a car of horses and house hold goods, which he will ship to night to Abbey, Sask., Canada, where he has taken a homestead, Kxoelleat for Stomach Trouble. "Chamberlain's Tablets are juat fine for etomach trouble," writes Mrs. G. C. Dunn, UPerln- Arnold. Pa, "I was bothered with this com plaint for some time and frequently had bit- severe ou ,tUcv. chamberlain's Tablets aflb.-ded me srsat relief from the firm, and since Uk ing one bottle of them I feel like a different Maine Republicans to Meet Augusta, Me., April 8. The ad vance guard of delegates has arrived in the city for the Republican state f onventiou, which will meet here to- morrow with Congressman John A, I'eters presiding. The convention will adopt a platform and make pre liminary plans for the coming state campaign. The state end congress ional nominations will be made at the Juno primaries. Governor Haines, who Is serving his first term, i-j so far the only Republican who has announced his candidacy for the gubernatorial nomination. Mcrilol UheiiinatlNn Powder The unusually large sale of this remedy Is the best evidence we could offer you to prove its merit. It Is made of effective Ingredients, and la guaranteed to give permanent re lief for rheumatism. We will glad ly show you the formul aand explain Its merits to you. F. J. Brennan, local agent. For Easter New Waists in Voile, $1.50 Dorothy Dodd Slippers $3.50, and $4.50 Moline hats, 3.50 to $10.00 Phoenix Silk Hose, 75c Inland Gloves, 1.50 to $1.65 Warner, Gossard, Nemo, Redfern Corsets, $1.00 to $5.00 The Horace MAY lOOATK IN NORTH DAKOTA James Wallace, leader of the Alll unce band, and an actUc church worker, who has been located In Alliance for several years, left Mon day night for GUby, North Dakota, where he expects to purchase the GUby Chronicle, a thriving newspa per started there six months ago. Oilby Is a town of 400 people, twenty-six miles northwest of Grand Forks. North Dakota. If Mr. Wal lace does not locate there perman ently he will probably return to Al liance. Oowfh Medicine for Childrom. Nsvsr give a child a cough medicine that contains opium In any form. Whit opium Is riven other and more serious diseases may follow. Long txpsrienos has dsmonatrsted that there is no better or safer medicine for coughs, colds snd croup in children thaa Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is equally valuable for adults. Try it It contains no opium or other harmful drug. For sale by ail dealers. Advertisement Dog Show 0ens In Minneapolis .iniieajuuo, rainn., April .-ine largest and most notable exhibition mn 1.11. wi . i a ot. of pedigreed dogs ever held In the' Nnrih.ut i.n.M in tni. .Mv tA.m upder the auspices of the Minneapol is Kennel Club. An offer of $2,500 in cash prises has attracted the blue ribbon winners from the recent shows in the east and In Canada. All of the popular breeds are well rep resented. Judging was commenced soon after the opening today and will be continued until the show closes Saturday night. Big Rowling Tourney 0tena Atlantic City, N. J., April 8. With. many of the best bowlers of the United States and Canada en tered, the eighth annual champion ship tournament of the National Bowling association opens here to night and will continue until Aptil 28. Not only Is the East represented h mtnT davntona nf tho ram. hut from the west and the soutn many entries nave oeen receivea. untnes in the five-man team, two-man team and individual competitions exceed the figures of former years. Among the cities represented are New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Richmond, Albany, Rochester, Buffa lo, Utlca, Syracuse, Montreal, Torpn to, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Toledo, Cleveland, Washington, Reading, Ho boken, Erie, Wheeling and Paterson. The far west is represented In the tournament by a star team of six men from Pasadena, California. Nu merous cities have been allotted spe cial nights during the three weeks that the competitions will contln'.e. A. V. Gavin, chief dispatcher r at Alliance, left today for Omaha where he will attend a meeting of officials and traffic managers tomorrow. The chief matter to be considered by the meeting will be the handling of re frigerator cars on tho lines weBt dur ing the coming summer. Mr. Gavin will return Friday. Strengthen Weak nud Tired Women "I was vuder a great strain nurs ing a relative throtip!l three monthB' sickness." writes Mrs. J. C. Van De Sande, of Klrkland. III., and "Elec tric Bitters kept me from breaking down. I will never be without it." Do you feel tired and worn out? No appetite and food won't digest? It Isn't the spring weather. You need Electric Bitters. Start a month's treatment today; nothing better for stomach, liver and kidneys. The great spring tonic. Relief or money back. 50c and 11.00, at your Drug gist. Bogue Store i Hurry! Hurry! Sir and get your colts and vicious horses booked for breaking. Cut prices on first 30 head. I'll start the first of May. Work guaranteed. References if desired. N. S. SNYDER ANGORA, NEBRASKA Check Your April Cough TllBttinff f rr.t on fllnrll ..In. I ' - o ' i.u cniU you to tne very marr0w, you 1 catch cold head and lungs stuffed You re feverish cough contlnu Hy nd feel miserable You need Dr. King's New Discovery.. It sooth es Inflamed an dlrritated throat and A Tour of the East Take advantage of the very Summer applying over a complete circuit, going one way, returning anoth er that will include many of the most famous mountain and seashore local ttles of the East. You may Include the Adlrondacks. the White Mountains, the St. Iwrence River Region, Lake George, New York, the Hudson River, the Ocean Trip to Newport News, the Jersey Coast, the Virginias, Washington, D. Leave your name with me and let me secure for you some railroad literature and hotel literature that will describe the Summer Journey you nave in mind. HOMKTHINO NEW: Through sleepers now in service between Omaha aud I'eona, train No. 12. J. SPRING lllllplil lite ..IN.. Farm Machinery and Harness A This is the time to line up for the year's work. should have: Low Down Manure Spreader, Disc, Lister, or other new Farm Machinery Equip your horses with a set of H. H. & B. HARNESS Every strap is guaranteed. I. L. ACHESON i Western Nebraska Hard Wheat j makea the Hemingford know hew to make It. you a sack of our flour. M. L. MILLER, Prop. UKM1KOFORD. lungs, stops cough, your hesa clears up, fever leaves, ana yon reel nne. Mr. J. T. Davis, of Stlckney Corner, Me.. "Was cured of a dreadful cough after doctor's treatment and all oth er remedies failed. Relief or money back. Tleasant Children like It. Get a bottle today. 50c and 11.00 at your Druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for All Bores. One Rob In Time Saves Nine ' ' Don't wait until your balr is gone but keep all you have I f possible. We recommend Merttol Hair Tonic as a reliable preparation for keeping the scalp clean and healthy condition and promoUng hair growth. It is a preparaUon of genuine merit, one we are pleased to gusrantee to you. F. J. Brenan, exclusive agency. HOUSES TO RENT or lease. Land to rent or lease. Land or city property for sale. Phone 36. C. VV. JEFFERS attractive excursion rates this coining Saratoga, Montreal, Quebec, Boston. C. KRIDELBAUGH Agent, Alliance L. W. Wakeley, Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha GOODS You best flour. The Roller Mills Ask your grocer to send Every sack guaranteed. VKBRASKA n ED i irjjj Advertising W ANT BD FOUR YOUNO MSN sa each and every town la veeflUns Nebraska to act m tar ecputa. Wsft for tree partkmiare. FRANK V. WOLVERTON, Dept. , AIBanoo, ffa- braeka. JanS9tf380f Coal office at Rowan'a feed store. ROW AN ft WRIGHT, phone 71. tf ABSTRACTERS I. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter. 1 have the only set of abstract ooks in Box Butte county Of Ilea Room 7, Opera House Block. 10tfS7O fVM8CELl:AEOU8 Money to loan on real estate. F. Stf . Keaaisn. For nice clean Nlzgerhead Lump and Nut, and Eastern Hard nut coal, phone to No. 22. Dlerks Lumber ft Coal company. l W. BOWMAN Physician and 8urgeon Offlco in First National Bank Blag. Phones: Off toe, 262; residence, M. 60-tf-1608 AdverUeeroSat E. W. RAY, FLORIST Cut flowers and potted pla Floral pieces made on abort nol Mail orders given special attention 41tf2549 RowaiTft Wright, coal, wood aad posts. Phone 71. tf Buy your coal of Rowan ft Wrtah Phone 71. tf Steam Mow for Sale Bargain In Reeves steam ptqjr outfit. Good shape. Address O. B Carr, Alliance. 10-8t-32S Home grown seed oats for Mixed, 60 cents per bushel. Kherson, hand cleaned, 7K cents. M so some spring rye. J. A. KEEQAH. 18-3H-3395 Have one yearling Shorthorn Bstl left. Price, $60 if taken soon. J. A. KEEOAN. 18-3t$-3395 WANTKD 150 head of horses or cattle wasa ed for summer pastnre. Plenty if ranpe and water. Thirteen sslis northeast of Ellsworth, Nebr. Ad dress C. W. MATTHEWS. 13tf3285 FOR SALE Small, ofean stock ef general merchandise. $2,060 In cluding fixtures. PostofHoe throws In. Postoffice pays $20 to $rS monthly. Cream station pays Jfil to $65 for six months in the yews, making $75 to $90 per month be RlrtM the profits from the store. Cheap rent. Dally mall after net Tuly. 25 miles from railroad. Chance to buy or lease 840 acres ia connection. This is a snap for some one. Act quick. Address M. L. Whitaker, Canton, Nebr. 13tf3286 Rest Family laxative Beware of constipation. Use Dr. King's New Life Pills and keep weH. Mrs. Charles E. Smith, of W. Frank lin. Me., calls them "Our fairily las atlve." Nothing better for adults or aged. Get them today, 25c. All Druggists or by mall. H. E. Bucklen & Co.. Philadelphia or St. Louis. HEAL F.HTATH FOR HALK ONE O ROOM HOUSE, corner lot. 4 blocks west of postoffice. ONE 7 ROOM IIOUSH. corner lot. In library block. ONE 7 ROOM HOUSK, corner lot. On Box Butte Ave. ONE CORNER REH1DENCK 1X)T. North of Academy. ONE CORNER RHHIDKNCB IX)T. West of Emerson school. THREE INSIDE RESIDENCE UYVH. East of Emerson school. 880 ACRES fine dairy ranch. 1 m. to Letan, 4 m. to Alllauee. 1320 ACRES fine farm and dairy ranch 1 mile to Letan, 6V& miles to Alliance. 6dO ACRES fine farm, 250 acres . ready for crop. I mile to Letan, 6 miles to Alliance. 680 ACRES dairy farm. 1 miles to Letan, 7 to Alliance. 400 A. m m. south of Alliance. 610 ACRES, 3 m. south of Alliance. 160 A. m. southeast of Alliance. 64o A. 3 m. east of Hemlngford. 40, 80 and 120 ACRE irrigated farms In Platte River Valley. . . Only small payments required. . .Would consider some live stock. . .Call or write for description aud . .terms. W. W. NORTON, ALLIANCE, NKU. LET ME CRY FOR YOU" HARRY P. COURSEY LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL . AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE PHONE 114 ALUANCB . NBBRASKA CLASS