THE ALLIANCE HERALD JOHN W. THOMAS, Editor Uoyd C. Thorn at, City Editor Published every Thursday by TUB HERALD PUULISHINO COMPANY Incorporated Lloyd C. Thomas, President J. Carl John W. Thomas, Secretary Thomas, Vice Pres. Entered at the pout Mice at Alliance, Nebraska, Tor transmission through the malls am.- second -class matter. Subscription price, $1.R0 per year la advance THUItHDAY, APRIL 2, 1914 Prom Tuesday's Dally: Dr. Wm. Lee went to Marsland to day on business. Harry Dubuque purrhajied a new Keo car today of U. M. Brltt. VV. C. English, of Obadron. rnme In this noon on business. Mrs. L. N. Keith o flleralnrford was in Alliance Monday. W. F. Patterson was in town to day from llerea on business. Engineer Geo. W. Johnson, who bas been Buffering from severe at tack or sciatica, Is lmprevln. A ten pound boy wm torn Mon day morning to Mr. and Mr. Charles Boness. Mrs. J. Ramsey of Lakeside is vis iting friends in Alliance for a few days. John Wlker delivered an Ivers & Pond piano to both Emerson and Central schools Monday. Ln Arnold, who was operated up on last week for appendicitis, is steadily Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Met! in returned to Marsland this noon after a slay in Alliance of two days. J. E. Itlce left this noon for a bus iness trip to Ogalalla which will in clude several days. General 8upt. and Mrs. K. E. Young arrived this noon froiu tin south after a short trip to Sterling. M. J. Young and wife of Denver topped off In AUiunre today cnruute to Hillings, Montana. William Butler and 1jo Brendle were down from Liberty precinct u Monday, transacting business. Henry llier of Antloch came 10 .Alliance on business Monday, re turning home today. The ladieB of the Baptist church "will meet Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Frank Iledgelln, at 420 Missouri avenue. Mrs. Belle Boland and daughter, Mrs. Mae Jensen, were up from Ells worth Monday on business, return Ing today. 8. K. Ishly, a prominent member of the Japanese colony at Scottsbluff went to Omaha today on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brlggs and children nre In from the ranch visit ing at the home of his mother, Mrs. Martha Patmore. The Literary department of the Woman's Club will meet with Mrs. Nellie Wilson on North Laramie, on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, In stead of Friday. The subject will be "Jerusalem," Mrs. E. O. Lalng, leader. Mrs. D. D. Barber left Sunday for Chadron to visit Mrs. Jack Hamilton a few days and then Mr. Barber will Join her and they will go on to Rush vllle and Grayson. From Wednesday' Daily: Mrs. George G. Burke, who lives west of town, Is quite 111. Mrs. Fred M. Itazner went to Oma ha last night to visit for a few days. Supt. and Mrs. E. 13. Vnung left today on 44 for Chicago. Dennis Landrlgan and family left on 44 today for Ellsworth. 8. O. Tlllett left today on 303 on u business trip. A Btock train will arrive today from the Sheridan division. It. A. Westover of Lakeside was iu town yesterday and today for med ical treatment for appendicitis. E. W. Bell, Burlington superin tendent of Bridges, went to Omaha on 44 today. , Bernice Kridelbaugh left today for Denver on business and pleasure trip. A. II. McLaughlin came down from Marsland Tuesday on business, returning today. Herbert Knyeart of llemlngford came down Tuesday on business, re- urn lug today. Geo. D. Darling and family are expected to return Friday from Cal ifornia. Banker K. L. fierce and wife of lleralngford drove down to Allianct Tuesday on business, In their car. John Kraus, foreman of the Bren- nan ranch, was in town today on business. Mrs. I). W. Montgomery left today for Mitchell to attend the Woman's Presbyterial meeting of Box Butte, lasting today and tomorrow. Mrs. Lulu Burrlss, who was off duty at the depot newsstant Tuesday on account of illness, haa resumed work again. Mrs. George Young and sister, Miss Hackenbury, returned today from Denver where they spent the winter. Mrs. H. A. Cunningham and little Vera Lowery returned this morning from an over-Sunday pleasure trip to Denver. John Burke returned Monday from a two weeks' trip, visiting friends and relatives at Grand Is land and Friend. Nebr., and Denver, Colo. Mrs. J. D. Williams stopped off in Alliance between trains enroute from Denver where she has been visiting friends, to her home at Riverside Washington. Hurry! Hurry! .Meritol Rheumatism IWdew The unusually large sale of thi remedy is the best evidence we could offer you to prove Its merit. It made of effective Ingredients, and Ib guaranteed to give permanent re lief for rheumatism, vve will glad ly show you the formul aand explain its merits to you. F. J. Brennan loeal agent. and get your colts and vicious horses booked for breaking. Cut prices on first 30 head. I'll start the first of Mav. Work guaranteed. References if desired. N. S. SNYDER ANtiORA, NEBRASKA lungs, stops cough, your head clears up. fever leaves, and you feel nne. Mr. J. T. Davis, of stickney corner. Me.. "Was cured of a dreadful rough after doctor's treatment and all oth er remedies failed. Belief or money back. Pleasant Children like It. Get a bottle today. f0c and $1.00 at your Druggist. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve for All Sores. Advertising One Bub in Time Save Nine Don't wait until your hair is gone but keep all you have i fposslble. We recommend Meritol Hair Tonic as a reliable preparation for keeping the scalp clean and healthy condition and promoting hair growth. It Is a nrenaration of genuine merit, one we are pleased to guarantee to you F. .1. Hrenan. exclusive agency. Check Your April Cough Thawing frost an dApril rains chill you to the very marrow, you catch cold head and lungs Btuffed You are feverish cough continu ally and feel miserable You need Dr. King's New Discovery. It sooth es inflamed an dirritated throat and HOUSES TO RENT or lease. Land to rent or lease. Land or city property for sale. Phone 36. C. W. JEFFERS St renal liens Weak and Tired Women "I was under a great strain nurs Ing a relative through three months sickness," writes Mrs. J. C. Van De Sande. of Kirkland, 111., and "Elec trie Bitters kept, me from breakln down. I will never be without It Do you feel tired and worn out? No appetite and food won't digest? It Isn't the spring weather. You need Electric Bitters. Start a month's treatment today; nothing better for stomach, liver and kidneys. The great spring tonic. Belief or money back. 50c and $1.00, at your Druggist. Advance Bulletin of Summer Rates YKLMVHTOXE AND GLACIEIl NATIONAL PARKS: Attractive tourist rates through these vacation parks will be announc ed shortly. The "Cody Woy" Into Yellowstone is the scenic entrance and forms a part of all circuit tours through the Park. .o one way via Cody, by all meant. THE BIG HOKN MOUNTAINS: The locality about Sheridan, with its lodges and ranches, is steadily Increasing ln its Summer patronage. This is one of the most attract ive localities in all the RockteB. THE BLACK HILLS: Hot Springs, S. D., in a gala place throughout the Summer the entire Black Hills region is coming into strong popularity as ore or tn most beautiful vacation regions in the West. SUMMER TOURS: Tourist rates will be made to Colorado, to Utah, the Pad tie Coast, an the Pacific Northwest; also from the West to the Lake region of Mich igan, the Atlantic seashore, the St. Iawrence Ulver region, and many other Summer vacation regions. Describe your proposed outing tour tn us and let us help you plan It with regard to the best service, diverse routes, side trip privileges, etc.. so that you will get the moHt out of it. J. KRIDELBAUGH Agent, Alliance L. W. Wakeley, Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha jASS n ID WANTKD-FOUR YOU NO MEN in u:h and every town in wera Nebraska to net a my ew;U. Write for free particulars. FRANK W. WOLVKUTON, Dept. G. Alliance, Ne braska. Jat2tr;2tM) Coal office at Rowan's feed store. AO WAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf ABSTRACTERS I. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstract er. I have the only Bet of abstract MKks In Box Butte county Of flea Room 7, Opera House Block. lOtfCTO nhscellaous Money to loan on real em ate. F. C. Reddish. 3tt For nice clean Niggerhead Lump and Nut. and Eastern Hard nut coal, phon to No. 22. Dierka Lumber Coal Company. mm r :hj: 3EIE 31 Some! h D nrvr. BY DARCY 0 NOW READY I am now ready for business in my new location in Rumer Block over Mollring's Store entrance on llox Butte Ave., first door from corner. My studio is one of the finest in the state, lots of room, light and ventilation, water, electric light, cfc. Dressing room i ox 1 2, reception room i6x 12, operating room 36x13 (or 22 if necessary) large work and enlarging room. :: :: :: The Darcy Studio Is Now the Leading Studio of Western Nebraska With over sixteen years experience in the business I am ready to convince you that better Photos are not made any place at any Price. As an induce ment to get you acquainted with the leading Studio of Alliance, I will give special reduced rates on Photos W for a short time. Extra special rates made for all Pupils, either individual or classes. (Please note: I do not advertise something free, with a string to it I You can t'eoend on getting the benefit of special low prices on all Photos for a short time only just as advertised :: :: :: My MottoSpeak the truth, deliver high class work at,honest prices, guarantee reasonable satisfaction in all other work of a cheaper nature. :: :: Do business on the merits of efficiency and not on the strength of any pull or ring. I court competition, but resent the underhanded method of scoun drels. Respectfully Yours, SPRING GOODS ..IN.. Farm Machinery, and Harness This is the time to line up for the year's work. You should have: Low Down Manure Spreader, Disc, Lister, or other new Farm Machinery Equip your horses with a set of H. H. & B. HARNESS Every strap is guaranteed. I. L. ACHESON L W. J. DARCY cin 3LH Western Nebraska Hard Wheat makes the best flour. The Hemingford Roller Mills ETErB know bow to make iu Aak your grocer to tend you a tack of oar flour. sTrery eack guaranteed M. L. MILLER, Prop. tlKMlNQFORD. NBBRASKA L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Offloe fen First National Bank Bid. Phones: Office, 3St; realdenoe, 16. (0-tf-ltOS Advertisement E. W. RAY, FLORIST Cut flowers and potted plants. Floral pieces made on short notice. Mall orders given special attention. 41tf2549 FOSLE-;JRMSTTE Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tf Buy your coal of Rowan Wright. Phone 71. tf SUsun Plow for Sole Bargain In Reeves steam plow outfit. Good shape. Address O. B. Carr, Alliance. 10-8t-S236 Home grown Heed oats for sale. Mixed, 50 cents per bushel. Prt Kherson, hand cleaned, 75 cents. Al so some spring rye. J. A. KEKGAN. 18-3t$-3395 Have one yearling Shorthorn Bait left. Price. $60 if taken soon. J. A. KEKGAN. lS-3t$-3395 WANTKIl 150 head of horses or cattle want ed for summer pasture. Plenty mt range and water. Thirteen mlktj northeast of Ellsworth. Nebr. Ad dress C. W. MATTHEWS. 13tf3285 FOR SALE Siuill, clean stock ef general merchandise. $"2,000 in cluding fixtures. Postotlice throw in. Postoflice pays $30 to $2fc monthly. Cream station pays fSM to $65 for six months in the year, mnking $75 to $90 per month be sides the profits from the stove. Cheap rent. Daily mail after neat .luly. 25 miles from railroad. Chance to buy or lease 840 acres ss connection. This is a snap for some one. Act quick. Address M. I.. Whitaker, Canton. Nebr. 13U3286 Bett Family lAxatlre Beware of constipation. Use Dr. King's New Life Pills and keep well. Mrs. Charles B. Smith, or W. Frank lin, Me., calls them "Our family lax ative." Nothing better for adults or aged. Oet them today, 26c. AS. Druggists or by mall. II. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. URAL ESTATE FOR RALE ONE ROOM HOUSE, corner lot. 4 blocks west of poetofflce. ONE 7 ROOM HOUSE, corner lot. In library block. ONE 7 ROOM HOUSE, corner lot. On Box Butte Are. ONE CORNER RESIDENCE IX)T. North of Academy. ONE CORNER RESIDENCE IXVT. West of Emerson school. THREE INSIDE RESIDENCE IX)TS. East of Emerson school. HHO ACRES fine dairy ranch. 1 m. to Letan. 4 4 m. to Alliance. 1820 ACRES tine farm and dairy ranch 1 mile to Letan, 6H miles to Alliance. 620 ACRES fine farm, 25 acres ready for crop. I mile to Letan, 6 miles to Alliance. 680 ACRES dairy farm. 1 miles to Letan, 7 to Alliance. 400 A. 2 H m. south of Alliance. 640 ACRES, 3 m. south of Alliance. 160 A. 74 m. southeast of Alliance. 640 A. 3 m. east of Hemingford. 40, 80 and ISO ACRK Irrigated farms In Platte Rlrer Valley. . .Only small payments required. . . Would consider some lire stock. . .Call or write for description mod . tei ms. W. W. NORTON, ALLIANCE, NEB. "LET ME CRY FOR YOU" HARRY P. COURSEY LTVK STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Farm KaJea a SfMrsalty TERMS RHASONABLE PHONE 64 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA