ft THE ALLIANCE HERALD JOHN W. THOMAS, Editor Lloyd C. Themss, City Editor .,-.-,.., . Published every Thursdsy by . THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY Incorporated Ooy C. Thomas. President J Carl Thomas, Vice Pre. -. v.-! ....mi John- W. Thomas, Secretary t , . i , .. . , - Entered at the- post ottlce at Alliance, Nebraska, (or transmission through the mails. feocnd-claaa. matter. , .. Subscription price, 1.60 per year ta advance ' '.THURSDAY, MARCH 12. 114 A DIFFF.RKNCK IN TKRM8 m There are advantage la being In octety,. especially If it la of the 'high" variety. Particularly la this true when It comei to- public and personnl mention. It a poor woman gets knocked down by a wheelbar row it is no stated, if It la stated at all. but K it la a society woman that thus gets floored theplebiaa barrow la called a "horseless vehicle." Again, If one In. reduced clrcuin ounces steals a few dollar he Is railed a "common thief who has no redeeming virtues, but if the offend er is In society and steals some valu able furs the wrong Is styled "klep- ' tomanla" or "mental aberration,' and, great sympathy la eipressed Better ctill Is It If the theft is one of a million, dollars by which many de positors or stockholders are ruined The man who Is able to accomplish that and thereby add to his already Immense' fortune Is proudly called a "brilliant financier." and all Wall street pays homage to him and hails him as a "Napoleon of finance." These are but a few of the great lierog stives that one possesses who has a large pocket book and moves la the select circles of high society Many more might be given. AIMS MARTIN - New York City gits th' best o ev e'r'thlng -even strangers. You dont hare V be on th' water wogan t' no tice th' days glttin' longer. , What's become o' th' ole fashion ed dog named "Carlo".? Mr. ' an Mrs. Lafe Bud entertained a few neighbors last evenln but were soon separated. Wherever ther's a corner grocery ther'a a lot o' free traders. Once In a long while some feller retires from a poultry farm instead o' qulttln. Captain Kldd or buccaneer fame raa not In It with the modern sharp er In relieving people of their money. 'The modern buccaneer as -not armed to the teeth, nor does he fly the black flag, but he is an expert in his line. Ha la smooth and polished In his -way. and In that respect he is de ferent from the bold pirates of old who swore like a trooper and wore at ferocious smile, according to all accounts. But the modern Captain Kidd is a past master tn drawing the dollars from folks possessed of more money than brains. Ills get-mh-quick schemes are a thousand times more successful than the nuked wword of any old buccaneer, that clambered over the side of his prize. Like the poor, the MeKu uues tlon Is ever with us an dnot one of the numerous panaceas suggested seem to relieve the situation. The trouble in Mexico, and the often re curring troubles in other Central and South American states seem to con firm the general Impression that the Latin-American nations aeera to be problems of popular government. As a whole they appear to oscillate be tween a dctipotUm and anarchy. It used to be said that if kings would only do their own fighting and Dot compel their subjects to do it wars would soon cease. 80 if those rich speculators who are w loud in their insistence that this nation In tervene by war here and there would only spend their own money and sac rlfice their own precious lives It would be well. But they will not do It, although they are very anxious that others sacrifice their lives and means. lu many parts of the country win er reigns supreme, but now is the lime to plan for making the house in which you live and the premises sur rounding it the "Place Beautiful." No matter how large or how email there is usually some nwui tor' im provement. There is Joy lu plan buk, joy m execution, aud Joy w' eattHfa-tion In the realization. One Rub tn Time Have Nine Don't wait until your hair is gone but keep all you have 1 fposslble. We recommend Merltol Hair Tonic as a reliable preparation for keeping the scalp clean and healthy condition and promoting hair growth. It Is a preparation of genuine merit, one we are pleased to guarantee to you P. J. Brenan, exclusive agency. utomobileaundry Prices on application Work guaranteed Leonard Pilkington AT HEELER'S GARAGE t,t U MKKTH' MONDAY NKJIIT. Nearly Klghty Hlgnern Neeured f'umraerrlal Club Articled of Incorporation to President Guthrie of the Commer cial Club has called a meeting at the Opera House for next Monday even ing, to complete the organization of the club. Nearly eighty signatures have been secured to the articles of Incorporation. The plans of the ex ecutive committee will be laid before the club at that time and the organ isation work completed. - ALL1ANCK CLKAMNCJ WORKS . Phone 6lt For your cleaning and pressing. We clean suits, dresses, curtains, rugs, all kinds of fancy work. All kinds of dyeing done as satisfactory as tn any shop. We will do your according, pleating, mending and altering. A shop you can phone to for any kind of work. Work called for and delivered. MRS. ZKHRUNG, Prop. adv-mchG-3t-3280 GKM'IN'K RED KIVKR OHIO 8RKD FROM MINNESOTA In case we receive sufficient en couragement from Box Butte county growers we will, about April 1st. have on track at Alliance a car of small else, selected seed at IKIc per bushel sacked. Don't plant dlsear ed stock. Buy quality regardless of price. Write us amount you wish reserved. Ask either of your banks about us. EASTMAN-MINOR, 212 South 13th, Lincoln. Nebr. 12-51-3271 DR. W. M. LEE Veterinarian PHONE Office Red 72 Residence 7.'i Alliance. Nebraska A greftt majority of persons af- llicted with eczoma have no other ."Uluent, wfclch is accepted as proof dial eczema Is purely a skin disease. Merltol Ecsema Remedy Is recom mended eBpeclally for eczema and diseases of the skin. If you are af flicted with this terrible disease we ask you to use this remedy on our Kuarantee. K. J. Brennan, iigent. A KIT OK ADVICF. First Ion't Delay. Second Don't hxperiment If you suffer from backache; head aches or dizzy spells; if you rest poorly and are languid in the morn Ing; if the kidney secretions are ir regular and unnatural in appearance do not delay. In such cases the kid neys often need help. Doan's Kidney Pills are especially prepared for kidney trouble they are recommended by thousands. Can residents desire more convincing proof than the statement of a citizen of this locality? 11. W. Gay lord. North Moorehead St., Chadron, Nebr., says: "I have used Doan'a Kidney Pills off and on for about fifteen years and I would not be without them In the house. Some time ago I suffered severely rom weak kidneys. I finally began usinK Doan's Kidney Pills and one ox removed the attack. I highly re commend Doan's Kidney Pills to any Dre suffering from backache or oth er symptoms of kidney complaint." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kedney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the ' same that Mr. Gaylord had. Foster-Mil-vir t .' I'lnps.. Buffalo. N. Y. Merltol RheumatiHin Powder The unusually large sale of this remedy Is the best evidence we could offer you to prove its merit. It - Is made of effective Ingredients, and is guaranteed to give permanent re lief for rheumatism. We will glad ly show you the formul aand explain its merits . to you. F. J. Brennan, local agent. : . . , . . Any kind ot coal yon want 00 hood at our yards. Prices right FOREST LUMBER CO Firsi in Everything Fin In Quality Fint In Kondt Fint in Parity j first in Economy and for these reasons Calumet Baking Powder ts first in the hearts of the millions of housewives who use it and know it. RECEIVES HIGHEST AWAKM qj'lriP I4 i'"'h"' PmSCi Ftc. sWtk, MIX. L I powder)! w mm 9 o 0 CREAM wmmm A Pare Cream of Tartar Powder Indispensable to best results saves jvjorrysayes wqrl saves money IiaI A-L ' o-.. n ----- - i V a ww ucaiui saves CULULIIUUIU ai la Die ,N0T MADE SY THE il i A TT ttttv mn III fill II II. I III II scott-a cw iocs at IKOTI nKMd A Carelessly Treated Cold Is the source of most sickness because drugged pills, syrups and alcoholic mixtures are uncertain and unsafe. Scott'a Emulsion has been relied upon by physicians for forty years as the safe and sensible remedy to suppress the cold and build up the enfeebled forces to avert throat and lung troubles. Don't tolerate alcoholic substitutes, but insist jay f on the OtMdno Sootfm Emulmlon. One bottle usually fTft longer than a cold. Every druggist has it. Advertising FURNISIIKD ROOMS Over ;th Fa moos, rhone 177. an6t42M UTS J. Hurry! Hurry! and et your colts and vicious horses hooked for breaking. Cut prices on first 30 head. I'll start the first of May. . Work guaranteed. References if desired. N. S. SNYDER ANGORA. NR11RASRA "LET MK CRY FOR YOU" HARRY P. COURSEY LIVK STOCK AND GF.NKRAL ACCTlONKFJt Farm Sales m Kpecialt) TERMS REASONABLE PHONE 664 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA . We invite our customers and friends to call at our new location, on the corner ot 3rd and Laramie. Phone your grocery orders to SS9. HAMILTON'S. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS One-half section of land five miles northwest of Alliance.' Extra good bargain If bought soon. . v Ranch of 2,000 acres. Fair ina provements, S00 acres valley land SO acres alfalfa. Will sell on easy terms. , Price 16.50 per acre If pur chased by April 1st. K. T. KIBBLE AlUsoce, : N-trsk 15-2t-331G WIDOW with one chili.' nine years old,'" would' like' position as housekeepef. ' Answer . addressing Box' No'. 3 543, care" Herald, Alliance, Nebr. I0tt3243 Peacock coal, a new Colorado coal, la the best on the market. Try H and you will like it. $9 per ton Phone 73. FOREST LUMBER CO. Adv3191tf Rent Family laxallve Beware of constipation. Use Dr. King's New Life Pills and keep well Mrs. Charles E. Smith, of W. Frank lin, Me., calls them "Our family lax ative." Nothing better for adults or aged. Get them today, 2 So. All Druggists or by mall. H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. lx)uls FOR KALE Siual five-room house. Two blocks from court house. Pays over 10 per cent. Bargain for 11050. Worth (100 more. Address P. O. Box 1037, Alliance. 14-2t-3299 NOTICE TO ASSESSORS Precinct asessors are requested to be present at the court house in Al I lance on Thursday, March 26th, at 4 p. m. JOHN JELINEK, County Assessor 14-3t-3297 SPRING GOODS ..IN.. Farm Machinery and Harness This is the time to line up for the year's work. You should have: Low Down Manure Spreader, Disc, Lister, or other new Farm Machinery rafeaM War cWm t Vni- IM mm mmr t.my 111 V k I imil liifat4fk. S mt m mmm I auik mmi mmim. Knowledge of the Functions of the Eye is neceesary, to fit glasses as they should be fitted. U lapses that are fitted by simply try ing glass after glass until one Is found that gives good vision are sure to be wrong and apt to prove injurious. , There are no haphaiard. .methods used In my tests. Each test t of vital importance and la made for a reason. 1 Your eyes are sate In my care. " kVok.es) nLepta DnpUcavted . C. DRAKE . OPTOUTIUST r- .. '"""""""iii'i'iinif "f!tn Equip your horses with a set of H. H. & B. HARNESS Every strap is guaranteed. I. L. ACHESON Western Nebraska Hard Wheat makes the best Hour. The Hemingford Roller Mills know how to make it Ask your grocer to send you sack of our flour. Every sack guaranteed . v.,. M. L. MILLER, Prop. WANTED-FOUR YOUNG MEN tm each and every, town In weatera Nebraska, to aw a my b&hAm:. Wrtts for - free particulars. ' FRANK W WOLVERTON. Dept. 5, AlBance, H J Ll 9IKD Coal office at Rowan's feed store ROW Atf WRIGHT, phone ll. tf ' ABSTRACTER J. a EMERICK Bonded , Abstracter. . t hava the onlv aet of abstract uok. In Box Butte connty. Office Room 7, Opera House Block. lOtfSTO FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1iiELtNi?t atoner to loan on real estate. F C. Reddish. Itt RANCH FOR SALE OR TRADE ; Relinquishment of 100 acres under the proposed government canal, f mUea northeast of Bayard, Nebraav ka. Improvomenta are frame house. 12x24, with small lean-to; fence around the bouse; good well, aad pump; shout 60 acres can be Irrigat ed. Addree Box 28E0. Herald Of floe, AlHance. Nobraaka. For nice clean N1ggerhe.nl Luflaa ami Nut. end Eastern Hard nut 004U. phone to No. 23. 1 . Dteru Lumber V gobj company. L. W. BOWMAN Fnystotae) and Surg eon Office) CO First NaXfcxuU Baak Bld Phones: Office, Ml; resklenoe, IB. (0-tf-ieOS . AdverthMnnent E. W. RAY, PLORI8T Cut flowers and potted plaoia Floral pieces made on abort notfue Mail orders given apeclal attention. HOlfSK FOR SALE OR RENT New bouse, eight rooms, closet with each room. Fine location In . went part of city. FOREST LUMBER CO.. Phone 73 mchStt3283 FOR SALE 7-roara houfts. One-half pay down, other half to milt pur chaser. 711 Vinson rt Ave. Phone Block C64. Sta2f Rowan Wright, coal, wood, and xsts Phone 71. tar Buy your coal of Rowau & Wright. Phone 71. tf Steam slow for Hale Bargain In Reeves steam plw outfit. Good shape. Address O. B Carr, Alliance. 10-81-3236 WORK WANTED - - Experienced couple want position on ranch. ' Can furnish references. Address A. tf.. care Herald. Alliance, Nebr. WANTED Hides, Sheep Pelts & Wool. We pay highest prieea. Writ for prices and taps. Ouinha Hide A Fur Co., Omaha, Nehr. . 12-4t-3263$ WANTED A housekeeper, 1 by widower. Address Boa 3287. HeraM Office. 13-201-3287$ WANTF.D - : ' 150 head of boreea or cattle want ed tor summer pasture. Plenty" of rsnge and water. Thirteen miles northeast of Ellsworth. Nehr. .Ad dress C. W. MATTHEW8. ., 13tf3285 . . FOR SALE Small, clean stock of general merchandise. is.onn in. eluding fixtures. Postofflce thrown in. Postofflce pays 120 to 126 monthly. Cream station pays 1 50 to 865 for six months in the year, making 75 to 890 per month be sides the profits from the store. Cheap rent. Dally mall after next July. 25 miles from railroad Chance to buy or lease 840 acres In connection. This Is a snap for some one. Act quick. Address M. . I Whltaker. Canton. Nebr. 13tf3286 ' STALLION FOB 8ALK 1 Thorobred Shire. Weight, 1$00 pounds. Good shape. 5 years old. Also I or I marea. R, J. MAIN. 4 mlle south of Alliance, - 1 W13-468-3277 - i. FINB HAY -For aale. 03 Mis souri avenue. ;MRS. K. REEYK8. mchl2-lt-3311 v . . . , v ; . 4 MILLET HAY for aale. Phone! 8 1 a ImiiiiM m n, v 1 . . n OHCKKN9 FOR 8ALR ' " Few thorobred Rhode Island ReMs. Call 852 Cheyenne or phone ill. 14-21-3337