Are you a booster for Alliance? In order to be a genuine booster you should first join The Daily Herald's Happy Family and get the paper every evening. Help us make The Herald the biggest, newicst, best booster Alliance ever had. BOOS Official Paper r Alliance Herald 10,0 0 0 READERS EVERY ISSUE United States Land Office II XL OFFICIAL ORGAN NEBRASKA 8T0CK GROWERS ASSOCIATION. REACHES EVERY MEMBER OFFICIAL ORGAN NEBRASKA STATE VOLUNTEER FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION. IT REACHES EVERY DEPARTMENT. HEADQUARTERS FOR 15.000 VOLUNTEER FIREMEN VOLUME XXI ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2J, 1914 NUMBER 8 BOOS NINETY HAVE GONE FORWARD has been claiming for this modern 1 method of conserving feed supply. Besides bein In the dairy business himself, Mr. Hyndsnaw sells alios and owns a silage cutter with which he fills not only his own but his 1 neighbors' silos. His charge for cut tine silajro is hlrtv cents nor ton. Evangelist Whlston -Told Last Night Lagt mr ne erctyl twelve silos in How to Get men. uig ser- nnm M.miT and five the var mon on "Harvest" Lnn ii iima tho nf silage, including raising the corn with all work hired, cost of seed, PHONE COMPANY GAVE WARNING Nebraska Telephone Company Warns Two Hundred Farmers and Ranchmen of Storm An Instance of the good work be- About ninety have thus far come rent n land and Dirt tine In silo, ta forward in, the Whlston meetings from i.65 t,, i.7e, t(m. Thomas HP done by the Nebraska Telephone sad It is hoped to cross the UM mark county is only about one hundred company was shown Wednesday by Sunday. Unquestionably a great nriles eat of Alliance and is in the tne government weather pre- good has been done in Alliance, and sandhills country. The cost of put- miction warning of a severe the church put in fine shape for fu- uivg up silage in this and neighbor- tom PMpa D""ara wnn a- tirre work. Rev. Woten te wearing ine counties would, no doubt, be an- 10 expose "r he smile that 'won come off these Iprtfximfltely the same as in the vi- Million of dollars worth of cattle days end plannmg a great advance dnity 0f Thedford and Seneca. There are by ranchmen and fanners is. the days to come. The young they would not now think of doing m the territory adjacent to Alliance mon and women will be organized without silos. It will be the same n vere bllazard like the one Uto classes, the Y. P. S. C. B. will iwsy here after they have been in fee strengthened and every depart- stalled In large numbers. Bient of work enhanced. The evai geHst spoke last nigbt on "How to Got Rich." and was again at his beet. He said "Real wealth is not the wealth of pocket nor bank, but the wealth of soul and purpose and service. It Is not what one gets out of life thai makes him rich, but what he puts iiu Mot what one receives from his fel lows, but what he elves. Wo have no right to coin Into gold and silver Use sorrow and suffering of the poor; to erystalize into diamonds the sfweat that falls from the brow of labor: or. to Quote Mr. Bryan, we FACTORY MAKES 30,000 TONS New Record Established by Factory at Seottsbluff the Past Season last winter, if it came without warn ing, might result in the loss of imany thousands of dollars worth of valu able stock. As soon as warning was received Manager Currlc of the Alliance ex change, had over two hundred farm ers and ranchmen who are on phone linos in this territory notified so tbat they could take measures to save loss of stock. This wis done Sugar under the direction of the chief op erator, Mrs. Chaffee. Suih prompt action as this makes the phone company subscribers ap preciate the good service furnisued. ARE SELLING COWS AT PRIVATE SALE stein, Jersey and Swiss Cat tle About Alt Sold spent Saturday night at Wru. Arch- Mr. and Mrs. Dob Hasten and baby ftpe-nt a few days last week with Mrs. Hazen's brother, Harry Boon, on his homestead. . Little Billy Westley Is sick with In grippe. Little Alice Westley and Donald Elliott had quite a runaway last week. Bob eays he has two wheels and part Of a soot to show for his bucfry, but he supposes the kids were not to blame. Mrs. Sutton who has been quite sick for two weeks. Is much better at tliis writing. ' Mbw Pearl Pearin of Sunrise is working for Mrs. Sutton while she Is sick. Mr. and Mrs. Cloe Rice drove out In their car Sunday for a visit with Mrs. John Scott. Pell Jay and children have becxn having la grippe but are better. Crawford Real Estate Man Keeps up His Record of Boosting Western Nebraska WILL ATTEND STYLE SHOW Alliance Merchant and Wife 8tart to Shicago Saturday to Be ; About Two Weeks Scottsbluf f, . Jaw. 29. The greatest sugar campaign in the life of the must not 'crucify labor upon a cro Seottsbluff factory closed Monday of gold." I Two hundred thousand tons of beets Tondght will be a BIO one on the sliced Is the record of the year. For "Harvest". This is a startler. The aooua isu nays tne miu nas run day enraneellst will sing, also Miss I nisnn, turning out a ion or re- 1. t 1L..1 t u 1 m;n Miicnr fturh five Tnhmt mV ru-s. li 10 Mivwaui" 0 Nutter A. Hyndshaw's Carload of Hoi attention box will be ooened. Friday ln a grand total of appproximately ' J Bteiut the theme will be "The Sec- 30.000 tons. d Coming of ' Christ." Saturd-ay The w contracts cutting "the price Bight he will speak on "Wages and of beets 60 cents a ton. and limiting nimiora" SimkIhv will he I the acreage to 15.000 acres, were 1 . .. . . .. . I At 4k ..1,H,. t 1. 1 last Sunday of the meetings, with gobbled up In three days by growers ' " addresses by Whlston at 10. 11 and of sugar beet, with an over-eub- ,Ik bw at, Checkered 7:30. These will be ereat sermons wrtpt ion of several thousand acres. "VKT "an I . . a . A. ... 1 17 n 1 v fM it a hAai urCno A Tswi W rvi Aui a ma rfav Th mpn past year more man ii.wu.uuu " "w .v ith rvw rfvptm, An wsa paid to the farmers for beets. u,d" Ul uituKIW. lWv, ua.u Tuesday night. Monday night his $200,000 iwiid to the Uborers at fford. M. F. Nolan and Al. Harris tine factory. Ten thousand cattle "l wwn. 1110 privm m were fed largely upon the by-pro- which rhe cows were going were so ducts at the mill, and 300,000 sheep ,ow tlu Mr- Mer who was repre- were fetttened in the vicinity. senting the Arm at the sa.le was un willing to let more of them go, and MAKES SUN DIAL as he would not bid in anything of fered at auction, he called the sale John J. Adams, brother of Mrs. off, ueonge uavis or Aruance, ana rore F. M. Hyndhaw of Thedford has ntain of the Sheridan machine shops, been In Alliance for a week past at- atorm Predicted by Government Re-Ms In the city with his wife visiting tending to disposing of the balance port Passes Up Sunny City relatives here. Mr. Adams present- of ithe car load at private sale. He of Alliance ed Mrs. Davis with am exouteite informs Th. Herald that fhov steei sunoaai wnwn ne maoe in tne about all snoken for now. Alho shop. It is a work of art and will the Belting of this carload has not The bMzzard predicted by the gov- prove very useful in the 'sonny Alii- been altogether satisfactory, he be subject will be "Face and Form." NO BLIZZERD HERE TODAY The Beml-maual style show at Chi cago is a groat event for wide-awake merchants of the middle west. It will be held February 3d for the ooming season and will be attended by at least one Alliance merchant and. his wife. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Harper will leave Saturday night for the "Windy City," expecting to be y Tie alwjut two weeks during Which time they-will order sprifig slcks for the various deparmtents of their large store. While in Chicago Mrs. Harper will engage the services of an expert trimmer from Gage Brothers', and Mr. Harper will look for sa expori enced clothing salesman to add to the sales force of the stor. IMiJlip Nohe, Sr., proprietor ot Nohe's Cafe and Bakery, has pur chased aa entire new outfit of broad mixing and making machinery, in cluding a new oven. Their eauiiv Aran u iiungerrora, tne tiusuing miX . when installed, will be second real estate man of Crawford, has to none made a success of his business from tne man, aue largely to nis enor-1 HEMINGFORDITE8 IN ALLIANCE geiio business methods and the fact mat ne Deueves in advertising. Mr Mp. Dan wat-o, The following clipping from tlie VVm. Mabin came down from Hem- Crawford Tribune tells of an later- lnt8ford on 44 yesterday remaining csting pampnie wwen Mr. Hunger- ovtT ln Allisuwe till today. Mr. Ma- rora expect to issue soon: CAinA . The Herald otfifiw1itl A rnli L. Ilungerfonl left last night here and added his name to the fo9 Denver to superintend the exe-1 large lkt of Hemlngford subscriber cuticn of a large number of half- to the weekly paper. tvae cuts, Including portraits of the leading buelness men of this city. The cuts are to be used in pamphlet to be issued by Mr. Hun-1 gerford In the next two or three weeks, setting forth the advantages offered ln northwest Nebraska, es pecially Dawes county, for Uomeseek- era There wui be from 2.5O0 to 3000 copies printed and all the work will be done at the Tribune Print ory, outside of the making - of tho cuts. We have frequently spoken ot Hungerford doing more in the ad vertising line for this section than any dozen other men combined, aw! the work now In press is further ev idence of that fact. eminent weather report Wednesday I ance weather. dAd sot arrive. Instead it passed up Alliance and went In another direc tion. - The storm started Tuesday in western Canada and swept in this direction. If it had kept on its course Alliance would today have been snowed under Instead of bask ins in the smiling sunshine. The temperature in western Can ada on Tuesday was twenty degrees below zero. It was 80 degrees above at the same time in New Orleans. The temperature was down around ttte xero mark in Alliance this morn- Heves that as the Importance of hav ins tne nest Dreens tor dairy pur poses Is brougbt more before the people and when they are bettor ac quainted with the class of cows foan died by.. Nutter & Hyndahaw, there will be a greater demand here for what they have to eell. They ex Blackmailers Send Letter to the Los pect to ship more here and continue Angeles Police Stating They thl place as a selling point Want 95,000 MILLIONAIRE IS BEING HELD FOR $75,000 ELLSWORTH PEOPLE MARRY IN DENVER Will Make Their Horns at 8pade Af ter the Honeymoon. Wed ding Not Secret (By Herald Correspondent.) Ellsworth, Nebr.. Jan. 29. Word has been received here that Alls Blanche Com stock and George K, Noe were quietly married at Den ver.. The wedding was not kept a secret but very few people besides the relatives knew of it. Mr. and Mrs. Noe, who are popular Ellsworth people, intend, Intend to make their home at Spade after the honeymoon Los Angeles, Jan. 29. Francis I Clark, the Spokane millionaire who wTia thought to have committed sui- GLEMAN CUPPINGS ctde by drowning and who disappear- Boy nd Girl 0ut Riding Have Ser- ed on January 17, is held ln the Si- ,ou Runaway. Only Buggy win. Madre mountains bv blackmail- 8m nd Wheels Left ers who demand a ransom of $75.- 000 for his release. The police received a letter this! (By Herald Correspondent) morning signed by blackmailers who Cleman, Nebr., Jan. 28. Carl Norris demand an instant reply and want of Lynne spent four days of last Practical Dairyman Tells of Success the sum of f 75,000 for the release of week at Geo. Elliott's trapping. 1 mm t ii f I tll. lLHA.i..J. A. J m.l t V. I ... w'"-- ' " J I Kobert liraluim la in Al larwe at "ranl" "lur"" '1 '" v"'7' '" nresent looking ftr hl hiidli (n. terewts SILOS ARE COMING TO THE FRONT F. M. Hyndhaw, of whom mention to made ln another article in this ZURN WILL TIE THE KNOT Mr. Maine went to the table for a load of corn for Mr. Graham Sun Tth ulllrmpni In Tha T4rli1 Wwl. paper, U senior member of the firn 1 Proprietor Kewer of day orf Hyndahaw & Son. Thedford. and tne Ree ,fl wll, . Mr. and Mrs. Vic Covalt spent Sutv- ateo member of the nrm or N utter 1 . . fctt(shSB . to th(t courle day with Mr. Covalfs parents. C II I J. .. ... 0, nA TUaArrA I I , m. nijmi.w, aw, iwno Wji married on one Satur- Mr. and Mrs. m. Archer, Mrs I, U m m uyill ww i v tw S V - u- mm u vw -vp j VJ f UUS tract ed much attention and we are spent Sunday with Sam Hickman's at ance Herald has been urging upon advised that several of the boys are Hickory. wine, nuiuu.u mu u..,u . going 10 pop tne question. Kari and Earnest Norris of Lvnn jn mkm m aajonnn i'oM Magistrate Oregory Zurn a- Upent Sunday night at Oea Elliott's w o . If,'"" IV lrc-ltuiui iuo icituij . 1101 x. ,,. n-oV,'. v w uiu ..v,.. 1 1 craA-Ker-jacK kikh ner ana "T'lto Broadwater Monday al use wouW be of immense advant- do th ioh In a wrw-VmatilikA nun. 7 age in developing the resources of - it. n . kukkc ana ueorgia this country. Information by Mr. , were visiting at Granam s rauc h Mon- w 1 1. Hynd6haw concerning silos In Thorn-1 Ike M. Shrlner of Ellsworth Is inltliay mm county confirms what The Herald Ithe city today on busiDess. I Mrs. Michner and Madge Graham HOLSTEN WILL GIVE RING Rtv " v SOME MORE importance to every property owner and business man. They should all plrui to Attend. The firemen wiU see that everyone is made thorough ly at home. NEW BREAD MACHINERY ACCUSE BEASON STEALING CALF Thedford Man Accused of Steallna and Butchering Calf from ' Hamilton Ranch -1 MEETING OF THE MINN. TEACHERS Socialization in Education Is Gener al Topic Selected for Dis cussion Next ($y Herald Correspondent.) , ' Thedford, Nebr., Jan. 29. -The pre liminary hearing ot William Beauon, a paperbanger who lias a homestead eiight miles north of hl place, on a clubnge of Ktealing and butchering a calf from the Hamilton ranch, was held here today. Beawoii lives near the Hiunilton ram-ih. It 1m wuid that he has been' caught before., Imt was released. The offic.tal statement is that tie case is being held' over, until more evidence is obtainMl, altho it is suspected that the real cause is to give the of ficials time to find a certain man who may be an accomplice. i MISS KRIDELBAUGH BETTER Moorhead, Minn., Jan, 29. "Social ization in Education" U the general topic selected for discussion at the Miss Bernlce Krldelbaugh, who annual meeting of the North west-Cen-l slippwl end foil on an icy walk Tues tivil Minnesota Teachers' aseocia-. day night at ber home, is getting Hon, which began a two days' se- better and will soon recover from fion at the state normal school here Ithe effects f her injury. today. President Vincent of the Un iversity of Minnesota and several MAKES SHORT VISIT other educators of note are on the program. Mrs. I. E. Waddick, wife of "Lew' Waddle of The Herald, left thhp ioon for a visit . at Norfolk, tlis home of her mother. She will stop over a day with friends at Chadron. FATHER DIES GO TO FUNERAL GADDIS SELL8 HOUSE James U-addls has sold his resi dence at OH Big Horn to Mrs. C Father of Mrs. C. W. Zurn, Verne Uf.u.(rilv possnRimi '' t' !' tn. Regester and Mrs. 0. E. Wil- I liams Dies in Iowa F. E. HobMen, the Jeweler, Is go ing to do his part in the marriage ceremony in the Bee Hive display window. He announced today that he would give the weddinig ring to the couple that takes advantage of the liberal offer to be made man and wife one Saturday. Few people have the opportunity to get married in ibis way. Kewer offers a 15 set of enameled kitchen ware, Judge Zurn offers to perforin the ceremony and Holsteu offers the wedding ring. All free. Come on in. boys, the water's fine. FIREMEN PROTEST AGAINST ATTACK Mr. Kegester of l'aclflc Junction, died at his home there Tuesday at (? o'clock in the afternoon. Mrs. C. V7. Zurn. Mrs. O. E. Williams and Verne Regester of Alliance, are di ifhlm nd nnn nf ilacAaneri. M. Zurn left last Friday night for Allia"c Department Taking up his bedside, being with him when he di.i. Verne Regester and Mrs. Williams left Tuesday night for the funeral. Mr. Regester was sixty years of age, Matter of Attack Against Commissioner Ridgell The members of the Alliance Fire A. M. E. REVIVAL -MEETING A protracted revival meeting la be ing held by the members of the A. M. E. church. The meetings are conducted by Rev. W. M. Maoce.and will continue to February 4, in the second house west of the tracks 00 Platte avenue. Good crowds are at tending. Everyone is invited. GOETHALS ACCEPTS GOVERNORSHIP Washington. D. C, Jan. 29. S re- tar y of War Garrison announced to day that Col. Goethals has formally accepted the appointment as gover nor of the Canal Zone. Heath was caused by asthma and department are up tei arms against consumption. Uuu:k 011 ty. State r ij iuiumu!uuer iiiugeii. ai vqhm meeting last evening the matter was thoroly threshed out and it wtw de cided to appoint a committee to pro tect against the apparently unfound ed and malicious attack on Judge Rid goll. The fact that the charges seem to have, been made for polltkai purposes by men who have a grudge Interesting Time Coming on Febru- against him has aroused the ire of ary 11 When Business Men Ithe firemen and they will fight for Meet with Firemen him to the last ditch. FIREMEN WILL HAVE SMOKER MASQUERADE BALL A big soiiokcr will be given by the fire department Wednesday evenin February 11. Aft of the firemen will attend and they will have as guests A nMUKruenule bail will be given many of the leading business men on Saturday, February 17, at the and property owner of the city. The opera house by the Alliance fire de- ohtef topic of discussion wUl be mo- partment. The orchetstm will he of tor fire truck. Men who are thor- the best and admission will be only oly posted on the proposition will fifty oeuty. Plan to come and enjoy talk. This meeting will be of great I yourself at thl high cteee balL