From Friday's Dally: Waller Kent was in town from thn Tanch today. Mrs. Joe Hills, who lives nix utiles owth eaM of town. Is Quite ill. Mrs. Frank Taylor of northwu of 'own was in the city yesterday. Chase Keagins lytunwd tula noon from a business trip to Denver. John Grahitui returned this noon from a business trip to Ilemingford. Snoddy & Mollring Insurance peo ple are installing new and modern fixtures. I Mm. Clarence Step of Minnesota , waa in Alliance yesterday on busi ness. . Mis Ferguson from Washington kXat i vialtlng the family of Dick O'Dannon. " The wife and daughter of Oonduc , tor Kraemer returned this morning from Blllilngs. Mies Maud Spacht left this noon !ir viatt of a week with friends at ' Grand Island. Mrs. D. U. Shepherd and Mrs. ' I'earl Lawn-nson of Hamtgnford aro in town today. Austin Sutton, a nnphew of Al Wi ker, rante in this morning for a few days vidt. From here he will go to Clurindln. Texas, to Join home folks. I The Young Men's Mble CJub had a very enjoyable session last evening in the club rooms. All members will be pleawd to learn that a Y. M. 11. C. orchestra and band will noon be organized. , From Saturday's Dally: Ora Phillips came in from Mars land today. EtSne DietleJn has bwn ill the laet few days. Henry SMmek of Ilemingford was In the city yesterday. John W1kv went to Crawford to day on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leldy's baby was quite sick yesterday. Mrs. Dick Burke of Lincoln Is vis iting hr parents in thia city. I W. H. Warren shipped u car load of potatoes to Crawford today. Mr. Hull, representing the Swift Packing Co., is in the city on business. WWfflfte High Calling of Motherhood demands the utmost precaution in maintain ing health at high efficiency. It is doubly important and nothing in the world is so needful as Scott's Emulsion, good cheer and shine. Scott's Emulsion makes the blood rich and pure. It contains the vital flesh building and bone-building properties and insures abundant nourish ment. It strengthens the nerves and creates energy and vitality during this period. Expectant sad nursing mothers always need Scott's Fmulsteti. YOUR DRUOaiST HAS IT U-l Mrs. Karl Maltery reurmd today from a week's vtsit with her parewta at Dalton. The Choral club n)ees tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock at the parish house. Miss Leone Mallery came m Uxluy from Maryland to nend Sunday with her parents. Jack O'Neil, formerly an Alliauce engineer, but now of Chadron, was In town yeMerday. Mrs. Lincoln Iowry is entertaining her friend, Mrs. llolla Johnson, of HeimiiiKford, for a few days. I Mrs. David Ikwden loft yesterday for her home in Kanas City. She expects to return In the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Ed JArubaker of An gora came today to visit at the homo ot Mrs. E. C. Whetstone for a few days. Miss Eunice Burnett will sing at a sacred concert at the Crawford Congregational church Sunday, Jan uary 18. James A. Pearce, foreman of the Reck brick yard, returned yenterday morning from a three months' vUlt to Newark, N. J. I Martin O'Conner brought his little daughter down from Ijlvingstone, Montana, to be treated by Doctor Copeey. She has improved greatly. I O. A. Cartle of Yorktown, la., Is visiting at the home of his brother-in-law, W. II. Swan. He 1 enroute to LuKk, Wyo., to spend the winter with a son. ' Mr. and Mrs. Martin O'Conner of Livingston, Montana, are visiting at the home of his parents, F. 11. O' Conner. They brought their Utile daui;liter here for medical treatment, I Mrs. A. IV Parsons of Morrill was in xVllianeo -today to visit Mrs. Hom er Wilson. She stopped off here un til tomorrow on her way to Ioad, South Dakota Judge Zurn united Claud D. Mc Lennan and Ethel Hagaman in mar riage January 9, at the city hall, at 4 o'clock, p. m. The witnesses were Everett Hunt and Mias Hagnman, sister of the bride. I Mrs. Chas. Middleton of Bridgeport stopped La Alliance today between train on her way to Kansas. Crty to vWt he brother. She expects to spend a few days In Kanwas City and then go to Oklahoma to visit her niothr and sister. I Mrs. Eva Fink, who has ben em ployed as clerk in a dry goods store at Scottsbluff for the port four mouths, left on 42 Saturday morn ing for her home at DuBois, after a pleaeant four days' vMt at the home of her uncle, J. 1). Pyle, and family of this dly. From Monday's Dally: Bill Butler of Hemingford was in town 1oiliy. John V.'ikor took a business trip to Crawford and Chadron todny on . lie v. A. It. ilaislup wotA to Craw ford this noon on 43 for a Pow days' vik. A. Whitaker, teacher at Ijakeskle. was in town Saturday ami Sunday ou a business trip. Mrs. E. A. Crosby stopped oft in Alliance between trains today en route from SuUnerlnnd to Chadron. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Vernon and daughter. Miss .Bertie Vernon, have taken up residence at 811 Dig Horn. Bert Chit- and family are 111. Mr. Cnrr has la grippe, Wie baby has the mumps and Mrs. Carr I ill from curing for the othors. B. Re-eves, a former Alliance resi dent, now of Dougtas, Nebr., oiume to this city this tuotnitmg to renuuln a few do s on a business trip. Mr. pnd Mrs. John Groiuniet of Mirsland stopped in Alliance today between traiins on therlr way home from a v1lt to St. btnita and Omalia. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCorklo and Mrs. Frank Dunning entertajned Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Hargrave and Miss Finkle at 6 o'clock dinner, Saturday evening. Invitations have been issued by Norman A. McCorkle and J. Carl Thomas for a social hour at the home of the former, Tuesday even ing, January 13. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riordan gave a turkey dinner yesterday la honor of Master Leo Rtordan'e finut birth' day. The guests were of the lm mediate family. ',1 'miVrfMi vV ... 4j m I! . .. i W I' I. LUMET mm footed The cook is happy, the other members of the family re happy appetites sharen, thing brighten up irencrally. Ami Calumet linking Powder is responsible for it all. For Culumet never fails. ' Its wonderful leavening qualities insure IK-rfrctly shortened, faultlessly raised bakings. Cannot be compared with' othT lmklnff powders, which promise without ierforniinjr. Even a beginner in cooking pets delightful results with this never- ' failing Gtlumet Baking Powder. Your grocer knows. Ask him. RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS World ' Pura Fowl Eiporition. Chicara, OX Paris Eapoduon, Fnuica, Much, 1BI a. a I.' mot tcMwoiical ttr wbo'uM- fita r bii-ua UList mtwin. Dvi'l V atubd. la wi rnalii. CMMt M ut Msmar at Ml mak OimmtL SURPRISE PARTY A Hurpiise party wm gdven at Mto High school Frblay evuntag by the menlor class and faculty lui hon or of MIms Ckurtoe 1 1 loom field, who fate been attending Hkgli school at t!hte place, umd left for her home at Albka, Iowa, Friday might. AJter ptaydziig athletic game and giving imperxnait!Ionsl they wenjt to Hol Aea'a drug store, where a dellcaoua tunch was eerved. After the lunch they escorted Miss the train. nioomfleld to RE-APPOINTED , COUNTY PHYSICIAN Dir. C. K. Slagle of AillaoKe re-appointed county phyiU)ian Tua day aftemoon by the board ot ooUSr ty cxMnrotosianers. Dr. 81agje tiAgy held this post for ereml years' There were no other spUcamts. .'; $2.25 Ladies Rocker $1.33 $5.00 Arm Rocker $3.19 $10 Library Table $6.48 $1.00 Plate Rack 59c $15 Dresser $9.68 4 Horace Bogue. i i l ; 1' Without Reserve Any Suit, Coat or Dress in the Store $12.95 ip i frfi p n $10 Velour Couch $5.90 $20 Side Board $12 80 The Greatest Merchandising Event Ever Attempted in Box Butte County Will Begin Saturday, January 17 When the largest Stock of Furniture and the Largest Stock of Dry Goods in Alli ance will be Offered to the Public at Bargain Prices. G1GA1NTIC mm u BEGINS b II Gso. 0. Darling and Hquci Bosoi Have joined forces to give the people of this section the great est opportunity to buy depend able merchandise at prices that must appeal to every discrimi nating buyer. This whole paper could not hold all the prices that will be made. A few prices must suffice to show you what has been done. 1 lot Child ren's Shoes 85c 1 lot Ladies' Shoes $1.45 I COME TO THIS GREAT MONEY SAVING SALE. Even if you live 100 miles away, COME. We will Dav vour railroad fare ONE WAY if vou buy $25 worth and BOTH WAYS if vou buv 1 $40 worth of goods. Sales in both stores counted. All Ladiss' Hats Off J Star Gut Water Set $1.39 House Dresses 99c : 500 Other Prices All Marked in Plain Figures Geo. Do Dorlin Lace Curtains One-Third Off