The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 08, 1914, Image 5

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    From Friday's Daily:
Mr. Thomas Fielding 1 quke 111.
Deo Miller i visiting on the
Jacob Lekb's little child 1 U1 with
rheumatic fever.
. 1 .
John Cora It from near Clmar
la tow a yesterday.
Mary Barry returned yesterday
l orn a visit to Ellaworth.
W. S. Met returned Wednesday
room from a vteH to Omaha.
B. II. Boyd Is ending several
cya In Omaha on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcue Framkle left
"Wednesday noon for a trip to Den
ver. Dr. Craig of Mitchell was in town
ywterday and attended the ELks'
John O'Donald from thirty miles
north, was In town today on busi-
Dr. H. II. Bellwood was called to
Lakeside yesterday to attend C. C.
J. L. Tout of tie Bridgeport Lum-t-or
company wsa in town today on
Dr. Jackman, Burlington, relief doc
tor, went to Crawford on a business
trip today.
' Robert Reddtoh returned today
from Hastings where he has been
VJslttng friends. '
J. W. Hoye of Brush, Colo., ar
rived in this city today to visit his
otd, O. S. Brush.
Allen- Rhodes of Bingham was in
the city yesterday and today having
bis eyes treated.
A. baby girl was born last evening
to Mr. and Mrs. John Bayer, 208
Yellowstone avenue.
A marriage license was issued to
Herbert E. Douglas and Addie E.
ftougan, January 1, 1914.
Mr. and Mrs. L W. Herman left
today for a two weeks' visit in Kan
was City to visit relatives.
The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold S. Thomas is quite llf with
Via attack of bronchitis.
Orate Vanderwert rreturned yea
lerday from a business trip of sev-j-al
days -at Port OolHna, Goto.
Lloyd Tully returned to Andover,
Wasa., today. He spent the holi
days with relatives in this city.
Fay Cross of Mitchell, who has
been visiting at the home of Mrs.
John. O'Keefe, returned to her home
R. W. Hand and famUy returned
Wednesday from Atkins Nebraska,
where they visited Mrs. Hand's rel
atives. Jack BirdseB, former divkrion sup
erintendent in ihia city, visited at
toe home of J. N. Andrews, New
Tear's day.
Martin Nolan returned today to
resume his studies in the east. He
aeat the holidays in this city with
iiia parents.
Mrs. L. A. Fossey of Morrill, a ala
iW of Ellis W. Ray, departed for
fcer borne today, after a week's visit
in Alliance.
M r. and Mrs. R. T. Watson and
Mrs. Heath and daughter spent New
Year's day at the home of L. J.
Hunger, nine miles from Alliance.
The Misses Mildred and Eva Miles
ut Sidney arrived in Alliance yes
terday noon for an over-Sunday visit,
guests ait the Broome home.
Uncle John Covalt returned to his
Morrill county ranch today noon, go
tog out on No. 303, after spending
a few days in Alliance attending to
business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cants return
A to Omaha today, where Mr. Gantz
win resume his course in law. They
spent the holidays with relatives
Wm. Orr and wife of Angora were
la the city Wednesday visiting with
friends. They were returning home
from a trip to Neliga where they
Have relatives.
W. R. Herniman of Ashbrook, Ne
braska, twenty-five miles west of
Mainland, was In the city Wednes
day, lie will prove up on his home
stead March IS.
A little babe came to the home of
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Young early
laH night, but not for this worM,
the parent being destined to a sad
disappointment. It was buried! this
afternoon, after prayer at the house.
Mrs. Mote and Mrs. Albro enter
tained the following named girls at
a theatre party last evening: Mar
ian Mote, Wllma Mote, Ruth Nation,
Esther Nation, Helen Schott and
Vera Albro. After theatre the party
took lunch at Thiele's.
The home of Mr. and Mrs, W. C.
Mounts was the scene of a delightful
dinner (party Thursday evening. A
seven course dinner was served. The
taible was decorated with cut roses
and epruce pine boughs sent from
Vermont for the occasion by rela
tives of the Mounts family.
The guewt were ttie MoCorkle
family, the Tash family, the Axel
Johnson family and Mrs. F. A. Dun
ning. ,
From Saturday's Dally:
John Wller will deliver a piano
to Sidney tomorrow.
Lloyd Kibble Is shipping a car of
hogs today to Omaha.
Mrs. Hattie Owens,, who has been
Quite ill, is -improving. .
Vivian Hall is visiting his sister,
Mrs. Wood MiUtgan at Bayard.
Edna Kewer returned last night 1
from a week's visit at the Hdbbs
C. A. Johnson of Lincoln Is visiting
at Che home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Kauffman. '
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Graham are in
the cWy for a few days on a visit
wHh friends.
James Murphy was operated on at
the hospital Friday morning for ap
Mr. F. M. Broome has bwn con
fined to her home for a week with
a severe cold.
Mrs. Fred Black and Mrs. K. W.
Black of Ellsworth were in town
yoKerday and today.
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Shave of I,ake
side have moved to Alliance for the
remainder of the winter.
Mrs. D. D. Barber of Kenoml, ar
rived in town today to visit her
(mother, Mrs. Mary Cuff.
Mrs. F. A. Stlner of Mitchell was
operated on at St. Josephs hospital,
Friday morning, January 2.
Mrs. Chas Bauers and daughter re
turned from Hills City, South Dakota,
where they had been visiting friends.
Word has been received from
Blanche Kibble that she arrived in
Los Angeles O. K., and Is (having a
fine time.
Gladys Armstrong, daughter of Lou
Armstrong, the well known north
west rancher, has been sick for sev
eral days.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merritt leave
tomorrow for a trip to Boise, Ida.,
and Portland, Oregon, to visit with
friends for a month.
Miss Mary Cooley juwt returned
today from Hooker county, where
she has been visiting her parents
during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCook of Ells
worth, have been In this city several
days on a business trip, and return
ed today to their home.
O. A. Henry of Wahoo, Nebr., is
visiting his sisters and broth eer, Cha
Henry, Mrs. E. S. Owens and Mrs. II.
E. Smith. He will be here for ten
Mrs. C. 11. Rockey gave a three
course luncheon last evening la hon
or of Tom Carney of Denver and
Mies Zehrung. They had music and
a Jolly good time.
Miss S. J. Hacker was in town
today between trains. She was vis
iting her parents during the holidays
at Hot Springs, 8. Dak. She was
enrouta to Minatare. Nebr.
Margaret Austin returned from
Douglas, Wyo., yesterday 'where he
that they will probably be held two
parents. She will resume her studies
at the academy.
II. M. Coursey, brother of II. P.
Coursey who has been visiting him
here for two months, returned home
Wednesday night. His hom is at
Belolt, Kansas. H. P. Coursey ac
companied htm as far as Seneca,
w here he stopped off on business.
Ivan Rodnera, traveling represent
ative of the O'Brien candy company
of Omaha, will leave Sunday for
the Union Pacific territory. Ivan
will sow handle an Immense stretch
of territory, covering the Union Pa
cific from North Platte west and the
Burlington from Crawford east to An
selmo. This trip will take about a
month's time to cover the territory.
Ivan has made good from the 'start
and the increased territory is in ac
knowledgement of his good work.
From Monday's Dally:
A meeting of the Episcopal parish
will be held Friday night at the
Collections, Disbursements and Balances of E. M. Martin,
Treasurer of Box Butte County, Nebraska, for
six months ending January i, 1914.
To Cash on Hand Forwarded .
To 1904 Tax Collected
To 15H3 Tax Collected
To 1906 Tax Collected
To 1907 Tax Coltected
To 1908 Tax Collected
To 1910 Tax Collected
To 1911 Tax Collected
To 1912 Tax Collected
To 1913 Tax Collected
To School Land-Lease
To E. M. Martin Excess Fees .
To Miscellaneous Col. Co. Gen.
To Fines and License Collected
To Sewer Lateral -
To Interest on County Deposits
To Automobiles ....
To Redemptions ....
To Fees
By State Treae' Receipt No. 87459:. $ 373 83
By State Treaa' Receipt No. 87459. 89 83
By State Treas' Receipt No. 87459' .16 28
By State Treas' Receipt No. 87525. 1,668 06
By Co. Gen. Warrants R'd'm'd 8,396 82
By Co. Road Wts. R'd'm'd 4,654 97
By Co. Claims Held for Tax 889 54
By. School Bonds and Coupons ! 2,169 68
By School High 13 60
By School Orders Paid Local Tax.. 23,051 60
By Court House Bldg. ..; 12,670 00
By Court House Bond 232 00
By Alliance Water Bond 2,080 00
By Hemlngford Water Bond
By City Reots, Alliance
By Village Treas. Rects, Hemingford
By City or Village Park
By Spec. Sewer
By City Library
By Sower Maint
By Sewer Laterals
By Treasurer's Commission
By Redemptions
$ 67,497 53
By Balance 47,756 32
1115,252 85
State General Fund $ 5,374 64
State University Fund 1,169 90
State Normal Fund .... 728 01
State Bridge 226 09
Spec. Univ. Building Fund 642 27
Interest on School I,and .. .. 1,433 7?
Co. General Fund .... v. '. 4.462 71
Co. Bridge Fund , 825 27
Co. Road Fund .. 3,807 97
Sinking Fund S D 18 181 67
Sinking Fund S D 6 28
High School Fund 119 12
Court House Bldg 2,430 00
Court House Bond , , 1,615 90
Labor and Poll Tax 1,466 94
Alliance Bond Fund City Hall ,:J7 jg
Advertising Fund ' 82 30
Automobile , 155 94
Miscellaneous Fund 1,091 12
School Jtond Fund 5,55s 84
School Judgment Fund , ; ,, v 6 83
School District Fund 7,750 94
School Diat. Fund Bldg 134 82
Electric Ligh 1,969 02
Library Fund '.. 2&7 47
Special Sewer 272 61
I'ralrie Dog Tax 69 23
Sewer Bond 659 72
Sewer Maint 613 36
Sewer Lateral , 9 4
Redemption ... 52 75
City Paii 178 96
City Alliance 1,248 03
Village of Hemlngford 239 75
Alliance Water Bond .v 642 61
Hemingford Water Bond 758 10
328 60
Excess Fees , 814 34
Cash and
This is to certify that I. E. M. Martin. County Treasurer of Box
Butte County do solemnly swear that the following Is a true and cor
rect statement of all receipt and disbursements for the 6 months end
ing December 31. 1913. E. M. MARTIN, County Treasurer.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of January, 1914.
(8eal M. 8. HARGRAVES. County Clerk.
church. All members are requested f
to be present.
Einei-1 I'eppers and Jerry Florian of
Whitman spent Sunday In Alllnnco.
There were over two hundred peo
ple skating at Bronco lake yesterday.
The CHy meat market has moved
Into the building vacated by the Bee
Mr. and Mrs. Pat King of Angora
were in Alliance Saturday and Sun
day. I
Mns. Mary Cuff, who has been ill
for several days, it Improving con
siderably. R. M. Wheeler and F. Wheeler ot
Bingham were In this city Saturday
Blossom Grounds and Erma Fields
of Whitman were In Alliance over
Sunday, returning otday. x
Rev. Geo. O. Ware went to Chad
ron Sunday to preach there that ev-
29.159 94
C 19
IS 00
34 41
35 8
30 63
664 74
17,212 83
46,919 20
1,466 10
314 34
16,522 18
301 00 .
650 65
464 50
164 00
2,205 71
180 25
$115,253 85
600 00
2,450 00
620 88
250 00
226 61
770 00
1,019 08
' 872 77
2.314 34
2.267 8 4
Cash Items on Hand
$ 47,756 3 2
y999 9493 35-3M 3
i Nebraska Stock Growers Association !
(Incorporated) ' JJ
X MrvMr nrnrc ai 1 iMr urtmiii '
ft . '
w iTi & v w r iw si.. a
' OFFICERS: R. M. Hampton, President, Alliance; A. Metwter, Vice
U Press Merrlman; Cbaa. C. Jameson, Sec'y-Treas., Ellsworth.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: C. H. Tully. F.. P, Meyers, Reuben
k Lisco, J. II. Bachelor. W. M. Fleishman, Robert Graham,
: E. M. Bearle, Jr.. Herman Krause. J. II. Monlhwn. A. R.
Modteett, E, M. Kid red, O.
Cook, John H. Orr.
It your nam ki not on the sotoscriptJon list of The Alliance Her.
aid. the official organ of the Nebraska Stock Orowrers Association. NOW
Is the time to subscribe. Senl us your nam with $1.60 and ws wOl
and the paper a ysar and guarantee that you will receive your money
worth. Or, better lUll, If you are a stock raiser or Interested in U
stock business, fill out beljw the blank application for membarasip
It the Nebraska Stork Growers Association, send 't wKh check for meat
fcerahlp due to the secretary, and you will receive The Herald oa
roar prepaid.
Application for Membership to '.
Annual dues $1.60. and S oenta per head assessment on cattls.
Wall to Chat. G. Jameson, Secretary, . Ellsworth, Nebr.
Tost Of floe
No. Cattle
County Assessed In
Brands ...
Ear Marks
Remarks .,
ening in the absence of their regu
lar pastor.
Florence Ralls, who spent the hol
idays In Alliance, returned yesterday
to the Leonard Boyer district where
sh in teaching.
Mies Sadie Hacker of Minatare
stopped over Sunday with Mamie Col-
Una on her way home from Mlnno
kata, 8. Dak. .
Nettie Nation returned to her
school yesterday at Ellsworth, after
a pleasant two weeks' vacation here
with' home folks.
C. A. Johnson, who has been visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Oaufman, returned Saturday to
his home at HaveJock.
Frances Collins returned Saturday
from a two ' weeks' vlwit with her
parents on the ranch. She is at
tending school at the academy.
Lewis Powell, who spent the hol
idays here, returned yesterday to
Lincoln, where he is taking scientif
ic agriculture at the State Farm.
H. M. Sprague, Edith and Roy, re
turned yesterday from Lincoln where
they spent the holidays. Edith and
Roy will rosume their studies at the
' i
Vera 8pencer, daughter of W. E.
Specrer, who spent the holidays
here with her parent, returned to
Hastings college yesterday, where
she is taking a business course.
Prof. Harrow of the Alliance school
of music has been detained in Iowa,
filling concert engagements, hence
could not return from his. eastern
trip as soon as he had Intended. He
is expected here tomorrow.
J. L. Buchanan of McLean Nebr.,
a brother-in-law of Lee Moore, visit
ed in Alliance from last Wednesday
till yesterday morning, when he left
for Lusk, Wyo. He 1 taking a win
ter outing by making a trip thru the
From Tuesday's Dally:
Mrs. Thomas Regan quite ill.
Mrs. Henry Stoop of Spade is in
town for a few days.
A baby girl was born this morning
to Mr. and Mrs. John Negel.
The little daughter of W. T.
Scu! up p has been ill all week.
Rev. N. G. Palmer of Hemingford
came down this noon on business.
M r. ami Mrs. Leon Smith left last
night for Chicago for a short time
Jack Fielding, an engineer, was
operated on this morning at the hos
pital for appendicitis.
Mrs. E. E. Rohden's little daughter
Is sick with conjestion of the lungs.
The Rohden's are relatives of Frank
J. Carter, and are from Table Rock
Lee Bag ye returned Saturday to
Lincoln to resume hi studies at the
;ute university, after spending the
hot'days with his mother and sister
rf this city.
Iady Representative Wanted: Good
income, valuable house furnishings
premiums. Some goods on credit.
Spare time work. Experience un
necessary. Write AJAX SUPPLY
CO., 411 Bulletin Bldg., Philadelphia
8 2t-315i ' "! .
5433553 9 5fr gW
miwjBT. rBFHHSBzapK
T. Davis, Dan. E. Hill, Robert A. $
.... ..
An ordinance levying a special as-
sesbment against all real estate situ
ated In sewer district No. 19, to py
the cost ot construction of the lat
eral sewer In eald district, and the
expense incidental thereto, and pro
viding for the payment of said as
sessment and providing the mean
of collection thereof, and providing
a penalty for failure to pay the earner
Be It ordained by the mayor aas
council of the city of Alliance that
whereas, on the Thirtieth day of De
cember, 1913, the city -council sat
a board of equalization, to determine
the benefits derived by the lots and
real cut ate in sewer district No. 19,
by reason of the construction of a
lateral sewer therein, said meeting
being held after due notice of the
time and place of said meeting had
been given as required by law, and
whereas, at said meeting It wa
found that among other things, the
special benefits derived by each lot
In said district were uniform and
equal; and whereas said board of
equalization found that each lot in
said sewer district No. 19, was ben
efitted to the extent of S .60 per
front foot, the record of said board
of equalization, as made at said
meeting, being herein referred to
and made a part hereof.
Therefore, there Is hereby levied
a special assessment of $ .60 per
front foot upon each lot situated In
said sewer district No. 19, which
levy extended against each therein
is as follows: $20 each againsi lot
One to Six Inclusive In block. L, $30
each against -lots One . to Six in
block K, $30 each against lots On
to Nine In block G, all In Sheridan
addition to Alliance, and $30 each,
on lots One to Six In block Seven,
!0 each against lots One to Six in
block Four, and $30 each in lot One
to Nine In Block Three, all In Wy.
omlng, addition to the City of Alli
ance, Nebraska.
Section. 2. That one-firth of the
total amount levied against each of
said, lots shall become delinquent in
fifty days after -this date: one-fifth
In one. year; one-fifth in two year;
one-fifth in three years; and one
fifth in four yar, and that each
of the said Installments, except th
first, shall draw interest at the rata
of 7 p.r cent, per annum, from thJ
date Mtitil the same shall becom
delinquent, and after the same be
comes delinquent, interest at th
rate of I per cent, per month shall
be paid thereon, and such special
tax shall be collected and enforced,
as In (rases of other general taxes,
provided that the entire cost ot
such lateral sewer shall be charge
able to the real estate In said dis
trict; and if the owners of such
property shall pay the entire amount
of said special tax within fifty day
from the date hereof, said real es
tate shall be exempt from any lien
or charge thereof.
Section 3. This ordinance shall
take effect and be enforced from
and after Its passage, approval and
publication, according to law.
First reading Docen.Utr 30. 1912.
Second reading December 30, 1913.
Third reading December 30, 1913.
Approved this 30th day of Decem
ber. 1913.
J. D. EM Kill CK, City Clerk.
(Seal) A. D. RODGERS, Mayor.
The city council granted permissio)
Tuesday evening at the regular meet
las' for th Alliance creamery to put
la a seals in connection with it new
coal yards.