The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 08, 1914, Image 4

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Lloyd C. Thomas. City Editor
Published every Thursday by
Lley C. Thorn , President J, Carl Thomas, Vice Pres.
.'i John W. Thomas, Secretary
Entered at the port office si
through the malls as second-class
Subscription prk. $160
Ta4 Circulation of this newspaper Is guaranteed to be the largest
I Western ' Nebraska. Sample copies free. . '
ADVERTISING RATES at "Live and Let Uve" prices, lower la
proportion to circulation than rate of most newspaper.
DISPLAY AD V E RTI 8 INO Kirs t Insertion, per men. column meaa
raw IS cent: subsequent Insertion, wtt bout change, per column tach,
tr charge for preferred position and for first Insertion
of advertisement containing difficult composition.
RKADINO NOTICES and WANT ADS Eight point Roman (common
reading) type, flvo cent! per line each insertion. No reading notice
eounted less thnn two Hues. Mack face type, 10 or 11 point, tec cents
9r each Insertion. Each 10 or 18 point head line counted as three
List of Those Returning Sunday
from Visits Horn Over Hol
idays. Back to Studies
The following students of St. Ag
hea academy returned Sunday and
Monday morning from their holiday
Helen Hughe. May Lanlgan, Cora
Lanlgan. Hattle LeKboff, Hazel Ab
bott. Nell Dunn, Crawford; OHre Ar
tnuth, CI. Lanlgan, Dalton. Ellen Cot
gnu, Ruth Johnston, Ada Harris,
Marsland; Ella Hamilton, Eva Clem
ents, Mae HinUe, Sheridan, Wyo.;
Grace Waggerbee, Llsoo; Loretta Oil
laepy, Haxtun, Colo.; Violet and Cal
la Neumann, Bridgeport ; Kuth Phil
lips, Andrew; Agnes Cobban, Helen
Huff, Evelyn Kerr, Edgemont, S. D.;
Mary Comer, Rushville; Agnee and
Katberine Welch, JBlngliam; William,
Barbara and La Derne King. Angora,
Mebr.; Fraud and Teresa ' Seals,
Cheyenne, Wyo.; Dorothy Delaney,
Itad, 8. D.; John cCullock. Ells
worth; John Curran, Katherloe Cody,
Caper, Wyo.; Margaret Austin. Doug
las, Wyo.
' A Good Plaster
MerVtol White Liniment Is a splen
did application for Sore Thro, Cold
on the Lungs, Croup and Tains in
the Ch&t. Saturate a piece of flan
nel cloth with the Liniment and use
a a plaster. It In very pem. rafting,
'will not Ibllster und Is very effective.
P. J. Brennan, Exclusive Agents.
New Supplies Arrive for City Elec
tric Light Department. To
, Extend Service
The carload of electric light poles
recently ordered by the city Electric
light department ban arrived and Is
now being unloaded. Supt. Dow
wlU oon begin needed extensions of
service lines to people who have
long wanted electric power for ouie
The new sewer pump has ateo ar
rived and la being Installed la tilace
of the pump which is now being used
and wbcih needs repairing.
New plate glass windows are being
Installed in the front of the building
occupied by the Crystal theatre. The
building is owned by W. W. Norton.
Mr.. Dubuque, proprietor of the- the
atre. Is making it a fine playhouse,
one of the nicest in this part of the
Madlon, Wis..
Jan. 1. 1913.
M. D. Reynolds says:
This Is to certify thwt I have
leen a great sufferer from Rheuma
tism aince 1894. Contracted the dis
ease while working with a snow plow
n the railroad. For several years
1 have been obliged to use cr-utohe
a great part of the time, llavlnx
used three boxes of the Meritol Rheu
matism Powders, 1 have thrown a
way the crutches and am now al
most fully recovered. It certainly
has done wonders for me and I
heartily recommend It- M. D. Reyn
olds. F. J. Brennan, Exclusive A-
Mayor Rodgers has a kind apot in
hla heart The last of the week a
runaway boy from an Iowa town
drifted Into Alliance. He was with
out funds and without friends. The
mayor took the boy home, gave him
meals and a place to sleep until tnon
jy was received from the boy's par
ents. He left for home, a sadder
and wiser boy.
BiUoasneas and Constipation Cvred.
If you are evtr troubled with biliousness
or constipation you will be interested la the
statement of R. F. Erwln, Peru. lad. "A
year ago last winter 1 had aa attack f indi
gfatlae followed by biliousness sad eonstipa
Uoa. &ing Chamberlain's Tablets so highly
resowmeaded. I bought abottle of them and
I hey helped me right away." rVssle by
ail dealer. Advertisement
Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission
per year la advance
History of "Doc" Middleton More
Interesting than That of Buf
falo Bill, Says Paper
rYom Chadron Chronicle, Jan. 2:
"Doc" Middleton, well known to
every citizen of the northwest and
especially of Chadron whree he had
been known for many years as a
picturesque frontier character since
the early days, died at Douglas. Wy
oming, last Saturday.
"Doc" was a very active man for
one of his age considering the hard
ships he had endured and the life
he had led In yean past. His last
visit to Chadron, If we recollect Just
right, was during the Dac county
fair of last year when he looked as
robust and healthy as he had In
past years. Although he had made
his home for some years past in Ard
more, 8. Dak., for the past year he
had resided at Orln Junction, and it
was. while on a trip to that place he
wa taken sick. A hLwtory of "Doc"
Middleton ' past life could be written
Unit would surpass that of "Buffalo
1UI1" or a few of the plainsmen who
have received a, great deal more
newspaper advertising than he.
"Doc" was at one time a terror to
the settlers of northwestern Nebras
ka, and during thoso early days he
had a ranch on the Niobrara river,
which was ud as a rendezvous for
mitny of the famous outlaws of those
days, and it Is said that many of
their expedition were planned nt his
place. At one time there was a Wk
reward offered for his capture and
It was only thru the shrewdest work
on the part of detectives that he
was ever captured. After hla cap
ture and nerving a short term at
Lincoln, he , returned to the western
part of the state, was married and
raised a family of children, and had
Hince been considered a good, law
abiding citizen and one that will be
greatly ml&sed, as he was a very
conspicuous character, big hearted
and ever ready to help a friend or
any one In distress.
For Frost Bites and Chapped Skin
For front bitten ears, fingers and
toes; chapped hands and Hps, chil
blains, cold .sores, red and rough
skins, there la nothing to equal Buck
len'a Arnica Salve. Stops the pain
at once and heals quickly. In every
home there should be a box handy all
the time. . Beet remedy for all skin
diseases, Itching eczema, tetter,
piles, etc ,25c. All druggists or. by
mall. II. E. Buckle & Co., Phila
delphia or St. IxMtis.
Prominent Morrill County Ranchman
Who Has Real Estate Inter
ests in South Texas
S. C. Y eager of Angora, one of Mor
rill county's prosperous rauchinen,
was transacting business In Alliance
Monday preparatory to starting
to southern Texas where he has
real estate interests. He left on
42 Monday for Kansas City, ex
pecting to stop there about twelve
hours, then on to the south. He hag
some eighty odd acres adjoining the
town of Genoa, twelve miles south
of Houston, Texas, and is enthusiast
ic over that country because of the
splendid natural condition of cli
mate and soil and the commercial
advantages of that section.
Houston, although forty mil from
the gulf, will soon be connected with
it by an ocean steamship channel
and have a deep water harbor, with
the prospect of which it has doubled
in population in about three years
and la making great headway toward
becoming the "New York of the
Mr. Yeager Intends to remain in
the south until spring and orders
The Herald sent to him s that he
can keep posted on northwestern Ne
braska affairs while away.
France proposes to tax every - In
come. But Bonl should worry.
Report of Business Transacted Re
cently by Government Land
Office in Alliance
Following Is a report of -homestead
applications allowed and reject
ed, proofs allowed and certificates is
sued, and prooCs approved and cer
tificates issued by order of commis
sioner general l.iad office, recently:
Homestead Applications
Date allowed: Dec. 23; Serial No.:
016425; Name: C. O. E. Swan; Ad
dress: Harrfoburg; Section: 10; Typ.,
18; Range, 68.
Deo. 23, 016426, James Hurt on,
Rackett, 34 18-68; Dec. 23. 016427.
Maxam Trudo, Elk Point. S. Dak.,
22-24 61; Dec. 23, 016430, Eli Van
Wagecer. 1816 Clark 8L, Omaha, 7-28-42;
Dec. 23, 016431, Mary K. Rich
ardson, LI co, 3-19-46; Rejected Dec.
23, 016432, Henry H. Peterson, Ne
ligh, 18 28 67.
Proofs Allowed and Certificates Is
sued by Alliance Land Office
Doc, 23, 07068, William A. Randall,
Canton, 1-26 62; Dec. 26, 06361, Eliza
8. Brown. Alliance, 33-22-48; Dec. 24,
01609, Robert C. Worley, Jese, 14-26-43;
Dec. 24, 08622. Amllgo Onke".
Ardmore, 3 34 65; Dec. 24, 07272. Lyd
la PlummcT, Wayside, 31-35 61; Dec.
17, 04635, Myrtle E. Safford. Canton.
11-26-53; Dec. 22. 0SMW, Sidney E.
Miller. 2!K!4 44; Dec. 22, 011968, Geo.
W. Allnger, Anora, 30-22-60; Dec.
22. 012001. Olof LofqulKt. Antioch, 12
24 46; Dec. 19. 0122!5, Eldred Reeves.
Albany, ; Dec. 19, 0108418.
Fay Alderman. Harrison, 20-29-66;
Dec. 19, 03484. Benjamin W. Hackett.
Btory, 26-35-66; Dec. 19. 08027, Chas.
H. Safford, Canton, 10 26 53; Dec. 19.
011467, Robert S. Youns. Orella, 21-34-63;
Dec. 19, 011640, Marie Hough,
Bayard, 1 222; . Dec. 19. 011932.
Christian Jensen, Glen. 33-31 -53 j Dec.
19. 011989, Roland D. Palmer, 17-33-50;
Dec. 18, 014334, Alva E. Cault.
Warren, 14 19 42; Dec. 17, 01714. Ma
rlon W. Timbrel, Ellnworth. 33-26-41;
Dec. 17, 03223. Harry II. Brown.
Rushville, 25-34-45; Dec. 17, 06736.
John Rambousck, Canton, 626-53;
Iec. 17, 08996, Churlcs Victor An
derson, Wayside, 8-34-50; Dec. 17,
O9044, Lawrence A. Kopp. Story. 2
34 56; Dec. 17, 011313. Dallas E. Ke
ler, Broadwater. 3-20-48; Dec. 17.
011347, Clarence L. Slaytcr. Broad
water, 18-19-47; Dec. 17. 01 1368, Thos.
I Truax. Gordon, 32-30-41; Dec. 17.
011409; Harry Derr, Malinda, 18-24-62;
Dec 17. 0111612. Orvllle I). Mc-
(labe. Lakeside, 9-21-44; Dee. 17,
011682. Arthur Cutler, Gordon. 23-30
42; Dec. 17. 011718, Charles W. Thac
ker, Sr., Gordon, 35-30-42; Dec. 17.
011914, John A. Sleeth. Lakevlcw, 3
19 4,5; Dec. 19 , 011954. Joseph D. la
cey, Lakevlcw, 27-20 45; Dec. 17.
012099, Francis Rwwell, Gordon. 24-
30-42; Dec. 17. 012198, Phillip Pull
man, Ellsworth.' 20-26-41; Dec. 17,
012354, Walter J. Pratt. Bridgeport,
12-19-62; Dec. 16. 01606. John E
Cliftton, Ashbrook. 15-27-55; Dec. 16.
018192, Earl D. Nation, Olen. 3-29-64:
inn-. 18, 028, Frank L. Headden,
lloiwrn. 28-30-49; De. 16, 02090, Chas
E. Uirdwall. Morrill. 15-19-42; !ec. 16
02135, Caleb W. Cault, Warren. 15
19 42; Dec. 17. 011682. Arthur Cutler
uoruon, L'; Dec. 27. 011107.
Jobn L. Gyhra. Lewellen. 28-19-42:
Dec. 16. 03439, Richard R. Campbell.
Usco. 6-19 46; Dec. 16. 03783. Nettie
I. Barton, Lynn, 19-21-48; Dec. 16.
00815. Jumes B. Meek, Canton, 9-25
62; Dec. 16. 06626, Cornelia Arm
6trong. Whitney, 33 34 60; Dec. 16,
07624, William A. Neldy. Bridgeport,
J7-20-49; I-. 07664. Charles T. Keen
an. Bridgeport. 29-18-50; Dec. 16.
07539, Ada Heckman, Broadwater, 6-
18-48; Doc. 16. 07623, James V. Wen
ver, Northport, 15-20-49; Dec. 16
0735,5, William H. Newton, Grayeon,
6-29-44; Dec. 16. 08925. Barbara Wun-
der, Montrose, 11-33-51; Dec. 16
010853, Harmon Eiza .Wadley, Mor
rill. 23-25 C7: Dec. 16, 010383. Alvin
C. Johnny. Andrews. 7 29 65;" IVc
16, 91114. l.j:lnia G. Wi,;s ....
15- 42; Dec. 16, 011599, John G. Ja
cobs, Mumper. 24 21-45; Dec. 16, 011.
612. Dartd K. McClelland. Marsland
23-28 54; Dec. 16, 011458. James N
Henry, Germg, 21-20-65; Dec. 16
012172, John Mack. Agate. 5 28-55;
Dec. 16. O1202S. George M. Emmons
26 28,57; Dec. 15, 0992, Modie lxe
Curly. 27-275; Dec. 6, 014445. Arn
old Peters. Hay 8pr1ngs, 18-29-44;
Dec. 9. 015S68. Homer W. Sickles
Bingham. 2-18 54; Dec. 10, 015468
John G. II. Groff, Goodstreak, 24-23
52; Dec 9, 016399, Joseph C. Vaughn
Allianoe. 24-23-50; Dec. 9. 015434
Don J. Ross. Schill, 24 -28-46; Dec. 8
015746, Peter Swanson, Crawford, 9
31-53; Dec. 9, 015747, Peter Swan
son, Crawford. 4-31-63; Dec. 13. 016,
400, Grace E. Flaaberty, Curly, 18-26
54; Dec. 23, 05704, Sherman S. Welp
ton, Box 1234, Omaha, 28-23-53; Dec
22. 03825, Heirs of Sarah S. Roby
Adton, 6-34-46.
Proofs Approved and Certificates Is
sued by Order of Commlssioi
General Land Office.
Dec. 20, 431-05237. Frank 8. Rus
sell. Glen. 29-31-64; Dec. 27. 1016433
Fannie Raril. Rushvllte, 12 33-46; Dec
27. 016429, Heirs or Joseph Dazil
Rushville. 18 33-45; Dec. 17, 04635
Myrtle E. Safford. Canton, 11-2643
Dec. 23. 07068. William A. Randall
Canton. 12-26-52; Dec. 24. 03720. Al
bert K. Lore. Alliance. V 21-46.
What is the repubHcan party but
a name, a charm that lull to steep
Regulations of the Department Re
lating to Leave of Absence
from Thtir Claims
Before the blanks approved by the
secretary of the Interior for leave of
absence bad been issued, The Herald
printed a quantity of blanks for that
purpose, co informing to the regula
tions of the department. These were
ueed by homesteadere for a while,
but since blanks have been lsmied
by the department for that purpoee,
the officials of the land office pre
fer that they be used in order that
all notices of absence and return be
uniform to size and worded the
same. Accordingly we are now print
ing a supply of blanks which are a
reproduction in size and wording of
those supplied by the department.
These win be furnished free of
charge to Herald subscribers who
apply at the office or request them
by mall. Address, The Alliance
Herald, br
Alliance. Nehraaka.
nformation Regarding Leave of
NOTE. The first proviso to Sec.
2291, R. S., as amended by the act
of June 6. 1912 (37 Stat., 123), is
as follows:
"Provided, That upon filing la the
local land office notice of the begin
ning of suoh absence, the entryman
shaN be entitled to a continuous
leave of absence from the land for
a period not exceeding five months
b each year after establishing res
idence, and upon the termination of
such absence the entryman shall
file a notice of such termination In
Che local land office, but in case of
commutation the fourteen months'
actual residence as now required by
law must be shown. "
The only entrymen who are entit
led to the benefits of the above are
those whose entries were made of
record on or subsequent to June 6,
1912, and those whose entries were
made prior to that date but who in
tend to submit final proof under
the law as amended by the act of
that date.
Extract from the regulations issued
by the Department February 13,
1913 (Circular No. 208):
(11) After the establishment of res
idence the entryman is permitted to
be atoswnt from the land for one con
tinuoue period of not more than five
months in each year following, pro
vided that upou absenting himself
for suoh period he has filed ini the
local land office notice of the be
ginning of auch intended absence.
He must also file notice with the
local land office upon his return to
the land following such period of ab
(12) In according such extended
periods of absence the Congress has
dealt liberally with the homestead
entryman, and bona fide continuous
residence during the remaining por
tlons of the three-year period must
be clearly shown.
(13) A second period of absence
immediately following the first per
lad. even though the two periods
occur in different years, reckoned
from the date of the establishment
of actual residence, will not be rec
ognized, as it was never contemplat
ed that an absence was permlseiWe
In excess of six months in view of
the specific provisions for contest
provided for In section 2197 of the
Revised Statutes, There should be
at leatit some substantial period of
actual continuous residence upon
the land separating the periods of
absence accorded under the statute.
Only those protracted absences with
respect o which notice has been
given as required by the statute
will be respected either In case of
contest or on final proof. This law
does not repeal or modify the acts
of March 2. 1889 (25 Stat., 854).
Juna 25. 1910 (26 Stat., 864), and
April 30. ,1912 (37 Stat.. 105).
Worms the Cause of Your Child's
A foul, disagreeable breath, dark
circles around the eyes, at times fe
verlsh. with great thirst; cheeks
flushed and then pale, abdomen swol
len with sharp cramping pains are
alt indications of worms. Don't let
your child suffer. Kk-kapoo Worm
Killer will give sure relief. It kills
the worms while Its laxative effect
adds greatly to the health of your
child by removing the dangerous and
disagreeable effect of worms and par
asitea from the system. Kkkapoo
Worm Killer as a health producer
should be in every household. Per
fectly safe. Buy a box today. Price
25c. All druggists or by mall. Kick
apoo Indian Med. Co., Phlla. or St
It U always surprising how much
deeper a hole la after a man gets
Into It-
Proprietor of City Market Firds For
mer Bee Hive Store Build
1 . Ing Convenient
It has not been many years since
people in Alliance said that the
northeast corner of Dox Butte avenue
and Fourth street was "hoo-dooed".
The opinion was based on the finan
cial reverses that had come to
some who had engaged in business
on that comer. But If the hoodoo
ever made that place his headquar
ters, he muet have taken his depar
ture, as lt has "been demonstrated
that it is a good place for business.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kewer built up
such an extensive business there as
to make it necessary for them to se
cure larger quarters.
W. R, Drake, who has moved the
City meat market into the place
from across the street, is very much
Starts next
The Daily
in The Weekly Herald
next Thursday.
I ty It!
A novelization of a most successful
play by the most successful actor
playwright of the United States
When a wealthy relative leaves a handsome
fortune to young Jones he immediately re
sponds to the call of "Broadway." Before
long he's the most celebrated spender in the
metropolis of spendthrifts. Every chorus
girl and bartender, every taxi-cabman and
policeman on the streets knows him and
calls him by his nickname. He out-broad-ways
Broadway. & Then suddenly he finds
himself "broke." Marriage with a maiden
lady of many summers promises a solution
not at all to his liking; then he meets THE
girl and
But you want to read the whole storyit's
all very human and full of lots of good, roar
ing laughs. You'll not regret reading our
coming serial BROADWAY JONES,
pleased with . the location and the
room. While the location cannot
said to be better than the one at
the northwest corner of the two
streets, the room he finds to be
more convenient for his purpose and
can be arranged to handle hln laram
business to better advantage than ki
the old building.
Henry Iller f Antioch was in AHl
snce yerterday. He comes to thia
city on business often and occasion
ally favors The Herald, office with
a call, but there la one regular rto
it here that he never falls to make.
Every year about the first f Janu
ary he calls and sets himself . and
his brother, E. A. Hler of Blshoa)
Hill, Illinois, a year ahead on uV
Read The Dally Herald.
Monday in
Herald and