r 3G 3G It It It 3E3C IBZBt It It It It Previous Extensive Experience With XMA HOPPE Has Taught Us What to Buy in FURNITUR H and. NOVEITIE Come to us with your list, and we will help to suggest a gift for Mother, Father, Wife, Husband, Child ren, Sister, Brother, Sweetheart or Friend. Cedar Chests, Easy Arm Chairs and Rockers, Sectional Book Cases, Duofolds, Unifolds, Bed Room Chairs and Rockers in Mahogany, Golden Oak, Waxed Oak, Circassion Walnut and Birds-Eye Maple, Dining Room Sets, Beds in Brass, Oak, Walnut and Birds-Eye Maple, Kitchen Cabinets, Desks, Library Tables, Smoking Sets, Ash Trays, Humidors, Desk Sets and Other Useful Articles for Gift Purposes. .'. .'. .'. .'. . . Framed Pictures 5c and 10c PICTURES Heads, Animals, Birds, Children and Landscapes. Gilt and black frames. 15c FRAMED PICTURES IN MARINES AND LANDSCAPES We are making an elegant showing of larger pictures in Sepias, Pas tels, Prints, and Hand-Colored Photos of Marines, Landscapes and Life Subjects. 25c and 50c SPECIALS Including some Pictures up to $2.00 Value 1 C TiiiLii'fcac ln natty frames, including Cupid Awake and 1 ltlUICO Cupid Asleep, Madonnas, Boy Christ, Baby Stewart, Song of the Lark, Gleaners, and others, also Poets and Mottoes. Make Your Selections Early. Any Purchases will be Laid Aside for You We Have Arranged Extra Delivery Service for Christmas Eve and Forenoon of Christmas Day L QEB3 it it 3L3 iniiinr: ii ir n ir ir n rl 3trjrjQS OPINION OF A NEWSPAPER MAN a ."The Alliance Herald. Daily, a neat, newsy, bright paper. It is the only daily in western Ne braska and is supplied with the Associated Press dispatches, the same as other dailies. It should be in every home in western Nebraska." The above is from the Hay Springs Enterprise of Friday, December 5th. The Herald thanks Ed itor Johansen for the compliment. 3DDOE J EAGLES SMOKER COMING SOON Local and Foreign Talent Will Givie Peerless Athletic Entertain ment December 30 The smoker held last month by the Bagles for their members and friends proved so successful from every standpoint that another has been arranged for to be given on December 30. This will be even better than has been staged before. The athletic part of the program will be a six round boxing contest by local talent. A wrestling match, best two ln three falls, weight 150 pounds; a ten round windup at 135 pounds weight. Kid Flortan of Whit man and Kid Edson of AlUajice will be two of the prominent athletes to take part. SAVING WASTE Farmers in Arthur county are stu dying the waste problem, according to Information received by the state board of agriculture. Hundreds of bushels of potatoes have been lost heretofore owing to unfavorable mar ket conditions. Twenty-five farmers have banded t ham selves together to erect a denatured alcohol factory and use the waste potatoes ln the manufacture of this pioduot. Advertise in The Herald the pa per the people read. Use This Blank In Paying Your Subscriptions Date -193' Club Manager, Alliance Daily and Weekly Herald, Alliance, Nebr. Enclosed find $. for to pay for the Herald wilf, years. Credit the votes in the Universal Club to the follow ing member: Club Member : Address .,.. No. of Votes due. Subscriber'sNam e. Address (Indicate Daily or Weekly by crowing oat the one not id ted PERU VACATION BEGINS DEC. 20 Girls' Basketball Teams Play Inter. Class Games Friday, Jun iors Beat Sophomores (By Special Correspondent) PERU, Nebr., Dec. 10. The third number of the lecture course was given Wednesday evning by the Met ropolitan Grand Opera Quartet, and the high class music was greatly en Joyed. Mrs. D. W. Hayes spent several days in Lincoln last week. The girls' babiket ball teams play ed interclass games Friday, the Juniors defeating the Sophomores and the Seniors winning from the Freshmen. The final interclass games will be played next Friday af ternoon. Pres. Hayes and Professors Beck, Rouse, Overholt, Iefler and Del- ssell attended the Schoolmasters' Club held at the bind ell hotel at Lincoln, Saturday, December 6. The men's glee club of Wesleyan unlvernity, under the direction, of Prof. Ahlers, will give an entertain ment here on Thursday evening. Prof. Ahlers was at the head o? the music department of the Peru mor iittU several years ago and did a great deal for the men's glee club here. The Christmas vacation will begin on December 20 and close on Sat urday, Jan. 3. The students will be given Monday following the close of the vacation on which to return. School work will begin on Tuesday. January 6. The students and faculty had the pleasure of listening to Miss Adalyn Blaidtenetolp sing at chapel on Friday. Try A Herald Want Ad. They Get Results and Don't Cost Much MARSLAND NEWS (By Herald Correspondent) BINGHAM, Nebr., Dec. 8. Mrs. M. I a. Kincald and son Gerald went to AllLauce to do their Christmas shop ping. Mrs. Chas. Wilson, who has been visiting relatives at Anselmo, re turned home today. Mm. Clyde Fosdlck, who has been visiting her parents at Hyanods the past few week has returned borne. James Breckner went to Alliance today to visit his fatlier, Wm. Breck ner, wbo is suffering with & brokea collar bone. Mrs. Alice Iovett departed today for Council Bluffs, la., where she will visit her daughter. Mrs. Adeline Watson departed to day for Omaha. To Look Well Dressed You Must Have the Clothes Not just "anjT old clothes", for there is a difference in the looks of clothes, just as there is in women or horses, you are ashamed to wear it. l I HifH-wicKvirCo'S A cheap suit may look fairly well at first, but in six weeks They don't "stand up." The life of a GOOD SUIT should be at least a year and look like "ready money" all the time. Why pay $12 or $15 for a suit that can't possibly give the service. In two or three months you will need another. Is it not econo my to pay $25.00 TO $30.00 and get one that will last you four times as long and "look the part." You Can Do It Try a Hirsch Wickwire If A MiUM-Wicmaa-Co-S fJ I ClOTHIS 1 They Never Disappoint You TH RIGHT ROY BECKWITH, Proprietor III