3 BINGHAM MAN BROUGHT HERE LEGAL ADVERTISING CITY MEAT MARK W. R. Drake, Prop. Fresh and Cured Meats "The Best of Everything" Notice to Farmers and Ranchmen: We do our our own butchering and are on the market for the best we can buy. If you have some excep tionally good stuff to sell, let us know about it. Corner Box Butte Ave. and 4lb St PHONE 40 Nice Bunch of Bingham Newt from Herald's Special Correspond ent at Neighboring Town BINGHAM, Nebr., Nov. 20. Fred VaiHlom, who lives north of Bingham i on a klnkaid, was taken to Alliance Monday by J. M. Rentfro to be plac ed In the hospital at that place. Dr. Single says he has cancer of the stomach and cannot live but a Tory few Jays. Mna. J. A. Taylor and family have niovod to AlUame where Mr. Taylor has a position In I .1 ...1 If UU. --.J . Mrs. C. E. Fowlk-k and little girls hI ,- h aile.i that Pati a.e visiting kn Hyannls this week. McMullin has never established res- Mrs. C. J. Halsington has returned Ulence upon the said land, has nev- fron? South Dakota where she was er P1'1 any improvements of any visiting the past three weeks. TEw tT' E. Drammer made a business trip U hatsoever nnd has enUrely aband- 'o ilyannls Tuesday. oned same since the date of entry, Mrs. C. II. Fleming went to An- a'l ofwhrh defects remain uncured kora Monday to vtett her folks a few " tWftfnr tnrth nnt. days, fied that the said alleeattons will Jim McCarty Is E. Brammor's new be taken as confessed, and your clerk. Jim experts to clerk for Mr. "d entry will be canceled without Notice of Contest Department of the Interior, Unit ed States Land Office, Alliance, Ne braska, November 12th, 1913. To Patrick McMullin of Alliance, Nebraska, Canto e tee: You are hereby notified that George J. Curtis who gives Alli ance, Nebraska, as his post-office ad dress, did on October 8, 1913, file In this office his duly corroborated ap plication to contest and secure the cancellation of your Homestead En try, Serial No. 016774 maie March 8. 1913. for NWK NW4 Sec. 6, T. 23 N., R. 50 W.J Stf, SE4 NE, NWVi, Sec. 31, SV. SE. SV4 the Burlington SWi of Section 32, Township 24 isortb, Range 60 West of 6th Prin- True Economy ... meant th wiu spending of one's money making every dollar do full duty and getting in return an article that will satisfy you in every way. Tt' . WHITE. . is a real bargain because h b sold si a popular pricet because it gives you the kind of sewing you delight in) because H will turn out the work quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time of tatlif actory services because its improvements will enable you to do thing which cant be done on any other machine! because it will please you with its One finish and beauty of its furniture. In short you wtil find the White reliable and desirable from every point of view. Be sure to sec the White dealer who will be glad to show you how good a machine the White is. If there is no White dealer handy, write us direct foe cat alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines. . WHITE SE WING MA CHINE CO. CLEVELAND, O. further right to be heard, either be fore this office or on - appeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days after the FOURTH pub lication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to these alle gations of contest, together with due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contest- County Officers Took Trip to Sidney ant either in person or by registered Brammer all winter. P. A. Yeast is spending a few I days at his ranch. E. Shafenburg has leased the res taurant from F. A. Williams. INSPECT FURNITURE Sunday and Inspected Furn ishings of Court House County Commissioners Reck, Hash- man and Wanek, county clerk liar graves and county treasurer Martin went to Sidney om Sunday where they looked over the furnishings of Date of second publication, Novem the court house there. Cheyenne mall. You Bhould state in your answer me name or tne pobi ornce to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. (Signed) W. W. WOOD. Register. Date of first publication, November 20. county has a fine court house and it lis well furnished. The gentlemen were taken through the court house and shown every thing by county treasurer Simon Fish- Serlaj No o 12001. ber 27. Date of third publication, December 4. Date of fourth publication, Decem ber 11. 60-4t-341-2378 The Value of man who Is president of the Treas urers' Association whose convention will be held In Omaha this fall. ine commissioners will meet on Friday to receive bids on the fumi- Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Laiud Office at Alliance, Nebraska, Oat. 10t 1913. Notice is hereby given that OLOF LOFQUIST, Spare Moments From every section, and from all sorts and conditions of men, messages come to tell of earnings Increased and futures bright ened through study of I. C. S. Courses during spare time. One letter gives the romance of a young man in California that began with little or no education; another tells the story of a high school graduate In Maine that found himself educated for everything but to make a living. Here are the heart-throbs of a fellow that tolled 12 hours a day and studied his Course as best he could; of a foreman or superintendent that enrolled be cause his ambition aimed at still bigger things. No matter where you live, how little spare time' you have, or how brief your schooling, the I. C. S. can raise your salary. That statement Is backed with 20 years of success and a rec ord of 400 or more advancement letters received every month. I. C. S. Courses have made draftsmen, foremen, and super intendents of shop hands; building contractors, architects, struc tural and concrete engineers of carpenters and masons; adver tising men, window trimmers, chemists, illustrators, and design ers of clerks; electrical, mechanical and steam engineers of la borers; mine Inspectors, foremen, and mining engineers of mine workers; bridge engineers, surveyors and mappers, civil engin eers, gas engineers, automobile runners and civil service em ployes of young men willing to use their spare time to mold a career. Suppose you were to increase your earnings only $20 a month what a fine return that would bl on your spare-time In vestment! G. O. Glbboney, of Mount Pleasant, Pa., Increased his earnings $25o a month, and hundreds have done as well. Mark and mall this coupon and you will receive free Infor mation how you can increase your earnings by spare-time study. International Correspondence Schools Box 1733, SCRANTON, PA. 1'leane explain, without further obligation ou my part, how I r.an qualify for a higher salary ana advancement to the position, trade, or profntwlon befors which 1 1 have marked X For sale by Geo. D. Darling TWO FINE MISSION- ARY AODRES8ES Is announced in Saturday's Daily vHersJd, the meeting at the United Presbyterian church Sunday evening, which was the last of the series con dtteted by Rev. E. McCreery and JLrr. E. L. Pollock, was a union service. It was announced tjbru the paper that the Metht artist, First Presbyterian and Christian torches would unite with the U. P. people in the service, but as It was arte r wards thought, and correctly, too, that if they all did, the church weuld not contain all who came, the Methodists decided to hold regular aterrloes at that time and so announc ed at the morning service. As it was the U. P. church was well rilled. Rev. W. A... Pollock of South Oina . ha was the first speaker, his ad 4res being an exceedingly Interest tag talk on home missions. In show- Jgg the great need of energetic and effective home missionary work he presented statistics regarding church work in the United States, both i: ity and country. So srtong was th ortraval of the pmuring needs ol ifce cause that it would have had 4soidedly pessimistic effect bad it get been for the unbounded faith of b speaker In ultimate success. Rev. McCreery followed with an ddress In which he related In snoot interesting manner his expert 4Mces as a foreign missionary, ending some thrilling experiences in ih Soudan. An optimistic spirit pre vailed thruout this talk, although it was shown that to succeed an Ini mense amount of hard work and pu rtfice will be necessary. LADIES LIKE DAILY HERALD Opinion of Alliance Ladies on Merits of This Paper All like and Read It ture and furnishings for the Box of Antioch, Nebraska, who, on Aug. Butte county court house now in 21, 1910, made Homestead Entry, nn.lrU Af nn.r.,HlAn Serial NO. OlZlWl. IOr Ett NWlii wwmww I mtrit . nun; . nir s m r htlon 11; Nft NWi4, SW4 NW of Section 12, of Township 24 North, Range 46 W. of frth Principal Merld- of ian, has filed notice of Intention to llnl&u rmu xurve itr x iuui, CURTIS PLACED ON TRIAL Alliance Man Who la Accused Stealing and Butchering Cat tle Is on Trial Now When It comes to passing an opin io establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Register and Receiv er, U. S. Land Office, at - Alliance, Nebraska, on the Uth day of Dec ember, 1913. Claiimamt names as witnesses: Edward A. Beckwell, of Alliance, Nebraska; Eugene E. Thompson, of Halmnmnxlitp Bookkeeper Ntpmwapher AdvertlKHiK Man Window Trimming t'.H. Oivll Hrrvtce Kxams. Mining Knxlneer Mln Foreman Railroad Cooatructing ChemUl Commercial Illustratlnn Automobile Running Flectrical Rnicineer Electric Wireman Klnctric LlKhling Klectric Hallways Heavy Klectrtc Traction Telephone Export Bridge Engineer (Jlvil Engineer Surveying aud Mapping Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Draftsman Stationary Engineer Architect Architectural Draftsman Contracting ti Building Structural Engineer Structural Draftsman Concrete Construction Plumbing&Stram Kitting Heating and Ventilation Plumbing Inspector KHtlmating Clerk Agriculture I'oultrv farming Ha ma. (By Herald Correspondent.) VALENTINE, Nebr., Nov. 24. ton upon the merits of a local news- Frank Curtis, colored, and a party oaner. mere are no Dewer juages v.- - r.wv. Noh..i.t. uAnrv uff than the ladies of the coumnity. For al here in the district court on Thura land of AHtance. Nebraska; Roy this reason k is a pleasure to menrday- Curtis is employed in Alliance. Hoffland, of Alliance, Nebraska. tlon what some of the ladies of this The negroes are accused of stealing w. w. wtwu. register, city have been saying aboutthe Daily butchering cattle belonging to P"'"'" f Herald: H0 "atcheior, a prominent ana One proinemnt Alliance lady said wealthy ranchman of this county. Notice for Publication few days ago: 'There's no ned " negroes live in a uuie coiorea Department of the Interior, U. 3. Street aatf no.. Cltf Stmtt. Present Occvpafioa. Notice for Publication Serial No. 011641. Department of the Interior, U. S. of taking the Times any more, as it J settlement not far from the ranch Land Orfice at Alliance, Nebraska, contains sipmly a rehash of what 1 Batchelor. twenty miles west or wot. b, ivis. " " I - . ..I nJA- Irak Id tAwi.Vkv crl von that published in the Daily Herald." Valentine. It Is rumored that Curtis " ?" Another Alliance lady, who former- hnu nls w,fe hlld a Q"aTe'. following - Ainanf.-. vhraska. who. on Nov ly whs in position to read the daily which ehe gave the information caus- 25. 1910, made Homestead Entry, Land office at Alliance, Nebraska, papers extensively but who recently ln6 the arrest of the negroes. It is Serial No. niilii, tor sw, ton. Vi, October 16th, 1913. .. u . .u ntH that h rial win oontinii SV4 SW4. Sec. 3, NV4 Sec. 10, NVs NOTICE is hereby given that u uw b.t ,.u nm w - " NEi, NV4 NW of Section 11. BOYD P. GAMBILL. Township 23 North, Range 50 V. of 0f Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Janu 6th Principal Meridian, has filed no- Drv iath. 1911. made Homestead en tice of intention to make Final trv No. 011G41. for S14 NW'i, N Three Year Proof, to establish claim sw, SW4 SVV14 Section 4, SE1 .to the land above described, before neu.' NEi. NWVi Section 6 iieguxer ana neoeiver, u. . wna Nwli NW Section , lownsnip zz, at Alliance, Nebraska, on swu SEii and SV4 SW4 of Soc- tlon 32. Town&hin 23 Nortb. range 10 Want of Sixth Principal Meridian. George H. llageman, P. S. Maiiey,naa notice of Intention to make CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS LEGAL ADVERTISING Nebraska, William Varley, of Olem- an, Nebraska. w. w. wood, Kegister. novl3-6t -338-29B3 remarked to a Iktlly Herald repre simtatlve: "I do not imss the city dalltas so much now since we have the Alliance Daily." A family in the west part of the city took the Dally Herald for a for several days. NEW HOTEL IS OPENED (By Herald Correspondent.) SinNRY Nahr Kv 24 Th nw I UnlCe, uhiin md thi ruut it uonilniirl ..vt.i i .kiv a v the 8th day of January, 1914 ; . ; " no"" nuii.il uiicu Claimant names as witnesses: Within a few days after stopping to tne publlc oa Saturday, November oeoree H. Haeeman. P. S. Ma the paper the lady called up The h,5 j8 aiready doing a good business. James Jacobs, Walter Vogle, all of Pinal Three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above aescnoea, before the Register and Receiver ol th United States Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the tweauetn day of January, 1914 Claimant names as witnesses: Orland D. Hobbs. Henderson N Herald office and requesttde that TKa h ri o la a trirna ntnrv KHflr anil I Alliance. Nebraska. their name be Disced back on the! . K..ti. i.k v,,. w- VV. WOOD, Register. t.-,krt4l Vo I . I Uw" 111 I l v'alvWl wuimuiniuwu i-oitu.auv.ua i electric ngnt and not ana coia water hu&band aaid everybody waa tAlkinjz 1 1 Mn uA wvmo - I 1U All IU WlWa I VT- Al Jf1A . . . t nnri mi ran niei ia aDout wrrai was m me Alliance uaiiy Th lobhv la laree and la furnished aiVi D..Mi::.ii..i..rf -r, PUBLIC LAND SALE ann ne aionx snow anyxning aooux wlth WTklnjr desks and easy chairs it himself, as he was not getting the Hinininir h ihh i. a tinaoMl au . xrJaambill. L. W. Skala. and Alvln A ...ms J ' I u . O. liUUU Ullim M Aiuauvs, ' . ..... - - P. ' ' dinimr room r..l lunch counter where t niikv Oct. 1. 1913. Lelshman, all Ol Alliance, r, I ' - . ... I W IA VV I II II I HIAr . ,. j mi I WflTIPR! la hareh rlvon that, as I " "i o niKU graoe nieaiu are tierveu. oMiitfy i . v. ' V . . ;r nv 8.7t-?a4-2911 ha a . k, o directed by the Commissioner of the Nov. -7t334 Z9U . - - General Land Ofnoe, under provis- tlme and the people of Sianey now on8 of Acts of Congress approved LAND OFFICE NOTICES CAFE CHANGES HANDS The Alliance Cafe, which has been believe that they are safe In saying June 27. 1906 (34 Stats.. 617), and conducted by Mrs. W. E. Gillasp for th.v bav. . hote, ' there March 2. 1907 (34 Stats., 1224), pur- ' I W .nnllj.olr,n r.t Will'Bm December 3. Aid in grain stand ardization (male), $'K0 to 11200 Skilled laborer (male), $720. Assist sat in grain standardization (male), $1200 to $2000. Chief mine surgeon (male), salary $2400 to $.liM. December 8. Negative cutter and lithographic helper (male). $900. December 10. Advanced apprentice graver (male), $700. Fireman, $720. Shop apprentice (male), $480 le $540. Laboratory aid and engin eer (male), $800. General mechanic (stale), $720. Laboratory assistant a ceramics (male), $900 to $1200. Or chestra and band leader (male), $900 December 10-11. Laboratory ap prentice (male), $540. Laboratory iwJM in chemistry (male), 1000 to $1440. Food and drug inspector (stale), $1400 to $2000. December 15. Oil and gas Inspect r (male), $1800 to $2500. several months, has been sold by her to Mr. and Mrs. E. Volght, who come here from Sterling, Colo. Mr. Voight is a che of several years' experience and promisee his patrons meals that cannot be beaten. His ad w ill appear regularly in The Her ald. . Mr. and Mrs. Glllaspy will return to their former home In Huxtom, Colo., where they will conduct the hotel which they formerly had at that point. FREE FOR THE KIDS The Bee Hive is going to give -way free candy, loe cream, pon and annies Satwrday. W. 8. Kewer be Hevcs that he should keep acquaint 4 with the kids and takes this man ser of doing It. MRS. PHELPS HAS PARTY Mrs F. M. Phelps was hostess at a delightful party Thursday after noon apent by the guests. A dell clous luncheon was served at five o'clock. The house was decorated with flowers. The guests were Mesdames Cornu, Heck. Stern, Geo. Gaddfe, J. W. Gad dis, Joder, Ellis, Patmore, Tasl and Chas. Ixrtspelch. Mrs Phelps proved herself a charming hostess. Merltol White Liniment is splendid application for Sore Throat, Cold on the Lungs, Croup and Pains In the Chest. Saturate a piece of flannel cloth with the Liniment and use as a plaster. It Is very pene trating, and effective. F. J. Bren Exclusive Agent. On and after June 12. 1913, the s In the west LEGAL ADVERTISING licatlon thereof for four consecutive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper published in Alliance, pri or to the day of hearing. Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 8th day of Nov., 1913. L. A. BERRY. (Seal) County Judge. nov 13-44-340-2971 KINKAID NEWS MAKING MORE ROOM suant to the application of William fou0WiDg prices will be charged tor O. Gentle, Serial No. 014719. we will tne publication of United States land oirer ai puouc saie, iu vuo omra office notices in The Alliance tier uiauer, uui ai oui iuu "-wald: ner acre, at nine o'clock A. M.. on pinal nroof notice. $7.00 Th rear of the Holsten store the P. .f P60?' L ? Two final proof notices combined. . ,h orrioe. tne roiiowinK iraci oi iu nn DUduung on me un iioor is nans lald: SE NE Sec. 24, T. 23 N., I Three final proof notices combin remoaeiea in oraer to give moreiu. bu w., otn r. m. ed, $21.00. room. The nresoriutlon department Any persons claiming adversely the isolated tract sale notice, $9.00. arove-aescriDeu wuu r uhk xhe above cnarges are oasea up tile their claims, or objections, on or on tne rate8 proscribed by the stat before the time designated lor sale. utea ot Nebraska' for the publication w, W . wuuu, negisier. H. J. ELLIS, Receiver, oct23-6t-33 1-2828 KINKAID, Nebr., Nov. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Iee Mclntyre were callers a Mrs. Schott's last Sunday eveu- Lnf. Mr. Beikel Is busy hauling hay in town this week. A photographer was In this vicinity lattt week taking pictures of many of the kinkalders' homes. Mrs. Lee Mclntyre and mother were visitors at Mr. Workman's toot Sunday. Everybody is enjoying the fin weather we have been having the past few weeks. Mrs. Birkel and daughter were vis itors at Mrs. Unger's last Sunday. We see that Mr. Burt Rodgers has moved his house off of his claim but we think that he still has hopes of holding the land as his fur n'ture is still over on the hilL Mr. George Workman, accompanied by Mr. Soth, were In Alliance last Wedneiiday. is being placed oa a platform or sec ond floor which Is now being built. A new stairway will be placed for the use of the upper floor. An archway Is being built through the partition In the rear of the maim I gerjai No q$S61 CANTON NEWS I of legal notices. They do not 1 n- elude a subscription to the paper. HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY. store room, cartering Into a oozy lit tle loe cream parlor. LADIES' AID SENDS BOXES Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Iand Office at Alliance, Nebraska, Nov. 8, 1913. Notice is hereby given that ELIZA S. BROWN, Notice to Creditors State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, ss. In the Matter of the Estate I John Schneider, deceased. I, L. A. Berry, County Judge Box Butte countv. Nebraska, hereby The Ladles' Aid Society of the . Ani.noB Nebr.. widow of Charles notify all persons having claims and Aiuanoe m. a. cnurcn Bnippea ixur i iroWn deceased, who, on Keoruary I aeuiaaos apuuH w esuuie ui ioaa boxes of goods todar to the Mothers' 7. 1907. made Homestead Entry No, Jewels' Home, the well known Me "JOB. Serial 63"' ' v . v.i, KT..K. t SEK NEV4. SW. SV4 NW'm, NW 14 NW4 of Section 33, Township 22 Snyder donating the hauling. The North. Range 48 W. of 6th Principal boxes contained thirteen new com- Meridian, has filed notice of inten forters. carpet rags, shoes, clothing, tion to make Final Five Year Proof . . r. to establish claim to the land above etc., and eightyons dozen home bak- Jbed hiih RetTtater and Re ed cookies. rlvtw II. s. Land Office, at Alli ance. Nebraska, on tne win aay 01 Have vou seen the new combined I December. 1913 Kitchen Cabinet and Extension Claimant names as witnesses: Bmakfaat Tabu. Shown at Darl-1 11. E. Boon, of Alliance, Nebraska, tog's store only. -1 WilHam C. Brown, of Alliance, Ne- nov20-2t-2977. ' , . 'braska. Fred G. Blain, of Alliance. Schneider that I have set and ap pointed the 20th day of May, 1914. at 10 o clock In the forenoon, at the County Court room in Alliance, for the examination of all claims against the estate of said decedent with a view to their allowance and pay ment All persons interested as creditors of said estate will present their claims to me at said time, or show cause for not so doing, and in case any claims are not so presented by said time they shall be forever bar red. This notice shall be served by pub- (By Special. Correspondent) CANTON, Nebr.. Nov. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Roes left Monday for a month's visit with relatives and oth er friends at Davenport, Iowa. This Is their first visit to that place for over twenty years and we anticipate these good folks will thoroughly en joy themselves. The Winten brothers will give a barn dance and box Bocial at the home of Henry Winten Saturday night. Madison. Wis., Jan. 1, 1913. M. D. Reynolds - says:- This is to certify that I have been a great sufferer from Rheumatism since 1894. Contracted the disease while working with a snow plow on the railroad. For several years I have been obliged to use crutches a great part of the time. Having us ed three boxes of the Merltot Rheu matism Powders, I have thrown away the crutches and am now al. most fully recovered. It certainly has done wonders for me and I heartily recommend M. M. D. Reynolds.