ADD MANY NEW BOOK Mtmberahlp Rotter of Y. M. B. C It Rapidly Growing Piano for Organizing Y. M. C. A. Several sets of new books have re cently bcetv added to tbo library of tke Y. M. D. C, -which has ta home fcl the basement of the Alllanoo Nat local Bank building. Recent addV tfoos to tbe library are a fifty vol ume oet of the Harvard ClaasioA TWs ! tbe fNe foot shelf of book packed out by Dr. Eliot. A nine vol one set of Robert Stevenson's works. A ton vohime aet of Kipling's work. A five volume aet of tho worka of Richard Harding Davis wa donated t the library by Harry Sttiman and a throe volume aet of the worts of John Fox was a too donated by him. Another aet Is a Synopols of the Blr We In three volume. In addition to the above Mat there are twenty-four lata novels. The Y. M. B. C. now has a total of strty-nine members, moat of whom attend the meetings Quite regularly. They have the piano which they woo In the 8tearn8-NorUn contest, aad the rooms are Quite nicely equipped. Want to Organize Y. fA. C. A. State Secretary J. P. Bailey, of Omaha, will be in Alliance next week for the purpose of organizing local Y. M. C. A. The petition which are now out have a total of over HO names of people who have pledged themselves to become act ive members if a Y. M. C. A Is or ganized. It will take 200 names. The support of every business man Is needed by this organization. The Y. H. B. C. meets every Thursday evening. All members are requested to attend and help In the Y. M. C. A. campaign. DEATH OF WESTERN PIONEER RETURN FROM HUNTING TRIP Every time Sulzer drinks out of that lvolng cup It will show hdm the Image of the Tiger's tall. Well Known Chadron Man Succumbs to Typhoid-Pneumonls Follow ing Long Illness; Fun eral to Bo Friday Monday evenln Claud D. Rice re ceived a telegram from Chadion In forming btm that hie brother in-law, C. It. VVeller, was-expected any mo ment to breathe Ms last. This morn ing he received ' another message bearing the sad Intelligence that .Mr. Wetler passed away at 4:10 o'clock thlfl morning. Mr. and Mra. C. D. Rtce and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rice will leave on 43 tomorrow for Chad ron going via Crawford. It la ex pected that tbe funeral will be held Friday afternoon. It being necea aary to wait for relatives from the cast. C. H. Weller was one of the pion eers of northwestern Nebraska and had a host of friends in this sec-J tarn. He homeateaded in Sheridan county about the year 1886 or 1886. In the early days he engaged in buying live stock and wae prominent kn the Stock Growers Association. For many years last past he resided In Chadron. where he engaged In the saloon business. During his last illness he was attended by hla wife'a mother, Mrs. Jennie Rice of Alliance, who to a trained nurse. Mr. Weller has been In poor health the last six years, owing to a complication of diseases. About tesi days ago typhoid-pneumonia set in, culminating ta his death. In addition to the relatives above mentioned, there will probably be a number of other Alliance peoule In attendance at the funeral. Wia Lalng, of Chicago, Joe L. Wentover and Chae Feaglns, of Al liance, returned Tuesday evening from a four days' hunting trip on the big Ankeny ranch In the hills. They were the guests of Mr. Haneur, man ager of the ranch, while there. The boys killed nine geese and about fifty ducks. Chase says hie six-cylinder auto, "Bear Ketcher," made the trip home in two hours and forty three minutes, breaking the record. Madison, Wis., Jan. 1, 1913. M. D. Reynolds says: This is to certify that I have been a great sufferer from Rheumatism siwe 1894. Contracted the diseaee while working with enow plow on the railroad. For several years I have been- obliged to use crutches a great part of the time. Having us ed three boxee of the Merttol Rheu matism Powders, I have thrown away the crutches and am now al most fully recovered. It certainly has done wonders tor me ana i heartily recommend dt. M. D. Reynolds. MEETING WAS CALLED BUT NONE ATTENDED They Make Yon Feel Good. Tho plfrMantpurgativo effect produced by Chamberlain's TabUU and tho healthy con dition of body and mind which they create make one feel Joyful. For sale by all deal ers. Advertisement. A meeting of the Box Butte Coun ty Fair Association was called for Tuesday evening. Only a very small portion of the officers attended and nothing was done. AN ALLIANCE DRUGGIST HAS VALUABLE AGENCY II. Thiele, druggist, has the Alli ance agency for the simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adlerlka, the remedy which became famous by curing ap pendicitis. This simple remedy has powerful action aad drains such sur prising amounts of old matter Dram tbe body that JUST ONE DOSE re lieves sour stomach, gas on the atom aoh and constipation almost IMME DIATELY. The QUICK action - of Adler-1-ka is astonishing. LEGAL ADVERTISING Statement of tho Ownership, Marv agement. Circulation, Etc., of The Alliance Herald, published weekly at Alliance, . Nebraska, re quired by tbe Act of August 24. 1912. Name of Post-office address Editor, John W. Thomas, Alliance. Nebr. Business Manager, Lloyd C. Thomas, Alliance, Nebr. Publisher, Herald Publishing Co., Al liance, Nebr. Owners: Belle M. Thomas, Alliance, Nebr. John W. Thomas, Alliance, Nebr. J. Carl Thomas, Alliance, Nebr. Lloyd C. Thomas, Alliance, Nebr. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgagee, or other securi ties: F. E. Holaten, Alliance. Nebr. Meraenthaler Linotype Co. New York, N. Y. LLOYD C. THOMAS. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st flay of October, 1913. EUGENE BURTON, (Seal) Notnrv Puhllo (My commission expires July 8, IV IX). Notice to Creditors State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, bs. In the Matter of the Estate of John Schneider, deceased. I, 1. A. Berry, County Judge of Box Butte county, Nebraska, hereby notify all persons having claims and demands against the estate of John Schneider that I have set and an pointed the 20th day of May, 1914, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the County Court room, In Alliance, for the examination of all claims against the estate of said decedent with a view to their allowance and pay ment. All persona Interested as creditors of said estate will present their claims to me at said time, or show cauBe for not so doing, and In case any claims are not so presented by said time they shall be forever bar red. This notice shall be served by pub lication thereof for four consecutive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper published In Alliance, pri or to. the day of hearing. Given under my band and the seal LEGAL ADVERTISING of said court this 8th day of Nov., laid. L. A. BERRY. (Seal) County Judge. nov!3-4t-340-2971 Serial No. 012733. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. 3. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, Nov. 8. 1913. Notice is hereby given that HENRY E. FISHER, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Nov. 25, 1910, made Homestead Entry, SeriaU No. 012733, for 8W SE4, SH SWVi, Sec. 3, Nft Sec. 10. Ntt NB, Nft NWV4 of Section 11, Township 23 North, Range 50 W. of 6th Principal Meridian, has filed no tice of Intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before ltegister and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 8th day of January, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: George H. Hageman. P. S. Mailey. James Jacobs, Walter Vogle, all of Alliance, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD. Register. nov!3-7t-339-2964 t I r .Aj. fkMa Inn rVl ft t9 m i prominent Hemlngford business man. and Joe Kuhn, a popular Hemlng ford young man who has a ranch 1st eastern Wyoming, were married at 8 o'clock a. m. Tuesday at the hona of the bride's parents. The couple came down to Alliance this afternoon to have their photo taken by the Alliance Art Studio, They will make their home on the Wyoming ranch. Serial No. 06361. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, wnv. 8, 1913. Notice Is hereby given that ELIZA S. BROWN, of Alliance, Nebr., widow of Charles Brown, deceased, who, on February 7, 1907, made Homestead Entry No. 11706, Serial No. 06361. for SEU. SE4 NE4, SW4, Sft NW. NW 4 NW of Section 33. Township 22 North, Range 48 W. of 6th Principal Meridian, ' has filed notice of inten tlon to make Final Five Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Re ceiver, U. 8. Land Office, at Alli ance, Nebraska, on the 20th day of December, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: H. E. Boon, of Alliance, Nebraska, William C. Brown, or Alliance, Ne braska, Fred O. Blain, of Alliance, Nebraska, William Varley, of Olem an, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD, Register. novl3- -338-2953 HEMINGFORD COUPLE IS MARRIED TODAY JOIN THE "UNIVERSAL CLUB" fftfVA TAW'T TtTYCATfc .1 1 vS . av amLtLr Prepare to enjoy its exhila rating frosts by making your blood rich, pure and active to pre vent colds, grippe and rheumatism. Good blood prevents sickness and Scott's EmulsionvriU energize your blood and create reserve strength to endure changing seasons. Scott's Emulsion is not an experiment but has served humanity faithfully for forty years; it contains the purest cod liver oil free from alcohol or stupefying drugs. Scott's Emulsion is nature's greatest blood-maker and furnishes the elements necessary for body warmth, rich blood and healthy circulation. Shan alcoholic iutitatt and demand (As gtnoin Scott 'a Emulsion AT ANY DRUO STORE 1J-7J . U.uawn.U.IJMS.MiUIJl.l Sidney Lanier, the poet, the Christian, the greatest flute player of all time, said this: "To make a home out of a household, given the raw materials to-wit, a wife, children, a friend or two and a house two other things are necessary. These are a good fire and Music And inasmuch as we can do without the fire half the year, I may say Music is the one essential." Gome Tomorrow With Five Dollars And Come With the Expectation of Having one of These Hagnificent Pianos or Player-Pianos Sent Home Come to our store in Alliance tomorrow: Tuck a five dollar bill in your pocket before starting. And come with the expect ation of beginning right then and there to win one of these fine pianos. You will be surprised-agreeably surprised. We expect you to be. For you will see a piano, which In design, in finish, In tone, and In action will equal-Zf not surpass-those of your friends and neighbors which cost three hundred and fifty to three hundred and seventy-five dollars; and even up to four hundred dollars! We don't care how skeptical you may be. You will see that these instruments are the biggest kinds of bargains at the price ($248.75), to say nothing of the many other advant ages you get in the plan through which they are now being sold. You will see that these are just the kind of pianos you have been picturing in your mind for any home. You will see at a glance that these instruments will grace your home. That they will correspond with any modern room, it matters not how beautifully appointed. In fact, you will be so delighted with them that you will be Irresistibly compelled to select one tor your very own. The Whole Proposition Gone Over Again In order that you will know this whole proposition Just as well as we know k, we will go over It again. First, we are going to sell three hundred pianos for two hund red and forty-eight dollars and seventy-five cents each, which under the USUAL METHODS of selling sell at three hundred and fifty dot-. lars each. Instead of selling them on REGULAR TERMS of twenty to twenty-five dollars down and ten, twelve, fifteen dollars a month, you pay BUT FIVE DOLLARS aa an initial payment and the re mainder at the rate of ONLY ONE DOLLAR and 'TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A WEEK and the piano is sent to your home AT ONCE. A joint guarantee, signed by both the manufacturer and ourselves, is handed to you IN WRITING, which guarantees the material and workmanship of the piano for five years from the day you make your purchase. You oan get YOUR MONEY BACK at the end of thirty days trial of the piano If you wish. At the end of the first year's use of the piano, should you wish, YOU CAN EXCHANGE IT for any other new piano we sell of equal or greater value. This gives you a whole year to fully satisfy your self, that the piano is all you wish it to be. And, Bhould you die before all of your payments have been made, all future or unpaid payments WILL BE CANCELLED VOL UNTARILY. If you wish, you need not take the full one hundred and ninety five weeks time In which to pay for your piano. YOU MAY PAY IN LESS TIME. This is wholly optional ON YOUR ' PART. But for each and every week you DO shorten the life of your agree ment, you can earn a CASH dividend or GASH premium of fifteen cents. Included, without extra charge, are a late style scarf and stool to match tbe plana OPPOSITE POST OFFICE ALLIANCE, NEBR. 1WM nrfin 1 1 'UttUViUUNJ