The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 16, 1913, Image 8

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    iv"" yr
, f (CSCED
Mrs. Ma Grime, of Hemingford. T. II. Hwson, of the Nebraska
From Saturday" Daily:
H. C. McMillan Just arrived from
Grand Junction, Colo., with a car of
line eating apples. The apples will
be on the city track.
Miss Sadie Read of Omaha left
for her home Thursday night, harlng
been railed to Alliance by the slok
jirs and death of her brother, C.
W. Reads.
A. T. Seybolt of Bridgeport, Mor
fill county's genial abstractor of tit
les, was In Alliance on business yes
terday. Having a little ttnw to spare
on account of the outgoing Denver
4 rain being late, he favored us with
pleasant call.
wtw In Alliance today with hsr dai:gh
C. W. Jeffeni left Sunday night for
Lincoln, where he goes as a delegate
to the I. O. O. P. grand lodge from
Alliance. John Snyder, accompanied
by Mrs. Snyder, left Sunday morning
for the same place. John Is a dele
gate for the Encampment and an. al
ternate to the I. 0. O. F. grand
lodge. Mrs. Snyder to a delegate
for the Rebekah lodge.
From Wednesday's Dally:
The Ladle Guild met with Mrn.
U. F. Copeland Wednesday after
noon. The Woman's Christian Temper
ance Union will hold a meeting on
Thursday afternoon of this week to
take the place of the meeting which
was withdrawn last Thursday. Mrs.
Tash, hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bowman left
on No. 42 last night for an extended-
Telephone Company, went south this
noon on a business trip.
A. C. McCorkle, a cherry county trip throughout the east. They will
ranchman and cousin of J. C. Mc-lVgn at Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago an
Corkle, was In Alldanco on business ! Michigan points, and finally end their
trip at Galesburg, Mich., where they
will remain for the winter.
Mrs. JuJte Fritz and Mr. and Mrs.
Will Forster and family arrived on
the Denver last night from Smith
field, Nebr., where they have been
visiting relatives. While here they
are visiting with Mrs. Julia Hale and
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Thomas. They
Intend to leave for their home at
Gordon the latter part of the week.
Vernor Moore and Fred A. Poch
on, of Straabuirger, made Alliance a
call on land office business Wednes
day and Thursday of this week.
George Fleming is moving his to
bacco and confectionary store to the
Mounts building today
Eugene Burton returned this noon
: Serial No. 012001
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. 8
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Sept. 20, 1113.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Antloch, Nebraska, who, on
Sept. 14, 1910, made Homestead En
try, Serial No. 012091, for SKNE
14, Sec. 8, N V4, NVfcSE, SWV4SE
U. 8WU, Sec. 9. T. 23 N., R. 45
W. of 6th P. M., hna filed notice of
intention to make Final Three Year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Register and
Receiver, U. 8. Land Office, at Alii
ance, Nebraska, on lu 18th day of
November, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Aaron Essig. of Tbelma, Nebras
ka; Wm. Elmore, of Antloch, Ne
braska; E. J. Owen, of Hewett, Ne
toraska; Howard Be:k, of Ilewett,
VUU UBjr iuib nwiii vu aim imuiu
home he stopped at Hynnnls to take
In the "Home Day". His ranch Is
forty-five miles northeast of that
J. H. Lunsford, well know.n Lake
aide ranchman, was transacting busi
ness In Alliance today. He came
tip In his auto this forenoon and
will return this evening.
Mrs. A. D. Snow and daughter Ar
tllla arrived home Friday morning
from a three weeks' vacation and
pleasure trip In Colorado. They went
frpra Alliance to Denver and from
Denver to Colorado Springs and Man
Ito, and then to Longmont where
twth have friends. They report bar
ing a fine time and seeing beautiful
Clark Olds was an Alliance visitor
R. W. Reed and wife of Bruch, frora a trJp on, tho rtver
coio., arrived Tiaay on juj, euer au
tuisuocessful attempt to reach AUianc
by auto in time for the funeral of ; Tuesday, coming' from Hemlugford
Chas. W. Reade which was held tn Ma auto.
Thursday. j
I I Miss Louisa E. Hughes Is In AMI'
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Darklng de- ance from Strasburger, on land of
tided that they would got better ac- ftco business,
xiuainted In Hyannis than being there I
one da yonly would permit, accord-1 L. A. Fossey, of Morrill, was in the
iae.y they went down on Wednesday city Monday. He visited with his
and remained until Friday. brother-in-law, E. W. Ray
The Rexall Store
Quick and Accurate Service
udgment, to-wit: North half (NV4)
section thirty-one (31), township
twenty-eight (28), North range forty-seven
(47), West of the 6th r.
M., In Box Butte County, Nebraska,
And will offer the same for sale
at public auction to the hlgnest bid
der, for cash in hand, on '.he 21st
day of October A. D. 1913, In front
of the west front door of the county
court house, In Alliance, Nebraska,
that being the building wherein the
last term of Court was held, at the
hour of 1 (One) o'clock p. m. of
aid day, when and where due at
tendance will bo glvea by the undersigned.
Dated 12th day of September, 1913.'
C. M. COX.
Sheriff of 3aid county.
Burton & Westover, Attys.
41-5t-31 1-2628
Order for Hearing
State of Nebraska,
Box Butte .
At a County Court, held nt
County Court Room In said county or.
the 9th day of October, 1913.
Present L. A. Berry, County Judge
In the Matter of the Estate of
George W. Ash, Deceased.
On reading the petition of Marie
A. Ash filed herein, praying that Ad
ministration of said estate be grant
ex) to her as Administratrix.
ORDERED, That said petition
will be heard on the 2-5th day of Oc
tober, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m. That
all persons Interested in said estate
may appear at County Court on said
date, and show cause If any there
be why said petition should not be
granted; and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and of said
hearing be given to all persons in
terested in aald matter by publish
lag a copy of this order In the AIU
ance Herald, a weekly newspaper
published In said county, for three
successive weeks prior to said hear
(Seal) County Judge
Sheriff Sale
By Virtue of an Order of Sale di
rected to me from the District
Court of Box Butte County, Nebras
ka, on a judgment obtained before
R. R. Dickson, Judge District Cour
of Box Butte County, Nebraska, on
the 28th day of July, 1913, rendered
In favor of George Williams and
James N. Field, as plaintiffs, am
against J. F. Spiker, Mis. J. F. Spik
er, his wife, 1st name unknown as
defendants, for the sum of twenty
one hundred and sixty-four ($2164)
dollars, and thirty-seven (.3 7) cents
and interest, costs and accruing
costs, I have levied upon the follow
lng real estate taken as he proper
ty of said defendants, to satisfy said
Phone 6
he Sanitary
Grocery Store
Every housewife wants goods fresh
and clean the kind that make
housekeeping easy. The place to
get this kind is at the store where
the stock is turned three or four
times every month . . . . .
Buying household supplies is a
pleasure at this store ....
The Sanitary Store
A big display, easy to select from,
and at PRICES that HELP the
Economical Housewife . . . .
You don't eet round steak;
you get tenderloin, cooked as
you order it. You get your
meals cooked as desired; ask
to see our sanitary kitchen
where YOUR meals are prepared
Mrs.W. E.Gillaspy.Prop.
Increase Your
Happiness by
The Bell Telephone
ministers to the pleasure
of millions by keeping
them in touch with the
world all about near and
far. '
A letter is cold and
bloodless. It lacks the
human touch. Telephon
ing is almost like a per
sonal visit.
Over the telephone you
may hear the living,
laughing voices of your
distant friends just as if
talking face to face.
Ask "Long Distance" for
rates anywhere.
Commissioners' Proceedings
Alliance, Nebr., Oct. 7th, 1913.
The board of county comnilasilon-
ers met pursuant to low. Officers
present: S. C. Rock, chairman; C.
L. Hashman, and J. M. Wanek.
The bond of the Plumbing, Heat
ing and Machine Company of. Sterl
ing, Colorado, by John Mathls, presi-
lent, lor heailng of Box Butte coun
ty court house, was examined and
The claim of Ray A. Mathews,
court house contractor, for first pay
ment of 82,000 as per contract was
examined and allowed and the clerk
ordered to draw warrant on the
Building Fund for same.
It, was detimxl by biard to
discontinue further road work with
county engine this fall. Engine and
machinery wore tmnled to vacant lot
back of court house and arrange
ments were made to have building
ere'tei to cover same.
Whereupon the board adjourned
until tomorrow morning, October 8,
1913, At 9 o'clock.
Alliance, Nebr., Oct. 8th, 1913
The board of county commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment. Of
ficers present: S. C. Reck, chairman,
C. L. Hashman. and J. M. Wanek.
The day was spent by the board
hearing complaints of taxpayers
present in regard to gates on public
roads, after which, motion was made
as follows:
Motion by Hashman and seconded
by Wanek, that road-overseer or dls
trict number five be instructed to
remove the gates on roads numbers
twelve and twenty five, as mown in
notice served by road-overseer on L.
Sampy and Mary Jane Shepherd,
and rthat suit be instituted to collect
penalty as prescribed by statutes for
maintaining obs.truct.lons on public
Roll call being ordered by the
chairman, vote was as folllows:
Hashman, Wanek and Reck voting
' Whereupon the board adjourned
until tomorrow morning, October 9,
1913, at 9 o'clock. .
: Alliance, Nebr., Oct. 9th, 1913. '
The board of county commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment
OK'!otir present: S. C. Reck, chaiir-
nuan; C. L. Hashman, and J. M. Wa
The following claima were examln
ed and allowed and the clerk order
ed to draw warrants on the General
Fund for same:
To Whom For What Amt,
Alex Muirhead, prec. assessor $102.00
M. S. Hargrave8, pauper ex
pen so
State Journal Co.. suppldes ..
T. H. Beeson, refund 2 50
Georee Bros.-Griffiit'h Co.. sup
plies 1.70 ..Jt....
Quick Delivery
Honest Prices
1887, to August 3la(t, 1891, has been
filed by W. B. Howard auditor of
j.ubldc accounts, against Box Butte
County, in the sum of $2,003.35, with
the oudndon of the attorney general,
stating sadd bill is collectable, and i
whereas said bill was filed after the
levy for the current year had been
made, and no provision for said bill
benig made; Be It resolved that said
account be acknowledged as correct
and ordered paid, and a levy made
for the payment of same at the
time of making the next annual le
vy. The report of E. M. Martin, coun
ty treasurer, for the first half of the
year ending June 30th, 1913, was ex
amined and approved.
Whereupon the board adjourned
until tomorrow morning, October 11,
1913, at 9 o'clock.
Alliance, Nebr., Oct. 11, 1913.
The board of county commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment. Of
ficers present: S. C. Reck, chairman,
6 on ' C. L. Hashman, and J. M. Wanek.
The application of 1. O. - O. F.
Idge No. 168 to be delegated to
lay the cornier stone of the new
court house coming before the
board, it was decided to take the
matter of the corner stone up with
the architects, and aaswer the dele
gation of the 1. O. O. F. Lodge at a
latter date.
The day was spent by the board '
auditing the fee books of. Sheriff
Cox and County Treasurer Martin.
The following claims were exam
ined and allowed and the clerk or
dered to draw warrants on tine Gen
eral Fund for name:
To Whom For What Amt.
J. M. Wanek, Commissioner's
service 23.20
C. L. Hashman, Commission
er's service 26.00
S. C. Reck, Commissioner's
service : 32.3
There being, nothing further to
come before the board at this time,
they adjourned to meet at the call
of the clerk.
S. C. RKCK, Chairman.
J. D. Scott, bill of exceptions, 19.25
City of Alliance, lights 8.53
Klopp & Bartlett Co., supplies 8.02
Austin-Western Machine Com
pany, blades 20.00
Nebraska Hospital for insane, j
Insane 10.00
Herald Publishing Co., print'g 8.80
Delia M. Reed, salary 91.66,
Klopp & Bartlett Co, supplies 24.00 1
G. R. Bell Ass'n, salary 65.00
12.40 i
Nebraska Tele. Co., phones
Fred Mollrlng. State Fair exp
Edna Martin, salary &5.00
E. M. Mairttin, treas. Tefund. 11.28
M. S. Hargraves, extra help
and expense 54.02
Eugene Burton Ass'n, salary
thrte months 227.00
C. E. Hershman, services ... 10.00
C. E. Slagle, coroner service, 24.60
Alliance Times, printing 12.67
The following claims were exam
ined and allowed and the clerk or
dered to draw warrants on the Road
Fund for same:
To Whom For What Amt.
W. E. Hashman Ass'n, hauling
water 168.75
Fairmers' Co-Onerative Ass'n,
bridge lumber 640.43
!Wm. Rust, labor 4.60
i James Collins Ass'n, do. .... 31.60
S. J. Pitman, labor 24.00
;Marsland Lbr. Co.. material.. 22 27
Jacob Shlmek, labor , S-'&O.
Joseph Uuhon, labor 18.40
Frank Uuhon, labor 4.00
John Duhon, labor 2.00
John Turek, labor 10 00
Vinvenc Sokol, labor 2.60
George Stanpson, labor 9.50
Frank Black, latior 6.00
Frank Bartoe. labor 4.00
E. A. Herbert, hauling 3.60
County Treasurer Martin reported
$1000 in the Bridge Fund and same
is ordered transferred to the Road
Whereupon the board adjourned
until tomorrow morning, October 10,
1913, at 9 o'clock.
Alliance, Nebr., Oct. 10. 1913.
The board of county commission
ers mei pursuant to adjournment. Of
ficers present: S. C. Reck, chairman,
C. L. Hashman, and J. M. Wanek.
It is the order of the board that (
trie cierK aavemse ior ouis lor ior
ty tons, more or less, of Sheridan
egg coai and twenty cords, more or
less, of wood, foot lengths. The same
to be delivered In the bins at the
court house. The board reserves the
, rlgtvt to reje any or all bids, or
except such bid as seems to the
.best interest of the county. Said
bids to be filed with the county
clerk within twenty days from date.
Whereas, a bill for the care of in
sane persons from Box Butte county,
in State Institution from May 7th.
Groceries and
Dry Goods
arrived Monday morn
ing. They are now
being placed on the
shelves of my new
store at 111 Box Butte
Avenue. The fresh
est and newest stock
in Alliance at prices
that cannot be beaten.
Tom Stalos & Co.