The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 16, 1913, Image 1

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    JOIN THE UNIVERSAL CLUB" Read the announcement in this paper of
r the largest and most liberal offer ever
made in AVestciJpraska. Fill out application blank and send to this office now
issux The Alliance H
Alliance Man, J. B. Hunsaker, Was
at Head in Line at Valentine
Filing Monday Morning
Gallantly Yields First Place to
Young Woman Who Was Next
Behind Has Photo Taken
J. B. Hunsaker, of Alliance, was
the first man to file when the
doors of the land office were thrown
open at 12 o'clock Sunday night at
Valentine, Nebraska. There were
over b&00 people in the line. Mr.
Hunsaker gallantly surrendered the
head of the line to a Valentine wo
man who was anxious to he in first
Mr. Hunsaker had a card placed
across his breast on which were the
words: "No. 1, J. B. Hunsaker, Alli
ance, Nebr." He was 'photographed
standing at the head of the line.
A very comical Incident occurred
near the bead of the line Just be
fore the drawing started. A little,
weazoned Irishman was standing be
tween two heavy colored women,
each of whom weighed not less than
two' hundred and fifty pounds. The
Irishman was smoking a typical cob
pipe and was almost hidden by the
mountains of checkered gingham
which rose before and behind. The
crowd pushed up rather hard and
the Irishman began' to get squeezed.
He turned his head as far as possi
ble towards the rear lady and said.
In a voice loud enough to be heard
-clear down the line, "Be Jases, Oive
let you sqiiaze me enough now, my
dear. You back up a little or Oill
put ye back." The whole line roar
ed at the little fellow.
Many people, who thought that be-
F -; -: I ' ,
iviiiiiG,i) lyjuic, m
Greatest Disaster in History
of South Wales Coal Fields
Occurred Tuesday Morn
ing 400 Dead; 500- Saved
Mrs. Richard V. Negley Is the eld
sat , daughter of Postmaster General
I and Mrs. Burleson. She has been vis
iting her parents In Washington re-
, oently. , -
jlng near the first would give then!
I a better chance to win a god claum,
offered Mr. Hunsaker sums of mon
ey for hU place, one party -offering
. him $100.
Cardiff, Wales, Oct. l Over 400
coal miners are believed to have
perished in a coal mine explosion In.
the Universal colliery at 8 o'clock
Tuesday mornilng. The mouth of
the mine Is today filled with noxi
ous gases and the rescuing panties
have only been able to Invade the
near parts.
The mine Is an old one and has
miles of underground tunnels where
the men were working. A total of
931 men were employed underground.
Over 500 of the mefl were rescued
during the night but the spreading
flames have driven the rescuers
away from some of the galleries
which were crowded with miners. It
is very probable that hundreds have
barricaded themselves In far parts o
the mine, In the hope that they may
be' rescued before suffocated.
After midnight the rescuing par
ties bcgnm to get the fires under
control and at 2:30 o'clock this morn
ing twenty more men were found
ailve at tJie bottom of the pit. This
gave hope that others might be
found, but there Is still a probability
that nearly 400 men perished.
Including the bodies recovered and
those killed at the pit head, the
known- death roll numbers sixteen
Doctors with oxygen and medicines
descended the mine this morning.
Hundreds of crying women sur
rounded the mine opening this morn
ing and were w.lth difficulty kep
from throwing themselves ino the
shaft. Many of the women had ba-
bt m their arms
enacted are pitiful.
and" " the scene
Did anybody ever see any body so
j quick to beller as the political boss
People seldom attempt to sit on a
man who stands up for himself.
Sensational Offering
A 1914 Five-Passenger Ford Touring Car Purchased
From Lincoln Lowry to be Given Away by
The Alliance Herald and Daily Herald
Prince of Monaco Passes Through in
Private Car, Accompanied by General
Passenger Agent, L. W. Wakeley
"I certainly like your western coun
try," said the Prince of Monaco to
a reporter of The Herald this morn
ing in the private car as It stood on
the' tracks at the Burlington station
this afternoon. The prince's car
came in on 44 and went east twen
ty minutes later. The prince Is a
stately looking man and .of fine appearance.
: ; c
"We had a great time tn the Big
Horn mountains, hunting and fish
Ing," said the prince. "I certainly
feel repaid and much rested by my
trip. Although we did not get much
big game we got plenty to satisfy
the people who were with me. 1
must pay a compliment to Colonel
Cody for he is an excellent host."
When asked whether or not he had
accompanied Col. Cody to the mov
ing picture battle on Wounded Kn
battleground near. Hay Springs, Ne
braska, the prince stated that he left
Cody Tuesday noon. The man who
was in Alliance on Monday, October
7, who displayed $24,000 in thousand
dollar bills was evidently a moving
picture man, displaying a couple of
days' profits.
General Passenger Agent L W.
Wakely of the nurllngton aocoinpan
led the party. With the prince were
several of his foreign friends in
cluding an artist and a physician
who has charge of a hospital sup
ported by the prince.
The prince Is a man of refinement
and commanding appearance. He Is
to speak at the University of Chi
cago Friday evening and is mu -Ji in
demand as a speaker on literary
and scientific subjects.
The picture of the prince shown
herewith was taken on board hi
yacht near Monte Carlo. He is In
terested greatly In scientific marine
subjects and maintains very expeiis
lve boats for the purpose of study-
it'K marine life.
'Tis said that once in a blue moon
something REALLY Important comes
to pass in every community. We do
not know whether or not this it t4he
blue moon season, but we do know
that the REALLY Important some
thing is going to happen In Box
Butte county.
Such an offer as we are making
in this issue is very seldom made in
communities of this size. In fact, it
is usually only in cities of much lcrg-
who make cash report weekly. The
full credit schedule will be given in
our next issue, but you d'jn't need
to wait for that in order to find out
all the details . of our proposition
You can come and see us, 'phone or
write and get the whole matter ful
ly explained. By the way, we will
pay all telephone charges on all
t)k concerning the contest.
Everyone of good character, either
man, woman or child, will be eligl
er population that such offers cau be ble to enter this campaign, with the
made, but when we do a thing v. e exception of employes of The Her
want to do it up right, so we are , aid.
going to give away a five-passenger
Ford touring car, and three other
Quick action pays. If you are of
the ambitious sort, and are interest
prizes of proportionate value. These, ed today te the tlme to fully inform
prizes are going to be awarded to
ambitious men and women of Box
If you are not interested in trying
Butte county who can recognize a ! yourself, apply for membership for
good imng wnen mey see h. loe; person whom you would like to
auiomooiie wm De given to me ciud 8ee wjn OUlt
meniDer wno nas me mosi croons ai a word about the way credits will
the close of this offer which will be , k Issued will nrohahl h of Inter-
Judging from the recent peculiar
turn of affairs. It's about time for
Mr. Jerome to consult the cards
in approximately eight week. Cred
Its may be secured as briefly ex
plained in our display ad In this is
sue, if more detailed Information Is
desired, ran be had by calling at
the Herald office, by calling us up.
or by writing.
Most , everyone knows of tha excel
lent qualities of the Ford tourlrg
tar, and they also know- that the
Ford Is notod for Its low upkeep
cost and its small consumption of
giisoline. By the way, did you ver
see a Ford pass other and more ex
pensive cars? If you are on the
road at all you have witnessed thU
phenomenon a good many times.
You can't get around it; the Ford
is the best value on the automobile
market today for anywhere near the
price. We have contracted to pur
chase our first prize of IJucoln Ix)w-
ry, who is the local dealer and who
has the county as his territory.
Now, besides the four grand prizes
to be awarded at the finish of this
campaign, we are going to give a ten
per tent commission to every club
-J 4 B
United States Gives up Hops vf Fur
ther Parleying with -Mexican Die
tator Intervention Probabl
Election on October 26 Will Not B
Recognized as Constitutional by
the Washington Government
Washington, Oct. 16 President
Wilson has given up hope of seeing
an honoat eleotion In Mexko on Oc
tober 26th and has Informed Huerta
that his action in imprisoning all of
his deputies does not meet with ap
proval. Two notes were sent, the ono.
strongly phrased and written by Sec
retary Bryno Inquiring about the iaf-
Josenh E. Wlliard of Richmond. or we lmpnwonea memoors
V., is ths new Amsrlcan ambassador the Mexican congress and the other
to Spain, that Is he will be whsn ths drawn la forceful language by Presl-
Madrld legation Is raised to ths rank dent Wilson himself and said to con-
of an embassy. Mr. Willard succeeds gututo praot&ially the last efforts of
Hsnry Clay Ids, ths present minister. he Washington government to deal
- with tiie Huerta authorities by dip-
Immediate Information. It will do no kmuUic menina unleee there la a de
harm to investigate. I elded change of spirit on the par: of
At the close of the "Universal the officiate to Mexico city.
Club", which will be about Do.-em . The negotiations, through John
ber 24th, the filnal count of credits Und, had proceeded to the point
will be made by three well known.: where the state department aocept-
buslness men of Box Butte county. 'ed Uie Indorsement of Felrlco Qam-
The Club Manager will at all boa for the presidency, as meaning
times extend Impartial help, advice the ethiiituu ion of Huerta, and where
and assistance to all Club Member, ' H was confidently hoped that a fair
and will make clear any point in and free diction would be held oh
question as well m deciding alt " di.- October 26. ' Now, however, Preai
putes, and In any case hhe Club Man-'dent Wilson has mude It clear that
ager shall be final arbiter. 'the Washington government had with
All awards and prizes are assured the events of the lt few days the
i . . .......
and guaranteed by Burgess, John- imprutonnwDt or tne aepunea ana
son & Co. Oail at Lincoln Lowry's the establishment of a dls-tntorsbip
garage and see the universal Ford, by Huerta lost all hope of seeing a
The other awards and prize will con.ii;utlonal election held by the Hu
soon be on display. - erta refine.
Possibility of Indefinite Delay in Trial
of Governor Sulzer of New York City
Picture of Chief Justice Cullon
est. Credits will be Issued only on
subscriptions to The Alliance Hera
or The Dally Herald and on the free
coupons good for five credits which
will appear In each paper for a short
time. Positively no merchants will
be connected In any way with the
"Universal Club". This la purely a
subscription campaign.'
Our ."Universal Club" will be con
ducted under the management of
Burgess, John&on & Co., of Brook
field, Mo. A sieclaJ manager will be
in charge of the Club from start to
finish and will be here all through
the life of the "Universal Club" to
assist all Interested parties. The
firm In charge of the "Universal
Club" comes to us highly recom
mended as to bonetity, squareness,
and efficiency.
The Club manager will be at The
Herald office after Oct. 2(Kh. and
can be interviewed any time after
that date. All questions will be
cheerfully answered, and
manager will be glad
much assistance as possible to all
the club
to give as
member who falls to win a prize and Interested parties. 'Phone 340 for
Albany, N. Y., Oct. 15 That Gov
ernor Sulzer may be charged with
"subornation of perjury" because ho
asked witnesses to make false sine
'ments under oath developv today
and yesterday afternoon. Hea'ert
and lengthy discussions of the court
of impeachment are taking plae
and at Mines Chief Justice Cullon,
who is presiding, finds it necessary
to quiet the proceedings.
That the reaching of a verdict
may be delayed for some time was
suggested Tuesday afternoon when
counsel for the Impeachment mina;;
tis asked that the court recommend
to uie assembly the bringing of a
new article of Impeachment In the
event that the testimony of Dunc:iu
W. Peck, superintendent of public
works, and Henry L. Morgcr.thuii,
ambassador to Turkey, shouli be
found not to be relevant to any
charge contained In tine orcsei t ar
ticles. ,
Whether this testimony was rele
vant was the subject of debute la
executive session. No dedsion had
been reached when adjournment was
taken. The executive session was
continued this morning.
The specific issue placed before
the court was whether the peck
Morgenthau testimony constituted a
new charge against the governor.
Peck swore that the governor h il
asked him if called before the com
mittee to deny under oath that he
had given $500 for his campaign.
Morgenthau testified that the gover
nor had asked him in connection
with his $500 contribution, "to be
easy with him."
Argument of counsel . cent ere.
mainly around the point as to wheth
er citlny the governor for suborna
tion of perjury constituted a new
Tlie picture shown herewith Is
Chief Justice Cullon. who is press
ing over the court of Impeachment..
He stands as one of the best known
lawyer in the etiate of New York.
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