YOUR ADVERTISEMENT, placed in " v1 HCC Herald, is read bv over western Nebraska readers every t sing that pays is the advertising that is read. The Alliance Herald is the official newspaper of the Nebraska Stockgrowers' Asso ciation, United States Land Office, Box Butte County and the City of Alliance. It PAYS The Alliance Herald Official Paper of City of Alliance, County of Box Butte and United State Land Office Largest circulation of any newspaper In Watt em Nebraska. OFFICIAL ORGAN NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOCIATION VOLUME X ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA I THURSDAYSEPTEMBER 25, IHI3 NUMBER 42 SULZER WINNING Impeachment Trial Evidence Favors Governor; Witnesses Gave Money .Freely SCHIFF GAVE $2,500 Story of Gifts of $100,000 Will Be Told to' Court Will Take Several Weeks Albany, N. Y., Sept. .25 Governor JBulzer's attorneys made the first telling blow to the prosecution In bis trial far impeachment yesterday afternoon when Jacob Schiff, prom inent New York financial .man, who was counted on by the prosecution as being one of their main witness es, declared that the check .for $2,- 500 which be gave to Sulzer was to be used in any way Sulzer desired And because the check was marked across lbs back as being for cam paign purposes it was not restricted to that use if Sulzer wanted it or other uses. LOST PURSE WITH $60 $2,000 IN TOYS COMING J. F. McGuffey, a telegraph oper ator of Mullen, Idaho, oa the North ern Pacific, lost his pas case in local hotel this morning contain ins $60 in currency und two passes. He had left the room wiih his grip3 and taken them downstairs. A few minutes later he discovered that his pass case was gone and tyiimeulnte ly hurried back to the room which had been left open, but the case was not to be found. Mr. M-jUuffey be lie vet that he left the ease on the PRINCE OF MONACO The prince passed through Alliance a few days ago on his way to Cody, Wyoming, to hunt in company with Col. Cody tBuffalo Bill) m the Big Horn mountains for bear, II ! 1! i ii BANKERS MEETING Two Hundred Nebraska Bankers Convene In Annual Session at Lincoln Today UNVEIL MONUMENT Oregon Trail Is Marked by a Fit ting Marker on Nebraska-Kansas-Line Lincoln, Sept, 26 The Nebraska Bankers' Association assembled at the University Temple this morning for a two days convention. Over two hundred members of the associ ation were present at the opening session 'and more were expoetd be fore the conference closed. S. K. Warrick of Scottsbluff, cash ler of the First .National Bank of Alliance, la one of the prominent figures of the convention. Mr. Vvai rick was one of the state bankers recently sent to Washington to con fer with the secretary f the treas ury regarding the distribution of the 145,000,000 among the western state, for the purpose of moving crops. pillrw where he placd It when h dressed. Olc of the passes was a Burlin ton pass from Billings to Chicago The other was a Pennsylvania pas from Chicago to McGuffey, Ohio. Both passes were good omy until Sept. ?'0. Mr. McGuffey came in on No. 42 this morning and had intended to the Burlington pass changed to allow him to go to Chicago via Deri ver. He will remain In Alliance un t'l trace of the missing book is found or until he receives oiner passes and funds from bis home, oooooooooooooooo The Bee 11 he, Alliance's leading variety store, nas ordered over $2,000 worth of toys, hand painted china, and holiday goods of all kinds for their Christmas trade this sea son. Last year this popular store, was crowded every day during th: buying season and proprietor 'Kewer lb planning un making twice as goo:t as showing as then. Alliance peo pie will have the opportunity of sel ecting from a stock as lare as car ried by many of the big c'y stores at prices that are no higher. CROPS FALL BELOW AVERAGE Washington, Sept. 25 Today's government reports, on the world's crops for the year show that the grain crops fell below the average for last year, excepting the produc lion of wheat, which totals five bil i Hon bushels. The production of corn for the year is three billion Kn..-Vw,1a OO A . . , ' U ! .'.e crop for las yea'- TELEPHONE MEN HERE L. B. Wilson, division commercial superintendent, with headquarters at Omaha, and F. A. May, district com menial manager, of Grand Island, of ficials of the Nebraska Telephone Company, are in. the city today on telephone business, conferring with Manager Tom Beeson. FIRST GAME OF WORLD'S . SERIES AT NEW YORK Philadelphia, Sept. 25 -The first basuball game of the World's series between New York and Philadelphia will be played Wednesday, October 8. at New York City. The game I w HI then alternate between the t 'cities. NEW YORK PRIEST AND WOMAN HE SLEW Hans B. Bchmidt, assistant pri,i in St. Joseph's church, New Tors, confessed to the , horrible slaying of Miss Ann Aumueller. Schmidt, In his story to the police, told of how he murdered his victim while she slept, dis membered the body, packed the pieces In bundles and dropped them from the Fort Lee ferry boat. Last February Schmidt obtained a license, per formed his own marriage ceremony and set up housekeeping In the Bronx, yrbv ho murdered the woman September 2. gam bo a7 Wins Mexico City, Sept. 25 The Catho lic party convention In this city to day nominated Frederko Gamboa, minister of foreign affairs, as the.i candidate for the presidency at 1 1 coming election. General Itns-oi., an officer in the federal army, wi.. nominated for the vice preaiden j The men announced that they had accepted the nominations. Washington, Sept. 25 It is the opinion of government officials tha. if Gamboa, the Catholic party cand: date in Mexico, was elected, the problem of recognition of the go' eminent by the United States wouUi Y. M. B. C. TAKES VOTES Popular Young Men's Club Is Mak ing Active Campaign for Stearns-Norton Piano The Young Men's Bible CIu'j, which Is composed of a number of leading Alliance young men, made the mcft votes in Wednesday's piano contest at the big double S' earns Norton sale. The leaders Wednesday were: Y. M. B. C, 1070 votes; Cen-! tral school, 370 votes; M. K. church. 360 votes. , The standing now is: Central school. 3670 votes; M. E. church, 2860 votes; Y. M. B. C. 2S20 votes. The young men are making an active campaign and may win the piano, whkh U to be donar ed to the Y. M. C. A. when building Is constructed. EAGLES SMOKER POSTPONED The Eagles' Binoker, which was to have been held in the new building this eveming, has been postponed for one week on account of being unable to complete the new quar ters in time to move in the furni ture. By next Thursday everything will have been moved and will be in shipshape form. A big attend ance in members Is expected to help celebrate the event In a proper and tilting manner. Mrs. O. E. Williams, wife of Yard- master Williams, left today for Pa cific Junction. Iowa, where she will visit for a short time with her par iris. J be Jut as perplexing. He is backed by Huerta and it' to believed th-t conditions would not change mud: GETS OFF TRAIN FALLS OFF WATER WAGON Karl Schmidt, who had a titke and bi;:ta';e cue k from Lincoln 1c Scottsbluff, where be claimed be u,u u juj, was .arientd at ttie (1 pot Wednseday for drunkenness and spent the night in the cliy Jan. M was fined five dollars and costs this morning and in the absence of the money to pay the fine was remand rid to the jail. RECORD BREAKING SALE Daylight Store Does Record-Break ing Business on Saturday Store Was Crowded The Famous, known all over west ern Nebraska as the "Uiiyllgh' Store," of which Marcus Frank le it proprietor, did a record breaking business on high grade men's furn ishings on Saturday of last, we-ok The store was crowded to overflow lug and the Immense stock of fa!! goods wh'jch Mr. Frankle has be.', receiving for the last few weeks helped many particular purchaser, to get Just whiit was wanted. Some of the best bargains ever offered in Alliance are shown In the big ad In today's Herald. PLEASED WITH NEW PAPER Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cheshire re turned the firs of the week from a month's outing In the west. They report a very pleasant trip. Port land and San Francisco were two of the citit visited. On their return they stopped at Salt Inke City aDl Denver. Upon her return hwiif Mrs. Cheshire found a aaraple copy of the Dully Herald and called it the office to express her apprla t lisn of the new paper. The Herald has a card from F. B Thomas, ordering the paper sent to him at lEf.0 North 31st St., Lincoln Nebr. Mr. Thomas and family re cently removed from Alliance to the capital city. HORSES SELLING First Day of Sale In The Alliance Stock Yards Brings $11,436.50 $57.73 Per Head BUYERS FROM AFAR Big Bids Are Made; Average Is Low on Account Some Poor Quality Offered Today Is the last regular sale of the season for the Alliance market. These soles, of which there have boon several thta season, have brought many buyers to Alliance and the Alliance Horse & Mule Com pany, which handles htein, has es tablished a permanent and profits ble business. Wednesday, which was the first day of the sale, was cold and chilly, a change from former sales this summer, when the weather was hot. Selling was, spirited and brisk A total of 198 head were sold Tues day, bringing in a total of $11,436.60 whtcb Is an average or $57.73 per head. This average Is much lower (Continued on page BIG ENTERTAINMENT $r r $r MUSIC MONDAY NlG HT Arrangements have been complet ed to give the people of Alliance nd vicinity a high class entertain nieiit at the PheJan opera house next Monday evening. It will be u treat for lovers of elocution rr music Olive Orton-Anderson,- griu' jate of the Emerson College of On .ory, Iloston, will give a reading re !tal, interspersed with vocal and In strumental music by home tal'.. Mrs. Anderson has attained mark iiKcetiS as an entertainer and ln- ruo'or, and conies highly recom mended. ' The county superintendent o' Campbell county, Wyo., .writes as ,'ollows, under date of Sept, 13, 1913: "Mrs. Anderson was engaged as In structor In reading In my InMl'u She gave an evening recital which vas especially fine. Her voice r manner ore very pleasing. As u reader I cannot speak too highly of her." . Following are extracts from oh commendations: "A, very pleasing stage presence, distinct enunciation, an excellent reader, forceful, apt in inipersonations." "The readings In- lude the brfeht, the serious, dialect' impersonations, and readings with musical accompaniment." The evening's program will include i reading with violin accompaniment :i vocal solo, Miss Cornell; piano solo, Miss Hattie Renswold; orchestra music by the Mozart quartet. The charge for admission Is unus ually low for the class of entertain ment that this will be: adults, 2 cents; all school children, JS cents. The low price for school children is '.V..' r SOME OF THE BUYERS GUARD KILLED Striking Miners Shoot C. F. & I. Guard on Horseback Flee to th Hills WILL CALL MILITIA Governor Issues Warning to War ring Factions Danger of a Serloua Outbreak Denver, Colo., Sept.' 25 Governor A nun on s announced this morning that order . mut be preserved la the coal strike district and that tho militia would be called out without delay If rioting started. Trinidad, Sept. 25 The death of Robert Lee, a C. F. & I. camp marshall, has been the cause of much bitter feeling between tho strikers and mine guards. The situ atlon is very, tense and there ta dan ger of a serious outbreak at i time. The mine officials charge that Lee, who was shot by one of five Greeks who fled to the hills. (Continued on page z.- not limited to those attending school In Alflatvce or to those at tending pubtic schools, and will be given to all.pupUs without referenco to nee. ' Mrs. AndciKon will be In ' AI.'mri over Sunday. She has very klnAW consented to give a free reading at a union meeting of the young pec pie's church societies at the Metiiod int church, Sunday evening, at o'clock. The youg people's meet ings at the First Presbyterian, Dap tlsf, United Presbyterian and Chris tian churches will be withdrawn In order to attend this union, service but there will be no change In the' evening preaching services on "hat account. .v .' ' CLAIMS HE HAD A FIT CHANGES MIND Marsh Wellivtr, who was arreted! In the post offi e Wednesday after noon, chnrged with drunken nets ami Iridescent language, was fined one do. lar and com' in police court thl -norning. He plead not guilty at fir8t mai)e the (.,alm tQat hft , ... " " """" . BUH," an orney ne cnangea ni3 mliid and plead guilty, receiving tho above fine, . . GIRLS' FOUR SQUARE CLUB There win be a business meeting of the Girls' Fr: r Square Club, at 7:30, Mondi r evening, September 29, at the cub room. All members pic requested to be present AT THE BIG HORSE SALE