The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 24, 1913, Image 7

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To reel ml re, to lore, to regret, U t
live, said great writer. Do not lei the
regret be hronght on by a rongh or cold,
whirh if treated when it Brut appwid
would have fiwily Wen controlled. Alita'f
Cough Balsam brings welcomed relief in such
.. Contains no harmful ingredient
S5o., GOo. and $1.00 littles at all dealers.
Keep it Handy
wnrn vrhlf-nia nr
""". nothing
I. imm-uiK-rul than 1 1
vrampa, tto
' niitv I
Mr. Ranchman:
We are going to have our second range horse
sale of Horses and Mules
At the Stock Yards, Alliance, Nebr.,
-MllllOf I
inlWJfejn L
If you have horses for sale be sure and list
them with us for this sale
This will be the best opportunity you will have to get the highest market
price for your horses and mules as we will have buyers from every eastern and
southern state. At our last sale we sold over 450 head of horses and mules and
sellers were all well satisfied with prices their stuff brought.
Don't Forget the Date, and Inquire of R. M. Hampton,
at First National Bank, for Any Particulars
Commissions: Single horses and pairs, $2 each; 5 or more,
$1 each. If not sold, $1 each for under 5 head, 50c each over 5 head
Lloyd's Column
The nioKt popular dance today is
the "lame dog dance". CopleB of the
muric can be secured at the Times
There' a certain stockman whose
home la down near Holdreee or
Hastings, who buy cattle In west
ern Nt-bruakA, that haw a reputation
all his own. He has Invented the
most pitiful itale that a "buyer ever
told, ilia favorite rendition la a
whiine, tears In his eye, and the
Btory that ho is buying for butcher
shops and muBt have the very clos
est prices. He is too tight to keep
a horse or rent, one, to go to took
at stock, so he ha a Hcycle of the
vintage of 19WJ, that he rides out to
the different ranches. He Is well off
financially and by means of his piti
ful tale lie buys very close.
There seems to be a big differ
ence of opinion as to the location of
the Custer massacre. Curly the
Crow, who claims to bo the only
survivor, and whoso claim is not dis
puted, says that it is in Wyoming,
Jut north of Sheridan. The Herald
had It in South Dakota. And cer
tain maps which we have see n place
it In Montana, Just across the state
line north of Sheridan, Wyoming.
The Time made a blunder. Our
natty Norfolk, while h we wore when
helping extinguish the fire In trio
car of oil, was not ruined, for we
took it to the Alliance Cleaning
Works and Mrs. Zchrung nnd lu.r
efficient helpers restored it to its
original newness. Bven though it
is rather hard on clothing, we al
ways prefer to give what little as
sistance we can. In helping at fires,
than to stand on the side lines and
criticise the work of tie fireboys.
Yea, we would even help handle
the hose in laying the dust on a
windy bu miner evening.
' Men who do the things that count
for something iin this world are of
ten criticised. Quite fre-p.ientiv this
criticism come from those ho. If
placed In the same plac.j. would
sadly fall to measure up to the
standard they set for the other man.
It is quite true that many poop'.e
who are incapable and inefficient
try to do things for whkh they are
not fitted, but we have nevfr blam
ed a man or woman who had high
bf,I rat lens and who tried to "do
things" in this world. "It's better
to have rough and Inst than not
to have fought at all."
It is said that the "Inme dog
dance" originated among the Sioux
Indians who were survivors of the
famous Custer massacre, tn South
Da kc.t a Wye m i ng Mont a na.
To hlp (came or flslh from one)
ipoltrt to another within or without
the state unless accompanied by
To sell gwme in any manner or to
sell fish taken from public water
in this state.
National Game Law
It should be remembered that
there Is a new United States law
forbidding the killing of migratory
fowls at any time of year. Aitbo
there is an ope-n season under the
state law for wild ducks, geese,
etc., there Is no open season under
the new federal law that will per
mit killing them. v
How's This
We offer One Hundred Dollars re
ward for any caso of catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. F. .f. CHKNKY & CO., Toledo,
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obli
gations made by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free. Price
75 cents per bottle. Sold by all
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. Adv July A 19
A Bird in the Hand
is Worth
of our skillfully
made Portraits is
worth a dozen
carelessly made
Quality Tells Every Time
Alliance Art Studio
114 E. 4th St. Phone 111
Grand Restaurant
Will be A Model of Cleanliness
The place where you can get what you order, cooked
as you want it, and served neat and clean.
Popular Prices
C. W. B1CK1NELL, Mgr.
West Side of Box Butte Avenue
Alliance, - - Nebraska
Finds Cure for Epilepsy
After Years of Suffering
"My du us liter was afflicted with
epileptic fits fur three years, the attacks
coming every few weeks. We employed
several doctors but they did her no
good. About a
year ago we
heard of Dr.
Miles' Nervine,
and it certainly
hai proved a
llelni; to our
llttl kIi-I. She Is
now apparently
cured and Is en
Juvitnf the bent
of health. It Is
over it yeur nines
kIk; li.-iu hud a
fit. Wo cm n not
ci.eiik too highly
of Dr. Miles' Nervine."
C'oinfrey. Minn.
TliousatiJi of children in the
United States who are suffering
from attacks of epilepsy are a
burden and sorrow to their parents,
who would give anything to restore
health to the sufferers.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
is one of the best remedies known
for this affliction. It has proven
beneficial in thousands of case
and those who have used it have
the greatest faith in it. It is not
a "cure-all." but a reliable remedy
for nervous diseases. You need
not hesitate to give it a trial.
Sold by all Druggists. If ths first
bonis fails to benefit your money Is
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Dr. Miles' Ijixstlvs Tablets taste Ilka
sandy, tliul in on reason why chllilrao
Iks them. Advertisement. J
Nebraska Game Laws
So many reader a cf The Ik raH
are inteutfrri :n the came laws of
Nebn:ka that we give the follow':
Information. Hunters nould un
serve this piiper for reference:
License Fee
UftUltn lo hunt and fish. $1.
rai'r.lB to fish with net, $
Uontl of $100 rt quired.
Non-resUlf nts to hunt and fish, $10.
Non-rff klrnts to w1 h hock
and line only, $2.
Bag Limit
L'S birds or 10 equirrelg and 25
game fish in cne day.
10 geeise, prairie chilck:n, ' rouse.
quail and 50 ether game birds or 50
game fish in point iclcn ac any one
Open Season
Luks, gense and wa'.er.owls,
Sept. 1 to Ai.rll 15.
Prairie chickens, grouse and sase
hens. S-Vi-t. 1 to Ncv. :S0.
Jatk Fiiipe, Wilhou snipe, kiHdesr
and yellow lcgg, Sept. 1 to Anl 30.
I'lover ami doves, July 15 to Aug.
Swan nrd white crane. Bong and
iriijccriivcrous birds, deer, antelope
and .braver, no optn stason.
Squirrels, Oct. 1 to Nov. HO.
JJhss nci Usa than e!ht Inches in
Ici, April 1 to Ncv. 15.
Trout net less than eight inches
ia length, April 1 to Sept. ;:0.
All tther fiFh, April 1 to Nov. 15., Ncv. 1 to 15.
It . is Always Unlawful, Under Penalty
To slicnt wan or white crane at
any time.
To ahoot song or insectivorous
To destroy nests or of any
To kill deer, antelope or beaver
at any time.
To pursue game in any manner
during closed beason.
To fbh Kith lines having more
than five books thereon.
To fish with seine or nets with
out obtaining license designating
waters In which same may be used.
To tatce bass or trout less than
ettht Inches in length at any time.
To hunt or fish without license
except upon land actually owned or
To hunt or fish upon the lands or
water of others without permls
si on.
To fhott upon the public highway
Sent Wanderer Home
People cf Al lance r.nd a few
o:her towns had an opportunity tu
do a kindiu.'H in locking after h
wandering bey who hal mo with
misfortune, but It foil to some Alii
anctltcs to Pit the part of tlr Qocd
Samaritan, in w h th we un k-rt ini
that Jake Iii:Ui!tIl tcck a l-zilng
I n.rt. The bey's name is Join
Hutchinson, he l3 evtr.'fsn cr
c'Jshtetn ytar.2 c'l r.i k. his
home ot Hey, Warhlnstca, about
three yean 830. He wf lieided
fcr heme when he anlved at Craw
fciJ the f!i . of last week. While
Miere he w; btruek on he head ouci
n!M aiifl robbed of $1.'0, which
i.'.Tiis to have been all the money
h3 had. In rn effcrt to leaves
Crawfcid aad head for home he
tcck tie wi:ii tia'n and landed la
He was picked up at the fair
grcune's by the deputy sheriff and
taken to iv (letter, as the wound on
h' head had net yet been dressed.
When turned loese he went back to
the f a'r ground and elept there an
other night. The next evening Jake
I'lcknell save him his supper and
took htm to the city hall to remain
ever r.Ieht. The boy wanted to re
turn heme but seemed to be in a
i.i7.rd ronditkn. Kron Alliance he
but h's way to Hct Springs, S. D.,
and back a rain. Meanwhile Bick
nell had communicated with his
met her and stepfa'h?r. They wired
a ticket and money for his return
heme. Thtise were given to the
f'ffft eonduMor with written instruc
tions to be passed on to eich suc
ceeding ccnducitor to look after the
boy, transferring the ticket and the
unexpended balance of the expense
money from one conductor to an
other. In this way it was expected
that the boy would reach home cafe
ly and make happy the mother who
had for three yeara been making
every effort possible to find him.
Cha. Wagner, proprietor of the
Alliance Cafe, now called the Wag
tier Cife. is one of six brothers all
of whom are professional cooks.
One cf his brothers is proprietor of
the Franklin Hotel at Deadwood. Mr.
Wagner took charge of tlfca Alliance
Cafe and changed the name at
above stated on Tuesday of thif
week. The Herald bespeaks a suc
cessful busineca for him and calls
nttention to his ud in this issue.
Pon't wait fur i l 'die tn (? sway,
t'ye 1 r .Miles' Ai'ii-tniu HI la nnd av
Ufforltnr'. lA'lve: ti i -t out. J