sac mm Mr. Ranchman: We are going to have our second range horse sale of Horses and Mules At the Stock Yards, Alliance, Nebr., iu Friday, Jib If you have horses for sale be sure and list them with us for this sale This will be the best opportunity you will have to get the highest market price for your horses and mules as we will have buyers from every eastern and southern state. At our last sale we sold over 450 head of horses and mules and sellers were all well satisfied with prices their stuff brought. Don't Forget the Date, and Inquire of R. M. Hampton, at First National Bank, for Any Particulars Commissions: Single horses and pairs, $2 each; 5 or more, $1 each. It not sold, $1 each tor under 5 head, 50c each over 5 head M n n oi y rni rceno Lloyd's Column The Itcnut) nnd virtue of wnmn are urifir to ttm virtue anil beaut? of men, liut no one can be beautiful when in tho throes of a diTp-noHted bnrkiuif mli or cold. Nothing wilt brnig greiiter nlief limn Allri'i Coogh Balsam. Hold for over half i ceutury. Kndonted by those mini uo it. 2.".c. U)o. u.l 41.00 UitUua. A Few Word 2 alK,Ut The t!rv. Jiiiiir 11. Dunn. Hertnr St.'K ind lion. itii n of ( hnm ehnrrn I'a'licilral, Montreal, write :"rnm ma to mtvl .von 11 few linn to itronglr rerom tncml I'khmt Havi' I'tiNKiuin. I hare wwl it huh Klmf.dinn for tbirtv-flv ;'. It I a preparation which deserves lull uutilic couflrienc. " Painkiller g Cramp Dlarrfioaa I Camalalnta 3 Grand Re STAURANT HAS CHANGED HANDS AND IS NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Will be A Model of Cleanliness The place where you can get what you order, cooked as you want it, and served neat and clean. Popular Prices C W. BICKINELU Mgr. West Side of Box Butte Avenue Alliance, - - Nebraska Guard Your Children Against Bowel Trouble Many children at an early age become constipated, and frequently serious consequences result. Not being able to realize his own con dition, a child's bowels should be constantly watched, and a gentle laxative given when necessary. Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets are especially well adapted to women and children. The Sisters of C!iri;.tian Charity, 531 Charles St., Luzerne, I'a., who attend many cases of sickness say of them: "Some time ago we beenn UHlnir Dr. Mile' taxuttve TaMeta and find that we like them very much. Their action U excellent and we are Bmt.-ful for having; lieen mad.' acquainted with them. We have had Kood result In every caae and the Sinter are very much pleased." The form and flavor of any medi cine is very important, no matter who is to take it. The taste and appearance arc especially important when children are concerned. All parents know how hard it is to give the average child "medicine," even though the taste is partially dis guised. In using Dr. Miles' Lax ative Tablets, however, this dilli culty is overcome. The shape of the tablets, their appearance and candy-like taste at once appeal to any child, with the result that they are taken without objection. The rich choco'ate flavor and absence of other taste, make Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablet: the ideal remedy for children. 1 If the first box fails to benefit, the price is returned. Ask your druggist. A box of 25 doses costs only 25 cents. Never sold in bulk. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Pr. Mile' laxative Tablet taut Ilk anily. that In one reason why chiidraa ' lliem. L Advertisement. j Fresh Nuts for the Cracker Despite denials, there'll an Idea that wme of Mr. Roosevelt's friends don t like the outlook. Matrimonial bonds are taxable, but not negotiable. toy not have a law providing: for the early shutting down, of Joy riders? By holding Ire to Us bulb, you can make the thermometer a pleas ant companion. Kvery time the legislature holds a sewelon the people's interests are put In Jeopardy. No other buftlnesn 1a quite so Im portant as making the children hap py and keeping them healthy. That Currency bill Is alright, even though It ha Incurred the support of Andrew Curneigle. Poemilbly the Mexicans know what ttoey are trying to do as well as anybody kse, because nobody knows. With 12,800,000 to expend on good roadi within the next two years, Illinois begin to get rkl of that backwoodet feeling. A woman goew outside the family for hers, but a man Is his own hero. Every sort of military character waa welcomed at the reunion ex cept old General Humidity. It w fine to receive a vindication. of course, but It Is a whole lot bet ter never to need1 one. "Sing Sing is a disgrace, to New- York," shrieks an exchange of that city, but then so, too, are a. lot of it guests. The society of the suppression of unnecessary noieee might turn its attention to Mr. Mann of Illinois. The wolves keep the bulls and beara on the Jump in the Wall street Jungle. A Georgia boy has been paroled after serving two years for stealing a bottle of pop. It is understood, however, that this dangerous crim inal will be watched closely. Too often the soul kiss breeds the germs of alimony. The political band' wagon has need of an emergency brake. Same people take themselves so seriously that others look upon them as a Joke. There Is always plenty of room at the top because many who get there become dlaxy and fall off. The ball player who makes a tinnely hit is greater, than Napoleon at St. Helena. Now that young men teachers have been barred, the girl will learn to swim In no time. Until Dave Lamar came along we all thought Dr. Cook was some liar. The only way to kill eff the great Walter Johnson, the pitcher king, is with a baseball bat. Where's the man who complained that the Senators couldn't find any lobbyists. There is a growing suetielt.n that CcngrcFs will make a lavish appro priation this year for a commodious annex to the Annlas Club. Is it not about time for the col leges to confer ' me more degrjs upon Col. Roosevelt? ISct every '.deal lover makes a good hui-band. It takes a clever child to keep from eayirg smart things. Two is company, but three Is a multitude when father butts In. As we understand it tha Demo crats do net propose to raise all in comes to S3.0UO but propose to lux all ever thtt amount. The trouble with the average young collage graduate is that he had rather get a "salury" of $7 a week than to earn f-'o a week in wages. It is indeed a wet day whrn tiie British HiiffnigisiH do not burn something. Col. Roosevelt has seruml ner mitvslrn to carry a pistol. This U the first time we believe he ever "asked pernvls.-Icn" to do any thing. Our Wall Street exchange a'-gue that a tax on cotton futures woul I be a Etep baekward. 'Hatlus had lect his j'.irl. She had "gone with a handsomer man." Meeting her on the street one day, he accoMed her thus: "Lo')k here, 'IJza, does that other ftllcw give you any bettah presents than I used to give you?" "Don't know as he does," replied K'Jlza calmly. "Does he show you any bettah time than I usevl to show you?" "Don't know us he does." "Dees he buy you any bettah din ners than I use'd to buy you?" "Dinners, man!" exclaimed "Liza. "Why, that man found appetite on me I didn't know I had!" "Now," asked the teaeher. "who ean tell me what an oytter U?" Silence for a moment, while small brows were knit in strained effort at remembrance. Then little Tommy's facial muscles relaxed and . eagerly he raised his hand. "I know!" he triumphantly an nounced. "An oyster Is a fish built like a nut." 8ttiu met Joe on the way to their mnrnlnir work and Said: I "Say, Joe. You knows dat nigger Hd? Well, what you think that fool nigger gone and bought a raizer." "Well, I dunno," said Joe; "a razer am a mtghty handy Instru ment to hah in emergency." "Shore! Shore!" replied Sam. "Uut this fool nigger done gone an bought a safety razer." "Why, Hrldget, you surely don't consider these windows washed?" said the lady of the house, reproach fully. "Sure, I washed 'em nicely on th inside, mum, so we can look out." replied Rrldget, "but I Jntintlonally Hft thlm a Ifcttle dirty on the . out fide, so thlm ignorant J on eg child ren nixt tloor couldn't look In.". SHERIDAN COUNTY COM-. MISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS 3.63 7.00 Rushville, Nebr., July 1. 113. Board of County Commissioner met In adjourned session. All mem ber present. On motion Fred Beguln was ap pointed Justice of the peace for? Minnetonka precinct. Dr. A. G. Emerson of Bingham was appointed a member of the board of health for the south por tion of Sheridan county. R. A. Westover was appointed constable for Lakeside precinct. Chas. Shuhert was appointed road overseer for Grant precinct. The following bond were approved: Alvln Lookman, road overseer dlt. it. Charted Sx-hubert, road overseer, dint. 26, Fred IJeguin, Justice of the pence, Minnetonka precinct. The following bill were rejected: Hugh C. Perkins, damage Qfi road to auto and wife ....6000.00 The Fair, in doe. furnished Mrs. Carrie Gardner 11.63 G. 8. Llnniger, coal furnished Mrs. Carrie Gardner Ray Hoover, house rent, Mrs. Carrie Gardner Bills allowed on poor fund: Crowell Memo Home, keep of Geo. R. Davidson 15.00 G. S. Llnniger, coal, ftkhard Winters 8.90 Gates & Folsom, mdse., Rich ard Winters , 5.49 The Fair, do , . . 6.35 Denry Collclesser, flour, An drew Nadobney 5.00 Colemae & Rom, mdse., R. Winters 5.20 Ada Rush, keep Matila Witt 4.00 Dr. A. C. Sehock, med. serv., Bolek 18.00 E. A. Dundy, board poor ... 3.90 Allowed on general fund: Sherklun Co. Agricultural So ciety Dr. O. L. Wilson, med. serv., poor 31.70 Cal Cox. sheriff Box Butte county 23.30 r. S. Parker, ofllrlal serv. R. M. Bruce, do J. F. MtParlncd, do VJMQ C. L. Mayes, s).20 11. C. Undsey. clerk supreme court Amy I. Stewait, cffl'rial 6er. Frank Walt, livery U Patterson, serv. Insanity Hoard i.00 A. G. Emerson, serv. quaran tine patent 10.00 Z. T. Daniel, serv. Insanity Board g.oo A. D. New. sal. and mileage. 2:'0.i C. C. Zieglei. sal. a. id exp... 62.50 Geo. S. Peters, help County Asset per 71.23 J, W. GruL'u, assessing Rush ville and S. Prex 87.00 Klopp & Bartlc t Co., sup... fcl.10 A. u. Try:.:, assessing Reno Hteinu '.. M.50 C. L. Haueoik, assisting lakr- sidt preelnct 63.00 C. P. Kelley, sal. and exp... 111.30 G. D. Peck, mdse 18.20 A. C. sal. 2nd quarter 200.00 Htrmon Hagle, draylug 10.90 U. F. Ray, sal. 2nd and 3rd quarter 230.80 Allowed on road fund: Margrane & Duerfelr!t, post and marerial road 15.50 F. C. Kahott, Freseno 13.00 Western Wheel Scraper Co.,, two horapers 50.00 All tne following claims were al lowed for road work: Ray Sutton 17.50 L. E. Lawrence 4.. 21.00 Win. Murray, Sr 6.00 Win. Murray Jr. 6.25 Frank Ricket 4. 60 Wni. Murray 7.00 Lester Lawrence J 7.50 Do Forest Thompson 17.50 Lee Taggert 17.60 H. A. Lawrence 10. BO 55.80 2.30 5.50 .50 12.25 5.25 10.50 10.50 24.50 J- W. Buckmaster J. G. Macklin W. W. Wamsley . M. A. Goolsey .... C. L. Davis it. L. Wolfe 13.00 Sam Wiles 8.75 Thomas Murray 3.50 D. M. Mathews 2.50 D. McBrlde 2.60 E. L. Forste-r 10.60 Ed Cottier 14.00 Ed Kearns a. 14.00 Chas. Savuge 7.00 On motion Board adjourned to Aug. 1st. 1913. Approved: R. M. BRUCE. Chairman. Attet: II. F. W ASM UNO, Jr., County Clerk. Millard Madox 14