lassified Advertising ine roiiowing "Want Ads" art classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. hash RATES One cent per each Insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per Inser tion. Black face double rate. credit HATES One cent per word each Insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. Ir. answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. A classified advertisement will in troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property In this town. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL. OFFICES .iZW YORK AND CHICACC BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES ABSTRACTERS J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter. I hare the only set of abstract books In Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. l0-tf-670 FOR RENT Vacuum Cleaner and reliable man to operate it. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling. . Advt 212&tf21 HALL FOR RENT. Best hall in town to rent. Inquire at Gadsby's tore. Advt 25tf2209 SIX ROOM HOUSE for rent. In quire of Gregory Zurn or phone 562. 30-ff-2331 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANT TO SELL all my farms and ranches. Several business and residence properties. Only small payments required. Some exchange considered. Look into this. W. W. Norton, Alliance. 1993-15tf FOR SALE A bargain, If taken at once. My 8 room residence, 720 Platte Ave. Phone 184 2048-18-tf . J. J. VANCE. FOR. SALE As I wish to Improve other property, will sell my residence property on cerner south of city li brary, consisting of modern house. two lots and nice lawn and trees, at a Drice very reasonable. Terras on part If desired. DR. L. W. BOW MAN. 27-tf-2264 New four-room house and 2 lots In Belmont addition for sale. Good outbuildings including carpenter shop 16x36. Well. 8 h.p. gasoline engine and other carpenter's machinery. E. R. Sly, Phone 719. 2137-22-tf SEVEN ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE Good outbuildings. Barn for four horses. House for automobile. J. B. DENTON. Advt 25tf2195 City property for sale Phone 4.7, N. A. Kirk. 2l"2-24-tf and rent. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED In Schwender's restaurant, Bridgeport, Nebr. Pay zood wages. Phone 72. Box No. 26i 30tf2328 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE REBUILT SMITH-PREMIER I offer for sale a number two re built Smith Premier twpewriter, and guaranteed as good as new. Price chean. Phone 340. J. P. Hall. I do typewriter repairing and overhauling. Am an exnert and my charge I s reasonable. 28 tf-2273. For sale at a bansaln Excelsior motorcycle that entered the races at Alliance duiing the StocKnen a con vention. IWn used two months. Ad dress G. M. Jenkins. 11 em lug ford, Ntbr. 32-U-2353 FOR SALE .T."tl3 Model, Motor Cycles and Mo tor Boats at bargain prices, a.i makes, brand new machines, on easy monthlv payment plan. Get our proDOs'.tion before buying or you will haneains in used Mo- inr PvflM Write us today. En- n.nm for reDly. Addrets ik Ho 11. Trenton. Mich. 32-Mt-2359 CLASSES FOUND pair of glast have been found on the streets of Alliance and turned n at Th Herald office. Owner may hav same by proving ownership ,.ui-inir f(.i- till ail. Call H llep- I - puj tup w :'.2tf2-i62 The E. D. Lee Flat roof repairer will be in Alliance for h enext leu days. If inu rested drop them a the roofs. The txt of references. .".2-U-2371 . ron tii.PK DIRT phone 787. t i i nvin.'vrK. I have 1,0 JO ioni on hand, aeivt C2-3t-2373 FOR SALE for SAI.K. An extra good j ear bull, roan. J. A. KKKO AN. ling Shorthorn ;;o-nt-2S25 HORSKS and COLTS for sale. 40 head on Section 11. township 25, range 62. I. U. Ilurlburt, Canton, Nebr. ::t -30-2330 Corrugated Carpet Paper 50 yard rolls, 75 cents. THR ELK ELD. Adv 24tf-2181. Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf Men's Porus Knit union suits, 45c. At the nee Hive. Advt 26tf2236 PAINE-FISHBURN GRANITE CO. Grand Island, Nebr. Make the best monuments and will save you money. Call on AL. WIK ER, local salesman of Alliance, or send to Grand Island for price list. For nice clean Niggerhead Lump and Nut, and Eastern Hard nut coal, phone to No. 22. Dlerks Lumber & Coal Company. RIDING HORSE FOR SALE. Thoroughbred riding horse weigblng about 900 pounds. In good shape. Fine appearance. Inquire at The Herald office. 2096-20tf Thoroughbred riding or driving pony for sale cheap. Phone 340. 2173-24-tf Complete photographic outfit for sale cheap. Size 6x7, Seneca View Camera with triple, convertible lens es, carrying case, tripod, etc. A crackerjack outfit at a very reason able price. Investigate this if you want an outfit that will do any work you want. Phone 340 or call at the Herald office. 23-tf-2242 MISCELLANEOUS Money to loan on real estate. F. B. Reddish. 3tf L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office In First National Bank Bid?. Phones: Office. 362: residence, 16 50-tM608 Advertisement See Geo. D. Darling for your needs in shades, wood poles, exten sion rods, stair rods, stair corners. molding hooks, picture nails, linoleum edging and binding, tacks and tack hammers. Advt 2125tf21 Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright. Phone 71. tf Men's strong blue working shirts, At the Bee Hive. 45c. All sizes. Advt 26tf2236 Ambulance Service Calls answer ed day and night. Phones 8, 139, 621. Advt 2125tf21 Notice Alliance, Nebr., June 17, 1913. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The business connections between T. H. Beal and myself having been discontinued, I am now handling all my own contracting. No one is au thorized to solicit or contract for ce ment work for me. JOHN PEDERSON. 28-41-2277 Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and osts. Phone 71. tf Ready for Business I have returned to Alliance after an absence or two years aou am again ready to do all kinds of cement work. People here know what, kind of work I do. Orders may be left at The Herald office. JOHN PEDERSON. Advt 23-tf-2147 Try a Roosevelt mint julep at the Bee Hive. Mint shipped direct from White House mint bed (?). Advt 26tf2236 NOTICE All accounts contracted ait the are Central Cafe after June 17th payable to C. A. Lalng, who purchased the business from has E Becker. E. BECKER, C. A. LAING. 30-4t-2335 Make Hay, Ranchmen See here, ranchmen, there Is only on BEST HAY STACKER and that Is the B-K. Invented, improved and manufactured by practical men. IT DOES THE WORK. Will carry big ger loads than any other stacker and put the hay up faster. Will take care of all the hay that three sweeps can bring In. The durability of the B-K is unquestioned. We are ready to meet all competition. Write us for price. You liad bet ter order IMMEDIATELY. Orders given now can be filled the same day received. BrLlxKK & KALDAL. Manufact urers. Alliance, Nebraska. Advt 31-U-2345 The Best Medicine in the World "My little girl had dysentery very bud. I thought she would die. Cham- bc-iiain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrho ea Remedy cured her, and can truthfully say that I think it Is the bet uiKdicine in the world," writes Mrs. William OrvU, Clare. Mich. For ale b all dealer. AtlvJuly-2347 LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE To John Anderson: You we hereby not ITU d that I. the underpinned, did on the ft!h day of November, A. D. 1911, purchase at public tax sale of the treasurer of Box Bivtte county, Nebraska, the following described lot situated In Box Butte county, Nebraska, towlt: Lot 10. II. 12. 13. 14 and 15. block 13, Villa of Hemlngford. for the taxes of the year 1910. and that I have since, and arter the eame be came delinquent, paid as subsequent tax. the taxes for the year 1911: that said lot was taxed for each of said years and now assessed in the name of Clark OMs. And you are further notified that arter the expiration of three months from date of the service of this notice, I will apply to said treasurer for a tax deed or said lot. You will gov ern yourself accordingly. Dated "this 15th day of July, A. I). 1913. M. J. BAUMOARDNER. Purchaser. 2-4t-280-2376 NOTICE To Ernet L. Everett: You are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, did on the 6th day of November, A. D. 1911. purchase ft public - sale of the treasurer of Box BwUe county, Nebraska, the following described lots situated In Box Butte county, Nebraska, towlt: joXs two (2) and three (3). block nrtwMi 151. Village of Hemlngford. for the taxes of the year 1.910, and that I have- since, and after the same became delinquent, pa".i;l as subsequent tax, the taxes for the years 1911 and 1912: that said lots were taxed for each of said years and Is now assessed In the name of Ernert L. Everett. And you are further notified that after the ex piration of three months from date of the service of this notice. I will apply to eald treasurer for a tax deed of said lots. You will Rovern yourself accordingly. Dated this 16th day of July, A. D. 19113. M. J. BAUMOARDNER, Purchaser. 32-41-281-2375 NOTICE To S. J. Wilson, owner, E. S. OrniKby, trustee, and W. J. Bowden. mortgagees: You are hereby notified that John OKeefe did on the 6th day of Nov ember, A. D. 1911, purchase at pud Uc tax sale of the treasurer of Box Butte county, Nebraska, the follow ing described land situated in Box Butte county, Nebraska, towlt: West half of the nort h west quar ter section 24, township 24, north of range 48 west of 6th P. M.. -for the taxes of the year 1910, and h as s'igned hla tax sale certlfttate to he undersigned, who 4s now the owner and holder thereof: that, I hava since, and after the same became delinquent, paid as subsequent tax, the taxes for-the yean 1.4J1 fcnd '.912: that said land was t.ixed for each, of said years and Is now as sessed in the name of S. J. WiUon. And you are further notified that after the explraition of three months from date of the service of this no tice I will apply to aia treasurer for a tax deed of said land. 'VO'i will govern yourself accordingly. Dated this- 16th day or JUiy, a. i. 1913. B. F. OILMAN. Assignee. 32-4t-282-2374 Commissioners Proceedings Alliance, Nebr., July 11. 11913. The Board of County Commission ers met pursuant to the call of the clerk. Officers present, S. C. Reck, chairman, and C. L. Hashman. This meeting was called ror tne ... . i i I a . a purpose or caning me arciuteci vi the Court House for further instruc tion in regard to the plana and specifications of same. The clerk was ordered to draw County warrant on the General fund in the amount of iizo.oo in ravor oi the chairman of the Board for ex pense of two of the commissioners and county engineer to JJncoln. There being nothing further to come before the Board at this time, they adjourned to the call of the clerk. M. S. HARGRAVKS, Clerk. 32-H-2377 Notice to Telephone Patrons A new telephone directory Is be iK Issued and all those content Dlatlne changes of any kind, or the int'tallaticn of new telephones should notify the manager' office bv litter or telephone nt an early duU u. insure your name or butl nt lilnc appearing as you de- NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. 2-U-2.J78 Causes of Stomach Troubles Sedentary habits, lack of out door exercise, insufficient nvaatlcatlcn ' of food, constipation, a torpid liver, worry and anxiety, overeating, par taking of food and drink not suited to your aKe and occupation. Cor rect your habits and take Chamber Iain's Tablets and you will soon be well again. For sale by all dealers Adv-July-247 Bert King, wlio was a freight con ductor on the Burlington a number of years ago, and who U now a con diKtor ou the Oregon Short Line in Idaho, 1 tlsitjug in the city vsith frit n da und relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kennau are now living on their ranch near Or lando. Jliey drove In yesterday to ttay over a day. Mr. Rennau will spend a week on the ranch, gainj out tomorrow. .Mrs. Kennau Is very much pleased with the country there JUNIOR NORMAL NOTES Our esteemed fellow-student Mr. Hlbanri haR accepted the Broadwater school for the coming term. By the way, what a clumsy expremlng that Is. "accepting a school". It reminds one of the old lady on the "bus' In London, who was heard to reniarkk, "Conductor, I want the Bank of Eng land!" The conductor turned to the driver: "Don't want much, do she, IM1I?"!!J Who will tell us the proper word to use? May we eay that "Mary Jonca accepted the 'teachershlp' of Osh-Kollyooh district," and if not, what then? Say, wouldn't you Just as aoon teachership as teacher echool? You are liable to have to get a board in either case, only the ship la frequently attached to a buoy.while a boy la so seldom at tached to a school that he won't play hookey once in a while. Wanted for the writing class, someone to beguile the practice per iods by singing "Every little move ment has a m- an - ing". Speak ing of singing, Prof. Relmund once more delighted ua laat wek by his rendering of "The Rosary", and al o obliged with an ncoro. N. B. To the uninitiated: Do not confound "rosary" with "rose garden". They nrt- different. True, creamery U a place for cream, but then you know nn apiary Is not a place for apes, i nil i is unless toe ape keeps very still, or has a thick hide. On Monday of this week Miss Vir ginia Broome ang for us at the chapel hour and also graciously re sponded to an enthusiastic encore. I Tuesday, Paul Thomas, whose skill with the violin Is bo well known as to need no comment, obliged with a solo, followed y an encore, and was accompanied on the piano by Miss Beulah Smith. We also had the pleasure of lis tening to a Mr. Hill, representing a book company, who is on his way back from the National Educational Association at Salt Lake City. Mr. Hill confesses that the Mormons In terested him more than the N. E. A. He says they do not practice polygamy and have not for some time; but are very nice people and quite prosperous. They sprinkle their streets, are devoted to the national flag and have a paid up capital larger than that of (he Bank cf England. A&bury Whltaker returned Tues day evening from a visit to Lake side, where he applied for a school He was somewhat unfortunate in finding the director away. In Mis souri, so did not get to sign a con tract. Any teacher who will study faith fully through eight weeks of hot summer weather surely deserves a vacation, and- a successful school term to follow. To 11 K r W be held at L. J. SchilPs old place, 2 miles east of Alliance, THURSDAY, JULY Commencing at 1 p. m. sharp, the following described property: 11 GOOD WORK HORSES One matched team, six and seven years, weight 2,800. One matched team, six and eight, weight about 2,500. Team, one four years old and one smooth mouth, will sell together or separate. One driving team, five and seven. Three geldings, weight from 1,100 to 1,300. HARNESS AND IMPLEMENTS Five sets good harness, all new last year. .Five mowers, two sweeps, one stacker, one rake. One gang plow, one walking plow, one cultivator, one sub surface packer, one three-section harrow, two corn planters, one corn binder, one roller, two discs, one gas engine and pump jack, one alfalfa renovator, two top buggies, two hay wagons, two box waeons, and other stuff too numerous to mention. Air of haying machinery and most of farming machinery was new last year. 150 chickens. USUAL TERMS WILL Dfz GIVEN. COL H. P. COURSEY, Auc. J CECIL SMITH, Clerk The long foretold Homeric con tent between the faculty and the male students took place Tuesday afternoon. The first course conslst- d of basket ball, and the score was 8 to 24. The girls rooted nobly, but alas, In vain. Following this, Prin cipal Cllne and Prof. Meyer "picked up" for a Rome erf Indoor baseball. Prof. Roimund umpired, and every one had a good time. Mtea Merle Welllver, whose athletic prowess is no kss well known in former years of the Normal than her sunny tem perament and geniality, has just re turned. Miss Reed's father, who ha been spending a week or two .visiting her, is about to return to Idaho, where he has farming Interests. A life of comparative Inactivity goes against the grain with him. and so he feels obliged to disappoint her of a longer stay. Some: In room 1. Time: 2:43 p. m. The professor of physics speaks, "Bodies that ennR sounds are called scnoroua." How do you pronounce that word? Should it not be spelt e-n-o-r-e-r-? Question for the History Class: It as we learned at the Chautauqua, the great orator Henry Clay on one occasion "stood on a pine-clad ridge with the tongue of a prophet and his ear to the ground"! How did he do It? Was he a popular Idol with feet of clay? Why certnlniy yes, he was all Cray, and) you know that "de-feat of Clay" was what An drew Jackson so longed to see? For the Botany C1sb: Wlu.t Is better than croes pollination? Why, brave Carrie Nation, of course! . "UNTO ME" Forth to the little district sohool The rural teacher goes. Her gentle dauntless spirit breathes The fragrance of a rose. Her eye is clear, her step b light, Her features kind and true. Her voice has tones of magic power That thrill the hearer through The power of a selfish life, The magic -spell of love, The courage of a heait that rests On One who reign above. We know her master, One who said In ancient Galilee, "Who helps or hurts the least of thvse Has done it unto me." Another truth the Master taught For all to hear and do, And she who seeks for gold and pearls Has bought that Jewel, too: It is, that if we follow Him And make his words our own, The world expects our life andi deeds To make our Master known. We ay, "God loves you," and the world. That starves for love, replies. "Show us that love In service. Else Such words are empty lies. You tell us, 'Jesus wept'; but do AS. VAN B0SKIRK, Owner After any Sickness or operation doctors prase ribo SCOTT'S EMULSIONU contains tk vital olotnonts staturo cravvS to repair waito. ctmIi bum blood and build physical strength. No Aloohel or Ootato Snwn. WIwnMt, N. J. 1M1 You care for such as we? Our Joys and sorrow, are they mora) Thun lifeless fa to thee? You ay, 'He glives the weary rest', But is there reft with you? Do your words on the spirit fall Like sweet refreshing dew? "Is your first thought to help heal? And will you pay the price? Or do you merely love to sing Sweet of sacrifice?" Then answer she, "With all power Our Father gives to me I dally hourly strive His true Ambassador to be. For, all I have and alt I am Belong to Him and you. He feeds the hungry though loaves And fishes may be few." L. H. and the thv B. Big Social Event Mrs. A. J. Nelson and Mrs, J. T. Wlker entertained at 600 in honor of Mrs. A. E. Swanson, of Carring ton, N. D., at the home of Mrs. Wlk er at 713 Laramie Avenue, Wednes day evening. The house was beautifully decor ated with carnations and cut flow ers, the colors being pink and white. The card tables were decorated la white, with pink candles on each ta ble. A delicious five-course lunch eon was served, Misses Ethel Nolan, Agnes and Kate KnJest, Marie Buechsenstein, Mae Newberry and Ruth Morris serving. Music was furnished iby a large Vktrola. which was a novelty and was a pleasing Innovation. Following were the guests: Mes dames Joe Westover, Norman Wil liams, Lloyd C. Thomas, Percy Cogswell, Charley Brazelton, W. E. Cotant, F. K.- HoUtten, F. M. Brooma, Ieon Smith, Claude Lester. Help brlnger. Wm. Mitchell, J. A. and Earl Maflery, Autrey, L. A. Suprise, Dick Waters, Al Wlker, C. A- Weth erell, Will Schlupp. F. A. Hrvely. T. J. O Keefe. W. D. Rumer. John Brennan and H. J. EHIs, and Mia Puss Broome. First prize was won by Mrs. Percy Cogswell. It was a cut glass ollvs dish. Free-for-all prize was won by Mrs. F. A." Hively. It was a hand painted rose Jar. These were' bota" presented to Mrs. Swanson. V 4 miles south and on 24; 1913 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE ar.u likes It lunueiifcely.