For Cuts, Burnt and Bruises In every home there ahoukl bo a lox of !lurken Arnica Salve, ready in apply In every rase, of burns, cuts, wounds or scalds. J. H. Polanco, IMvnlle, Tex., R. No. 2, write: "Bueklcn's Arnica Salve saved my little girl's cut foot. No one believ ed It could be cured." The world's best naive. Only 25c. Recommend ed bv Fred K. ilolsten. Adv-2l6;i-:iO-4t Summary of Collections, Disbursements and Balances for First Half, Ending June 30, 1913 E. M. MARTIN, County Treasurer price? being maintained when the marketing Is distributed over the entire range sea.on. There Is no question but that the ranchman with range stock for mar ket this fall will reap an abundant harvest, and while the prices look high Rt present to the prospect vie feeder, at the same time when the llmtted numbir of feeder tock to be marketed this year, and the abundance of feed, together with prosptMlive high prices for finished beef and mutton, Is taken Into con sideration, It can be seen that the western ranchman and the corn belt feeder can turn their product wit'.i a good substantial profit. Vnion Stock Yards Co.. Omaha, By V. H. Schellberp, Traffic Manager. J. K. Morriison, state agent for the Home fire insurance company, of New York, was in the cfty Monday, adjusting the fire loss on the llaper residence, In West Lawn, which burnfd Sunday night. .June 22nd. The nu ou nt of Insurance carried was $390. KNIGHT TEMPLAR CARDS Knight Templar who contemplate polng to the Conclave In August In Dmver, should order their em hosted Knight Templar cards from The Her ald lit once. Four different beauti ful designs, nt reasonable prices. These crads ran bo nsd nt, nH times, for they are very Appropriate. Ak to ee our samples. Finest Fre mium ever given by a newspaper without extra charge W ITU every paid-in-advance subscription at $1.50 ner vear. we will crive. absolutely free, a copy of this wonderful up-to-date book, postpaid, as long as our supply lasts. Sub- 1 1 i scnoers ui- ready taking the paper, may pay one year in ad vance and get the Alia k HANDY ATLSS. . f I 'II ? I The largest and most piste MAISDY ATLAS published com' ever 132 panes, bound In red cloth The People's Handy Atlas of the World contains the greatest number of maps ever published in Handy Atlas form before. It gives the maps of every State and Territory, the United States Island Possessions, all Printed in beautiful colors. It also gives maps of the Can" adian Provinces, European countries, and for the first time special feature maps showing farm products in each pro ductive area, locating where wheat, oats, rye, tobacco and other products are raised. It gives the value of dairy pro ducts also. The new Conservation map with Irrigation pro ducts, also new Weather map are very instructive and at tractive to a newspaper or magazine reader. New maps of the World, illustrating the Commercial Languages, Forms of Government, and Uaces of Men, are to be learned at a glance. Fill out the coupon below, enclose $1.30 check, draft or money or der, and mail to the Herald. Atlas will be forwarded by return mail The Alliance Herald, Alliance, Nehr., I enclose $1.50. Put my name on your list and send me the Atlas. NAME r ADDRESS Take a Hint! U Suppose some one offered to give you $10,000 00 in cash the dav you completed an I. S. C. course. You would start to work right away, wouldn't you? Hut just think, the Course is really worth more than $10,000.00 in cash, for . $10,000.00 in cash invested would bring you at 6 per cent interest only a net return of $600 a year, while statistics made up from many thousands of cases show that the average technically-trained man earns $950.00 a year more than the average man without Technical Training. For full information concerning any position write the International Correspondence Schools, talon, 1'a, or call upon their representative, 0. L. Cralg.'at Alliance Hotel, from the 15th to 20th of each month Cora ta lull free COLLECTIONS To Cash on hand forwarded $;0.G84.32 To 1895 Tax Collet ted 1.02 To 18!6 Tax Collected 10 To 1901 Tax Collected 7.85 To 1902 Tax Collected 8.27 To 190:1 Tax Collected 15.14 To 1904 Tax Collected , 7.47 To 1905 Tux Collected 6. 85 To 190(5 Tax Collected 16.61 To 1907 Tax Collected 29.70 To 1908 Tax Collected 49.67 To 1909 Tax Collected 24.98 To 1910 Tax Collected 70.62 To 1911 Tax Collected 833.05 To 1912 Tax Collected 42.846.5?, To school land-lease 1.668.06 Automobile 2:17.00 To Jan. App't Rec'd of St. Treas 1,744.90 To June App't Kec'd of St. Treas 1,832.02 Sewer Lateral 689.26 To Miscellaneous Col. Co. Gen 2.77 To Fines and license collected 60.00 To Interest on county deposits 13.65 To fees 148.25 Tax Sale Redemption 2,008.72 $82,997.53 DISBURSEMENTS Ily liy r.y Ily Hy By Ily Ily By Ily Hy Hy Treas'. Treas'. Treas'. Treas'. Treas'. Treas'. Treas'. Receipt Receipt Receipt Receipt Receipt Receipt No. No. No. No. No. No. No. St ait e State State State State State State Co. (Jen. warrants R'd'm'd Co. road warrants R'd'm'd Co. Claims held for tax school bonds and coupons school orders paid High School orders Ily City Rects., Alliance Hy Villiige treas. rects.. Hemingford Alliance bond fund City Hall ... Alliance electric light Alliance sewer bond Alliance City Library .... .i. . Alliance water bond 7 Alliance sewer lateral Redemption certificate liy Ralnnce 2638 85540 8263.8 85540 82638 85540 82638 and claims and claims $ 1 J, 15S.30 797.36 328.31 699.31 69.57 1 10.80 539.55 543.11 317.92 428.50 2,73 L39 23,146.21 27.00 2,901.00 509.70 480.72 900.00 1,575.00 4fiu.0l 3,475.00 410.00 2,172.83 29,1 59. !t4 53.837.59 82,997.53 True Economy . . . 7 3 ..wi WHITE. 1 j-rr-TfT -'Sr'C "" 13 means the wise spending; of one's money making every dollar do full duty and getting in return an article that will satisiy you in every way. The is a real bargain because it is sold at a popular price i because it gives you the kind of sewing IIS S 1 r lpPTlMM vou delight ln because it will turn out the work i .'HX. Er-r1 quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time of satisfactory service because its improvements will enable you to do things which can't be done on any other machines because it will please you with its fine finish and beauty of its furniture. In short you will find the White reliable and desirible from every point of view. Be sure to see the "White dealer who will be glad to show you how good a machine the Vhre is. If there is no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines. WHI TE SE WING MA CHINE CO. CLEVELAND, O. For sale by Geo. D. Darling BALANCE State General fund $ State University tund RrUlge State fund School Building fiind Lease on school land Co. General fund Co. Bridge fund Automobile Co. Rood fund Sinking fund District 18 Sinking fund District 6 lRgh School fund Special Sewer City Park fund City Library , Alliance electric light Labor and Foil Tax Alliance Ilond fund, City Hall Fund Sewer Maintenance , Sewer laterals Miscellaneous fund School bond fund School Judgment fund School district fund Dog tax ) Redemption act General Interest Acct City Alliance Village of Hemingford Alliance Water bond Hemingford Water bond !, Keen Overdraft 373.83 89.83 16.28 131.82 1.668.06 2,189 02 2.003.85 237.00 840.30 181.57 .17 136.28 226.61 6.26 620.21 993.79 504.1 ! 1,221.49 854.08 258.77 66.32 4,664.13 6.93 8.524.33 300.15 114.88 264.98 1,210.22 153.65 771.65 812.35 148.25 29,497.20 Low Excursion Rates To All Eastern Resorts If y.iv.'ve been planning an eastern trip, by all means go now take ad vantage rf the lew, summer excursion rates offered by the Burlington Route. Special low farn tickets aro now on sale to New York, Boston, N: :ira Kails, Atlantic City, CaUklll Mountains, Montreal. Quebec and :!:ny other eastern points. Start your vacation right take the Burlington. Courteous, attentive em ployes, delicious mcnls, safety black signals, "On Time" arrival, congen ial environment these are a few advantages of "Burlington Service." Le us explain the low fares, excellent accommodations, and help you plan your trip. Sen 1 a postal for free literature tell me of points in which vou are interested I'll send you descriptive literature and complete information is to cost, etc. Write or call or pliont; but get the low excursion fares via the Burlington, before you decide. Summer excursion tickets on sale daily until September 30. Cash i'.r.d Cash Renins on Hand $29,159.94 Credits of County Treasurer on Deposit Kour.: : Brothers Bankers $ 606.09 First .-'ate Bank. Hemingford 5,500.00 First National Bank. Hemingford 2.000.00 First National Bank. Alliance 10,319.71 Alliance National Bank 8,004.90 Draft School Dist. 18 2,000.00 Cash on hand 729.24 Total $20,159.94 This Is to certify that I, E. M. Martin, County Treasurer of Box Butte County, Nebraska,, do solemnly swear that the following is a true and correct statement of all receipts and disbursements for 6 months enotng June ;;otn. K. M. MARTIN, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10th day of July, A.D. 1913. M. S. HARGRAVKS. County Clerk or Box Buile Count), Nebraska 32 tf-2354 Crop Conditions (Continued from page nine) dilation points towards an abund ance of fall feed. The alfalfa grow ing sections of Nt-braska, as well as surrounding states. reiort the first and second euttirg as excellent In both quality and quantity, and this fact, together with the enormous amount of prairie hay being made this year, and the prospects of a buniK:.r crop, all indicate there will be the heaviest demand In many years for feeder cattle and feeder sheep. At this early date tie en couraging prospects fcr more than an ample supply of feet) on the farms of the corn growing state, coupled with a general scarcity if feeding stock in thoe sectiens, vs criatid a general tendency tovsar.'s an upward trend in prices on ne South Omaha Market for feeder c;.t tle and sheep. During the past witk tlure has been a general in crease in orders received by e"om m'.tsiou men and traders operating on the South Omaha Market over ether yei-is tt this time, end it be gins to look as though there woulJ net be enough feeder cattle and sheep to supply the deitiand at western markets hi fall. While, et this early date, the marketing of range cattle aud sheep has uot yit begun in real earnest, when they do come along ill us great numbers as the limited supply throughout the west will allow, it Is very question able If there will be enough to sup ply the demand. If the present In quiries at the South Omaha Market can be considered as any criterion Feeder cattle and sheep have been selling on an even basis, and higher ban Chicago and will continue to do so all fall. Speaking of the feeder cattle and sheep situation at South Omaha various representatives of prominent feeder buying firms there stated their firms had, at this early date received mere bona fide orders for feeder cattle and sheep titan ever before at one time and it was sim piy a question of getting tha stock to fill the orders. While this de mand will meet with beteT supply when the range movement to mar ket really commences,, the fact re mains there is a general shortage iu number of head upon the ranges to be marketed, which, taken to gether with the anxie-ty of the feed ers throughout the Corn Belt states 'o fill their feed lots, will create a strong fee'der market throughout the fall marketing season, with prevail lng high prices. Furthermore, with '.he luxuriant crop of grass all over the range country, there will be no necessity for marketing stock In great bunches, as has been the case In some former years, unlforpilty in J. KRIDELBAUGH Agent, Alliance L. W. Wakeley, Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha Target Practice at the Diamond Pool Hall I have installed the very latest idea in a shooting gallery in my pool hall. This is the only shooting gallery in town. Drop in for a few minutes' shooting and test your skill. JAMES POTMESIL diamond pool fjall To the Patrons of the CENTRAL CAFE I have purchased the business from E. Becker and will continue to keep it the highest class restaurant in Al liance. I respectfully solicit a con tinuance of your patronage. I also invite those who have not been reg ular patrons to give us a trial. C. A. LAING CENTRAL CAFE