We Are etui in the IRin The last week's closing for invoice has delayed the quoting of prices on our CLEARANCE SAL E But we will meet any price quoted in Alliance and in addition give you the celebrated Norton Quality goods that have built the reputation of this store for the past 26 years Get (Norton's Prices First dncio-pmpnr iiuvi (.11 -v-a v iTiuiiuviiivni. W W. NORTON DR. SLAGLE RETURNS Dr. and Mrs. C. K. Slagle return ed (he first of the week from their trip through, the eant. Most of the time was tvpent at Buffalo and Niag ara Falls. They also visited Chi cago and other IlHnote points. VALLEY MEN HERf Ed. II. ReJd, Del Skinner and Wra. Austin, of Torrlngton, Wyoming, were in Alliance yesterday. They drove back with two new Ford cars which had been shipped here for them from Denver. Mr. Re4d Is a prominent North Platte valley man, being connected with aome of the largest business Interests In the valley. ROMIQ GOES EAST Councilman P. E. Romilg will leave Friday morning on an eastern vaca tion trip. He and the family will pend most of their vacation on Nar ragansett Hay, in Massachusetts and Connecticut. They wIM also visit relatives In Allentown, Penn ylvania. The trip will take In New York City, Washington, Chicago, and many other interesting points. BIG CROWDS ATTEND CRYSTAL Fight were shown, and Curly the Crow, the only survivor, made a short talk. Starting Monday evening, a series of pictures, illustrating the famous Panama Canal, the ocean, trip to San Francisco, end the exposition grounds, were shown by Prof. A Hoover, who has made a thorough study of the canal. He was very familiar with his subject and had pictures that were very interesting His lecture will undoubtedly help to draw many vteltora to Sun Fran cisc.o in 1915 when the Panama ex position opens. REV. BROWN TO GORDON Harry Dubuque, manager Of the Crystal theatre, has been putting on some features lately that are at tracting big crowds. Standing: room was' at a premium Saturday night, when the picture of Custer'a Last Rev. J. B. Brown,, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, has an noucced thut he will remove to Gor don, to accept the pastorship of the Presbyterian church at that place. Rev. Brown will preach, his last ser mon in Alliance on August 10th. He will preach his first sermon at Gor don on September 7th. Rev. and Mrs. Brown came to Al liance three years ago, he having been a missionary In Syria before that time. He received a call some time ago from Gordon and believes that there is a very good opportun ity there. Mrs. Win. Broderick anl daughter, Vera, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carroll. Mrs. Broderlick is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll and is from Three Forks, Montana. She arrived Saturday evening and will visit until September 1st. MESSAGE FROM FR. MINOGUE . Gray & Guthrie have received the 101 lowing message, written on a post card, from Father Minogue, who was located in Alliance for some length of time. He Is now in Ire land. On the picture sideof the card it shows a young man kissing the blarney stone. His message reads, "Greetings from the land of the shamrock. How are you all? have Just landed. Very pleasant Journey. A Jolly time on board. Ire land is still green. I can imagine Alliance, 6000 miles away. How i friend O'Donnell? Just kiss the pic ture on the other side. You have the secret. It's wonderful. Best re gards, T. F. Minogue." PHONOGRAPH SALES LEGIN The demand for the new Kdlwn disc phonograph, advertised by Geo. D. Darling in this issue of The Her ald, has been so heavy that it has been difficult for dealers to secure a supply. However, Mr. Darling has received hia first Installment and has commenced selling theih. His fdrHt sale, or one of the first, was to an out of town party one day this week. VISITING RELATIVES Mrs. F. G. Utter and three daugh ters, Clara, Hattle and Florence, of Joliet, Illinois, arrived in Alliance last Saturday noon for a visit with Box Butte county relatives. Mrs. Utter is a sister of Geo. G. Gadsby and Mrs. Wm. Culver, at whose home, thirteen miles northeast of town, she and the three girls spent Sunday. They go to Denver pome time this week for a visit, . after which they will return home via Alliance, stopping again in this city a short While. COUNTY PURCHASES NEW ENGINE The board of county commission ers has purchased a new steam tractor engine for the purpose of pulling the big power grader. The old engine was not of sufficient power to properly handle the grad er. Commissioners Hashman and Reck, in company with the. county engineer, made a trip to Oncoln the laBt of the week to make the purchase. TAKE FORD AUTOS Del Skinner, Ed H. Reld and Win. Austin, of Torrington, Wyoming, came down to Alliance Tuesday, re turning yesterday with twp Ford automobiles, which had been ship ped here from Denver for them. BAND WILL PLAY TONIGHT The Alliance band will play in front of the Bee Hive this evening. offiicially opening the big nine cent sale. They will be refreshed with ice cream by the store. Fred Huckey, of Hemingford, was in the city the last of the week. Cafe Changes Hands An important change In the res taurant business of Alliance took place yesterday morning when Carl W. Bicknell became manager of the Grand Restaurant at 214 Box Butte avenue. The place will be thorough ly renovated and the appearance Improved by painting. Work on the Improvements has been commenced and will be continued until the place will be a model of its kind. Special efforts- will be made to fur nish patrons Just what they want in the culinary line, cooked and served to suit the most fastidious. As wHl be seen by their ad in The Herald the new proprietors have adopted as the motto for their place or Business, A Model or Cleanli ness." The new manager Is an energetic young man who has had some ex perience in restaurant business, and goes dnto this enterprise with an enthusiastic determination to make a suedes of it home on their ranch, eleven miles enst of Alliance. MARRIED Mr. Verner E. Pedersen and Miss Anna E. Bauer were married Tues day, July 15, at the noon hour, in the home of Mr. Geo. G. Gadsby. Rev. W. L. Torrence, pastor of the United Presbyterian church, pronounced the words which started the young couple out together for life. Mr. and Mrs. Pedersen ex pect to take a trip to the Black Hills, after which they will be at Lutheran Picnic Lutheran, mission festival and pic nic next Sunday, July 20, a Berea. All Lutherans of Box Buite coun ty and their friends are cordially in vited to attend the annual Lutheran mission, festival and picnic which will be celebrated next Sunday, at Berea. A big tent will be erected on the grounds next to the school house lot In which two services will be held, a German BervUce in the morning commencing at 10:30 o' clock, conducted by gev. Titus Lang of Alliance, and an Englisih service in the afternoon, art 2:30, in which Rev. J. Heseman of Rushville will preach the sermon. The rest of the day will be spent in social enter tain ments. Lunch and other re freshments will be amply provided for and can be had at a small cost at the stand. Everybody is welcome! $50 REWARD The undersigned will pay the above reward for information of the whereabouts of hte son, Lyle Mar tin, who is 17 years of age. weighs about 146 pounds, 6 ft. 4 fh. tall, brown hair, blue eyes and smooth face, and tanned by out of door work. Left home Sunday, July 13, 1913. Retain the boy and send in formation to FRED H. MARTIN. ' Route wayne, Nebraska. J2-1T 1Z 1L 3E The Famous has none but brand new goods. No old goods to be had here SHOES $3.50 Oxfords 4.00 Oxfords 5.00 Oxfords SHOES . $2.65 3.00 3.75 Not old styles new goods Men's Work Gloves Odds and ends HALF PRICE Men's $1.25 Mocha Dress Gloves, small AQr sizes, sale price Tt SUIT CASES $2 value, di QQ sale price pl0 J Men's Newport Silk and Lisle Sox, worth -J Q 35c, sale price 1VC HEN'S ELGIN SHIRTS $1.25 values (LQn sale price O y C Poros Knit Underwear shirts and draw ers QQ sale price VL- 25 Per Cent Discount on any Boy's Summer Suit John B. Stetson Famous Softand Stiff Novelty Hats $4 values, In colors only sale price $2.50 BOYS' WASH SUITS sale price 39c re IT TIT IUI Sale 12th Annual Summer Clearance TEN ROUSING CLOTHING BARGAIN DAYS For ten Busy Days, Profits will be forgotten, costs will be disregarded in our mighty effort to clear this stock of all summer goods. This is our great est sale and you know what that means. Come early, early buyers get best selections; don't delay, delays bring disappointments. And this means for you, Mr. Clothing Buyer, that right now in the height of the season we are quoting prices that you usually obtain in September on these goods. You will have months of hot weather yet in which to wear these tine goods and think of the wonderful sav ings. This store put the lid on high prices 12 years ago and is still setting the clothing pace. SALE BEGINS THURSDAY, JULY 17th Price Smashing Sale of Nifty Suits Absolutely All Wool Suits in our regular stock worth up to $15, clearance $(0)85 Treat yourself to one of these All of our tine $18, $20 and $22.30 Ready-to-wear Summer Suits, your choice, clearance - - $ A 50 200 Hart Schaffner & Marx $25 Suits. Quality in these clothes does not fluctuate, they are changed in price but the quality remains the same. Your choice of any of these suits at $ 75 Very Fine Hart Schaffner & Marx $30 Suits. These are the diamonds of ready-to-wear clothes. Clearance sale price $ 22i The Famous One-Price Clothing Store NORTHWESTERN NEBRASKA'S LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE ALLIANCE BOYS' WAISTS ROMPERS BOYS' WORK SKIRTS BOYS' SUMMER CAPS BOYS' NECKTIES Sale IQp 50-75c values, QQp Sale QQp Sale 1Qn Sale cr Price I Sale Price wuu p rice OOU price Price ww The Famous Defies Competition and Sells Clothing for Less NEW COLLARS Corliss-Coon Collars, 15c grades, all new f 7L styles, sale price STRAW HATS All of our breezy new Sen nits and Yacht Straws worth up to $3.50, sale price 59c Genuine Porous Knit , Union Suits Sale jr . Price I OC Men's 75c Union Suits Sale Price 39c B. V. D. Shirts and Drawers Sale Price 33c Bo s Straw Hats Wirth up to 75c Sale Price 19c Kady Suspend rs 50c and 75c values Sale Price 33c 23 Per Cent Off on All Our Tine Raincoats, Including Hart Schaffner & Marx 20 Per Cent Discount on All Dress Pants BOYS' ELK SHOES i At Sale Price ipl.V 3C3E