The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 05, 1913, Image 8

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0ntrel School building Contractor
Lett tub contracts
8. C. Rtk. who la erecting the
new t'entral achol building, returned
from a trip to Denver yesterday
morning. While there he purchased
ihm terra cotta for the new building,
from the Ienvr terra cot I a works.
Ha also let the subcontract for the
brick work to F. M. Ball of Denver.
and is figuring with Krnnk Klrchoff
Lumber Company for the mill wark.
Work is progressing very satisfac
torily on the new building, the ore
nt fine weathr facil tatlng It great
ly.' John Pedeison, the cement con
tractor, has the contract for the con
crete work.
atifr.i-nu fr-nm ImllEestlon. headache.
nervousneaa. weakneaa, coativeneaa,
when they are victims or tnai mow
.mutum of nil children's ailment
worms Peevish. Ill tempered, fretful
children, who tosa and grind their
teeth, with bad breath and colicky
pains, have all the symptom of hav
ing worms, and should le given Kic
kapoo Worm Killer, a pleasant can
dy lozenge, which expels worme, reg
ulates the bowels, tones up the sys
tem, find makes children well and
happy. Klckapoo Worm Killer is
guaranteed. All druggists or by mail
Price 25c. Klckapoo Indian Medicine
Co., Philadelphia and Saint lOuls.
Mm :itii-26-4t.
F. K Reddish Is on a business trip
to the North Platte Valley.
MOVED BACK TO OLD SHOP Thursday Hosenkrana and
Fox. the blacksmiths, moved back to
thlr former hop at 114 West Sec
ond street While they were out of
the building it was very much im
proved, being enlarged and almost
rebuilt The est and north walls
were put In new, being now compos
ed of cement and bricks. The build
ing was lengthened so that the ahop
now haa more room than formerly.
A new cement floor Is part of the im
provement made in the shop.
Moat Children Have Worm
Mothers think their children are
Disappearance of prominent and
beautiful Alliance young lady
aolved by her mother
The sudden and mysterious disap
pearance of a prominent young lady
of the town laat week threw the
membera of the family into pande
monium of fright and alarm. Mem
bera of the family discovered that
Ihe daughter was m issinn nl ;i late
hour. Previous to the time her ab
sence waa noted, the family had been
enjoying a pleasant evening in the
itntl.ii' itf their own home About
7:30 o'clock the daughter started out
of the room without any formul
leave, but tho father and mother did
not notice anything peculiar in her
cnndtM't. At a late hour dhe had not
returned and the waiting parents be
came alarmed. After calling, for her
everal tlmea without receiving any
resnonse. a diligent search was begun
Her whereabouts could not be learned
and the marshal was notified of her
sudden and mysterious disappearance.
Questions as to whether the missing
girl's actions had been queer or out
of the ordinary of late brought out
the Information that she had appar
ently been perfectly normal In . all
respect up to the moment of her
disappearance. After the clrcmii
stances of her disappearance had
Ixi ri related, a search was quietly
Instigated, so that. If possible, she
might be located and returned with
out the publicity and notoriety which
always attends such occurrences as
this. The most peculiar fpature of
this unfortunnte case, however, was
that with all the widespread search.
hIic us found dlre t ly at the r ar
of her own home, where in the in
tense excitement of the first realiza
tlon of her disappearance no one had
thought to look. It seems that after
the officer had left the house to
search for the young woman, her
mother. In a mental anguish that
can only be Imagined, ran from the
back door to go to a neighbor's
home, and, as she crossed the back
yard, she found her daughter hang
ing onto, with a death grip, her lat
est photograph, that she had Juat re
ceived from the Alliance Art Stu
dio. When her mother arrived it
was about to become the property of
a young man. Latest Style, Tone
and Finish. Adv.
Merltol Tonic Digestive, the greet
rejuvenator and builder, tones up
the system, Improves the appetite,
aids digestion, Cteanses the system of
Impurities. Just what you need when
! all run down. F. J. Brcnn a u .
i Adv A-41-Jun 5-26.
Friday, Satur., Monday, June 6-7-9
With every made-to-measure
suit, or coat and pant order
taken on these dates, I will give abso
lutely free an extra pair of trousers from
the same measurement, and of the same
quality, and of the same pattern, if desired
E. G. Laing
"Modern Clothes for Men"
Phone 4 308 Box Butte
The piano contest is now on at the Alliance Shoe Store.
Girls, get busy and see who can get the most votes. This
piano will not cost you one cent. There will be other
valuable prizes for the next largest number of votes. A
drop-head sewing machine. Lady's or gent's gold watch
Lady's bracelet. Set of Rogers silver knives and forks,
etc., etc. All of standard make and guaranteed for years.
Remember, you get one vote for every cent you spend
at this store while the contest is going on. In all there
will be about thirty prizes for the contestants. Not
one among them that will not be appreciated by any
lady lucky enough to get one of them. For further in
formation call at THE ALLIANCE
Note prizes in window
mi ill
That spectacular fun show
9Q Alliance Singers, Darcers and Comedians JQ
Auspices B.
Direction H;
O. E. No. 961
H. Williams
Phelan Oaera House
JUNE 11 and 12, 1913
Electric fans are m
opera house
ng installed in the
your comfort
i -
How many points should an ama
teur pool player be allowed, when
playing fifteen ball pool in competi
tion with an old timer. Attorney
(iilman and the nrrlter have been try-
Inn to settle this question in a few
InstAfkCM. but we are still undecided
at least I am, for 1 keep asking B.
F. for just a few more points hand
icap and he very graciously grants
them, then beats nie by live or ten,
just to show that lie can do it. But
you Just watt, "B. F. , "the worm
will turn".
Alas, alack, alad. alabilldew. That
expresses our feelings since Sunday
morning, when we were dragged out
of bed to a ready telephone, to be
informed by our everready, that our
friend Johnny Moist of the Scandal
iier, had taken unto himself the ties
that bind and that he would arrive
ensoot on the noon train from Kraw
ford. We put on our Sundaygoto
meetin's and with our pockets full of
the main article of Japanese diet,
awaited his coming at the depot. In
the far distance we heard the roar
of a mighty whistle, that warning
note of 44 that she was rapidly Hear
ing the metropolis of western Ne
braska. Waiting with us was "mighty
Ben". HepUiuh King, and tiie lino
type operator, all of the Scandaliier
force. With steady nerves we tried
to still the thundering of our pal
pltating hearts and formed in waiting
reception line as the train puiiea in.
The bridal (I mean the Studebaker)
car stood waiting, and so did we. As
sisted by a willing porter, our friend
Johnny and SHE alighted. We strode
forward, grasped JM by the hand and
began our arefully prepared speech
of congratulation but after the nrst
three words we were thunderstruck
and heartbroken to hear him say
"Begone, bgeone, not yet but soon."
We warn you fairly, JM, don't dis-
aiinolnt us again that way.
Ihe beaut ltul loving cup captured
by Mighty Ben in Omaha and which
lie proudly brought home this morn
ira. w do mighty well. JM. from
which to quaff some of Bryan'a fav
orlte beverage at tue lOiuing testivl-
lxwry & Henry, automobile deal
ers, believe that a good piev of poe
try. rightly placed" before the un
suspecting buyer, will bring business
Witness the following poem, tak
en from the rear of their business
card :
Good going scout? If on our route
and you are broken down,
Assistance here, and proper sear
the best within this town
Right here is where you're treated
fair, and never treated mean.
Arrest your pace, und rest your
face, and get some gasoline,
Great jebs or small, we handle all
from spark plug to tire,
Escape your woes, save your cloth
es, we'll do what you desire
Office boy -There are two men
out there, sir, who want to see you
One of them si a poet and the oth
er is a deaf man.
Editor Well go out and tell the
poet that the deaf man is the editor
and let them fight it out between
theiu. Tit-Bits.
Best Laxative for the Aged
Old men and women feel the need
of a laxative more than young folks,
but it must be safe and harmless and
one which will not cause pain. Or.'s New Life Pills are especially
judge real value in
Cfcthes, compare. Not
pr ce quotations and inky
arguments they mean
lit le. Compare the Ma
teiials, the Finish, the
Appearance. On this
basis Norton V Clot
are first under the wire.
They hold First Place
through sheer Merit.
They cost $13 to $27.50
Distinctive and Exclusive Haberdashery
Arrow Shirts Florsheim Shoes
SEE us for all kinds
of building material.
Let us figure the bill for
that new house or ad
dition. Our prices are
Forest Lumber Co.
A. A. RALLS, Mgr.
gooii for the aged, for they act very
promptly and easily. Price 26c. Kec
ommtnded by Fred K Holsten
Advt riu.
Mrs. L. N. McFall of Denver and
her daughter, Mrs. A. P. Gordon, of
Seaeca. were Alliance visitors
Whenever you get a suit cleaned
at the Alliance've
got a suit cleaned that's clean.