EMPRESS High-Class Moving Pictures FRIDAY Power of Silence Lubin feature, 2 reels A Day's Outing Tempest Tossed Saturday Requited Love Cowboy and Baby A other's Strategy gPORTING Edited by "Doc" Bates Copeland. "Gunbont" Smith win decision. Aftr 00 rounds of tame riKhtlnK. larking In every detail the Hans BB that of champlon BrA "Mp caliber auli ih wan expected in Bf thia content, H-r eree ltm Sell Hf gave (he decision to Gunboat flmtth. .'JP Wllllard weighed iu fl ' 4 V al L'V.O pounds :md t . Hniith at 180. But what 8mith lacked In wHrIu In- made up In ring exper ience, being In the game over four years, while Wllliard has had a little over one year of boxing. "Gunboat" had Wllllrd In a bad way in the 12th round catching him with a left awing in the t hJn, but being too ta4tW for a knockout, lost his advantage by not timing his blowa. By thin show lnr neither will make Luther M Carly extend himself to any great extent. I I In last Saturday.' a Denver St. .Joe game Johnny King relieved Harney Schirber in the fourth at'tr Barpe) had been touched up lor eight nlt and five runR. In six innings John ny held St. Joe Co four hits and ring unmarked. Defeating Mandot In such decisive style mean that there Is only one light weight for hhn to consider before Rlchey, namely. Joe Rivers, and I look for rhem to be mat hed at an early date with very little to choose be tween the pair at hla writing. From a financial standpoint It wm a great fight for Anderson, as he bet heav ily on himself. Mandot ruled 10-7 favorite. STANDING OF CLUBS May 21, 191 American League Philadelphia Cleveland Washington Chicago Moat on St UmiIs Detroit New York U IK ! 21 17 11 11 National League W Philadelphia Brookly n New Yolk St. I -on in Clii ago Pittsburg Boston Cincinnati Western 20 13 13 18 14 21 12 21 ! 21 L 7 18 lit Pel ;:: 666 .807 606 .419 .400 :I64 :ioo Pel .720 16 13 '16 16 16 16 13 18 10 .665 5.:ti II League V it; 21 .500 .500 .419 .407 .300 1 1 '. I 17 ! 16 11 12 1 1 14 13 Me Pitched Rings Around Them. no runs, besides tloinv: a Ty Cobb stunt with the stick, gathering In two hits aud one but out in tin v. times up. Mgr. Hendricks states that before ttie season close John ny will be tlu- strongest pitdier in Jhe Western. "Bud" Anderson knocked out Joe Mandot in the twelfth round, putting Mandot away with a right swing to the Jaw, being out three minutes. Mandot tok one of the worst beat ings -f his career. Anderson left the ,12 15 1 1 II 8 19 PCI .67 .664 .593 AV1 .468 444 .411.1 L'lMi Pel .St HI .750 .lot I 40O .400 .400 .400 .400 Denver Lincoln St. Joseph Des Moines JSIoux City Omaha Tow Wichita 8 Nebraska League V 1, Columbus 4 Hastings :! Seward 3 Fremont 2 Grand Island . 2 York 2 Kearney 2 Superior 2 Yesterday's Results American: New York 0. St. Louis 5; Washington 6. Cleveland 3; Bos ton 10. Chicago 9. National: Chicago 6, Boston 5; St. Louln 4, New York 3; Pittsburg 5, Brooklyn I; Cincinnati 0, Philadel phia 11 Western: Denver 2, St. Joe 12; Wichita ::. Omaha 1; Topeka 6, Soo City 15; Lincoln 0, Des Moines 4. Looks its though Alliance is going to be on the mas) in the bane ball t i hi this year, judging by the show in; the team Mgr. Pitklngtan put on the field at Reren last Sunday made, with just a ft w days for sel ind The very Interesting one, with a final score if 11 to 7 In favor of the lo cals. Pilklngton wound up like nn tight day dock and le loose like a niBin spring, pitching the entire BMria. With Cecil Smith on the re ceiving end and wivh Pllkington at eeiuig piayers anu no ume tor trials or w.irk-cuts. The game proved a Eventually! YOU WILL BUY THAT SUIT AT NORTON'S $10 oo to $25 oo Whu Not Tnriav? WWIIJ IIVI I VUUj THEN YOU WILL SURELY BE CLOTHES SATISFIED Latest Styles- All Wool Hand Tailored Norton's LEADING CLOTHIERS He Wound Up Like an Eight-Day Clock and Let Loose Like a Main Spring. tlhe head of the tenm there ia no doubt that he will soon whip than into good playing condition. He is a very enthusiastic worker and with plenty of local tinker we will have a strong team here. The posbponod W. O. W. athletic entertainment, which wag to have been held some time ago at Ilem ingford, is dated for next Wednesday night, the 28th. There is to be a good program, and a good crowd from Alliance should attend. LOCAlpS Zed Goodwin, of Mitchell, is in the city. Mr. Mekinney is installing a new, modern bath room in her residence. I. L. Acheson is installing a lRun dry room in his residence. Bart Young is adding a bath room to his commodious residence. Miss Blanche MacdonaJd, who vis ited with friends in Omaha last week, returned Sunday morning. Miss Mac- donald ia employed in the law of fice of Attorney B. F. Oilman. Ted Fielding Is on a visit with home folks at Johnstown, Nebraska. E. W. Ray will furnish 48 bouquets for decorating the graves on Decor ation Day. Prank Stems is over from Scott a bluff. C. H. Kerr, who waa formerly night ticket agent at Alliance, but who recently resigned. Is now In Omaha. He requests that his Her ald be sent to 2316 Farnam street. ISstllroad. ISTotes Supt. W. M. Weldenharner return ed Monday from Chicago where he has been for the past month on com pany buBlnesB. Passenger Conductor Zollinger is has k on his run after an absence of three or four months during which time he attended the session of the legislature at Lincoln and a conduc tors' schedule meeting at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. W Parker left Monday morning for Dead wood at which place Mr. Parker has been transferred to the dispatcher's of fice of the Burlington. C. A. Mack ey whose place Parker takes will return to Alliance as extra dispatch er. P. 11. Tynan of the machine shop Is spending a few weeks with ills par tnts in Gallon, Ohio. Mail Clerk Baker left Saturday niuht on his annual two weeks va cation. He will visit his home In the eastern part of the state. Night Messenger Clarence Schafer is trying out a position with the Thiele Cream Co.. his place being filled by Boy Miller. J. J. Hodgkinson haa resigned as round house machinist to accept a position at the "Budweiser." Bert Adams the night car foreman left with hia family Sunday night for a few weeks' visit at BtOUl Falls, Iowa. Passenger Conductor Kills of the M Cook division is making a few trips on the Sterling division De ver to Alliance on account of oi t of the regular men laying off. Martin Fitzgerald of the roui I house force lias been released fr a quarantine and will resume work n a iev days. K F. Shields and wife returneJ this morning from Dayton, O., wher they spent the past two week' They were accompanied by M . Shields' mother who will visit for time in Alliance. Mrs. H. A. O'Hara and Mre. J. Tynan left Sunday night for a visit of about a month in Akron and other Ohio towns. While in Akron the will attend thP weddinf, of their sit ter, Miss Jessie Heffernan. A. P. Keil of Denver has secure I i a position with the Newberry Com pany and has moved here with hi-, family. They will live at the Tyna home on Laramie avenue until hfn lynan, who is Mrs. Keil's sister, r turns from the east ' I The degree work being arrange for by the K. C. to take place nex I Sunday will be postponed until later date on account of the restric I tuns of the board of health in r. gard to public gatherings. They ex pect a great many out of towi members to be in attendance wh' might not be able to produce the le quired certificate of vaccination. Trade at Denton's Banner Varie ' ty Store. Rider-Johnson Miss May It Johnson, of Los An geUs, and Charley D. Rider, of Al I lance, were married In Denver oi Tuesday, May 20th. Mr. Rider U a well known Burlington conducto? and his many friends will learn o his marriage with pleasure. It i the culmination of a romance th started when Mr. Rider went to Lo Angeles some time ago to recove hla health It Is said that Miss John I n was his nurse and that their as s-)rWtion gradually ripened into . higher regard, resulting In their mar tlage in Denver. They will mak their home In Alliance after th honey moon. Spencer Mahoney Miss Beatrice Spencer, daughter f Mi and Mre. I. E. Spencer, of Vliiance and Mr Wm. J. Mahoney, i popular Burlington fireman, were narrieil at Holy Rosary church Tues lay morning. Father Donnelly officl itlng. After ; rccption at the home of the briies parents the happy couple left on the noou train for a ioncymoon trip which will take in leaver and Kansas points. They visit, the groom's parents at 'lankato, Kansas, before returning o Alliance, where they will make 'heir home. FOB SALE RUSSIAN FLAX SEED I have 600 bu. scd left that 1 vlll take $1 So per bu. (buyer furn-Jh-is sacks) for FO.B. Dalton, Xebr. This eed is clennid here and Is as o. d j you get from seed homes Viife J. L. Hooch, Dalton, Nebr. dt -24-2t;n79. Quarantine is being raised The Social Functions will soon begin . . . Our Sale is Now On Below is a brief mention of a few of our many bargains IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE A Pair if fliniilai A oVtfiy Straw Ai Arrow Shift Quarantine is Off e and our shoe stock is in a healthy condition As shows, churches and all public places will be open and things go along as usual, no doubt some member of the family will need shoes. We will be pleased to show you the best line of Ladies', Misses', Children's, Men's and Boys' Shoes and Oxfords in this vicinity ft VJMF at tut iftttr kat It it a Cii One-Half Former Price Millinery Sale ONE-HALF OFF $10 hat . $5.00 Hat 4.50 H Hat . . 4.00 7 Mat . 3 50 6 flat . . 3.00 ISO MS TO rttOOSI f rom SAYS O THE ALLIANCE SHOE STORE Suit and Coat Sale lav is q lino. List ttnd so are ' hre )nt huh lhv f. Hl KHie 1 to bi found, tv tlf U riqv, tin tl js I M )1 M i, ri.tt Ad UO an I $27 50 suits for $18 S25 an $?2 51 suits for $15 $20 anj $18 mti for $12.50 121 SO and $25 coats for every mi if a yeung woman at $15 (If in $16.50 coats at $1150 Aid i M lot of coats for $10 HARPER'S HUMES' TOGGERY