rv AIT .. 1 s 1 a - . . .' a . x Aln SLR2KF '4 The following "Want Ada" arc classified under appropriate heading 'or the convenience ot readers. CASH RATES One cent per o.-d each Insertion. No ad received or lesa than ten centa per inser tion. Black face double rata. CREDIT RATES One cent per wotd each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five centa and no ad charged for less than fifteen centa per week. lack face double rate. Ir answering Herald want ads pleaae mention that you saw it In this paper. A classified advertisement will in troduce to each other the next buy er end the next seller of property In this town. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANT TO BELL i 1 1 my farms and ranches. Several business and residence properties. Only small payments required. Some exchange considered. lxok into this. V. W. Norton, Alliance 199306tf Trees, Trees, Trees, Trees grown right here In Alliance. Come and nnikc your selection and have them planted where you want them on short notice. Corner Mis souri avenue and Fifth street. Advt. 18tf204:! K. V. Ray. f HIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE 3 Im GENERAL OFFICES iZW YORK AND CHICAGC BLANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES ABSTRACTERS J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books In Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. 10 tf 570 RORFEIX Improved Box Butie County farms for rent. J. C. McCorkle. McCorkle block. 1950-15tf FOR SALE OR RENT. Seven room house. Good outbuildings. Barn for four horses. House for automo bile. J. B. DENTON. Advertisement 5tf 1772 FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms for light housekeeping, to couple with no children. Phone Black 196. 1942-10-tf JrVNTDJTONJ YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE want to rent two furnished rooms in mod ern, private home. References if desired. Phone 340. 15tf FOR SALE All kinds of feed. In any quantity desired, at E. I. Gregg & Son's. Phone 155. 29-tf-1342 FOR SALE A bargain, ir taken at once. My 8 room residence, 720 Platte .Ave. Phone 184 2048-18-tf J. J. VANCE. O'Keefe Bros., Real Estate, Rum or Blk. 1908-12tf HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED. Good experienced woman cook, wages $10 per week; also, good experienced dining room girls, wages $7 per w eek. MRS. 9CHWENDER, Restaurant, Bridgeport, Nebr. Advertisement 14tfl959 WANTED Solicitors of ability and energy to present a newspaper prop osition of unusual merit; travel Ne braska; good money; must furnish references. Address Farmer and Rancher, Hemingford, Nebr. Advt-MtflMl HELP WANTED. Middle aged woman or girl wanted for housekeep er In small family. Call at The Herald office. 2083-19-tf Box Butte County farm to trade (or city property. J. C. McCorkle, McCorkle block. 1980-I5tf GOOD IRRIGATED FARM TO TRADE for town property that can be rented. J. O. BABCOCK, Wyn oote, Wyo. 22-2-21.'!G LOST AND FOUND WATCH LOST Gold hunting case watch lost south of Alliance on Saturday. April 26th. Three hands Black silk fob attached. Reward for return to Herald o'fice. 21K.-2l-tf MISCELLANEOUS Money to loan on real estate. F. J. Reddish. 3tf Get your shoes repaired at M. D. Nichols"' shop, tl?ti Box Butte Ave. Nithlng but first class work turned out. We use the Champion Repair Machine. Prompt work. Advt 15tfl!)76 PAINE FISHBURN GRANITE CO. Grand Island, Nebr. Make the best monuments and will save you money. Call on AL. WIK ER, local salesman of Alliance, or send to Grand Island for price list. For nice clean Niggerhcad Lump aud Nut, and Eastern Hard nut coal, phone to No. It. Dierlc Lumber & Coal Company. L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office In First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office, 362; residence, 16. Prescriptions to drug store or medi cines furnished from office, if pre ferred. 50tf-1608 Advertisement REGISTERED PERCHERON STAL LION for sale. Seven years old. J. C McCorkle, McCorkle block. li80-15tf RANCH FOR RENT. My ranch of 3,e00 acres, southeast of Alliance, and recently occupied by Mr. Schtll, Is for rent. W. W. NORTON. Advt. 2034-17-tf. FOR SALE. Five room house and lot 6, block 8, Hill's Addition to Al liance. Bargain for cash. J. J Skinner, Proctor, Logan County, Col- orado. 20B8-19tf RIDING HORSE FOR SALE. Thoroughbred riding horse weighing about 900 pounds. In good shape. Fine appearance. Inquire at The Herald office. 2"96-20tf FOR SALE. A folding bed. 603 Laramie Ave. MRS. GEO FERN ALD. Advt 21tf2U8 J FOR SALE Buff Orpington eggs mm f 14 Human's No pnone. r. - CHRISTIAN MATZ Advt 18-12t-266 FOR SALE Indian Runner Duck efegs $1.00 per setting of 13. MRS C M. LOTSPE1CH, Hemraford, Neb. Advt 20-6-2108 New four-room house and 2 lots in Belmont addition for sale. Good outbuildings Including carpenter shop ' 16x36. Well 8 h.p gasoline engine and other carpenter's machinery, fc. R. Slv, Phone 719. 2137-22-tf Addition l Typewriters Slightly used and rebuilt typewrit ers of all makes for sale or rent. We will clean and repair your ma chine for a reasonable charge Lver typewriter, in order to make it wear its allotted leugth of time, should be .. i.-.i ..... '..in ..i iiiorou-liiy every kx mouths Phone 34i or call at The Herald office. 2133-22-tf EXPERT PIANO TUNER. W. H. Lunn, expert piano tuner, will be in Alliance during Orkin Brothers' spec ial piano aie. Ieave orders for tuning a: the piano store. Phone 352. . Adv 12tfl907 Don't Forget To Be at. Crawford, $ $ Nebr., June 26 27-SS-1913 $ $ Curtis Best and Gooch's Best flour at E. L Gregg & Son's. Every sack cuaranteed. Phone 155. 29-t 1-1342 NOTICE 1 will be no longer responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Sophia Weinel. PETER WEIXEL, Alliance, Nebr. VEGETABLE PLANTS in season, tomato, cabbage, sweet potato, cau liflower, pepper, celery, wage, etc. Phone 682 or 435. E. W. RAY. Advt. 17tf-2033 Best Medicine for Colds When a druggist leeommends a remedy for colds, throat and lung troubles, you may feel sure that he knows what he Is talking about. C. Lower, Druggist, of Marion, Ohio, writes of Dr. King's New Discovery, "I know Dr. King's New. Discovery is the best throat and lung medicine 1 sell. It cured my wife of a severe bronchial cold after all other reme dies failed " It will do the sume for you if you are suffering with a cold or any bronchial, throat or lung cough. Keep a. bottle on hand all the tii i for everyone In the family to us It la a home doctor. Price 50c Ml' M.00. Guaranteed by F. E. Holste-i. Advert i n -nt 2l-5t-2oi5 You mi get your worn-out carpet made In 0 beautiful durable rugs. Wrke I ht LINCOLN RI G FACTORY, Lincoln. Nebraska, for Illustrated folder. 2088-20-4t Apples $1.25 per Box All good, sound western apples. Several varieties to select from. hife they last at $1.25 per box. PbOBO No. 9. O'HAXNON' BROS. Advt 22tf2142 Thorcughbred riding or driving pony for sale cheap - Phone .".40. -173-24-tf City property fcr sale and rent. Fhrnt 4'7. X A. Kirk. 2172 24-tf Big, new slock of aluminum kitch tn utensils Easy to keep dtaii and light to handle. At Denton's -Banner Vareity Store. IT P A Y TO ADVERTISE Wonderful Skin Salve Bucklen's Arnica Salve Is known everywhere as the best remedy made for all diseases of the skin, and al so for burns, bruises and bolls.. Re duces inflammation1 and is soothing and healing. J. T. Sossaman, pub lisher of NEWS, of Cornelius, N.C.. writes that one box fcelped his seri ous skin ailment after other remedies failed. Only 25c. Recommended by Fred E. Holsten. Advertisement 21-5t-2015 Rowan ft Wright, coal, wood and posts Phone 71. tf LAND WANTED FOR SALE WANTED. Everybody who wishes to sell their land to list it with me. Quick sales and small profits Is my motto. A square deal for everybody guaranteed. 8ee me for business. B. L. WESTOVER, Bingham, Nebr. 2060-19-ftt Ambulance Service Calls answer ed day and night. Phone 8, 139, 621. Advt tisstm FLORAL PIECES FOR FUNER ALS ma iif up on short notice. Cut flowers at all times. Will rent pot ted plants for all occasions. E. W. RAY. 20tf2086 NOTICE This wail notify all concerned that on and after this date, April 24, 1913, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Mary F. Hodges, she having left my bed and board. A. J. HODGES. Whitman, Nebraska. 2104-20-4 Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright. Phone 71. tf Found a Cart- la :' imu'lsm. "1 suffered with rhsni Milan for two years and could not go; : right hand to my mouth for that MBg I n;u ," write Lea L Chapman, Mapi - i I "v:i. "I suffered terrible pain so 1 con i not sleep or lie still at night. Five yean ''go I began lining Chamberlain's Liniment sad in two months I wai well and have not fullered with rheu matism since." For cala ly all dealers. Advertisement. Fcr sale by F. E. Holsten. All seasor.ab'e Cl'T FLOWERS and POTTED PLANTS. Special prepara tions for DECORATION DAY. Prices by return Mail. S'erliim Greenhous es and Gardens, Sterling, Colo. Advt 2.!.!t-2151 FUniGATING All work carefully done and in accordance with Nebraska state laws. QEORQE D. DARLINQ i Office Supplies By pun basing your typewriter rib bona, typewriter paper, carbon paper and other office supplies at The Her ald office you get the benefit of years of experience In this business. We can advise you intelligently. Our prices are right and only goods of the best quality nre hundled. We s'll blank hooks and office systems. Will Install complete office outfits If desired. We handle the Irvlng-Pltt line of blank books, binders, etc., the largest manufacturers in the UnlUHl States. We will design of fice forms. Phone 340 or call at The Herald office. 2133-22-tf See Oeo. D. Darling for your needs in shades, wood poles, exten sion rods, stair rods, atair corners, molding hooka, picture nails, linoleum edging and binding, tacks and tack hammers. Advt 2l25tf21 Notice to Homesteaders Homesteaders in the south half of Box Butte and Sheridan counties and the north part of Morrill and Garden counties are requested to call at The Herald office, or write ua, before giving notice of their Intention to make final proof. An experienced man will make out your papers free of charge and guarantee them to be correct. Readers of 4his paper who have neighbors that expect to make finaJ proof the coming summer are requested to call their attention to this request, as It may otherwise es cape their notice. Constipation Cured Dr. King's New Life Pills will re lieve constipation promptly and get your bowels In healthy condition a gain. John Supslc, of Sanbury. Pa., says: "They are the best piljs I ev er used, and I advise everyone to use them for constipation, indigestion and liver complaint." Will help you. Price twenty-five cents. Recommended by Fred E. Holsten Advertisement 21-5t-2015 FOR RENT Vacuum Cleaner and reliable man to operate It. Phone L89, Geo. D. Darling. Advt Z126cfJl JUNE 26-27-28-1913 The Biggest I days that Craw ford, Dawes County, Nebraska, has ever known. Write Arab L. Hungerford of Craw ford for complete particulars. It may mean Thousands of Dollars to you. Glassware at Denton's Banner Va riety Store. For the Weak and Nerfou Tired-out, weak, nervous men and women would feel ambitious, ener getic, full of life and always have a good -appetite, if they would do the sensible thing for health take E lectrlc Hitters Nothing better for the stomach, liver or kidneys. Thous ands say they owe their lives to this wonderful home remedy. Mrs. O. Rhiuevault, of Vestal Center, N.Y.. says: "I regard Electrcl Bittera aa one of the greatest of gifts. I can never forget what it has done for me." Get a bottle yourself and see what a difference It will make in your health. Only 50c and $1.00. Recommended by Fred E. Holsten. .Adxertlaement 21-5t-201o Hat, ccat and suit sale at Harper's. LOANS $200,000 to lean on improved farm land, also on patented Klnkalds. Call or write E T. KIBBLE. Advt 23 It 2148 Ready for Business I have returned to Alliance after an abteuce of two years and am again ready to do all kinds of cement work. People here know what kiud of work I do. Orders may be left at The Herald office. JOHN PBDBHSON Advt 2:!tf2147 For Sale One Shire Stallion, weight I45u '.bit., 8 years old and broke tingle uud double. Will trade fer cattle, draft colts or good mare in foal. Deal must be closed this mcnth. Price $175.00 Inquire at H. P. Course - barn or F B. raoiuas. Alliance, Nebr Adrvt 234f2151 Flowers for Decoration Day. Pansies, Geraniums and all kinds of bedding plants at Mrs Zehrung' shop. Adv 23-2t Commissioners Proceedings Alliance, Nebr., May 20th. 191,!. The HOARD OF COUNTY COM MISSIONERS met pennant to the call of the Clerk. Officers present S. C. Reck, Chalrn..ui; and C. I,. Il.ishman. The claim of County Superiuti nd ent In the amount of $100.00, for County appropriation for Junlcr Nor- ''. as per Chapter 51, Article i :, ; c ouoeys statutes 111 1 . was alh y I, and the Clerk ordered to draw i in ant for same. The C unty Treasurer was order . 1 to ti : -fer ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS fn to the Bridge Fund to the General Fund. The Road petition signed by Frank Vaugns, et al, asking thai a public read be laid out commencing at the southeast corner of section thirteen (IS), between section thirteen (18) and twenty.fur (34) In township twentyslx 2ti), North range forty (inht (48), W., thence west on a Hon line to the south-west aensr of I SOt Ion eighteen (18), In township ttwtnty-tlx (26), North range forty ninn (49), W. between sections eighteen (18), and nlnete?n (1J), In townsfblp twenty-six (26), North range forty-nine (49) West, was approved and deposit waived. There being nothing further to come before the Board at this time they adjourned, (o the call of the Clerk. M. S. HARGRAVES, Clerk. .l AQI F K VINniHATFn lurln h" M""rh " rould hv OLrlULL 13 f IHUlun I LU i be . n heard artto In any part of the (Continued from First Page.) SECURES PATENT ON HARNE8S BUCKLE E. C. Drake, vice president of The Herald Publishing Conmanv whn ij of an inventive turn it mlml WoI. neday morning received notice that lie nail been allowed a patent on an improved form of harness buckle. The technical description of the buckle Is as follows: 1,061,956. HARNESS BUOKtJB. Enunett C. Drake and Ellsha S. Brown. Blockton, Iowa Filed June 12. 1911. Serial No. 6:12.702. (CI 24 174.) A harnevs buckle. designer! for use with straps having holes therein, comprising a central buckle member constructed with parallel S shaped side, integral end members tonne, t ing said sides, two end buckle m. m her each comprising: parallel sides, the ends of which are curved at ob tuse angles to the main bodies (here of, an end member connecting said sides at one end thereof, a lug on said end member extending at riitht angles from the plane In which the main portion of said e.d buckle mum ber lies, a crow member connecting said sides near the middle thereor, a second end member eonnectlng hald curved ends, said end buckle mem bers being designed to be detacha bly mounted on opposite ends of said central buckle member, with the end of the central bu -kle men ber re cieved between the croes member of the eud buckle member and Hie end member thereof beaut y the lug, said eud bu kle members being ar ranged with their curved ends away frc m the lentral buckle member in opptslte directions. Mr Drake has already received a couple of ..ffers for his patent IT PAY8 TO ADVERTISE wood regarding their business rela Hons, that he knew mistakes were made on the bookx and Dr. Hell wood knew It and that Dr. Hellwood made many mistakes himself. And that they had talked about checking up the books but thnt no complete check of the books had ever been made by them. That Dr. Hellwood wanted him tto tniy out Dr Hellwood for $,00o and that he refused to do so. Dr. Slagle staled that he camo to Htay three numths and that Dr. Bell wood kept him after that time. That he collected and (mid bills. That ho made some of the entries In the bucks and that Mt Hullock and Dr. Hellwood also did the same thing. That they all foritot things and made mistakes. That Dr. Mtwood trii d to make him situi an agiiemeiit to leave town within twenty-four hours after he came Imck fron the east and thnt. he refused to do so. That he made a full and complete settlement for $1664), the receipt for which was shown to the court and and that he thought that set tled (he matter. That his cancelled checks, which he had kept In hte desk, were missing and that they would show what the money was paid out for. That there was no secrecy whatever about the books, that they were kept In both his of fice and Dr. Bellwood'a, and were never locked up. Dr. Slagle was cross examined rel atle to the handwriting on the books. He testified he had made some of the entries, others he was unable to state. Some of them were Dr. Bellwood'a and some were Miss Bul lock's. Misa Edna Bullock ' Miss Edna Bullock was the best witness for the defense and told a straightforward account ot the differ ent transactions. She testified she had done most of the bookkeeping and that there were many mistakes on the books; that Dr. Bellwood told her at one time that If the books were checked up Dr. Slagle would owe him $1,000. No complete check was made of the books at any time. That people would come In. compialn about their bills, teaying they had paid them and that they would all get together and try to straighten It out. That they all talk ed about the mistakes on the books and that she, as well hh the others, neglected to make many entries ahe was told of. Sometimes the books were not fixed up for days, perhaps a week. That all were in Dr. Bell wood's own office. That she left Dr. Bellwood'a employ because he wanted her to tell everyone who came to the office that Dr. Slagle was a thief. Her evidence created a profound impression on the court, U appeared E II Boyd was railed ns the next witness. He was followed by Bd BrettQM. who gave e id snot from notes taken during the grand Jury session la-t spring. He was clerk of the grand Jury. Fred Blair was called as a wit nets. Dr. Bellwood was recalled to the stand and asked regarding the tes timony of Mvst-rs. Newberry, Hamp ton and Tash and as to whether or not thrse men told the truth. He said they were mlsfaken. The dt feiulan t rested. Arguments by Counsel Last evening was devoted to argu ment by tfe counsel on both sidej. Not In many years haa so large a crowd filled the court room in the Box Butte county court house. Nor so much oratory been poured forth I for the benfelt of one man Judge Gregory Zurn. He gave both lsdes am ple opportunity :o render nil the e41 dence they desired and paitaJjU' gae an impartial hearing. Mr. Burton's Speech County A'!orney Burton was at h'.s btst. With flashing eye and a I volte full of amotion he ' reviewed the evidence fram atar; to finish ' He had the difficult t.'.sk cf prose joutlrs a man against whom the evl- d'.ntt did nc: 3how r-riminal inte.r ; but he did h.3 best and no one can act use him of not doing his duty. 1 sta.ed that very ft a casos came Uv In court here in wh :h to ngBJH friends or the" partir.t o mrer.it d were involved He read frc m the Nebraska law denning robe 4cm en I and larceny. He claimed that IS different counts Sgau t the defend ant were at ml. :J and that Dr. Sla gle admitted his cn handwrtlng t.n many entriee. E. H. BoyO I H. Boyd spoke first for the de-' fense. He quoted law frc.in ten dlf- I rerent it.w dooks and made a very clear and concise statement of his view tr the la.w in the caae. He showed that thre must hive been a criminal Intent and that in this caae Dr. Slagle had not refused to settle and neither had he altered or attempted to c on eal the books. He showed that the books did no. show how mu?h Dr. Slagle owed and that the $16f0 paid was merely a guess at it and all that Dr. Bellwood asked in Be.tlemeiit Mr Boyd'a fxdnts, summed up, were that the ccurt rnu.-i bellvee there was evi dence to prove Dr. Slagle guilty be fore binding him over, that there nev er was a settlement, that the books were not reliable, that Dr Bellwood was the most careless of all, that there was no criminal latent on Dr. Slagle's part, that Slagle'- desk was never locked, that Dr. Slagle gave cheeks for expenses and gave re- ttpts ror money received, that the expert accountant only found a dlf feitnet of approximately $200, that Edna Bullock took on herself a large portion of blame for the mis takes, and that professional men are always poor business men and have the habit of keeping hooka very poorly. C. C. Barker C. C. Barker made one of the most eloquent appeals that we have ever heard before a tourt cf law He reviewed the aase and in an elo quent and masterly way presented the evidence shown for the consid eration or the court, showed how that i looked as hough an at mot was being made to drive Dr. Slagle 1 from the city aud how that It an- Jpeaied .i tli ugh Dr Slagle wa- the one uo wa oeiiig siuneu against room, so Intently Interested was th audience, court nnd officials. At one time he was Interrupted l.y a round of applause when the audience, for getting where they were, gave vent to their feeling. He revlwed th testimony cr the different witneises ror the state nnd brought oirt tho flaws In their testimony. Judge Berry Judge L A. Berry reviewed the case for the defense, emphasizing the arguments presented and bring ing ml new points. He stated that In his opinion this case should nev er have been brought. At the close t,1 Burton's next ar gument. Judge Zurn asked Dr. Sla gle to stand on hla feet, and amid an Impressive alienee he said, "Dr. Slagle, I find you not guilty." T. P. A. DEP'T POST M. ALLIANCE, NEBR. Officers I. C. Strert. PrtlMttt. Frank HtrUii. Vic frtiMeai lata N. Nitrat. Setrtttrf Trtmrtr dun St. I. Wan, Ctoptohi. C. E. Static. M. 0 , rUrtlelM. Dlrscun s W. TtsapMa, I. C. Itrry. C. 1. total. I. C. RMMkatif. W. MMatar. CtmlttHs: Iftlslatara, C. Mrs karri. liHrtoJ, C. 0 lat lay Pram Itoti C. TtaRtat; Matal. Josash f. o'Ceaatr. tm atetattal, C J. VaoJavar, tsta Rata! ata funic UttmiM. haa Rttiart. Poet M helped handsomely by do nating the sum of six dollars to tho Omaha sufferers. Members of thie post should all get a copy of the sou venir edition of the Omaha Trad Exhibit which were purchased by this post and which can be secured at The Herald office. You may talk of the knight of loot; ago The knight of the days that aro o'er. And laud him for valcr and victory won. And mourn that he Is now- no more. Hut what will you say for the knight of today. The laushing knight of the grip, As he shoulders hia load, then out on the road. Away on a lengthy trip. 'Tie strength It takes and a stead- far,t will, To grope through the clouds to the light. When a loved one's face Is lifted through tears To be kissed good-bye and good night. But onward he goes, mastering hla woes. And leaving within hla wake, Stronger conviction of joy in tho world For those who care to partake. Then shout hurrah ror the knight of today, . With helmet or sunlight and breast p ate of smiles, That lengthen from cubits on On into miles. When entleth his Journey of life la the world And t'arcth he forth to the man sion above, .May tha good anjjel smilingly cen the gnte, And ii-i: r h-ni Into the portals of" 1 jve. Kl MAKE YOUR Headquarters AT THE DRAKE HOTEL I BYStBBf in u 1 gtajrflNC'brMktt. Exct-lhnt misiie. .itni.'iti LhroOffhOlit. Free bu. Ozl "2"ctjlx Xiip take witl. ou a box of good and a late CcLgTSLZalrLe (Jet them ut up-town news stand or at dejiot Driller Bios. Hemingford Hotel Rernodled and in tine shape. Moderate rates and Excellent service. Experienced manage ment. Give us a trial. Mr. Mrs. 1 f. KaigM Haanaitaf. Make. Take your meals at the Alliance Cafe liigli t lass Looking Reasonable rates Open day and night AtWMM ti-oat Depot