POST OFFICE DIRECTORY on and Mall Close Going East For Train No. 44, 11 a. m. For Train No. 4S. 11 p m wk days; 6 p. m. Sunday holldaya. Mall Clot Going Wcat For Train No. 43, 12:20 p. m. For Train No. 41. 11 p. m. woek dayx; 6 p. m. Sundays and holidays. Malta Close Going South For Train No. 303, 12:20 p. m For Train No. 301. 11 p. m. weok days; 6 p. ro. Sundays and holidays. There la more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years wm supposed to be Incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local dta- ee and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It incur able. Sclenco has proven catarrh to be a constitutional (Usoae. and therefore requlrea constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man ufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on the market. It Is tak en Internally In doses from 10 drop to a teoapoonful. It acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaoea of the system They offer one hundred dollar for any case .it falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Adrass: F. J. CHENKY & CO., Tol do, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 76c. Take Hall s Family I'llle for con stlpatlon. Advert laemetut May 1-29 Cough Medicine fbr Children. Too much care oonnot be ueed in selecting a cough medicine for children. It should be pleasant to take, contain no harmful sub lance and be most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets these requirement end is a favorite with the mothers of voting children everywhere. For sale by all Dea lers. Advertisement For sale by F. E. Holttten. W00DR0W WILSON The Story of His Life From the Cradle to the White House By WILLIAM BAYARD HALE Copyright, nil, 1912, by Doubleday, Pace Co. Tim absnrd man the one who am r changes. Take our advice when you have a cough or a sold and try Mica's Cough BaltsBL There i nothing more soot l.inir. u it hing that wil I bring great r relief. Con tains no harmful ingredient, t'sed for many years with satisfaction and success. Vs., 50c. and f 1.00 ixittlos. NEW LAWS OF NEBRASKA Relieve External and Internal Pain. Heale Bruises, draws the Ache fram StiH ar Rheumatic Muscles. Taken In Mat Water Stops Cramps, Calie, Diarrhoea, and similar affections. There's ey ewe PaJafcfffar Perry OeWe'. IS, IS and SOe. SeMles. BRENNANS CORNER Opal Fountain Best Luncheonettes Hot and Cold Drinks Ssived by an Experienced Man 1 The prime thing Is that be ts real real oil through, from top to lottoin. There Isn't a aham anywhere In his neighborhood. His mind is constitu tionally Incapable of tolerating unreal ity. It revolts against it like n unit seated stomach. He Is chockful of en ergy, lie likes action hugely, though he did remark at the end of one exclt lag day. "After all, life doesn't consist la eternally running to a fire." Con versation with him la a delight Ria talk is rich in allusion, illustrated from broad personal acquaintance, marked by a wide ranging sweep of Interest and thought. It ought to be mentioned that Mr. Wilson's family consists of his wife and three daughters Margaret. Jessie and Eleanor. New Jersey having no residence for Its executive head, the governor continued to reside at Prince ton, In n pretty house on a quiet street. Wood row Wilson is an Indefatigable worker, used to long boura at tbe desk. During bis first year in office he amnr. ed the statehotise. It was bad enough In tbe spring, but worse when sum mer came, and the governor was still The Pureist and Most Delicious Home Made Candies Our Own Candy-Maker Makes Them Daily Already the most popular 1 i n e of candy in the city f-SKuiHSSanMflSitS'SBBBarABflBBBlBSI speaks as be writes with a trained and skillful handling of tbe resources of the language, a surenes. an accu racy, n power und a delicacy surpass ing anything ever before heard on the political platform in America, it was felt by some of his friends that Mr. I Wilson's classical habit of language would militate against his success as a politician. The first appearance of the candidate for the Jersey governorship dissipated these doubts. Mr. Wilson knew bow to talk to tbe people, knew how to win them. He changed his manner very little, never stooping, as If he had to, to make the people under stand. No matter where or before what sort of audience be spoke, his speeches were on a high plane, but they were so clear, so definite, that every man understood and wondered why he had not thought of that him self. Woodrow Wilson, ia not only the most Intellectual speaker that this generation has seen on tbe stump; he is tbe moat engaging. A friendly smile Is almost always on his face always In beglnnlug. at any rate. Ills words come with vigor, but with a gentle good nature, too not a good natured tolerance of tbe Ills be Is op posing, but a good natured coutldonce that they will soon be overthrown. A serene faith In the outcome is one or! the characteristics of Wilson's attitude He is an optimist, und his speeches have the Invigorating charm and now er of a call to Join an army wlticb is marching to glorious and certain vic tory. Mr. Wilson is a great story teller. In privute be keeps his friends In hours-long gales of laughter. He use simple words and strong words, but seldom slang. He loves nonsense verso and lliuericka and often reels them off while he is getting acquaint ed with his audience, for be talks with nu uudieuce. not to it Mr. Wil son, us baa been said, has a strongly Individual face. Some people would call him homely. He was under no il lusion ubout that matter himself. He told the people during his campaign for tbe governorship that they might as well prepare themselves for a busy 1 governor, for the Lord never Inteudedt him to be orns mental. "Yes." he re marked once: "For beaut)- 1 am not a star; There are others handsomer, far. But my face I don't mind It. For 1 am behind It; "P the people In front that I Jar." He speaks without notes. His voice Is full, rich and fur carrying He ges tures freely. His utterance Mows easily Photo m by American Proas Association. Mrs. Wilson and Her Sundial. to be found during the hottest weather constantly tit the capltol in the burn ing city. I'assersby on the street caught glimpses of the governor in his 1 in clean cut channels and gees home t shirt sleeves working hurd away Into cleur, strong sentences. He Is a mast the night. of stutenieut. His brain wrorks us It It This liloirrnnliv has found no time to bad tieeu taken out. cleaned and oiled A Matter of Choice If you want a cur iosity, buy a Fly ing Machine. If you want Reliability, have your PHOTO taken at the : : Alliance Art Studio 114 E. 4th St. Phone 111 WM. MANNING All kinds of Scavenger Work Bonded by the City PHONE 67 O. H. MOON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER dwell, us it would have liked to dwell, on many of the enlnrglng and enrich ing though iindrainatic events of the scholar's life on holidays In Kurope. on the preparation for tbe writing of books such as tbe "life of George Waslilngtou" tttttl the monumental "History of the American People." It could not tell of the happiness ot bis family fe. It has not hinted st his shyness that love of retirement. Inherited with the strain of his moth er s blood, which buu to oe overcome with ngoultlng before he could commit himself to the put h of public life. It has not told of his passion for crowds, of his fondest habit the steal- lug off sotuewltere to move uukuown among big throngs and to drink In In silence the sense of human striving; to look into the faces of multitudes and listen to their voices, one to another; to feel the heartbeat of men as they go about life's business or Its pleasures. It ia a rare and an arresting combi nation of traits that this man presents. Perhaps nothing sums It up more viv idly than this be rends Creek nnd be writes shorthand. That was one of tbe first tilings that amazed the people at Treuton. tbe eld Umers who deemed themselves the only "practical" polltf clans. But every duy Isr a year wai a further amaxeuteut to them They found In this atrange uewexmer a aiai who didn't believe that a good cause was rendered auy less likely to sue ceed by tbe employment In Ita beuall of tbe carnal weapons of practicul pol UK's, a man who said. "Eveu a re former need not be a fool." A new era was ushered In when this quiet geutletuau who had Just emerged from the delectable groves of I'rluee tor's academy, bis garments odorous with the vapor of I'aruassus. his lip: wet with the waters of Helicon thU ioug haired bookworm of a professor who hud juat laid bis spectacles on In dtctlouary i-ame down to the Trentot statehouse aud "licked tbe gaug to a (rsaslfj" Of his manner of public spec-h some tliiug more ought to be told With tin adveut of Woodrow Wllaou on the p Any kind of Plans furnished. You arc invited to inspect my work. Satisfaction guaranteed llticul stage came a uew type of mai that day That he esjoys it is clear. A man- In tbe ami . e at Lake wood culled out. "Oh, yours only an amateur poitti eian!" "Yes ihat ts too baU. Isn't it? But 1 have teas satisfaction-a prof etwiouii I pluya lite game, you know, because It pays him. An amateur plays the game because he loves to play It. to wis it if be can by fair means in a fair held be fore tbe eyes of all men. I'm afraid I'm only ai. umuteur. But I'm having a moat interesting time of It" No one can listen to Woodrow Wll sou and see tbe emotions of the audi ences of earnest men who bang upon bis words without feeling that be Is witnessing tbe beginning of a political revolution and that Its prophet and captain stands before him. This is a uew language, but one for which tbe people have an Instinctive, pentecostal understanding. It Is surely an interesting prospect held out by this taking of the center of the stage of national polities by a man made up of tbe combination of qualities which Woodrow Wilaon pos sesses It Is tbe combination of the gentleman and scholar and tbe prac tical poliUclan. Imagine a atudent of government, one of tne most eminent that America has produced: a man of rich literary and ethical culture, of tbe fine fiber and mellow spirit that our ancient universities still occasionally shelter and develop; a man ef hn manlty. with n heart not unvisited by emotions, who is yet able to go Into the sordid battle of politics, face the mean knights'' like a Lancelot, keep his temper, crack his Joke and win. Imagine a type of culture in Its finest flower nnd then add io his endow ment tact, method, efficiency, a shrew d knowledge of men. a sense of humor, a passion for facts, a sest for con atrisPtlvs work nnd au inatluet for leadership nod yon liegln to get some thing like a picture of the remarkable man whose history, now but entered upon, tins biography hns so Inade quately narrated nnd whose ersoi)allty It baa so !nierfectly portrayed,. THE ENS Ship, 424 Miss. i BUU u ucn l i cr Wl ujruiur). All M ll . ... sou has long beeu known as au exqtii rilliHC, net! WU site master of English iroe. He Coal office at Rowan's feed stors. (OW AN t WRIGHT, phoae 71. tf H. R. 71. by Retan Requires in surance companies to pay plaintiff's attorneys feea in successful suits for recovery under life, accident, Indem nity, sickness of guaranty policy, amount to be fixed by trial Judge. Emergency. H. R. 850. by Scott Transfers col lection and publication of agricultural and farm labor statistics from labor bureau to board of agriculture. Emer gency. , H. R. 34, by Busch -Appropriates atate normal library fund to purchase of books and supplies for Peru nor- nial library. Emergency. H. R. 721. by Jeary Provides that elty of Lincoln and Ianeaster county may unite in purchase of site and con struction of a Joint Jail, Issuing S 1 00. 000 bonds therefore. H. R. 889. by the governor Author Ices the county board of any county, on vote Of a majority of thoae ex pressing an opinion on the question, to Issue bonds not to pxceed 5 per cent of the assessed valuation of fje county, or $1,000,000, to relieve des titute and needy sufferers from cy clones, tornadoes or destructive wind storms; the county to loan such funds for rebuilding and repair of homes; for particular application to the city f Omaha. Emergency. H. R. 214, by Potts Provides for coiifolldatlon of all delinquent taxer due prior to 1900. H S. 27. by Palmer and Hardin On petition of ten per cent of Ne braska members, officers of any fra htraal insurance association must sub mit to a referendum any proposed In crease in premiums or assessments. Emergency. H. It. 648, by McCarthy Appro priates $2,500 for a night school at the penitentiary. H. K. 221, by Jeary Creates board of mediation and investigation to pie vent and settle Industrial strikes and lock-outs. S. K. lit, by Dodge--Permits cities of 5.000-25,000 population, by three fifths vote of those voting on the ques tion., to issue not to exceed $35,000 bonds for public park purposes. Emergency. S. F. 11, by Wols lucreases maxi mum of bonds that may be issued bJ city of 5,000-25,000 population for con struction of heat or lighting plant (ron B to 10 per ceul of assessed valuation. Emergency. S. E. 4B6, by Mactarhi ud Increase coiiipeiisatiott of county commissioners in Douglas county from $2,100 to $2. 500 a year and In Lancaster couuty In m $1,800 to $2,100. S. f, .09. by Dodge itomhis mai discharged peuVtentiary convicts shall be given 710 a suit of. clothes, an overcoat and a Hlble. S. F. 34a, by Wolz- Permits city council to tlx rates for municipal wa ter and light plants by resolution as well as by ordinance, In clUes or 5,000 to 25,000 inhabitants. Emwgency. S. P. 144. h Klein Mini changes in details of eounty treasurers' cash books. S. F. St, by Hoagland of. Lincoln Puts it BP to purchaser of al estate to see to It that no actions affecting title thereto are pending, instead, of requiring. soUss to him. ri. F. 4. Il$f Cordeal A "blue aky" law. H. R. 3S0. by Losey Appropriates $5,000 for relief or Mary hi, Heilniau and daughter, whose husband and father w as killed in penitftuuai j out break. Euwergency. H. ft, MA, by Harris Allow cities of 1.000 tlWttt to use proceeds of sale of cemetaty lots ror Improvement of grounds. II h. ft, by Schuupp Provide that ceatitty treasurer, orlor to each annual town meeting, shall file. state ment of amount of nnouey spent In previous year and fund now ou haoid. H. R- 84, by code commission Pro vides tor Incorporation of Arthur tmiHftir nut of McWiersou county. i"; - Emergeucy. H. R. 40. by Simon Loau-sbarK bltl. Emergency. 3. F. 104, by Reynolds Provides that counties of from 7.SOO-8.000 popu lation shall give clerk ot the district court $400 In addition to fees. Bills Still in Hands of Governor. H. R. 883. by deficiencies committee The genertil deficiency bill, appro priating $162,000 for iail-1913. Haiar- erncV. H. R. 878, by the Bnanee committee - The general salaries bill, appro priating $902,000, ror 1913-1915. Emer gency. H R K73. by the claims committee The general claims bill, approprlst- . eda e - , f tug $2,000, for ISll-lSta. .." ' which was for advertising of proposed ..MtiiniimiMl amendments. Emer- . i enrV. H R. 874. by the finance committee The eenerul maintenance bill, appro priatlng $3.U0.49 for state Institu tions and deimttinenls. Emergency. H R 517. by HoffmeUter Makes It compulsory upon county boaid to call a meeting of school directors to MtablUh a county high school in any which has no twetfth grade u crhnnl accredited to the state univer sity. said high school to be located at i... rnmitv seat. it n 178. by Stearns Declares Irrl- e-ation works to be common carriers and places regulation ot rates, service ...h general affair of all Irrigation works save those of Irrigation dis tricts. under the direction of the state railway cotnmisslou. H R 273. by Pearson Approprlst i..r ttufMirt for oeiinaueut UimroTe ments st the Curtis agricultural school. H. R. 114. by Mallery Appropriat ing for the use of the state university ninety-three per cent of the annual mill levy, for maintenance only. Emergency. H. R. 217. by Norton Establishes the state intermediate reformatory and appropriates $150,000 for grounds and buildings for same. H. R. 423, by Norton Appropriating $5,000 for Investigation of the state's resources and for giving publicity to same. H. R. 274, by Gates Appropriates $4,000 for relief of Mrs. Roy Blunt, Whose husband was killed during pur suit of escaped convicts, and $3,500 for relief of Infant son. Emergency. H. R. 615, by Scott Appropriates $1,500 for the relief of Mrs. Anna Nlchels. whose son died during a na tional guard encampment. H. R. 168. by Baker Limits county attorneys' salaries in counties with lese then 1.0&0 to $300. fsrmerjy $400. (Con tin tied next week.) After any Sick n or Operation doctor prescribe SCOTT' EMULSION it contains th TtUd elements nature crave to repair waste, create purs I blood and build physical strength. No Alcohol or Opiate Scott ft Bownt. Btoomfleld. N. J. 12-13 Mrs. W. R. Harper left Monday for a visit with I fii nils at Lusk, Wyom ing. She will vUit on a ranch II mllea frcm Lusk and take a rest for a short time. W. T. Ager. state agent for the farm department of the Heme Insur ance Company, was in the city the first of the week conferring with Gray & Guthrie, local agents. True Economy . . . 1 1 means the wise spending of one's money making every dollar do full duty and getting in return aa article that will satisfy you ia every way. The v5L-inrir a AAA M ML s is a real bargain because it is sold at a popular price s because it gives you the kind of sewing you delight in; because it will turn out the work quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time of satisfactory services because its improvements will enable you to do things which can't be done on any other machine; because it will please you with its fine finish and beauty of its furniture. In short you will find the White reliable and essisl desirable from every point of view. Be sure to see the White dealer who will be glad to show you how good a machine the White is. If there is no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND, O. For sale by Geo. D. Darling isaswgsWtdaM Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass and White Blossom Sweet Clover Seed 25c and 50c per pound GARDEN HOSE, 9c per ft. up I m ii II II am ess i I ! I I II -I GARDEN RAKES AND HOES 35c, 40c and 45c each Newberry's Hardware Co. u m mi in 11 if ' BESS . if , m ww $ RIDER AGENTS WANTED IN BACH TOWN and district to ride and exhibit a sample Latest Model eangsr" oicycw rurnisneuuy us. uur lunar agents every wlirrr are maklntr money fast. Write fur full vorticuUirtandapecial afar at once. no MONEY EQUIHED unlit you r.vrtve and Hianove your tin i cle Yi- ship to anyone anywhere In the U s. wtthuut a cent drpuettla uva nee. jwrpay rreium. umm now n VMTI'rHBCTRUU.Uuri:il; which llrwyou may ride the Mcyrle and put It to any test you wi-.h If you ar then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to keep the be- L-ycie.snupH.oacK u us aiourexpenseaua ynt u'Ki imi oenutniMivnt ggPTAkTV DRIP17C We 'ornlsh the bUchesl trail.- bicycles it la raw law I rniUU possible to make at one small prt'tlt ahovn actual factory cost. You save tl0US!5mtddlemeu'spntltsby buy lncr direetof us and hare Lhemauufacturer'aauarantee behind yoiir blcyclH. DO NOT BUY a blcycleor a pair of tires from smhom a. any in tee until you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of factum pricei and mmarkablc ipecial uffti. YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED log iu snd study Mrsipvrti m.Nlskt the iienn lorn prtm w c fce rou this jr. WaMiUskulMt t,.o hat tMuMT tar a bierutaa (or less moeaf aat othw faotory. W. utUDsd with ai.w 7ir5T notary eoa. iwreu euuie, you can ssll oar UctcIm uiuhriw imiw plate atSeakta oar prtoss. Orlare ailed tha da laosivmi. ' no BWieua. m JO b l rsuilarljr bsa ls. SB.-ooa linri tlmi. aar oa aaa4 tataa la tfsla ey our Chlcaeo pstail stursa Tbai MM I KM DHaaCdf anJauuluiuent ot aU kiuisat KalJ the nvnlar nmM$rGmm'm 00 Hedeethorn Puncture-Proof $ M 8 o m-healing Tir twmhw retail prtct a tkem Is m w t tm ssWv V will aril yoal o ffiN ormwr mjxy, IA m IBColf lioalmrr T.roa A SAMPLE PAIR TO INTRODUCE, ONLY koitai.l wyrr yu-r. v ev NO MORE TIOIBLE FROM PUNCTURES Walls, Teaaaar Olsaa will aw lat tha air out. A hundred thousand pairs sold last year. nFVfiBIBTMM. Made In all siiea. It U lively and easy rldtiuf. very durable and lined Inside with a special quality of rubber, which never be eomea porous and which climes ud small punctures without allowliur air to escape. They welch no more thau an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being giveu by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric ou the tread. The regular price of thesti tires la flu ou per pair, but fur advertisius purposes we are maklug special factory price to the rider of only St 80 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter Is '. O. I 4 waSSSSSIWaSSSa 'Isifiieffmaijfl asPE'rfflsi B II mi ,mm . XiVaJ; ruDBertreaa " f", Stinet u re st ri M and T'B"jilao rim striV'M" to srevent rim cutting. Thia tir will outlast anv otki! cisfv ?rTiT' CUTIC ana received. We will shin O. O. f on approval. You do not need to pay aoeut until you examine and find them strictly as represented We will allow a cash discount of 5 per cent (Uieivliy inaklug the prtoe B4. you m FULL CASH WITH ORDER a semi 1 1 nf us an order aa the tires tun eatlafaclory -o esaatlaailoo. We ars perfsctiy a vmr 01 msss irm. you am una iumi isr- iuo any lira you aavaavar wed or atao Var';ii'aJaVV0i'iKs?a' W BVSaeSsaS erSS-a Funrmrv Proof llr.ouapnuval vrics cuoiaa anovs. or wrlla for our till lire caialoiu I. aiuus or tire, ana bicycle squiomaniana sundries i gg BfIT miAiT l" sriuaaapusiaa w w. ww www m ui tirrs rroBt aa per pair) if lltl f IICI Nl' III .. I. 1 1 H M I .lllmil V lie returned at OUBexuense Ifturmrn... i... . "f rauabia and mousy seal to us Is as sale m iuk , ,'. '' ' '"l sriu rius easier, rtiu raslar. wear better sat luer and l...s ? a. Brio. MrLuov that io. all! I-,..ii i. ' , .fV. V.a lo" seal you to send ties trial order at once. swucetUlsreniarkalitaiir.? J':"U '.'M r"tot a pair of Hi,;,L plrued tUst beu J t " Pe-ial Intr.jdu.-t.r; a. i 1 1 jstal saday SO WOT think ar auvinc yone until you kaus ins ma aud woodena ua dou't I ll and sundries at about balf ti e ii -usl prleas. -uaaes aad bicycle or i JteosUoalyanoetalt.) learuevrrylbiu. Write II atOW. .e -e are maa.a. J. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL.