These club pianos are worth $375 The Orkin Bros, club price Is $277.50. These instruments have been sold right here in western Nebraska and surround ing territory for years and years at $375. Hundreds are being sold now, everv .111 . 1 Y . I . & J montn, an over tne united Mates at $375. And they are worth $375. Measured by the standard of any other piano sold in the country for $375, they are worth $375. They are worth it on our floors or on the floors of any piano dealer in the country. The Orkin Bros, club price is $277.50. The price includes everything. There are no extras of any kind. Nothing to be ad ded for drayage, scarf, stool, in terest, or for the life assurance feature absolutely no extras. Two hundred and seventy-seven dollars and fifty cents is the price, and the price includes every thing even to 215 weeks' time in which to pay the $277.50. The club terms are easy $8.75 when you join, then $1.25 a week Husband "I bought you an Orkin Bros. Club Piano today-' Wife "Oh, you're a dear." Who should join the club 1st Young married folk should join the club. 2nd--Young couples ABOUT TO BE MARRIED should join the club. 3rd Young persons who are anxious to learn to play the piano, but who, through force of circumstances, will have to buy and pay for their own instruments. usic teachers who are just starting their profes sional career should join. 5th Societies, clubs, lodges and Sunday schools that have small stated incomesshould take advantage of the easy conditions of the club. These 100 pianos, which were bought expressly for this big club, will be sold, $8.75 cash, then $1.25 a week. The I 3 then Si Zd Privilege of exchange of Orkin Bros. Ciub Piano Privilege 1b given the purchaser to exchange Orkin Bros. CLUB PIANO (No ) within ONE YEAR from date. The exchange, If made, shall be made for any new piano eold by us of equal or greater value at the time exchange Is made, all payments made on the piano herein mentioned being placed to the credit of the price of the Instrument for which It Is oxchanged. (Signed) ORKIN BROTHERS made when you join the club is credited to your account, leaving $268.75 to be paid. cash No Interest to Pay I week The piano is delivered immediately. You do not have to wait until the club is filled. You get your piano when you join. The remainder ($268.75) is payable every week. Club members do not have to pay more than $1.25 a week. This gives them 215 weeks in which to pay for the piano, and still get it at the Club price of $277.50, as there are no extras to be paid for. The guarantee we give in writing on the Orkin Bros, club piano is as strong as words can make it Almost any piano can muster up a guarantee of some sort. Some pretty poor pianos sometimes are backed by fairly good guarantees, while on the other hand some mighty good pianos are handicapped by poor guarantees. But almost without exception, all guarantees are vague and misleading. There are a whole lot of "ifs" and "ands" in them. One guarantee will read, "If there is the presence of rust, it is an evidence that the piano has been exposed to dampness," etc. Another reads, "if the varnish crazes or checks it is due to climatic conditions over which we have no control," etc., and etc., and so on, through them all. It is "if" this and "if" that, un til a great host of piano guarantees means abso lutely nothing. The thing to do when buying a piano is, first, to look to the reliability of the house with which you are dealing and then to look at the reputation of the piano itself. With these 100 Orkin tiros, club t . i .1 nr pianos, we ourselves guarantee tnem. we are sponsors for them. . We have gotten up the strongest guarantee we know how to make. If the English language can make one stronger, we are willing to sign it. We have elim inated every "if" and every "doubt." The language of the guarantee is the spirit of it, which is to give each and every person who joins the Orkin Bros, piano club positive and absolute protection in his invtftmrnt, We print herewith a copy of the guarantee which is handed to each and every member, over the signature of Orkin Bros, the moment they join the club. Club members get a full year's trial Printed right across the face of the con tract is an agreement that gives to each and every club member the privilege of exchanging his club pi ano, at any time within one (1) year, without one penny's loss. It is just like this: You join the club you then, as a club member, be come entitled to all its advantages and privileges. Out- of these privileges is A year's trial of the piano. In other words the club member has one full year's time to fully satisfy himself as to. the character of the piano he is getting. Suppose that year's trial is not satisfactory what then ? Orkin Bros, club piano Five Year Guarantee We guarantee Orkin Bros. Club Piano (No ) to be froee from defective material or workman ship (or the period of five years from date. Should same arise with in that time, we agree to repair it or replace It if uecesaary with a new instrument without charge, upon Its return to us. Signed. ORKIN BROTHERS We will exchange the piano Th' club member can come to our store and make another selection. He can select a piano of equal grade or a better grade. Whatever money he h is paid, whether it is 140. $50, $60, 100 or whatever the amount, will be credited to the price of his new piano, and we will take the original club piano back without the loss of a single cent to him. The Crowning Idea of the Club the life Assurance feature if the signer of this contract should die during the life thereof, and all weekly payments have been paid when due, the remaining installments will be cancelled forthwith, and a receipt in full for the piano turned over to the family of the deceased." This is a simple statement without any frills that covers the whole storv. and it is made in writing, right in the face of the contract. We want this club to be co-operative and helpful to each and every mem ber in it. We want the saving to each and everv member to be the greatest possible. We want ev ery protection that we can think of to go to all its members. In short, we want this big deal, with which to inaugurate the naming of the Orkin Bros, club pi ano to be a standing advertisement for us as long as we are in business, ami this life assurance idea is its crowning feature. If the head of the family dies if the bread winner dies if the source of income is stopped by leath the piano is not lost to the family. The family does not have to work and worry to meet the remain ing payments. They are immediately cancelled and a clear "receipt in full" is given to the family. Isn't this a comforting and reassuring idea? Orkin Bros. player-piano club We have Inaugurated a player piano club in connection with our 100 piano club. The price of these player-pianos is $467.60 the terras are $17.50 the first payment and 2 dol lars a week without interest added. These player-pianos have never been sold for less than $660, with terms of $60 down and $16 a month, with interest added at the rate of 7 per cent. This is the first time, so far as our knowledge goes, that such trustworthy instruments have been offered for sale upon such popular terms as $17.60 the first payment and - dollars a week without inter est added. These Mayer pianos are standard 88-note players that is, these Club Flayer-pianos play every note on the piano when the musk- roll is in motion. We give you an uncondi tional guarantee wl.h these Club Player-plants. 1. The Player piano club will con sist of 60 members. 2. The Player piano for club mem bers i one of the best Player pianos on the market. 2. The Pluyer Usno club price Is $467 60. 4. The saving in price to each Player-piano club member Is $182.60. 5. The Playei piano club member has no interest to pay. 6. The terms to Player piano club members are $17.60 cash ami 2 dollars a week or, putting It in another way. Player-piano club members have 226 weeks in which to pay for their Player-piano 7. Each Playerpiano club member has the use for one year of 1,000 roll of music free. 8. Player-piano club members se cure the free use of the great Orkin Utah. Music Roll Library the largest Music Roll Li brary in Omaha . If a Player-piano club member die during' the life of his con tract we will immediately can cel all future payments and send a receipt in full to hie family for the instrument. Opposite Post'ffice Alliance, Nebr. rJ! t S3 ORKIN BROTHERS Kindly send me particulars about your Piano Club and your Player-piano Club Name Street andJNo City State