PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY FIRST IMPRESSIONS Kates: One-inch cards, 50 cents; two inch cards, $1.(X BRUCt: WILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Dr. Oliver McEuen Phycician and Surgeon Practitioner In civil courts since LtM 1 gi'ECl ALTIHS : Discuses of women and Register U. S. Jnnd office from 190.1 to 1907. Information by mall a 6po i ft H V Office in Land Office Building ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA BURTON & WESTOVER Attorneys at Law Land Attorneys atinnal Hunk Building PHONE 180 : NEBRASKA and chlldrer . and Genlto Urinary Or gan. All call answered promptly day or night HEMINOFORD NEBRASKA Office First ALLIANCE H. Mi BULLOCK ATTORNEY AT LAW ALLIANCE NEBRASKA F. 1YI. BROOMb Land Attorney Long experience as Receiver U. S. land office is a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Office In Opera House Block ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA WILLIAM MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT LAW HARRY P. CODRSEY LIVE STOCK ANO GENERAL .AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE PHONE f.l ALLIANCE NEBRASKA II. 1. 10. ITLEU Dentist PHONE 1fi7 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA ALLIANCE NEBRASKA DR. M. H. BELLWOOD, Surgeon C. B. 4 Q. Ry. Office over Holsten'a Drug Store DAY PHONE 87 NIGHT PHONE 86 Orie Coppernoll Res. Phone 20 F. J. Petersen Res. Phone 43 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block PHONE 43 GEO. J. HAND, Physician and Surgeon EYE. EAR, NOSE AND T! ! TiO AT H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 360. Res. Phone 342 Calls answered promptly day and night from office. Offices: Alliance National Bank building over the Post Office. PAULW. liOMAS INSTRUCTOR ON VIOLIN Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE PHONE 525 RED All electrical equipment. Gas admin istered. Evenings by appointment A. J. KENNEDY Dentist Office in Alliance National Bank Building over Post Office PHONE 391 G-eo. Gh 3-a.cLs"b37' LICENSED EMBALMER PHONE: Day 4HS Night 610 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA OF NEW YORK I nte testing Accoert of Trip of J Carl Toomas to Metropolis STOPPED OVER EN ROUTE V . Ill' CITY i i i ; i : ii r DRAY At Office Phone 260 Residence Phone 182 Wilson's new and second-hand store To thoi-i who have traveled much and arc sophisticated in the- ways of the gffgte atari I ho cxpei ( ii a of a trip to New York Is no; of iih iiiik Ii Interrrt as It Is to oao who line Hflf bc n east of his home win'.'. The fillowinf; leltcr from J. Carl Thorn s, who left for New York a few dnys ago to MtOT ihe M .gen thaler Linc,tyr.o fac.ory, was written to his relatives here, but it con'altn mui h Of inieivst to thOM who have never had th' opportunity of iakiug this intncsMn;; trip. Carl ha the faculty of noticing and renu inhering thin'.s of Interest. His account of the trip follows: N. Y. City, Apr. :I0, tilt, Iear Folks: Will try to write some of the tilings that I cm remember seeing. Omaha seems to have twice as many buildings as it had four years ago. I Walked from about 4;trd and i'.ir nam to 24th and Lake st reels the second day 1 was there. Didn't h.i time the rirst day. 1 think It paid for me to take my time on my trip a3 it c'Uln't cor : . "i r . ro end made no differ; nee here In New York. I m, t in old friend in Omaha and wanted to renew his (?) acquaint nnco, so stuyod another day. There wasn't, much to see in Iowa except at Burlington. Crossed the Mississippi at that place. In Gales burg, 111., there is a very fine Bur lington depot. Much better than most of them. It is about twice iib long -net quite aa the one In Alli ance and two Bfories high, but is built of brick. Got Into Clil.ugo about 9:00 p. m. I v .ilk .I up S :i!e fttrest and Dear born street and back to the depot. Saw the big stores. My trtiin left at 11 p. ni. Arrived in Dstrott about 8 a. m. Had three or four hour3 there. Wnlked around town awhile. The train I changed to at Detroit ran on to the ferry boat and we were floated across to Windsor, Canada. The time changes h re i pain. Wo traveled along tha south Shore of Lake St. Clajr nbout thirty miles. Ther3 is same very good COOlUry there. In Cinadn and some cf ;ho States I hid pasted' thru, most of the fence dividing the farms are mad? of loga rails and in Canada inct of them are trea L. M. Scott, Auctioneer Lakeside, Nebraska Whl cr; your sales anywlr me or leave da'es at the Herald office. Phonel75 Alliance, Neb. Voice Culture Teacher of Tone Production MISS EUNICE BURNETT Soprano Soloist Public Engagements Solicited STUDIO. 715 CHEYENNE AVE. G. H. Wood Painting, Decorating and Paperhanging Phonejt34 Alliance, Nebr. J. P. Hazard, the Surveyor, Is making a specialty of locating homesteaders. He claims to be posted as to lande still vacant and Has a Few Bargains in RELINQUISHMENTS Your chance is (j-owing less every day. Don't stop for fear of bad wea'.h.i the other fellow may beat you to it. IN LAND OFFICE BUILDING ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office REASONABLE RATES PROMPT SERVICE AUGUST NORNBURQ Professional Trained Nurse Rdtom I , over dodgers' Grocery Alliance - Nebraska EAT AT NohesCafe BUY Nohe's Bread Pure aod Wholesome MRS. E. O. DRAKE OPTOMETRIST EYES TESTED GLASSES FITTED Cross Eyes Permanently Straightened With Dr. Copsey ALLIANCE NEBRASKA CONTRACTOR and BUILDER PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURN ISH:) ON APPLICATION I empl ! inly first-class meelianlcs. A work guaranteed. PHONE 279 R dence and Shop, ftfi and Mississippi. Alliance, Nebraska. DYE & OWENS Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Dray Phone 54 Residence phone 636 and Blue 574 Let Us Do Your Job Work as the roo's look lo he harder to get OVW thnn ordinary fences. I won't bo able to writhe all th news in order iih I think of things that I FA l , - l . , . . . o luiKuura iu write lii uie nnnr i viiianr o I nla Detroit is about taree times as largo as Omaha, but I tlnl MX I like M at all. Th? streets in th bus:nips district leem to all run di agonal, nnd none aj rigbt angles, Th iiilkst building I saw thiv is a nt-w twenty-four stcry one. Every town in Canada we passed Mini, no mut ter how small, has a goad depot. We priseed over nomi high bridge before we came to Buffalo. I think it was about S.30 p. m. when wo n at lied tlicre. I had to change cars o dsoldsd to stay over another day and Ualu trip up to Niagara Falls on the electric cars a distance of thirty miits. The round trip tie cc t mo 0 c?ats. Tho city of Niug ara Falls. N. Y., has a population Of Hd.uOu. l toi k the trip described in the folder enclosed. It is said to be the grandest !rlp in tho world, and I do not doubt iL At the Falls I went up into (be observation tow er, nlsd went below the Fails. The people going down the elevator wore first given rubbers and robber coat wlin hood attached. We then wont down uliciit ISO fe.t to a tunnel un der tli river. This tunnel h 13 three openings behind the Falls; (wo of there are behind the, water and one euHiis at u plane whorw ihe water fblls on both sides but not in front. The tunnel Is not low enough for the water to flow in bht we zoi our fares washed by thw.apray. W could etv largo p(ec of Ire falling down with the water right in front of us. The euclowd-folder will nive :-- ails about. mo3t of the rest. 1 got. bat k-to lluffalo at 2 or .! o'clock p. m. and sin-nt the day looking around. It certainly is a fine city and made a hit with me. Tho street car are too best I have Feen, and I believe Ottiahai is second or perhaps would an fts. good if the cities wero Hie sanirfjlze. Buffalo ha about 426, 000 population. Saw a funeral atrdel car in Buffalo. Alao the new eiee trie light building that is pictured iu the May issue of Popular Mrahan ka, The Theo. Thomas orchestra is advatilaed to be in Buffalo May 7. 8, 9. I got a berth on a sleeper In Buf CatOj and when I lokd out in the morning we were traveling down the W" tora of the Hudson river. Th 1 hi some beautiful scenery a htag i river and we pasred thru av unntla. I failed to see anv- ihla that u person could call uioun taJas, howawar. Some more I trmmt- in Buffalo In a store window I saw a framed picture or the Sacred Heart convent of Omaha taken after the tornado. It was about a f,oot ami a half square. Below the picture was printed the following: 'Photo of the million dollar residence of Ueo. Josyln. Proa, ot Western PraM Assn.; after Omaha tornado." Reached New York Cliy yesterday morning. Took ferry from Wee hawken, where train stops. Walked around the ity awhile and then went up to the tower of the Metro politan building and from there as far as 1 could ee on every side was business bloka.and tenement houses. The auide pointed down to one side and showed me the Madison Square tower. I couldn't see It at first, but in a little while I aaw it away down below. I anked htm where the Tri buue building was and he said It was Just a Utile "pec wee," 100 small lo sec. I could see the. Time building and the Tribune Is near that, a lit tie ways from Brooklyn Bridie.- Af ter I reported at the Linotype offie en. I took, an elevated train across I, the bridge and kept looking out of the window till I saw ' Linotype Co." on top of a huildltiK shout twJPCfOCks away. 1 irot off the ear at tho next station mid wt nt !o he farm-) . which Is an eight-story building 1 reported nt the Inafnctloa rncm this morntng, R.M my set of (dp""Kr-ri $:: for them till I leave) and a ki y to my locker. Thin I mm OH tor the i!i.v I l(nk a car to N York and look the el.vatnl down to the llat tcry. I had r map of the main pail of New York Cltv. and surely would have gotten lost without It. I went thru the Vqunrlum and snw all the different kinds of sea fishes living. The ones that Interested nu most were (he s-oa-horxes. little nnlm:iln hbout five or atx inches long, with a head and neck rt inbling that of a horse, which compost d half of its body, and n m.nikey tall i-iowing nt tho eml of the neck like Ah is: . They hang on l;t small brinehes in the Watsr, with their falls In the distance I saw the Statue of Liberty nnd Ellis Island, and walk ing up north a ways townrd Brook lyn Bridge, saw two small ocean lin ts Walked west on Wall street. Snw Standard Oil building, .1 P. Mor gan Co. building, etc.: also, tho IT. s. Treasury and the probe that hold the walls from bursting out; saw the place where Oeo. Washington took oath of office, and lots of other places too numerous to mention, nnd have been here less than two days. Will report for duty at the fac tory tomorrow. Don't forget my ad dress, 79 Rycrwon St., Brooklyn, N. Y CARL. REAL E8TATE TRANSFERS Reported by J. D. Emerlck, Bonded Abstractor. .liinies W. Burns to Francos M. Burns, lots 271 and '212, Belmont add. Alliance 1.00 Moses Wright to Oscar Evans. 50 feet in bik, ('" Nebr. add. Alliance 1.00 Moses Wright to A. S Mote, 50 ft. of blk. "(" Nebr. add. Alliance 1.00 Jennie HosHns to W. W. Norton, lot , blk. 22, Box Butte add. Alli ance ;ion.oo Lincoln Laud Co. to A. K. lon lo's ; and 4, blk. 1!", original town Alliance 400.00 United States to Gregory Zurn, 8 E M Sec. 6-LT, -,'j Patent Mary Ann QoodViO to F : : t Lbr. Co.. 100 ft. of blk. 14, Sec. Co. add. to Alliance LOO United Sfa'es to Daniel Munk, NE 14 Sec. 31-27-43 . Patent Lawrence Homer to Lizzie W. Ad dy, SE'i Sec. :;o 27-50 2700.00 Joseph C. Romer to Ll.;: W. Ad dy, lots .! and 4 nnd Btt SWVi, :;-27-50 2(167.1.1 Dag lei R. Lawrence to Mury A. Lawrence. SEV4 NE'4 and NE4 cf SE1,, 17-211-47 1.00 Robert Bird to Mamie Bird, lot ft, blk. !t. Sec. Co. add. A'i;:in -e UHO.1,0 United States to Otto Dusinms Laura a, NW'i 1 8-25-SO Patent Mitry BUil to Oliver McEuen, lot 5, blk. 28. town or Hcmlngford 550. Mary Hughes lo John, Tom and Dora Hughes, S':. SEV, sec. 6, 8 N '4 and W' NE' IJ, and lot 4, 8Va NW4 and SWVi NKV4 eec. 2. all in 28-52 1.00 United Sia'es to Guincs Chapman, 8'V4 and SWVi SE'4, MM. IS, N Mtind SW see. 19-24 52 Patent Tnlled Jf'atea to John E Kitt r, E . .11 and W4 te. 32 25 52 Patent nanjfinltl E. Johnson to Charles ljckwr I, 'ots and 10, blk. 11, town Of ! i miingford 5500.00 John B. Hitter to John Burns, E si c. .11 and WV4 sec. 32 25 52 3200.00 United States to Samuel A. Oliver, SV NWV, and SWli and E1 sec. 9i S'fc SE'i pc- 30-23-52 Patent C. H. Flsk to W. W. Norton, lot I, blk. W' Sheridan a.ld. Alliance 1900.00 Bamucl A. Oliver to John Burnw, 9 NW!i, SW',4 and K'i aac. It, and SVfc SE'4 e'- 30-26-52 MO&OO United States to Frank B. Thom-j as, vv rrc. .i.J-ze 60 - Pit en: J. H. Vaa Boskirk to I., o J. 1 Schill. all bc. 10 and NW'4, SK'4 gsg. 15-24-48 tO.OM.M Unitetl Statt s to Patrick H. Me- j 01m; SEV4 20-25 47 Pat nt OgaaSe D. Hall and Mignnn Hall t ! Frank Tn hkl , NW' sc 1-20-47 1000.00 riUlrtt D. Hall and Mlgnon Hall to Hi Ilea Trenkle. SW',4 aac, I 2S-47 1000.00 UtUs D. White to Emiuu B. Nor ton, south 2 ft. of lot 8, blk. 3, sec. O9. Alliance 1.00 John (' MtCorkbe to Birnice Krid Ubaugh, lot 6. blk. 13. Wyo. add. Al liance ' 3000.00 Cassle D. Hall and Mlgnon Hall to John Riley, NWV4 see. 26-27-47 1000. ee4 4esg Farm Implement Time is Here Disc Harrow Low Spreaders Plows We sell the kind that does good work in even the hardest kind of ground. Don't wait any longer be fore ordering your disc harrow. Practical manure spreaders that re high enough so they can be used anywhere and yet not so high as to cause unnecessary loss of time or lab,or In loading. Light in draft, easy to operate, simple and durable. Gang and sulky plows, cultivators, also a full line of other Implements neceaeary to good farming. I. L ACHESON rX g;:aicgge PLAN NOW FOR YOUR SUMMER VACATION YELLOWSTONE AND GLACIER PARKS: You arc conveniently located so aa to vIbH either of these "woiv tU Hands" ait a very light expense, at only a, fraction of the cost to EasUirn people. Ask for rates and literature. THL ROCKY MOUNTAINS: You are either near Denver, the gateway to hundreds of Colorado resorts, including Estes Park, or you are not far from Sheridan, Mta ga-tcwny to attrac Ive ranch places In tho Big Horn Mountains. We have leaflet .destrlblng these localities, free on application. PACIFIC COAST: Every day, commencing June 1st, low excursion rates for a tour Of : bS Coast, approximately $',u, round trip, or $17.50 higtuir includ ing Bbaata Route; on special dates In June, July and August, the rules are $5.00 leas. TO THE EAST: The iiMial attractive at-home of EasUtn Siuiuner tours will be an nounced tii.rliiK May. Place our r.xjiie-it tot Eas-lcm rate leaflot. J. KRIDELBAUGH Agent. Alliance L. W. Wake-ley, Gen. Passenger Agent, Oumha 0000000000000000 O ANGORA o 0000000000000000 May J, i:MJ. Rev. Montgour ry h. Id services here today and organized Sunday school. Pefcre chur h servii.a he baptized Mr. and Mrs. lewih' two ycuugct children. There wa a very gCJd attendance. Mrs. Lavlg was chosen superinieudent; Willis Powell, assistant superintend; at ; Ru sa Sherlock, sejey.-treaa. ; moeiingw to b. h'l(i nvcrv Sun !. . ul lO .'tll Wa hope to have a good attendance. w ry body come. You are all w el- eome. Mis Myrtle (J rooms' scho'd has closed and she is now stayiUK with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crouch. Mr. Dove of Lynn 1 opeuinK a new store here. We wish hi in auc ceaa. , We are always giad lo have Kood people come to Angora. Neal Scanlon, our post master, nas moved the post office in the build in Mr. Dove has his store in. nfj He Has No Extension Do yon have to do this, also, when the tel'-plionr l I! ring after yon have "turn. cl in" for thv night f Or lo you answer the call f ova nu Bxtcniun si i in your bedroom 1 NEBRASKA TELEPKQKE COMPANY 406 NT Coal office at Rowan's feed atore. IO WAN ft WRIGHT, phone 71. tf It GET WISE ADVERTISE $$ ForNice,CMeanNiggerhead Lump and Nut Eastern Hard Nut - -xsioisrB TO No. 22 Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. Wise Ones Watch Want Ads