The following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate headinga for the convenience of readers. CASH RATES One cent per o.-d each insertion. No ad received r less than ten centa per inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for lesa than -twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. Ir answering Herald want ada pieaae mention that you saw it In this paper. A classified advertiaement will in troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property In this town. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANT TO SELL all my farms and ranches. Several business and residence properties. Only small payments required. Some exchange considered. Ixiok Into this. V. V. Norton. Alliance. 199:i-16tf FOR SALE--A bargain, if taken at once. My 8 room residence, 720 Platte Ave. Phone 184 2048-18-tf J. J. VANCE. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE , CiFNFRAi nrrircc NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIFS ABSTRACTERS J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter. I have the only get of abstract books in Box Butte county. Office in McCorkle Building. tO-tf-570 FOR RENT FURNISHED MODERN ROOMS for light housekeeping, close in. Phone $29 MRS BAYER. Advt 15tfl982 Imp roved Box Butte County Carina for rent. J. C. McCorkle, McCorkle block. 1980-15tf FOR SALE OR RENT. Seven room house. Good outbuildings. Barn for four horse. House for automo bile. J. B. DENTON. Advertisement 6tf 1772 FOR REN T 2 furnished rooms for light housekeeping, to couple with no children. Phone Black 196. 1942-13-tf MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. 404 Cheyenne Ave. lS89-12-tf WANTED TO RENT "YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE want to rent two furnished rooms in mod ern, private home. References if desired. Phone 340. lotf frjjale All kinds of feed, in any quantity desired, at E. I. Gregg & Son's Phone 155. 29tf-1342 O'Keefe Bros., Real Eatate, Rum er Blk. 1908-12tf HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Good experienced woman cook, wages $10 per week; also, good experienced dining room girls, wages $7 per week. MRS. SCHWENDER, Restaurant, Bridgeport, Nebr. Advertisement 14tfl959 WANTED Solicitors of ability and energy to present a newspaper prop osition of unusual merit; travel Ne braska; good money; must furnish references. Address Farmer and Rancher, Hemlngford. Nebr. Advt 14tfl961 HELP WANTED. Middle aged woman or girl wanted for housekeep er in small family. Call at The Herald office. 2083-19-tf HELP WANTED FlrM class jan itor, to start work en May 1st. Ap ply at Firt National Rank. 2094-20-2t Box Butte County farm to trade for city property. J. C. McCorkle, McCorkle block. ' 1980-15tf LOST AND FOUND WATCH LOST Trees, Trees, Trees, Tree grown right here in Alliance. Come and make your selection and have them planted where you want them on short notice. Comer Mis souri avenue and Fifth street. Advt. 18tf204:i E. W. Ray. Wonderful Skin Salve Bucklsa'a Arnica Salve 1b known everywhere as the best remedy made for all diseases of the skin, and al so for burns, bruises and bolls.. He duces inflammation and is soothing and healing. J. T. Sossaman, pub lisher of NEWS, of Cornelius. N.C., writes that one box helped hia seri ous skin ailment after other remedies failed. Only 25c. Recommended by Fred K. Holsten. Advertisement 21-5t-2015 Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tf Gold hunting case watch lost south of Alliance on Saturday, April 26th. Three hands. Black silk fob attached. Reward for return to Herald office. 2116-21-tf LOST. Iower part of Knigh t Templnr watch charm. Reward for return to Drake Hotel. 2089-20-1 1 MISCELLANEOUS Money to loan on real estate. F B. Reddish. 3tf Get your shoes repaired at M. D. Nichols' shop, 2174 Box Butte Ave. Nothing but first-class work turned out. We use the Champion Repair Machine. Prompt work. Advt 15tfl976 PAINE FISHBURN GRANITE CO. Grand island, Nebr. Make the best monuments and will aave you money. Call on AL. WIK ER, local salesman of Alliance, or send to Grand Island for price Mat. For nice clean Niggerhead Lump and Nut, and Eastern Hard nut coal, phone to No. 22. Dierlts Lumber & Coal Company. REGISTERED PERCHERON STAL LION for sale. Seven years old. J. C. McCorkle, McCorkle block. 1980-15tf RANCH FOR RENT. My ranch of 3,600 acres, aoutheaat or Alliance, and recently occupied by Mr. Schill, Ja for rent. W. W. NORTON Advt. 2034-17-tt. FOR SALE. Five room house and lot 6, block 8, Hill's Addition to Al liance. Bargain for cash. J. J. Skinner, Proctor, Logan County, Col orado. 2058-191? RIDING HORSE FOR SAIE. Thoroughbred riding horse weighing about 900 pounds. In good ahape. Fine appearance. Inquire at The Herald office. 2096-20tf FOR SALE. A folding bed. 603 I.aramie Ave MRS GEO FERN A LI) Advt 21tf2118 L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office In First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office, 362; residence, 16. Prescriptions to drug store or medi cines furnished from office, if pre ferred. 50-tf-100! Advertisement EXPERT PIANO TUNER. W. H. Lunn, expert piano, tuner, will be in Alliance during Orkin Brothers' spec ial piano sale. Leave orders for tuning at the piano store. Phone 352. Adv 12tfl907 She said to me one day -"Now, Cy, There's got to be a change, I've got to have some different coal, Coal that will heat the range." Sunshine-Maitland and Monarch coal will do it. For sale by J. H. Vaughan & Son, Phone 5. Adv-1979-16-tf Curtis Best and Gooch's Best flour at E. I. Gregg & Son's. Every sack guaranteed. Phone 155. 29-tf 1342 NOTICE 1 will be no longer responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Sophia Welnel. PETER WEIN'EL, Alliance, Nebr. VEGETABLE PLANTS in season, tomato, cabbage, sweet potato, cau liflower, pepper, celery, sage, etc. Phone 682 or 435. E. W. RAY. Advt. 17tf-233 FOR SALE. -Buff Orpington eggs. 75 cents per setting of 14. Duncan's Addition. No phone. P. O. Box 1332. CHRISTIAN M AT55. Advt 18-12t-2056 May Basket Papers A large assortment of paper, in various colors, for May baskets and May Day decorations, just received ht The Herald office. Call at 121 Box Butte avenue or call up 340. FOR SALE Indian Runner Dock eggs, fl.00 per setting of 13. MRS. C M IATSPEICH. Hemingford, Neb. Advt 20- 2108 Leave orders for silverware and Jewelry at The Herald office, as I am out of town. My catalogue can be keen thrie W A. DITNLAP. Malinda. 1109 -21-1 Best Medicine for Colds a druggist lecoinmends a remedy f r colds, throat and lung trouble, you may feel sure that he knows it-bag he is talking about. C Lower, 1 uggist, of Marion, Ohio, writes o !r. King's New Discovery, "I km. r. King's New Disco w i is the b I throat and lung medicine I sell. It ( ured my wife of a severe bronchiui old after all other regM dies failed " It will do the same for you if yin are suffering with a cold or any bronchial, throat or lung cough. K -ep a bottle on hand all the time for everyone in the famlly to use. It Is a home doctor. Price 60c and $1.00. Guaranteed by F. E. Holsten. Advertisement 21 5t-2015 CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS The following civil service exam inations will be held in Alliance on the dates given. Full information can be secured from 3. S. Johnston, local secretary, at the post office May 6 Copperplate map engraver (male), salary $.1 per day to $1,600 per year. May 7 Head nurse (operating), fc mrtle, salary $480 per year with board, quarters and laundry. Electro metallurgist (male), salary $i,60o to $1,800 per year. Telegraph operat or (male and female), salary $900 to $1,000 per year. May 7-8 Junior nid (male), salary $ri(0 to $720 per year in Forest Ser vice, Dept. of Agriculture. Architec tural and structural steel draftsman (male), salary $1,500 per year. Col orlst (male and female), salary $900 to $1200 per year. May 12 Associate Physicist, male, qualified in metallurgy, salary $2,200 i"i ciir. Irrigation mnnagers and assistants (male), salary of manager from $1,800 to $2,500 per year and assistant managers from $1,600 to $2,000 per year, in the Reclamation service. May 21 Mineral examiner (male), salary $1,800 per year. Drainage en gineer (rule), '.-rrv 51.200 to $2,000 per year. L'opy.t marine engine and boiler draftsman (male), salary $2.04 per diem. May 21-22 Structural steel drafts man (male), salary $4.72 per diem. NOTICE HORSES STRAYED OR 8TOLEN One brown and one bay mare, Thursday or Friday of last week. Frcm Reeves' Ranch 14 miles S of Alliance. Brown mare has scar on Jaw. Reward for return to I, A Wolverton, 61 Big Horn. 2114 21-tf COMMENCEMENT WEEK AT STATE AGRICULTURAL H. 8. Tlie week of April 21 was com inencement week at the Stnte Agri cultural High School at Lincoln. The graduating class numbered fifty. Of these, nineteen were young women and thirty-one were young tnen. A bout half the girls expect to teach in rural schools this next year. A ft w of the boys will continue their education In the College of Agricul ture, but the majority of the class an leaving school work for the farm. Nearly all of those who are planning to continue school work will reHirn to the farm within a few years. The majority of the graduates of our Engineering College, and to a lesser extent, of the other Colleges leave Nebraska to take up work In other states. Not so with the grad uates of the Agricultural High school. They are on the Job In their home state. Increasing production and con serving Nebraska resources. THERMOPOLIS LINE OPEN Other News Concerning Railway Af fairs, by The Herald's Spe cial Correspondent THANKS COMMERCIAL CLUB BISHOP BEECHER TO MOVE TO HASTINGS Bishop Hecchcr of Kearney ex pects to move his headquarters from .'.ml town to Hastings, according to informal ion that has reached his frii nils in Omaha. He has been ae-tlvej at the Wear in y Military academy and has also founded a hospital there, hut it iB thought that he is projecting, a little further north and west. In changing his residence an Epis copal bishop Is at liberty to move wherever bs chooses within his dio cese without consulting anyone. Bish op Heechcr Is making the present move simply as a matter of conven ience to his activities. -Omaha Bee. NEBR. PEOPLE WILL COME TO OMAHA E. Becker has purchased the InteK est of C. F. Yockey im the firm 61 Becker & Yockey, proprietors of the central Care. All bills due the firm are payable to him. E. BECKER and C. F. YOCKEY. 2056-19-4t Large sample trunk, held for stor age charges, will be sold at auotlon on May 17th unless charges are paid at once. BURLINGTON HOTEL. 2063-19-4t LAND WANTED FOR SALE WANTED. Everybody who wishes to sell their land to list it with me. Quick sales and small profits Is my motto. A square deal for everybody guaranteed. See me for business. 1 B. L. WESTOVER, Bingham, Nebr. 20f0-19-6t Make Money as Merchant Would you like to have us "set you up" in business. We can and will furthermore It will not cost you a penny. Without capital and through salesmanship we can ataak you in business for yourself. We srs establishing representa) Uvea In every city, town and vil lage, to handle our full line of Vac uum Sweepers. They are, we be lieve, the beast and cheapest hand power vacuum sweeper in the world Let us show you how our splendid organization transforms your "push" and application into dollars and cents. Unusual proposition made to General Agents. Write today for Information. General Appliance Factory, Inc. 1360-68 Main St., Marinette, Wisconsin. am 20-stc Omaha, Nebr., Apr. 23. Fixe hun dred United Spanish War Veterans will meet in Omaha the latter part of the week to participate in their Annual Reunion. Following this, the Nebraska Medical Association, the Mississippi Valley Historical Associa tion, and tin Nebraska Dental As tocla'tion will hold their meetings here. Something 'more than a tornado is required to stop Omaha people from entertaining the people of Nebraska. If there is anything thai) Omahans like more than a convention of Ne braskans, it is more conventions. O maha and Nebraska are so Insepar able that one can hardly get along without the other. Here's to the big hearted Nebraskans, who will never be forgotten by Omaha's citizens. U. 6. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION You can get your worn-out carpet made into beautiful durable rug. Write the LINOQUN RUG FACTORY. Lincoln, Nebraska, for illustrated folder. 2088 20 4t fr'oand a Care fur Rheumatism. "I suffered with rliruiuaiiun for two years and could not get my right hand to my mouth for that length f time," writes Lee L. Chapman, liapiaKm, Iowa. "1 suffered terrible paiu so I could not sleep or lie still at night. Five yean ago 1 began using Chamber lean's Liniment ami in two month I was well sod he not suBered with rheu antisos siaos." For sals by all dealers. Advertisement. Far sale by F E. Hotstea. FIX)RAL PIECES FOR FUNER ALS made ut on shore notice Cur flo'vei ; at all times. Will rent pot ted plants for all occasions. E. W. RAY. 20tf2086 NOTICE OF SALE We will sell the following describ ed property at public auction Satur day afternoon at the Brennan corner, at the hour of 2 o'clock, to the high eBt bidder for cash in hand: 1 six ytar oW brown horse, brand ed "A" on left shoulder; 1 seven year old gray horse, branded "A" on left shoulder; 1 Maxwell 1911 2o h.p. 4 passenger, leyllnder automo bile LOWRY HENRY 2119-21-lt NOTICE This will notify all concerned that on and after this date, April 24, 1913, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Mary F. Hodges, the having left my bed and board A. J. HCMXIES Whitman. Nebraska 2104 20 4 Buy your coal of Kowau & Wright. Phone 71. tf Washington, D. C. April 9, 1913. Secretary, Board of Civil Service Examiners, Alliance, Nebr. Sir: The Commission desires to in vlte your attention to the railway mail clerk examination which Is f heduled to be field in your city on Y'ay ;, 1(18. Owing to the large number of applications which are be ing r Ived, it Is found that the maximum accommodations at each place will very likely be required. The recci is of this office show max imum accommodating at your office for 50 applicants. If R is impossible to take care of the number given above in one day, or if a larger number can be accom modated, please advise the Commls lon Immediately of the number that can be accommodated. You will in due time be advised of the number of applicants that may be expected. By direction of the Commission: Very respectfully, John C. Black. I'res. The assembly room in the High school will be used, and only 50 can be accommodated. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Box Butte County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all persons interested in the- (state of George D. Gaddis, decased. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED That an instrument purporting to be the last Will and Testament of George D. Gaddis, deceased. Is on file in said Court, and also a petition pray In; for the Probate of said Instru ment, and for the appointment of Belle Cladeue Gaddis as Executrix. That on the 17th day of May, l!i :. at 10 o'clock A. M . said petition and the proof of the execution of said instrument will be heard, and that, tf you do not then appear and contest, said Court may Probate and record the same, and grant adminis tration of the estate to Belle Cladenc Gaddis This notice shall be published three weeks successively in The Alli ance Herald prior to said hearing YVKneta my hund and offit ial seal this 30th day cf April. 191:: L A. BERRY. (Seul) County Judge 233-21-3t SIGHED FROM SIDE TO SIDE The World Herald of last Thuiv day gave an account of the Omaha Club's annual spring dinner dance-. The weather being warm and the windows open, the strains of music, which were very raggy, floated out upon the night air and attracted a crowd In the street below. Some of the street crowd attempted to dupli cate on the sidewalk the new steps that were being tripped in the ball room by the elite of Omaha society, but a cop interfered and put a stop to it. Inside there were no police to interfere. "The music kepi up." say .he Omaha paper, "and outside the crowd sighed and sighed and swayed from aids to side " On Monday the firat train was run over the new line of the Burlington which runs from Laurel, Montana, to Powder River, Wyoming, win re It connects with the Northwestern I'he Burlington officials, who pnssed thru Alliance Thursday evening of last week on the special train, were also on thir train. It was hauled by En-K'n.- No. 800, Goodwin englnet r, and Bert Steer conductor. The train was composed of business cars No. 77, 93, 7.1, 92 and 99. On board were President Miller, Mr. Har rls, resident of the board of direct ors, vice president Byratn, general superintendent E. E. Young, of Alli ance, and other officials. The train was run onto the North western line at Powder EUVvf, ;iinl over that line to Casper, where a stop was made to Inspect the seventy-two acres of ground purchased there by the Burlington for a term inal. This land Ilea in a good lo a tion. back of the court house. The train then proceeeled to Orln June tion where It crossed over to the line of the Colorado & Southern, go ing south. Supt. Young left the train at Hartvllle Junction, return ing over the Guernsey line to Alli ance. The party was met at Hart villc Junction by vice president Park er of the C. ft S., and proceeded on to Deover, via Cheyenne The Burlington Is building east with a big force nntlw 111 go uh far as Casper, from whtch point the Northwestern line will be used as far as Orln Junction for some time. Thank Commercial Club The Officers with the President's Special, which passed thru Alluince Thursday on an Inspection trip of the LlneB West, desire to thank the Members of the Commercial Club for their kind Invitation to stop here and be the guests of the Club at a banquet, but on account of ar rangements being made in advance io be at certain points, they could not do this and carry out their orig inal plans. They, however, want to express their appreclatin of the ef forts of Mayor-elect Rodgers and the Club In very cordial terms, and regreted very much their Inability to avail themselves of this oppor tunity to meet the business men of Alliance and partake of their hospi tality, but should an opportunity pre sent Itself in the future, when they can do so, they will only be too glad to stop at Alliance and get acquaint ed. Railway Business for February Railway business in the United States for February waa slightly greater than for the corresponding im nth of 1912. This is indicated In statistics compiled by the Bureaa of Railway Economics from the reports of steam railways, operating over ninety per cent of the mileage of the country, to the Interstate Com merce Commission. The returns for February average as follows per mile of line: Totsi operating revenues per mite amount ed to $1,015, which la 6.3 per cent greater than in February W12; op erating expenses per mile amounted to $756, or 6.4 per cent greater than in 1912; net operating revenue per mile amounted to $269, or 2.4 per cent greater than in 1912. Taxes amounted to $46 per mile, an increas of 5.7 per cent. Operating income, which is what is available for rent als, interest on bonds, appropria tions for hetteiments, improvements, and new construction, and for divi dends, after the payment of operating expenses and taxes, amounted in February to $212 per mile. This re presents an increase over February 1912 or less than four dollars a mile, or 1.8 per cent. As February contained twenty nln: days In 1912 and but twenty-eight 1 i 1913, the returns for this month of the current year, other things equal, would be somewhat less than for February 1912. A comparison cf op erating Income on the basis of In come per mile per day eliminates the effect of the extra day in 1912. On this basis operating Income per mile per day averaged $7.6K in Fcii ruury 1913, $7.19 in 1912. and $6.49 in 1911. The railway returns here presented are for the month ending February ana do not reflect the recent impairment of railway operating con ditions on account of floods in the middle West and the South It will not be possible to trace the effcet of these impaired ccn lit lens in the railway record until the returns for March, April and later months are available. Jack Lloyd of Ellsworth was in Al liance on business the first of the week. While here be sold two lots which he owned in the north part of the city near the High school build ing. C. A. Sprague has reiurmd to ser vice in the te'egraph office after do ing relief work at the Sterling, Broken Bow and Edgemont offices. Brakeman Fred Vaughan on W W. Johnson's car was called to Denver Monday night on account of sickness of a relative. Dispatcher Archie Gregory laid off Monday on account of sickness Ralph Cox working the trick. J. T. Peekenpaugh. who for the past year has been night chief dis patcher, left Tuesday for Sterling. Colo., where he baa been appointed duct train dispatcher filling the va cancy caused by the failure in health of J. V. Coughtan, appointment to take effect May 1st. The promotion comes to Mr. Peekenpaugh after sev eral years service as telegraph op erator, train dispatcher and night chief and hia Alliance frlemds while sorry .to lose him wish him success in his new position Tblrd trick dis patcher M. E. Coleman will be pro moted to sue irrl Mr. Peekenpaugh and Ralph Cox, who has been relief dispatcher, will take Coleman'a place on third trick. Andy Price of the telegraph office for e moved his family to his claim ncrth of Reno after a five months' leave of absence The Burlington Joined forces In the fight against the small pox ept' demic Tuesday night. All offices in the depot with the exception of ths telegraph and dispatcher's offices mc fumigated This will be kept up every dny or two thru the shops and offices until the disease has be en stamped out In Alliance. Conductor E. .1 Beard ha charge of the work train at Whitman, as sisting In lengthening the passing siding nt that point. Keystone I Z . MOUNT I 109 Box Butte Ave UNDtr. NEW MANABEMENT HOME COOKING AOAUNE WATSON. Pro. WANTED A limited number of milk customers. Phone 615. 21 21 -21 -2t w There are four factors, according to Newspaperdom, Mint combine to make an advertisement a success. First The goods. There must be something to sell tha Is, something of real value, or no demand can be created by the best of ada In the best of newspapers. Second -The ad Kself Its appear a nee. the manner in which it attracts attention, creates confidence and In duces belief. Third The medium. The vehicle1 that must carry the advertisement to ! a sufficient number of possible buyer FourthThe combination of all I these factors and a complete tnd in itelllgent cooperation between ths I advertising ano the selling forces. Omnha rfade '''ib't. In the general hum' and rush of getting out a monv er edition of srx teeo pagts, as last week, Lloyd's column and the T. P. A. department got Into a mixup, the result being that the newe written for he T. P. A. department cam- -ut In Lloyd's col umn. Lloyd's colimn was hen used as "filler" ir a dc zen differcrci; plac es. Hut n it th?re" we are r'..: Be '. I - i I mated in a: Ir icle- las that a Fcrd tour : e ir, drien by . W. H. Drake 'li m-e. -limbed '.he fame us raid twenty-five miles .s:u'her.s. cf A'.'.lant , knswn as Pet ertotts HO. I a' e . e lv1 the r climbed the-son h jiUc, known B the "brcalneck" t'.C cf he hill. ! did n, ' .', h.Tv.'cr, hat the Icxr climbed h. iteen ppr of ue scuth side -A the h'.ll. That would be well ni b Impossible rcr a man or he if t to, 'u alcac a ear. Bat th Ford wen' i the south side as sated. I: f course tock some man euvering ar:und to make M. I was I not in the. err, but I was not so very rar away wa'chlnj, and expect ing the forth y titles lord to give up the strtnuoLB climb. Wtth me s'ere Sheriff Cal Cox and Lincoln lcwiy We were in a Buick oar. returning from the Hubbell ran h with the eu'hly remains of George Gaddis. We did not attempt to climb the hill, v on.-icle ring h t iin Impossl blli.y, hi were n'm irmnd through the cut near the Peterson buildings. The fifty dollars offered for a car to ciimb :he hill ui i s worst point is perfec ly fafe but I will venture to guess that an offer cf fifty dollars for the car to climb the south side and go over the hill again, as was done on Wednesday of lat week, would be qukkly taken up and un doubtedly won. The littL Ford was able at times to "walk" around our Bulck. especially when It came to heavy sjjid, although I have no com plaint to make of the Buick, which is a sturdy, reliable tar. For the Weak and NeiOou Tired-out, weak, nervous mem aad women would feel ambitious, ener getic, full of life and always have a good appetite, if they would do the sensible thing for health take E lectric Bitters. Nothing better far the stomach, liver or kidneys. Thous ands say they owe their Uvea to this wonderful heme remedy. Mrs. O. Rhlnevault. of Vestal Center. N T., says: "I regard Electrci Bitters ks one of the greatest of gifts. I cka never forget what it has done for me " Get a bottle yourself and see what a difference it lll make hs your health. Only 50c and $1.00. Recom mended by Fred B. Holstaa. Advertisement ?l-5t-201o HELP WANTED. To eat twaf oae tut, corn-fed steers. At Be City Meat Market. Phone 44 Advt iMt-Sltl