iOBBUnnHHBflHHMIinHD s! Public Administrator' Sale of the J. W. Boyle Estate on Wed., May 7th, 1913 On the Bay State Ranch, 6 miles southeast of Mitchell, Nebraska, and six miles northwest of Scottsbhiff, Nebraska, COMMENCING- AT 10 O'CLOCK SHARP 70 Head Horses and Mules 200 Head of Cattle 20 head of Extra Good Mares 15 head of Work Horses 12 head of Unbroke Horses, 2 to 4 years old 13 good Saddle Horses 14 head of Mules, 1 to 4 years old 1 Mammoth Jack 200 Head of Cattle, consisting of steers, cows, heifers, rang ing in age from yearlings to five-year-olds. This is a bunch of first-class cattle, mostly Durhams and Whitef aces, and will be sold in car lots. Cars on track for outside buyers. All of the Farm Implements, and Household Goods Terms 6 months' time, 10. 5 Discount for Cash Tlio lonnty nn1 virtue of women B't superior to tbe virtue and beatttV if BWL I'Ut no ono can l hritiitiful when -,- UN t'.ni'-s of a deep-M-iited harking iv'i St cold. Nothing will l.pug pr Mb r relief tbaa Allrn's Cough Balsam. bold lor Mr half a c-ntury. Kndor-d by those win qm it. tit . 50c. and fl.UO bottles. For information write or wire, F. L. Wright, L E. Lewis, Aucts. H. 0. Eastman, H. T. Bowen, Clerks ED. H. REID, Adm Mitchell, Nebr. A hew ".w,lwJ aim The I7fT .Inmr, IT. !)ion. Rector St. Joil .-nrd ll'n. ( : mt) of hrlt hurch t'nil nlrrj. Mi Mfml, write" ; "I'eriiilt me to i-i1 )) i a few Ha to etroi gljr rerom menrt I'BMV lUui I aiskmi , n I liaTe un-d it with aiifactKn for thirty. Hyp rear. It m a preparation which deaervea full pahiir confidence." Painkiller Clean-up Day Monday Will Be General Clean-up Day for Alliance daughter. Mr. T. It, Deeson. and Mr. Vaughn has been here since the first of last week. We learn that Mr. Colburn has Fold the Commercial hotel at (Jrant. which he haa beet ntaaiOg since leaving Alliance. He iv s io -session today. He and Mn. Col bun will move at once to I'lixtoii, Nebr.. where he will go into the ii at estate business. their hospitality waa greatly MajOjrd i by the young people w ho vlsPed them and attended the, parties at their places. HKI.P WANTKI) To eat twenty one fat. corn-fed steers. At the City Meat Market. Phone 40. Adit L't-lt-2117 In another column is an item about Hveh St itt who holds a claim near Jess, Nebr. We might have mentioned, also, that Mr. Stitt and his chum, John McGregor, have the finest ami most popular bachelors' quartern in tba! part of the sand hills, or did have until Mr McOroaor sold out and returned east. They often entertained at their homes and Pains in the Stomach If you continually complain of pa'.n in the stonnw h your liver or your i kidneys are out of order. Neglect 1 ma lead to dropsy, kidney trouble, diabetes or Ilright's disease. Thous ands recommend Electric Uitters as tho very best stomach and kidney Medicine made. H. T. Alston, of Ral eigh, N. C, who suffered with pain in the stomach and back. writ. "My kidneys were deranged and my liver did not work right. I suffered much, but Electric Bitters was NM n amended and I improved from the first dose. I now feel like a new man." It will Improve you too. On ly C0c and $1.00. I Ui commended by Fred B. Holsteu. j Advertisement 17 -lt-2016. At tltf Meeting Af the board of healili Hi II, liiy evening Mayor Harnes gave notice that next Monday will he genenal cleanup day for Alliance. All ail. y and back yards must be thoroughly (leaned up. Failure to do this Vvill undoubtedly result in a fine for 'the offend lug property own ers or tenants. Some lime ago it was announced by the board of health that if refuse would be, placid in sanitary cans at the back of yards the city would haul it away free of charge. Very few people have taken adv age of this and it is said to be tba inten tion of the board to -nforce this or der. RETURN FROM FLORIDA Uev. and Mrs. A. M. Washburn and Mrs. (Washburn's sister, Mrs Patch or Bassett, Nebr., arrived last Saturday on their return from Florida, Where they spent the most of the whiter, having gone there the latter pan of January. They stop ped on th4ir way there in Illinois for a visit witfh Mr. and Mrs. Washburn's three sons. Rev. Washburn is pastor of the Lakeside charge of the M. E. churcbi which Includes the Kair view church, ten miles northeast of Alliance ) Hide Market will pay the following prices for hides, F. O, B. my house In Alliance: Green Salt cured native hides, (that are free from side brands! .. 12C Green salt cured side brand over 40 pounds lit? Green salt side branded light 'lu to 40 pounds 107 Side branded kip under 26 pounds 9 Dry Flint hides 18 to ZOt GEO. A. HILLS II IP low whim GOING WITH SURVEYING CORPS Hugh Stilt, who is holding down a Kinkaid claim near Jess in Sheri dan county, was In Alliactce Tuesday and called at The Herald office to ubtcrlbt for tbc pap r. He was tak ing a leave of absence from his claim to go with the IT. S. surveviiu' corps that will resurvey Morrill, ('rant, Shtridan and Cherry counties. We understand that there will be three surveying parties, each con sisting cf cither sewn or ten mc.i. Arthur Jen.scn of Noiiirh, Nebr., will be chief of the corps that Mr. Stitt will be in, and Archibald Celery cf that city assistant chief, both being proficient ivil engineer and quite popular anion:; their acuaintanoes. Iff. Stitt has kindly consented to as siist us in keeping Herald read, i s post, .i on the progress of tho resur vey. w'hlch will be interesting to many subscribers. GOING TO DAYTON Three teams always ready for hauling; ashes, tin cans, manure, rubbish and to plow gardens Order now and you will receive careful attention Prices reasonable call phone red 72 and leave orders Frkd Countryman Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Shields will so;m leave for Dayton, Ohio, where they will visit friends nnd upon their! return will be accompanied by Mr. Shields' mother. Tin Ir relatives in that city bad some narrow escapes during the flood, but fortunately none of their lives were lost. Mr. Shields showed The Herald editor one day this week some photographs of Day ton flood s-enes, showing how the water poured thru the streets and some of the damage done. Nothing Ad ds So fuch to the Charm of Womanliness as pearly white teeth. They are unerring indicators of well-hred women. No matter how perfect your complexion, my dear lady, nor how fair of face, if yonr teeth fail to v;t t their daily scrubbing with a good tRth paste or powder and the right kind of a bt uli, you miss one of the chief aids to that undefinuhle attractiveness so jealously guan!'. iiy your more l'uvoreil sisters, and so effect ively used against the sterner sex. WE RECOMMEND UNQUALIFIEDLY helps, every box guaranteed. Price twenty-five cents. Recommended by Fred K. Holsten. dvertisement I7-4t-l'015. rl IVu 1HF PUBll' HCAlTH 4 IKAUL MARK Tooth Paste and Tooth Powder We know what they are made of. We guarantee that tin-shave no equal. We urge you to try them. F. J. BRENNAN Member American Drug and Press Association A Matter of Choice I f on v ant a cur iosity, buy a Fly in Machine. If you want Reliability, have you 1- PHOTO taken at the : : : Alliance Art Studio 114 E. 4th St. Pbone 111 Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Vaughn leave tomorrow for Grant, Nebr., where they have heen making their home with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Colburn. Mrs. Vaughn has been visiting for several months at the home of her grand- LINCOLN PAINTS AND VARNISHES JBKBBr WE ART: B tm Sole Agents 1ft "The Best the Market Affords' jt Forest Lumber Co. ML b. Telephone 73 m Drive Sick Headaches Away King's .New Lite Pills. They uurlfv dwk headache, aour, gassy stom the blood and put new life aud viaor arb, indigestion, biliousneaa dls into the system Try them and you appear atebhr after you take Dr. jwiu bt we.ii itlsfM tvery ptli C. W. JEFFERS All kinds of Scavenger Work Uouded by the City PHONK 67 Enameled Furniture lOnameled chairs, dressers, bed steads, screens and woodwork make a room dainiv and attrac-r-ivc. Lincoln Enamels art furnished in jus: tb flokwe aud ttat4 that will best harmon lie with your other deorationn. Our "Heme Painting Jobs" booklet tails you all about making and keeping year home cozy and inviting; also how you can do most of the "home painting jobs" yourself. It's free for the asking. F. E. HOLSTEN LINCOLN PAINTS AND VAINISHES Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass and White Blossom Sweet Clover Seed 25c and 50c per pound garden hose per ft up OARDKN RAKRS AN I) hORS 35c, 40c and 455c eat h Newberry I Hardware Co. I