The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 17, 1913, Image 10

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The Only New unabridged dic
tionary in many years.
Contains the pith and cwnce
of an authoritative library.
Covers every field of knowl
edge. An Encyclopedia in a
single book.
The Only Dictionary with the
Sew Divided Page.
400,000 Words. 2700 Pages.
0000 Illustrations. Cost nearly
half a million dollar.
Let ns tell you about this most
remarkable single volume.
Write for sample
, fan par
ticular, etc
Name this
paper and
we will
end free
I - y m. I I Mil
spjHBfwav pastM
m tammmwmmmmw .ar nni
Km 3k
Nprlng-flfdil, Mum
All kinds of
Scavenger Work
Bonded by the City
A Matter of Choice
If you want a cur
iosity, buy a Fly
ing Machine. If
you want Reliability,
have your PHOTO
taken at the : :
Alliance Art Studio
114 E. 4th St. Phone 111
The Story of His Life
From the Cradle to
the White House
Copyright. 1911.
1911 by Doubladay. Pas
One Incident of the campaign was
the candidate's reply to a list of .pies
tlons. presumed to be emharrnaslng.
ssked him In an oen letter by a Pro
gresslve Republican, Mr. George I
Record. Mr. Record pat Into cn refill
form nineteen queries, requiring Mr.
Wilaon to declare hlmaelf on such nub
Jects as s public service commission
with iiower to tlx rates, the physical
valuation of public service corpora
tion properties, direct primaries, nop
nlar election of United 8tates sena
tors, ballot reform, corrupt practices
legislation, employers' liability for
worklngmen's Injuries snd finally his
own opinion of the DemocrsUc bosses
namely, Smith. Nugent and Davis.
With Instsnt readiness, with auda
clous glee, Mr. Wilson gave his an
were. He accepted the whole Trogres
sive Republicsn program and asked
for more: no Republican could satisfy
a progressive Democrat's sppetite for
reform. As for Smith. Nugent and
Davis, he would Join anybody In de
nounclng them: they differed from
Balrd. Kenn, Stokes and Murphy in
thls-that the latter "are In control of
the government of the state, while the
others are not and cannot be If the
present Democratic ticket Is elected
Mr. Wilson went further. Tie asked
himself a twentieth question which
Mr. Record had been too polite to ask
What would he his relations with
those men If Started governor? "I
Any kind of Plans furnished.
You are invited to inspect my
work- Satisfaction guaranteed
Shop, 424 Miss. Phone, Red 440
Opal Fountain
Best Luncheonettes
Hot and Cold Drinks
Served by an
Experienced Man
The Pureist and Most Delicious
Home Made Candies
Our Own 'andy-Maker
1 akes Them Daily
Already the most popular
line of eandv in the citv
llttll always welcome advice and sue
geatkMM from any r-'tlzen. whether
boss, lender, organization man or plain
itlzen, but all suggestions and advice
will bo considered on their merits. 1
hould deem myself forever disgraced
should I, In even the slightest decree
co-opeinte in any such system or any
such transactions as 'the boss system
Klectlon day was Nov. 8. On that
day the people of New Jersey, for
innnr rears a Reoublicun state, chose
Wood row Wllsoti for governor by
plurality of 4U.130. Two years lefnre
Taft had carried the state by a plu
rallty of 82.000. Wilson had changed
the political mind of 60.000 out of
433,000 voters.
On the same day the majority of
those Democrats who took the trouble
to mark their ballots In this particular
selected Ja,mes Y. Ma nine as their
choice for United States senator. The
total Democratic vote for senator was
only 73,000. Martlue received 54,000
Nobody voted for .lames Smith, Jr.
James E. Marttne was au holiest and
faithful Democrat with radical views,
as genial and good hearted a man as
ever breathed, but scarcely a man that
would have leen chosen deliberately
for the dignities of membership in the
august body that sits In the northern
end of the national capitol. Regularly
for years he had been put up as candi
date for any old oftice to which there
was uo hope of election. It was a
well established rule that Marline whs
always to run uever to reach any
Ten days after the election .lames
Smith. Jr., railed on Governor Elect
Wilson at his homo In Princeton. The
OS senator is a gentleman of taste, of
Cbsataf Bat (Han manner and delightful
conversation, and his congratulations,
we may depend upu it, were graceful
ly phrased. K.putlly graceful was his
modest confession that lie found his
health now greatly bettered and his in
tiuiatlon that he now indeed felt Justl
fled iu taking Into serious considera
t'.ri the Men or asking reelection to
the United States senate.
Governor Kloet wnsua, when he had
satisfied himself that he had hoard
aright, expressed the very creat nslon
isliinent which he felt, tie then said
to Mr Smith that he regarded the idea
as uuHsiiiio. autl ho boggeu him to
abandon it forthwith The ex-senator
turned the talk on M.-irttue'a quulitlcu
tlons or luck of them, whieh Mr Wil
sou refused to discuss The issue was
not Martine. but the party-s faith. The
primary had elected Martine. and there
was nothing for the legislature to do
tint ratify that electiou.
"The primary was a Joke." said
"It was very far from a Joke."
ponttctart who onrert n nih in me
As a lost effort to save Mr. Smith
from the humiliation he was deter
mined should overtske him if he per
sisted Mr. Wilson cslled on Mr Smith
by appointment at his house In New
srk. If wss In the lste sfternoon of
Tnesdsy, Dec 0. The governor elect
said he had come to nay that, although
he had as yet taken no public stand. It
wss his Intention unless Mr. Smith
withdrew from the senstorlsl contest
to announce his opposition to him.
Will you be content In hsvlng thus
publicly announced your opposition?"
asked the ssplrant.
"No. I shsll actively oppose yon
Ith every honorable means In my
power," replied the governor elect.
Does that mean that yon will em
ploy the state patronage against me?"
Inquired Mr. Smith
No." answered Wilson. "1 should
not regard that as sn honorable means.
Resides, thst will not be necessory."
The governor elect then laid down
this ultimatum:
Unless 1 hear from you by or before
the last mall delivery on Thursday
night that you abandon this ambition
I shall announce my opiositlon to you
on Friday morning."
The last mall Thursday night brought
no message from Smith, and Mr. W1I
son by telegraph released to the morn
intr newspapers a statement he had
prepared denouncing the Smith caudi
It wss a bitter fight. The governor
did not wait for the assembling of the
legislature. He appeared before large
audiences In the ch'ef cities and. mnk
ing a clear statement of the case, asked
the people to see to it that t heir repre
aentatlves voted right. Among the log
islators there was panic. None of them
had ever heard of such a thing as this
smiling defiance by a mere novice in
the political field of a boss who had
ruled twenty years. Not all of them
bad instant faith In the outcome. But
theie never was any doubt about the
result. As Governor Wilson afterward
told the story, he brought no pressure
to bear upon the wavering members of
the legislature. He merely told them
to follow their consciences and tried to
assure them that t,hey would suffer no
harm if they did so. He said to them
Do not allow yourselves to be dismayed
You see where tho machine is Intrenched
and It looks like a real fortress. It looks
as If real men were tnslde, as if they had
real auns. (Jo and touch It. It Is a house
of cards Those arc Imitation generals
Those nre playthlnss that look like guns.
Oo and put your shoulder ngainat the
thing and it collapses.
Thev took heart and put their shoul
dors against it. snd It collapsed.
On Jan, 28 the New Jersey legislature
elected .lames K. Martine to the Unit
The absurd man is the one who
never changes. Take our advice when you
art a cimghor a cold and try Mica's Coagh
BuKlOL There is nothing more soothing,
n- thiic.' tint will bring greater relief. Con
tains no barmfnl ingredients, t'sed for
many years with sat ifnction and success.
ISo., r.Oo. and 1.0O tattles.
Relieves External and
Internal Pain.
Heals Bruises, draw
the Ache Iram Stiff or
Rheumatic Muscles.
Taken in Hot Water
Stops Cramps, Colic,
Diarrhoea, and similar
Tfcaea'a only om Pmlnklllrr
Poevy Omvtm'.
zo, aa and so. .
men in other parts of the world. Mr. i many resders of this paper will be
M Fall intends to make a careful in- j glad to learn that he will write for
ventilation of Argentine with a view I The Herald, grvln the result of
to locating a ranch there. The Ar- i his investigations. These letters wHI
gentlne Republic, contains 1.1.15,840 j not only have the usual Interest tha'
square miles, nearly fifteen times , attaches to letters of travel, but may
the area of Nebraska and ha a have an additional Interest to many
population of 6,210,428, which i a I who may. also, be looking towards
little more than five trmea that f South Am.rlea as a land hi which
Nebraska, making the density of
population only about one-third that
of this state. It would seem that
;iat country will aford a Nebraska
man a good opportunity for ranch
ing, unless there are some serious ! '
drawbacks In the way of climate or j n. m. S. Hargrave left Satur
something else.
to engage In stock raising, now that
th range of this country Is beta;
narrowed to proportions that ore
uncomfortable to the old-time ranch
It Is Mr. McPall's Intention to
make an investigation that will put
him on a safe basis If he decides to
remove to that country. No doubt
day noon for York, Nebraska, where
she expects to be gone for a week
or ten days, attending the wedding
of her sister.
By Henrietta Myers
Newsy notes of Alliance people
and others at Peru State Normal
Miss Leah Kreanier entertained
the Senior class with several piano
selections at their class chapel last
Mrs. Kdlth Barker recently gave
an illustrated lecture before the
Domestic Science class. Her efforts
were much appreciated by the class.
Clare Mewhirttr ha been spend
ing much of his spare time lately
practicing with the base ball team.
Henrietta Myers took charge of
the Roman History class on April
One of the meat amu'ng stunts
presented this year was "Ixchin
var", given at the l'hilcnuithean Lit
erary Society. The chase by the
bridegroom, bride's father and
groomsmen was especially exciting
(to the spectators) in view of the
fact that the noble steeds on which
they were mounted had the appear
inco of brooms, shovels, chairs, itc,
but Judging by 'the sp-eed and an
tics, they were quite equal to the
more common variety of horses.
The greatest treat of the lecture
course was the lecture on "The Pur;
I'an of Two Wor'ds" given by Dr.
S. Parks Cadman. Dr. C'adman 1b
i preacher of world wii'e reooun and
although an Kngli.diman, li s home is
in New York City.
mm. B c' P j3njhtniM
jmrnfa f d. 4j
sT jftBlMHyf. "WmX tSmJ
Drive Sick Headaches Away
Sick headache s, sour, gassy stotn
ch, indigestion, biliousness dis
appear quickly after you take Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They purify
the blood and put new life and vigor
into ilit system. Try them and you
v.ill In well satisfied. Every pi!!
helps: every box guaranteed. Price
twenty-five cents.
Recommended by Fred 10. Holsten.
Advertisement 17-4t-2015.
A. McFall Will Investigate Argen
tine Republic With View to
Locating Ranch
Photo ty Press Association
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton In Their Garden.
oil States senate, giving him forty
vote Tha organisation mustered fear
lor Smith
Such Is IhO tale of Woodrow Wilson's
'ingratitude "
Tile most moderate and charitable ac
count of the matter that any way
reaches its pith is that which Wilson
himself oie - irave:
'Thev dm not believe that 1 meant
what I said, and I did heiieve that the
meant nhni iheg sntd
(Continued next week)
E. A. McFall, who was formerly
engaged in the mercantile business
at Antloch (Reno station) and who
sold his store there last month to
the Hemlngford Mercantile C , ex
pects to leave this country about
the last of May for South Anier: a,
'oing via New York. His lain ly
have been in Scottsbluff about three
Weeka and will make that city their
hone during his trip.
The southern part of South Amer
ica is a great grazing country and
is attracting the attention of su ck
T. "77". Bums
I employ only first-class mechanics.
All work guaranteed.
Residence and Shop,
7th and Mississippi.
Alliance, Nebraska.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the
ear. There is only one way to cure
deafness, and that is by constitution
al remedies. Defnnoss Is caused by
an inflamed condition of the mucous
lining of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube is inflam. U yau have a
rumbling sound or imperfect hear
ing, and when it a I i.ireiy closed,
deafness is the rt ... and unless
the inflammation can bit taken out
and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine case out of ten are
. in..-. I 1... I' ir:iri-l. ik'hii'h is nnlliinis '
Joined the govern... elect. "Rut assume j but an inflammod' condition of the'
that it was; then the way to save It 1 mucous surfaces.
from beiuu a joke hereafter la to take I We will give one hundred dollars
it seriously now. It is uoiug to be tor any case of deafness (caused by
taken seriously, and there will be uo ! catarrh I that cannot be cured by i
more iokea. The iiiiesUou who U to
enjoy one term in the senate is of small
consequeuce coni(Mired with the ques
tiou whether the people of New Jersey
are to gain the right to cIum-so their
own senators forever."
Smiths candidacy was now made
publicly known, and the party sharply
divided, the organisation declaring Its and its ability to carry the
legislature for him and the deceut
rank ami tile denouncing the attempt
culars, i '
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by druggists. Tot
Take Hall's Family Pill.
Advt. -Apr 3-24, Aug I II
Catarrh Cure. Send for clr-
for con-
Don't Have
Shabby Furniture
Tables that are marred or
scratched, or furniture cr wood
work of any kind, can be made
like new for a few cents by usin
Mid you can t tally do the work
yourself. A set of chairs can be
.refinishod in a few minutts or
changtd from oak to mahogany or
walnut, or any of the expensive
woods. There are dozens of
ways you can make your home
inert- ooay und inviting at trifling
cost With Lincoln Pr'tits and Var-
We have a booklet which -tells
you how inn can easily do this
work yourself. It's called "Heme
Painting .lobs."
Ak for it -it's tree.
to steal a seuatorsblf for a discredited Jury.
Jot.- Smith, Of Holsten's. kft lor a
Veek'a visit in Omaha with hts moth
I er on Sunday. He was accompanied
by his wife and ibroe children. Joe's
mother was In the tornado zone in
Omaha but fortunately es.aped In-
Your Soil Is Alive
O all intents and purposes, soil id
alive. It breathes, works, rests; it
drinks, and, most important of all,
it feeds. It responds to good or bad
treatment. It pays its debts with
interest many times compounded. Being alive,
to work it must be fed. During the non-growing
seasons certain chemical changes take place
which make the fertility in the soil available
for next season's crop. But this process adds
no plant food t le soil. Unless plant food is
added to soil on which crops are grown, in
time it starves. There is one best way to feed
your soil. Stable manure, which contains all
the essentials of plant life, should be spread
evenly and in the proper quantity with an
I H C Manure Spreader
I H C manure spreaders are made in all st lei
and sizes. There are low machines which are
not too low, but can be used in mud and deep
snow, or in sloppy barnyards. They are made
with either endless or reverse aprons. Frames
are made of steel, braced and trussed like a steel
bridge. Sizes run from small, narrow machines
to machines of large capacity. The rear axle
js placed well under the box, where it carries
over 70 per cent of the load, insuring plenty of
tractive power. Beaters are of large diameter
to prevent winding. The teeth are square and
chisel-pointed. The apron drive controls the
load, insuring even spreading whether the ma
chine is working up or down hill, or on the
level. I H C spreaders have a rear axle differ
ential, enabling them to spread evenly when
turning corners.
I H C local dealers handling these machines
will show you all their good points. Get litera
ture and full information from them, or write
International Harvester Company of America
Crawford Neb.
II National Mazda
1 1 Don't leak and they 1 1
I j cut your light bill
II All sizes from 35c upl
Newberry's I
Hardware Co. I
If You Doctored 19 Years For
Ami vantually founj nthing tht diuv it out of your ysi"in wonht von
sveryaody you couia ..ioui u or would. ou krep in ocrat 10 yewacip i tiunk
one vntnild tell, mid If you w.ile an old auffaicr aha will ti ,ou a. Oat diov. ..
from lor St a coat of leaa than KM Pleaaa baar in mind h,,B "
merctiandiM of any kind to tag, ao you iiaed not be backward in aandtna ror in
ferosstioa. 1 want to lielo y.u mid will give you all Iks Inform. ttion witheul ! L
cent deposit 1 van uavai fomal How I uftr-d from R .e.iuiai m and , am
pu-d I waa for a loi.a time, and sew. B0 "mp ' ii"i feat -all sWna of it om mmm,
That la why I am not assiaa yo . to sand mo-iev f MHiothiaf '.,
about, aa 1 realize how iuan tiwie srv wtio Sail a Ijt and sue ,i-
potacs for raply -ioe
MRS. M. 2. COLLY. Aamatcnt I at. 117 Uoarbon. mi,