mill hum ORKIN BROTHERS CO. ALLIANCE. NEB. kindly end me particulars about your Piano Club and your Player-piano club NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE Pkast be cartful ti mtntion Rural Route Numbtr if yau liva m H country & jfi K BS SB fil H 9E Si K H fil HI SE 1 91 ' HI atj 3a Bfi m RS SB H Q BE 96 Jflj bs H gjj jPjj SB j bB 2 iB mI Eh &I BR Wm SK I IB H jjB SB SB sfi E Qg 9 Hi HI S6 H SEVENTEEN PENNIES A DAY The very thought suggests economy doesn't it? Think of buying a home, an automobile or a piano for only seventeen pennies a day. It sounds more like the tradition of children saving pennies for Christmas. Yet seventeen pennies a day will buy a fine high-grade $375.00 piano and save you $97.50. This Orkin Brothers $375 Club Piano will be sold to club members for $277.50 The terms are $8.75 when you join, then $1.25 a week. There is positively no interest added to this. If you ever intend buying a piano do it now. Special attention will be given to correspondence and inquiries. Ad dress all communications to Origin. Bros., ALLIANCE, NEB. jijHJP'''"''BPsl la 1 :l A I fl j rM i 1 1 jj Some of the well known makes of pianos from our regular lines that will be offered in connection with this great sale of pianos at a sub stantial reduction: Chickering A. Son, Kurtxman, Ivers t Pond, Hunt ington. Sterling, Segerstrom, and Packard pianos. (Formerly the Bennett Co., Largest Dealers ol High Grade Pianos in the West) ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE I 111 ii urn mi iiiii ORKIN BROTHERS PLAYJiR PIANO CLUB W'c BAVe inaugurated a PLAY'K cur 100 plMO club. The price of t dOtlSfl and 50 cent the terms are lars a week without interest added, boen Hold for less than $650, with t with int. i -i added Ht the rate of 7 far as our knowledge goes, that sm othered for vale upon su'li popular and 2 dollars a week without Intt Tkean PLAYER-PIANO are se these Club Piayer-pianos PLAY BV the iiiiifi;- roll is in motion these p TO I'LAY PERFECTLY, Most Play more than these Club Player-pianoa inn of the Club Player-piano is with mechanism, is without doubt one of and is recognized as one ot the lea Th' is a known fact among piano d you an un mid it final guaran'ct' The PLAYKH -PIANO club will PLAYKH PIANO club BM of the beat PLAYKH I'lAN PLAYKH IMANO club pric saving in pike to aaea p dollars and 5o cents. Th. PLAYER-PIANO dub mem The terms to PLAYKH IMANO dollars a wtek -or. putting it members have 125 weeks in wh PLAYKH -IMANO clul) BMMlbaf Placr-p:ario Mus. for one ye largest Music Holl Library In t If u PLAYKH IMANO club m tract we Mill immediately cane RECEIPT IN KCLL to his fa Vtve I. 4. rin two The 'Hu ll, PIANO CLOB in connection with haee dub playkh pi anos is 4" $17.50 the first payment and 2 dol- These PLAYKH-PIANOS bare neei t-rina of $5U down and $15 a month, per cent. This is tile first time, so h trustworthy Inst rutin .its hae been i nils as $17. JO the first payment net added. AND A HI) N8-NOTK pla vera that is, BUY NO I K ON lHI PIANO when lay, r pianos COM I'KL T 1 1 K MUSIC irpiancs gold at from $Jon to $."in will not play perfectly. The pump cut doubt the easiest of all player the most sensitive to the op.rator. ding players manufactured today talus and salesmen gent rally. W'e with the.-e (Mub Player plain s consist of 5u members. iiiImis can take their choice between OS on the market. e is 407 dollars and nt.- LAYER-PIANO dub member is It her has NO INTKHKST TO PAY. club numbers are $17 50 cash and 2 in another way, PLA Y-KH-PIANO club leh to pay for their PLAYKH PI ANO s secure the free use of i.OOu roU of ar from the Music Holl Library th. his st. Hon of the country, uib.r dies durin the life cf his con el all future payments and lead a inily for the instrument. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim