p 1 I H ; 8 8 881 8 88 ::: i NORTH & ROBINSON Co. Importers and Breeders of Percheron, Belgian, Shire and French Draft Stallions and Mares ' ' '' ? ' : x 5TbB $9flffkh JtJsbvJPJ Hp iSwHSMflHBHPj bphhp rhw jBHPiifrT.i3M Tsk.Bh . '. Vn paBdh&Sw HE 9 iMM KvH HT 'VmR& "HHBHHHflMHHHHbHHl IBiS : ifia SkJi H 8 IkIIhShhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhI : ' AiTT4rfihftvmirfifif .mj , iv ' K. THE COMBINED WEIGHT OF THE FIVE MARES IN CUT IS 10800 LBS. THEY WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE SALE We will hold our Annual Public Sale at the Bradstreet & Clemens Co.' Sale Pavilion Grand Island, March 2021, 1913 This sale will consist of about 50 head of as good stallions and mares as ever entered a sale ring 20 stallions from one to five years old. Matured stallions will weigh from 1860 lbs. to 2200 lbs. 30 head of mares from two years to seven years old, weighing up to 2300 lbs. The most of our show mares will be included in this sale. great many of these stallions and mares were raised on our ranch near Bridgeport which makes them much re valuable to the western buyer. If you want Value received for your money don't fail to attend this sale. A more DON'T FORGET THE DATES, MARCH 20-21, 1913 COL. Z. S. BRANSON, Auctioneer North & Robinson Co., Grand Island, Nebr. 8 : i : ... a III ayB oJ55J! 4BhI